The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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goffer until Saturdayall of our Holiday Silver
Plated Ware at actual cost. We do this
to avoid carrying the stock over.
Thii Is t bona flde offer, We mean what we lay.
Remember this offer only holds good until Saturday
so you will have to hurry.
Weather Station at North Head
- Almost Wrecked.
11 unit ui uuiiiniiiu 1 , ',; - . f . .)
Euchr Clue Meets-The semi-month-1
sucbe club will be entertained tliU
evening by Mr. n Mrt, Walter L. TUAb
end Mr. end Mrt. J. T. S. Callaway at
th Robb residence, 813 fticbenge.
..Take 0ala.-Clly Auditor Anderson
report that til the newly elected offic
ial have been sworn In and taken tb
oath of office, with the exceptions of
Alderman Robinson and Police Com
ttiMoncr llann.
Cooper's Removal Clearsace Salt Now
Going Oa. Don't Mitt It.
Floor Virnlibad tr Clerk Loun
lurry U eofiipelld, t remain out of the
mala office room iu tha city ball th-se
day 00 account of a coat of vornUh
baring been put on tha flour, which
baa not yet completely dried out.
Small Fire Yesterday morning about
0 0 clock a Or alarm was turned in
front Bond street. Tbe department r
ponded and found that It was only a
imall chimney blue in a Chinese "joint1
between Eighth and Ninth streets. J
few buckets of water crrl to estln
guish tha lira.
Oae Lobs Deed. Hut one inMruutrut
waa filed at tha county clcrh'e ofllce
yesterday recording a transfer of Ckt
op realty. It wa from Maxwell
Young and wife to Rhode C. Hicks, by
warranty title, marrying, for a conoid
ration of $.1, lot 30, 40, 41 and 42, 15, ia Yoting'a Addition to Alder
Strictly Fresh iji
' EGGS ij1
i Two Dozen
;l; 65 cents
; 118-122 Twelfth St Astoria, Ore.
Start the New Year
By Trading With Astoria's Biggest
and Finest Furniture Store
For the Best See Us.
iL 4i fiLNS. HEILE oT:T 7. COrrnitK
r 41! ;V P:', "tti i nx-r. -;r.tici, tX
Otter la Probates-Judge Trencliard,
Itting for probate yesterday, made an
order in tbe matter of tha estate of
Benson Baliae, directing the heirs to
make oertain improveruenta . to the
property of th rotate at their own
oot and expense.
Christ nun Trophy, Waller Sinnoll
succeeded in killing a big, line otter at
Russian Wand, on Christmas day. It
la wid by the people up there that it
s the largest animal of iU kind ever
seen in that neighborhood, lie sold the
animal for it far at a good figure.
Fisherman Missing. A fisherman by
th name of Harry Lamb, living at Al
toons, disappeared last Monday night
and fear are entertained that he ha
bern drowned. Tbe last time be wat
een alive be wa on dork at Altoona.
All yeoterday frtenda eer search
Ing the vicinity for aooie traee of the
iiiioolng man.
Cooper's Removal Clearance Sale Now
Going On. Don't Hies It.
Baa Severe FalL-O. Wenellnen.
workman at tbe Tongue Point lumber
Company's mill, fell yesterday morn
ing from a rar wbluh he waa helping
load with lumber and striking on his
bead received a. severe scalp wound and
prained hi left wrist. He was taken
to the t, Mary's Hospital where hi
injuries, which were not of n dangeroue
nature, were attended to.
On Vttt of Inrpection.-Ceptsln J,
II. Toaler, of the federal life saving cr
vice, 1 In this neighborhood, on a tour
of general Inspection of the station on
the northwest coewt. Yesterday after.
doom he spent at th Fort Canby quar
ter and will leave there today for the
station on North Beach, and from there
ho will continue up th coasO to Cray'
Harbor and Puget Hound.
Delis quest Sale Opens. At 10 o'clock
tiiis morning Sheriff Thomas Mnville, a
tat collector of Clatsop county, will be
gin tbe sal of real property for delin
quent taxes for the year 1004. There
will be something In the neighborhood
of $2700 to collect, certain delinquent
having covered In about $300 yetrr
day. (laUop count la eerUily a ban
iter bailwlck on this score and a big
nrasure of credit is duo to Sheriff
Lin v ills for holding the margin as
close a they are.
Cooper's Removal Clearance Sale Now
Going On. Don't Hiss It.
Case Not Set. It is likely tltst the
m of John ctUphenson, who wa ar
rested on complaint of Mayor Wie for
operating a dance ha'l, will be called in
Justice Goodman's court aomc time in
the near future. The oaae bad nut been
set yesterday evening at 4 o'clock t the
time for bearing tb complaint depend
ing upon the decision of the attorney
for tha prosecution and Ucfeiue. V. I),
Wiulon wil appear for tlw State while
(J. C Fulton baa been engaged by the
defendant to attend to hia interests.
Electrical Bolt Plays Havoc With Ma
chinery and Instruments Telephone
Smashed and Burned Wires Wrecked
Down to Cables.
All da yetterda Astoria waa com-
plotely cut off from North Head, Vsh
Ingttm, ae far a telegraphic communi
cation wa concerned and the marine
movement, and conditions at the
Columbia river bar, to regularly posted
and so axsiduouslv read, at the Western
I -It! . - .1 V - k .at...
points about tbe city, were missing and
missed, but it' waf considered only a
temporary interruption of the service
and It restoration wa looked for from
hour to hour.
It now develops thai the csu-e of
the eeosuition of servic wsa'very ser
ious, even to the point of gravity, near
ly Inwilving the lo of life.
At 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon
lftt. during the terrific e1ectrkl storm
that pi coiled hi-ivsbout, the government
weather stat km there was struck twice
by liKhtnine;, the bolts entering the
building each time in tbo instrument
room. The fearful current destroyed
nearly five hundred dollars worth of
machinery and instrument and must
have killed Operator Kelliher had be
been in tha room at the moment. As
it was he was just beyond tbe door la
sn adjoining room, and was knocked
senselesa for several minutes.
The bouse was set on fire, but this
was soon subdued by Mr. Kelliher and
hi family. Tbe window glaa in the
entire upper story of tbe building was
shivered to fragments and the telephone
waa literally torn to pieces .and its
nickle mounting reduced to molten
na tal in a flash.
The entire system of wires was burn
ed and twisted, and completely wreck
ed, down to -their juncture with cables,
and it looked for a short while ee though
tbe place would be wiped out of exist
ence. The ecae of Mr. Kelliher, his wife
end children, is the happiest circum
stance of a very startling and disagree
able affair, and the Astorian is glad to
be able to record their immunity from
harm, and a more dreadful conclusion
of the startling incident.
The office and apparatus it practical
ly wrecked and must be removed
throughout in every particular, but
when, or whether, this will be done, lies
in government province ami that means
ddiberatkm to sr the les-t, though it
may be the ncceity and value of the
service there will warrant an acceptable
expedition in restoring it.
Cooper's Removal Clearance Sale Now
Going On. Don't Misa It.
Epping Concert at First M. E. Church
So Reported.
The grand concert given lat nilit
at the Fir4 M. E. Church scored an
uniUslitit'J success in every detail. The
house was filled to the doors, and every
mark of genuine, satisfaction was given
repeatedly throughout the rendition of
the program.
The personal contributions of Mr. F.
Adriun Epping, of Portland, were
superb and were given a positive ova
tion. The anthemie work of the choir
is said to have been the best ever heard
at the hands of organiatiom Miss Laura
MiCann wa in exceedingly fine voice
and gave her numbers In charming style
and with the hsppiest results, while
the Impersonation by Mr. Kratke, of
the niece in "Aunt Dolefull'a Visit" was
a very distinct treat in itself.
Especial thank are due to Mia
Sovey who served as accompanist in
her usual admirable way, serving on
th spur of the last moment, In place
of the lady billed for the post original
ly, but who could not come. Miss
Sovey wa perfect mistress of the
situation from end to end and her con
tribution waa a distinct feature of one
of the most successful and enjoyable
affair of the holiday season in
L 0. 0. F, NOTICE.
Regular meeting of Beaver Lodge,
No. 33, L O O F, thia (Thursday) night
at 7:30 Members are requested to at
tend. Visitors wskome. Initiation.
Hi e Leading
C. 1L Jones of Tacoma wat in town
yesterday for a brief time.
August Larsen, a resident of Ham
mond, was in the city yesterday.
Mis Flossie Herring, of Chinook, was
in town yesterday visiting friends.
W. C. Corbin of Forest Grove, wa
in town yesterday visiting friends.
G. Hill, of North Beach, was in town
yesterday for a brief business visit.
A. M. Brown of Gray's River was a
business visitor in the' city yesterday.
William Church, of Ilwaeo, wa a
business visitor in tbe city yesterday
Captain Hans Johnson, of Hoquiam,
was in tbe city yesterday on business.
F. P. Kendall came down yesterday
noon from Portland to remain a short
8. Wylie arrived in town yesterday
from hi home at Nasel to spend a
short time.
D. Kern, of Portland, a well known
contractor, waa in the city yesterday
on business.
Charles I). GabreUon, of Salem, a
prominent insurance man, is In the city
this week on business.
Ieouard l'ike and family, of Seattle,
are in the city this week viiting Mrs,
O. I. IVteron, a tMtor of Mr. Pike,
Mrs. S. R. Colbum and Mrs. W. B.
Donaldson of Chinook were visitors in
the city yesterday for a short time.
Jams Withycombe, of Corvailis who
is an announced candidate for governor,
was in the city yexterday on business.
Harrison Allen, Mrs. Allen and Mrs.
Newman of thU city have returned from
a few days' vicit with friends in
Superintendent K. R. BudJ, of the
O. R. f N. railway service ha return
ed to Ilwaeo, from a pleasant Christ
mas viit to rortlaud.
Mrs. Inex Ryan, worthy grand ma
tron of the order of the Eastern Star.
arrived in the city yesterday noon and
lust evening acted as installing officer
at the joint installation of officers of
Fern Chapter, No. 38 and Temple lodge.
Another Bolt. Frank Parker, the
young eon of Captain Thomas Parker,
of the Nahcotta, and a few young
friends in the neighborhood of hia Sixth
street home, have, until Tuesday after
noon last, maintained a private tele
graphic wire between their homes and
operated it successfully in teaching the
code and transmitting house to house
message. On Tuesday the lightning
took a hand in their amjbitioua enter
prise and died It In a hurry. It struck
their wire, burning up 300 feet of it and
wrecked their instrument, and waa the
main cause of the excitement and com
motion noticeable there on Tuesday.
Luckily none of the youny operators
were in touch with wire at the time,
and so escaped injury.
la M4 Chase.
Millions rush in mad ahaee after
health, from ont extreme of faddism to
another, when, if they would only eat
good food, and keep their bowels regu
lar with Dr. King's New Life Pills,
their troubles would all paaa and quick
euro for liver and stomach trouble S&t
at Charlea Rogers, dreg store) guaran
Every article in the House reduced.
This is the greatest offering in Fine
Dry Goods, Qothing, "Furnishing
Goods, Etc., placed before the people
of the Lower Columbia for a: year.
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
Oa Primary Tour. Dr. James Withy
vombe, of Yamhill county, one of tbe
declared nominees at the April, 1900,
primaries, as a candidate for the office
of Governor of Oregon, was la the city
yesterday interviewing hia friend here
and overlooking the field generaly, at
to his prospects. He is feeling quite
well satisfied with developments to date
in relation to his candidacy, and left
on the evening express for the metro
polia in very cheerful humor with As
toria and Attorians.
Any phase of hunger can be daintily
gratified at any hour of tha day or
night at the Palace Reataaract. Tbe
kitchen and dining room service are of
tha positive beat Private dining rooms
for ladies. Oe call inspires regular cus
tom. Try it. Commercial street, oppo
site Page building.
Do you wish to study the piano t
Piano harmony and history of musk
taught at Miss Tawnav'a studio. SOS
Commercial. Fulton building; Phone
Black. SIM.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond Si, doesaS
manner of texidermy, furniture nphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making specialty and all wort
Hot drinks and sandwiches at Hoef
ler's. Morning Astorian, Tie per month.
Blank Books, Bill Files,
vSvensonV Book tStor
Fourteenth and
We art sole agents ia Astoria far the Niagara Stove Works of Buffalo, If. X.
Celebrated Stoves and (Ranges
tljferaa Job
Heart Flhttsrlag.
Undigested food and na tn the
aoh, located just below U keart.
prase against it and eauaea heart
palpitation. Whan your heart trouble)
yon in that way take Herbuta for a few
daya. Ton vfl aoom be all right Us
ebotUe. Sold by Hart's drag etore.
Oa tha fifteeatn of November, tha) en
tire stock of good at the Little Bosk
Store, will be pat oa sale at eot Carta.
maa bargains ia books, stationery nw
cities, ate. 174 Tenth street.
70UB NEXT. ,
Never have to wait long at tha Oa-
ddent Barber Bbop. A. E. Feteraos,
proprietor. . .
Charles Heilbora t Cou hare
into their lev store and make this aa
noonoemant Oat they are now.opea far
business and are ready to fill all orders
Wood! Wood I Wood I Wood! Wood!
For choice dry box-wood, Utephoaa
2064 Black, or leave orders at tha Aa
toria Grocery. O. Nelson, "The Wool
lira, Tilda Anderson, massage. 1431
Gnand Avenue. Given either at home m
The Little Book Store for sale.
Booh Keeping' Material
of all" Kinds at ?
Commercial Street
Every one guaranteed. Will let yo
stand or ait oa th oven door if yw
wish. Prices reduced on all stoves sad
range till after tha Holidays.
11 J. Scully