I ,1 i W 5 3 I WO UlLltHKt FULL AttOOIATID Pflftt RIPORT. XXVUn THE MORNINa HHLD ON TH LOW! ft COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 2121 ASTORIA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS tJ II V. Z I I I I V I J I I I 11 I I I I I I FOUND JAY REVOLT Rebellion On Large Scale i Is Planned. i TIME I IS OPPORTUNE Open Rebellion In Poland Would Immensely Complicity the Situation. NO NEWS FROM MOSCOW Correspondent Started t Telephone to St Ptrborg and Wbn Ho Hal Uttered, "I Am Going tf TiU You i "Monthle Story - Wu Cut Off. St. rtrburg, Dec. 27 According to Information received by revolutionary leader here, an armed rebellion on a large ) U planned in Poland. The BorJalUU an encouraged by the "ac re f the IWltlc proline, in Moscow and Rut!, generally, and have decided the present I opportune to throw off the yoke of autocracy. The tactic ud itl be the Mine a at Moscow. The oprn rllllun of Poland would lin tneuacly complicate U situation for the government a if it could gain enough headway to warrant a reason able hope of success it could proUbly draw in the entire population and the government would practically have to re-conquer the country. There U no further newt from,M. row tonight. The AotlaUd Frc cor respondent there succeeded in getting the St Petersburg bureau by telephone thi evening, but only uttered the words, "I am going to tell you a horrible tory" when he we cut off. Since then nothing haa been heard from the cor respondent. The Heininvky regiment of guard wa dUpatchcd to Moscow by train tonight Thin in considered ratb-,ae er ominou. Employee Strlk. St. elterburg, Iec 27. The m doyen of the RImii Ural Railroad atruck today. Interior Minister, Durnovo, to- day ordered removal of all ofUcial in the Interior minWry who were active ly participating In Die Sociuliot cam paign. The IkiurM Gazette announce that Piinee Peter Klopotkin, a famou revolution leader, i on hi way tO'Stabc rl, I'cicmourg, wing ireo unucr me nmncety decree to return to ltunia. - Children Fight Alto. Undon, Dec. 27 A St. reterburg dipatch to the new agency eaya, "It U reported that the railroad for 100 niilca touthward from Min-k wa cap tured by revolutionixt and there i eerloim rioting at Kolplno near St, retemlmrg. The St. Pcterxburg cnrrenpondenl of the Telegraph relating what he call a "typical incident" of the ferocity of the etmpgl at Kharkoff, nays a 'little boy wa een approaching a detachment of MUST ANSWER CONTEMPT OF COURT Portland, Dec. 27.-J. Couch Fland era, president ' and agent of the Port land and Seattle Railroad Company late today wa cited to pper before th tate Circuit Court, January 3rd, and show cause why ha should not be pun ished for contempt, for disobeying the Cossack. The Cossack, howtver brutal, draw th 11m t children and tho boy was allowed to approach undisturbed. On arriving it the spot h paused, wunf til band vigorously and turned and ran. A violent explosion prevented the Coacks noting hi further move ment. The boy had thrown a bomb, fragment of horse were all around nd aom Coacka were convulsed in the agony of death while strearan of blood flowed along the torn up road way. TRADIKO FROWNED ON. Chicago Board af Tiade Condemns Tral in "Bide- and "Of - ' Cblcgo, Dee. 27. -The Board of Trade today frowned on trading la "bid" and "offer which had been aubtltutd for "put" and "call" eiace latter wa abuttahed. Thle form of trading bad taken place in the amoklng rom of the board of trade after the rho of the regular market. Today the broker refud admission by usher and wa Informed that no mora ruck trad Ing would be allowed. Dealer battened scros the trt and rented room when they resumed trading. JUBILEE IN loot. Home, Dec. 27. Preparation are al ready going on to celebrate in 1008 tb jubile of the Tope' ordination aa a prieet. In accordance with the Pope' wUhee the celebration will be trlctly of a religiou nature, oinmlttee will be organied all over the world with the object of preventing the Pope, with large offering during the Jubilee main. BOYCOTT IN FORCE Chinese Merchants Keeping Out American Goods. CHANGE EXCLUSION Aa ReproeeDUtiv of the Chin Govern tnunt Br to Create Public Sentiment Againat Eiduaion Law, Say Chinese Will Enforce Boycott on American Good. New York. Dec. 27.-Dr. F. K. Ton?. the representative of the Chine gov eniicnt who in here to create a pub lic pnMmcnt agninat the xcluaion law admluiatrcd, declared yeetcrday that there would be no a)Wment of the boycott in China agnint American gool until the deired cliange wa mate. . He aaid tliat hie niont recent advice indicate that tint uioveiucnt of retalia tion bad epread to every province of the empire. Kvery where mrchanfo and thir cuntomcre are working together to Mint out good nutdc in the I'nlted At Tien Tin, Dr. Tong wrtcd, null for the production of cot ton end woolen gnotU have lieen tKel and a flour mill i in operation. Women are heart and ool with the men in the fight agalnt American good. In pur chiming powder for their face, th flrt question they ak j, "Wm U Made In AmerlcwT' If the anwer U aftlrma five, they refiiH to buy. "Upiat we are Reeking to accom plish," aaid Dr. Tong, "i an adjust ment of the law and it adminUtration that will put n atop to the injustice to which Chinee in thie country are con stantly Mlbjccted.,, FOR mandate directing him, the Portland and Seattle Railroad and Simrns and Shields, contractor, to desist from the work of construction at the point wher the Portland and Seattle road and Ore gon Railroad and Navigation Company will cross a few rods north of this city. , ,. ' , DECLINES TO ACCOUNT Andrew Hamilton Is Fin. ally Heard From. ' MAKES A STATEMENT McCafl Reads Communiution From MIssInl Man Refusin to Explain. WHERE THE $235,000 WENT In Statement Hamilton Sayi H I Unable t Prodoo Book or Account, Becauaa He Promised Secrecy In Handling Xniuraoco Co.' Affaire. New York, Dec. 27. Anlrew Hamil ton legislative agent for the Xew York life, who, according to tetinvmy, ba been entruitcd with hundred of t hou nd of dollar by the eompejiy and ha not aeoounted for $233,000. ha 1en heard from by the legilative commit tee, but decline to make an accounting. The ttatement from Hamilton wa read today for record. It wa presented by Secretary MoCall of the Xew York Life who went to Pari to ecure an ac counting from Hamilton. In the tate- ttf nt Hamilton ays he la unabk to produce the book or account, beaue he nndertook legislative matter for the company with the ex pre under landing to make no acounting. AW- lute errecy wa neceary It) retaining aaeUUnt. therefore, no check were uoed in payment. Hamilton cited numler of legiKlative bill in which be wa interested, and give a 114 of ei pcnie appended to the ttatement. The urn of $235,000 unaccounted for. he av. could be ireativ reduced dv ni running account, but aa a matter of 9 ' w good faith, pending the acttlement of hi account, be offer to deposit $100,- 0W with the company. Secretary Mc (VII wa unable to throw any light on Hamilton' atatement. He did not que- tion Hamilton' figures, nor the large amount for traveling expense. When McCall wa excised, Henry D. Apple- ton, of the state inurance department, completed his textimpny begun Friday. When told that former President Mor gan, of the thinker' Life tmd tcMineo. that Appleton told him the cont of tlie linkers life were lofl.OOO to re iucorpijrate, AppleUm heatedly replied, If Morgan said that, he i a liar." Inula F. Payne, who followed Apple- ton, teidlflcd that he wu opposed to llumham a president of the Mutual Kcncrve Commitee and tried to get him out. When aked by Hughe why, Payne flatly Muted, ,lVcause I thought him a crook." PBOHINENT LUMBERMEN. Significant Visit to Aatoria and What It Portend. The presence of Mer. George II. Emmerson and C. U. Jones, con.pic- . M uou member or ine xsorinwesiern Lumber Company of Hoqulam,' Wash ington, together with Captain Han Johnson, of the Tug Printer and head of their steamer service, in thl city yesterday evening, is pleasing and, per haps, portentknis. ' The gentlemen and their associate are the owner of the noqutam lumber mills, one the property of the Simpson Milling Company, and from whom they purchased the property, and th infer ence is, (and it has basis in fact, a well), that they are about to negotiate the purchase of the Himpoa Company' plant at Knappton, the party went there yesterday afternoon to look over the property, premiae and possibilities. It U thought Captain Johnson went along to make do estimate of the water transportation phase of the (it nation, and thn aid hi colleague in determining the actualities under con sideration, i It la a wejl known fact that Mr. Simpson I quite ready to elo out hi holding upon advantageou term to almost any buyer in good faith, . In order that he may. retire to ft well earned rest, a contingency hi advanc ing year fully justify s and. if the promUe should be fulfilled, it ia need les to ay the Knappton property will be in hand that will see to it that it prestige and eommerciaJ infin enca doe not wane nor want for bust nee acumen and enterprising spirit In it fostering. - WILL HOT KUH. W. B. Hearst Say He Will Hot Be a Candidate for Coagresa.- IH Angeles, Dec. 27. W. IL Hear.t, in an interview, printed here today, said he would not run for Congress gain. He said he regarded office holding like jury duty and believe a man can accomplish more with his newspaper than in an office, especially when lie happen to be a member of the minority partq. Hearst insist he polled a plurality for mayor of New York and will carry on the fight until hi object i accomplished and politic re purified. Cabinet Troops After President With Yet jeance. WAS rVOUNDED IN THE LEG Santo Domingo President ia Encoun tered with Sixty Men Hear San Crutobal, and Shot Are Exchanged Rumored Morale Waa Shot ia Leg. Xew York, Dec, 27. A cable di-patch to the Herald from Puerto Plata aay that Cabint troop sent in pursuit of President Morale who fled from Santo Domingo, the capital, Monday, encoun tered bim with sixty men near San ris tobal and exchanged shots. The dis patch continue: "There are rumors that Morales was wounded in the leg. -"Vice-President Carcere has dis patched a commission to Monte Criti on the United State warship Dubuque to confer with Demitrio Rodrigue there. "Firmfin Perei, governor of Puerta Plat, four day ago, received a tele gram from rresKieni Morales thai Vlee-PrvMdent Carccfres had ordered Peret' removal. Ha advised Peres to reitt, saying he had a combination with Rodriguez, and that the Monte Cristi force would march against Santiago and attack Caoerea. Peres Tesisted until Monday, when his troops refund to oWy order. He then embarked for Monte Ciiti. kPers declare that Rodrigues will attack Santiago on Wednesday. "Rodrigues visited the captain of the United States cruiser Yankee at Monte Cristi on Saturday . evening, declaring that his partisans will support the con stitutional president) that Morale, who was powerless, had the entire min istry and party opposed to him, and that they would take Santiago on Thursday and march on the capital Thereby, being government forces, they should receive American support. Vice-President Cmceres arrived her yesterday. He believed Morale was hidden in the capital "Cacere will embark today for the capital oa the Cherokee to take the oath of president. He does not believe Rodrigue will mobilise troops. lUNTINu ORALES WIFE'S LOIR ISSHOT Jealous Husband Brutally Kills Defenseless Man SHOOTS FIVE TIMES Three Bullets Take Effect In Smi th's Head and Back. HOTEL CLERK CAPTURES MEN With Two Friends Husband Enter Smith's Boom and Does Shooting Ween They Try to Escape Ar Stop ped by Hotel Clerk With Revolver. Danville, Ills, Dec. 27. Charle H. Smih, a, member of the "Two Johns" theatrical company was shot and fatal ly wounded thi afternoon by F. C. Cooper, n member of ' th "Morris Inland" Company. The shooting re sulted in a Quarrel over Mr. Cooper. Cooper, accompanied by Harry B. Wal ters, and Jame Young, went to Smith room, kttked th door and fired live shot. Three bullet took effect in Smith's head and back. The three then attempted to escape but were prevented by the hotel clerk, Roberta, who kept them covered with a revolver till the police rrived. Cooper arrived unex pectedly from Philadelphia and found hi wife in the company with Smith. In an exciting scene Cooper assaulted Smith with hi, fists. Cooper went out and it i said told Walter and Young he wanted them to help him out of oto trouble. All three are held under loOOO bonds. MERRITT LOOKS GOOD. Xew York. Dec.-27. Former Gover nor (Xlell spent the day in conference with E. A. Merritt, Jr., candidate for speaker of the assembly. All Odell would sav was that Memtt candi dacy looked favorable tonight When Merritt was asked tonight if there was any truth in report of a compromise, he said "Report of my death are greatly exaggerated." YERKES DYING. Xew York, Dec. 27.-CharIes T. Yerke. of Chicago, is critically ill at the Waldorf-Astoria. His physician states that nnle-s there is a sudden change for the better Yerke may not live twenty-four hours. Yerkes' family is at the bedside. EVIDENCE OF WRECK, Pieces of a Schooner and Another Ves sel Found on Vancouver Island. Victoria, Dec. 27. The light house keeper at Carmanah Point reports con siderable wreckage, indicating a dis aster to schooner and possibly an other vessel on the rocks off Vancouver Island. Two sealing boats, a shooner's WALL STREET SPECULATION CAUSES MUCH EXCITEMENT Xew York, Deo. 27. While it is im possible to ignore the money stringency in speculation, considering the violence of the activity in the money market and the high rate paid for accommo dation, speculation maintained a re mMt and life buoy, one of which wan marked with "PO" and another "PO of Xew Castle wer found. HEAH DISASTER. San Franeixco, Dec 27. Th steamer Acme cam near diater on n trip from northern water when her boiler gar out on Chrifttma day, leaving her help lee near the Farallooea. She wa . was picked up today by the steamer Cbehalis - and towed in. ' TBAIH DESAILED. Pari, Dee. 27-ThV 8t. Pwtrbur: correspondent of the Petit Parislen aara a train carrying a regiment of cavalry to Riga was derailed and a number in jured. .: r OFF TO FBAHCE. Xew York,' Dec. 27. James , Hzen Hyde will sail tomorrow for France for an indefinite stay. SHE TAKES THE C0TJHT. Paris, Dec. 27. The Princes Bianncn Colotina, n grand daughter of Mr. John Vtt MacKay, waa married today to Count Juh-s de Bonvouk-ir. C0HTEST DIVORCE SUIT. San Francisco, Dec. 27. Robert Fitx simmon stated tonight he would leave for Xew York Monday and contest anr effort of his wife to secure a divorce. WAS HAUGHTY BOY. Annapolis, Dee. 27. Midshipman Stephen Decatur, a descendant of Commodore Decatur, ia charged with hazing and will be tried by court martial. Norwegian Sailor Cast On Desert Island. LIVED MONTH ON CLAMS Ship U Wrecked While Going from Portland Canal to Kitaniat Unable to Gain Assistance, Buildsv Raft and Sails t Port Wilson. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 27. Xew waa brought by the steamer Tees from. Northern British Columbia of the Cru oelike adventure of S. A. Lundburg, a Xorwegian, who was cast away n month ago from sloop in which ho as voyaging from Portland Canal to Kitaniat. The ship aa wrecked la Horse Island, near Port Simpson and the seaman spent three week on the island, living on clams. He' hoisted dis tress signals on a tree by day and built fire by night) endeavoring vainly to attract attention and finally built ft raft on which lie reached Port Wilson Fifteen miles away, after a most try ing voyage in which he narrowly es caped being washed from his raft. He wss finally picked up by the Tees' and taken to Hartley bay. i . The Tees also ' brought news of ft largo, part of Mount Penl at Grabble Island falling into a lake at Surf In let. Some miners who arrived by steamer jut passed the scene of land slide, which they say caused wave Iik walls of water. The believe volcanlo action caused a portion of the moun tain to slide into the lake. markable equanimity. Rates for money on call varied frob 23 to 95 per cent, raie not equalled on the atoek ex change since the 1001 panic, . During the last hour of trading, when the mar ket broke badly, money soared to it'a wildest flights. ANOTHER CRUSOE