THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, igij. mm D Best Asscitent Ever Droafiht to Astora.l No need to send away for the finest outfits. We keep them in stock. Let us figure with you. A. V. ALLEN Christmas Gifts Here ! Unexcelled for Beauty and Utility. GOLD AND SILVER NOVELTIES, rare cut glass, shiltng so. rut, uinsxixAs Jbn curxs, diamond brooches and a thou, sand other things. H. EKSTROM The Jewler. 560 COMMERCIAL STREET. SLUGGER IS DEAD Mm Accused of Many Crimes Passes Away. NEVER CONVICTED OF CRIME Wu ai Yaaro of Age and Very Strong -Could Knock Mi Seaselesa with Oao Blow Hit Death Wm Canoed fim Worry. A FULL LINE. Best EMe of Shcss on the Martlet. S. A. GIMRE, 543 Bond Street Opp. Boat Higfina k Co. PAIS BOHEMIAN LACES BEER Brrwfd and tgti under sanitary conditions The Health-Building quali tiea of PALE BOHEMIAN LAGEK BEES axe unexcel led. That it becomes at once a aatisfactory table drink aad a valuable tonic la the tick room. Easily kept, when pur chased IN BOTTLES from onr agents. On draught at the leading Cafes. NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO., ASTORIA, OREGON. MEN ARE POWERLESS To F1M Aralnat DUeaoe rleaa Thty Strike at the Vaderlriag Caaae. To treat Dandruff, and Falling; Hair, with Irritant! or oils on which a. para Itlc germ will prosper. Is Ilk seooplnir water from tb ocean to prevent the tide from rising. . Toil cannot accomplish a satisfactory rnre without having a right understand tor of the fundamental caueea of the trouble. Ton must kill the Dandruff Germ. Kswbro's Herplclde does this because It Is specially made to do that very thing. When the germ is removed, the hair kaa no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Bold by leading dru grists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F. Laurin, Prop. ' "Special Agent." Chicago, Deo. 26. John Thomas Gal lagher, known in police and labor cir eles as "Black Jack, tho Slurger," and accused of more acts of violence in strikes than any other one man in Chicago's labor binary, died at KM home yesterday. Stomach trouble supl erimlueed by the strain and worry re iiltm from ceaseless prosecution, was the caue of his death. Gallagher was 22 years old, and in appearance was as different from the popular conception of the professional lugger" as could be imagined. lie took great pride in his appearance and was seldom, if ever, seen under the influence of liquor. While he weighed but ninety pounds at the time of his death,, three years ago Gallagher weigh ed 180, and he was able to strike a blow that would render his victim uncon ckms instantly. When arrested by the police in connection with some crime, no amount of "sweating" could make him talk. On more than one occasion his friends sav, he was submitted to rough treatment by the police, but he always maintained a dogged silence. Although frequently arretted by the police and on at leant one occasion kept in jail for several week, he was never convicted of a crime. COPOSATE INTEREST AROUSED. la Mad Chase. Millions rush in mad abase after lealth, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regu lar with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass and quick euro for liver and stomach trouble 25e at Charles Rogers, drug store; guaranteed." Harriman System Officers Take Definite Action. The general passenger department of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Com pany, and the Southern Pacific Com pany line in Oregon, have recently is sued a circular of which the following is a part and which shows the interest of the officers of the Harriman system in the welfare of the State and its up building: "A Joint convention of THE OREJON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE AND THE OREGON TRESS ASSOCIATION will lie held in the parlor of the Portland Commercial Club on Friday and Satur day, January 12 and 13, 1'JfKi. General setoions of the two oiganiations will be held both day from 9 a. m. until 12:30 p. m. In the afternoon buncsa sessions of the PRESS ASSOCIATION and sectional meeting of the LEAGUE will be held in the different parlors of the club. Special entertainment will be prepared for all by the Portland Com mercial Club. "The theme of the convention will be THE COMMONWEALTH OF ORE GON, ITS RESOURCES AND OPPOR TUNlTIES.' "The coast counties, Eastern, Central al Southern Oregon will be represented by the best and most forcible speakers. Thit meeting will bring together men who take an active interest in the de velopment and publicity of the State, and should prove not only interesting to thoe who attend but very beneficial aUo. "The Lewis k Clark Exposition did much to bring the State into promi nence and THE GOOD WORK SO WELL STARTED MUST BE CON TINUED if the desired results are to be secured. "That the. officers of the narriman system have faith in Oregon is shown by the fact that $4,160,000 has been set afclde for construction of new railroads within the confines of the State during the coming year, making a total .of 124,000,000 the Harriman lines will ex pend for the years 1905-6. "You will, I am sure, agree with me when I say that the time is very oppor tune for Mieb a gathering. The strong est and best men of your citv and county should attend the convention and lend their aid in organising an ag gressive campaign of publicity and pro mot ion. "Your local re your Board of Trade and any organiation in your vicinity that stands for the up-biuld ins of the State xhoutd see that it is well reprfnted." SOMETHING NEW AT FISHER'S. Jolly American Tramp on the Bill boards Now. A new play to our theatergoers comes to Fisher's next Monday evening a a New Year attraction. It i said t lie of thone comedy dramas suited to the taste of the popular priced circuit aud was written especially with this view-to entertain the masses. There are situations that are humorous and lines that are said to be bright and the piece contains plenty of action. The play which is in four acta should please the patron of Filler's. A gen uine tramp, a detective, a life insur ance agent, a wealthy rogue and de ceitful husband, a persecuted wife and mother, a beautiful daughter and a vil lage ne'er-do-well, are the principal characters which go to make up the comedy sensation, "A Jolly American Tramp.'' Tha play is from the pen of Mr. Kidder, who is responsible for mors tender, touching, pathetic, heart-inter esting plays than any other author now before the public. His "Peace Valley" and "A Poor Relation" made Sol Smith Russell famous and. a millionaire. In this work he promises to surpass his other efforts and give to us a piece that for stirring situations, startling cjimaxes, as well as heart-touching in terest cannot be surpassed, Manager Newell has cast "A Jolly American Tramp" with care, selecting only arl tists eminently fitted for their respec tive roles. Comedy and pathos richly blending .touching that well-spring of emotion, the heart, and canning the risibilities of it beholders to broaden from a smile into a hearty laugh, may be expected. The cat- includes Mia Virginia Melville, Miss Cora Lee Jeffer son, .Miss Berlins rarnsworm, Mrs. Charles Hill, Miss Vera Wilson, Messrs. Clark Ross, Charles Emmett, William Lee, William Ely, and others. There are specialties introduced in each act. Songs that reach the heart, witticisms that will bring smiJies, comedy that will cause laughter, and sensational cit maxes that will thrill all who witness the startling situations contained in A Jolly American Tramp" on next Monday morning. Seat sale opens Sat urday morning at Horfler candy store. STRANGE EPIDEMIC Spinal Meningitis Is Killing Many Hones. 01 AT WILLIAMSBURG. NEW YORK More Than Twenty Roraea Die ia Oas Day of tha Disease Vtterloariea Kept Busy Jrom Dawn Till Dark Trying to Check Malady. 'New York, Dec. .-Afflicted with spinal meningitis more than a score of Horse dropped in tha streets of Wil liamsburg, today. At. least half suc cumbed. Veterinarles were busy from daylight to sunset trying to check the spread of tha disease, All the animal hospitals are filled with victims. uue riftuu 1 icaci ttiiu every ttov rairuaie PERSONAL MENTION. READY FOR FIGHT ypographical Union In New York Fights Typothetae. STRUGGLE rVILL BE BITTER Union Ha Nearly $100,000 to Prosecute Campaign Both Sides Are Confident of Victory and Will Fight to the Finish. New York, Hon will be T'Kt betae Dee. 20. Final prepara raado this week by the and Typographical Union No. tor the light over tho closed shop and the nine-hour work day in all book and iob offices, which is expected to begin on January 1st. A reiiiesentctive of the union said yesterday: "The, only demand we make is the eight-hour work day, the nine-hour rule having prevailed up to the present, The employer have refused the eight- hour demand and will try to introduce the open shop. The fight will be a bit ter one. We are not afraid of the re sult. We have more thou $160,000 available now and can raise $500,000 if necessary." In a statement on the preparations for the coming struggle William Green, president of the New York Typothetae, says that its members are prepared to install competent non-union machine operators and other printers in tho Tar ious composing rooms, lie says: "These printers have been obtained by a canvass of the various parts of the United States by men representing the Typothetae, and also by graduates of the schools for machine operators now in successful operation in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Chi cago, Kansas City, Omaha, and else where. In these schools, as our ex perience shows, competent machine operators may be turned out In from sixty to ninety days and can produce more work than is now being produced under union conditions and restrictions Sy men our employ." IT. F Judge came in from Portland yesterday noon. William Cole spent Christmas in this tty with his parents. O. B. Prsel of Portland was in town yesterday for a brief time. George W. Knox of Hammond was in town yesterday on business. W. R. Brown of Soil wood is iu the city this week on business. Mrs. Morton was a visitor in the city for a short time yesterday, S. W. Mudgi of llwaeo was a busi ness visitor in town yesterday. J. H. Mctiruth of Portland was in the city yesterday for a brief buincs trip. William Heiidrkkson of Deep River was in the eity yesterday for a short time. W. R. Powell of tha Western Union in this city, was a Christmas visitor la Portland. Carl Rosa, a senior at Palo Alto, is in town visiting friends during Christ mas vacation. G. L. Dagmar of Ostramler, Wash., was ia town yesti-rday attending to business interests. Miss Ann Belland of Portland and Mrs. Belland of Milwaukee, Wis are iii Astoria, the guests of Alderman and Mrs. Belland. I Rev. B. F. Roland, accompanied by j his family, arrived in tha city jester- day to spend a short time with Mr. and Mr. J. K. Ferguson Mrs. George E. Hartman, Jr., and Charles E. ray, of Pendleton, spent Christmas in this citv, at the home of their mother,-Mr. J. H. D. Gray. They returned to their Eastern Oregon home yesterday. The Misses Martha, Lolo and Freda Foard, accompanied by their friend and school compairiou, Mi (irace McDon ald, of Wyoming, are spending the Christmas holidays at the home of their parent, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foard. The young ladies are all students at tho Annie Wright Seminary at Ta coma. I with proper dressing and IN properly lined and sewed THAT BRINGS HEALTH and HAPPINESS TO THE AVERAGE MAN. leinmai Wnse ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER r Remarkable Cure. "I was afflicted with sckitica," writes Ed. 0. ud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co, Kan., going about on cnitohea and suf fering a deal of pain. I waa induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which relieved me. , I nsed three 50c bottles. It is the greatest liniment I ever used; have recommended it to a number of persons; all express themselves as being benefit d by it I bow walk without crutches, able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm" 25c, 50c and $1.00. at Frank Harts drug store. Beautifying methods that injure the skin and health are dangerous. Bo beautiful without discomfort by taking IIolliHter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Sun shiny face follow its u. 35 cents. Sold by Frank Hart. A Keen Appetite and a healthy stomach indicate an active Liver, which is enjoyed by all who use Beecham's Pills. They insure strong; digestion, sweet breath and sound sleep. No other remedy is as good as Beecham's Pills Bold Everywhere. In boxea 10a and 2S& Hints For The Holidays D0NI DELAY-BUT TODAY. Thtio are only a few more days left Oar Fiao Leather Goods, Pictures, Books, Toilet Sots, aad Novelties, Japanese Braises, Burned Wood tad Leather, Fountain Pens, Cards tad Calendars, as wall ai oar Silver, Gold, Glass and Metal wart afford a groat rariety to select from Iaoogk Clerks You need not wait. J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS STATIONERY MUSIC 'pSHER'S OPERA HOUSE iJ L. E. Seliik Leiset and Manager Monday, January 1st A New Year's Attraction. Tho Createst Play of a Decade "A Jolly American Tramp" 0 By the Author, "A Poor Relation," "Peaceful Valley," etc. A SPLENDID TRIUMPH OF AMERICAN DRAMATIC GENIUS.! Laughter Reyond Possible Parallel! Thrilling, Inthralling, Entirely Novel! Replete with tho Most Unique and Sensational Situation I SPLENDID COMPANY. GRAND PRESENTATION. Possessing all the Elements of Popularity. Admission: Reserved seats, Mcents; gallery, . adults, 35o cents; chil-. dren, 25 cents. Seat sale opens Saturday morning at Hoefler'e book store. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. C8TA1SLI8IIEO 1880. ' Capital and Surplus $100,000