A . . t ' i I i 1 f THE MORNING ASTOItlAN. ASTimtr. OIIEGOX. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1905. ft ; I f i s t '. i I' ! ! ; 4 1 1 Bowser Tries Sunrise Cure 1 His Newest Early Rising Fad 1 For Impaired Health ! Not a Succes. And When They Let Him Ga He ' Gets a Drubbing From Two Ped dler. He 1 OtfendeA M fCoprrKH U0(, by McClur. Phillip a co.j ft. BOTTSER had been amok- lag and reading for bait an hour when h began to bitch arouud la a ncrroni way and glear hla tolc. Mr. Bowser knew that ha had something on bla mind, but the let him turn It orer and orer until he got ready to aay: .1 wonder what tlmo the tun rlaet Iheto morning H "Somewhere around 4 o'clock, I be Here." He waited another five minute and Khan obeerred: "I waa apeaktng to Green today about my feeling all run down, and he eld no I ought to try the sunrise ture," "What la thatr "Why, yon get up and take a walk a the aun rise. It la said that the enn for the first half hour In the morn ing haa peculiar virtue. Green bad church bell around that neighborhood, and ao It turned loose and made thing 1 lively. Two aleeper awoke-two scar ed people Jumped out of bed-but It wai Mr. Beweera voice that waa beard saying: "Now may I be turned Into a huckle berry before I stand any wore of this! Woman, you inunt have given that clock a tlukker "I waa aouad asleep," protetted Mr. Bowser. Then that old yaller eyed cat of your was inuring around here and started It off to spite me, and Ml have her lifer' "Better throw the clock out of the window and wake yourself up when It'a time. If you kwp the hour on your mind you'll wake up nil right" Mr. Bowser walked out Into the hall and gnve the clock a heave Into the darkness downstairs. When It landed OS OS ajS u mi IT P u PI Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted Twice Without Charge. HELP WANTED. It set up a new whir aud kept It going r for ten uiluutm, and wben the strain died away It waa like the last sigh of a lost tout Sleep came again, but at 2 o'clock the sunritte man waa out of bed to see what time It was; also at a quarter to 8; also at a quarter past; llso at half tat. At the latter hour there were stgua of daylight, and be began to dress. It was his private opinion while dresslug that (iitt-u or any other man who got up to take the aunrlse cure was an ass, but after getting dowu stairs and outdoor aud hearing the rumble of the milk wagons he felt bet ter about it. He eat on the front step until day had fully dawned and uutl a policeman had eouie along and asked him if he bad roosted there all night. and then he started for a walk In the suburbs. Green UUlu't claim ..that the aun had any better show out there, but RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR TOSl lions In Oregon) 10 men wanted to prepare for coming examination j be ginning salary $800. Write at once to E. 0, Ilyncn, 12 Brcedea bldg, Tort- LEARN "afiLBORAPBT AND, R. R Accounting. $30 to tSOO a month sal ary aaaured our graduate under bond. Oar six schools the largest la America and endorsed by all Railroads. Write (or catalogue. MORSE SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, Cincinnati, 0., Buffalo, Jf. Y, Atlanta, Q-, La Croase, Wis., Tex arkana, Tex Sea Francisco, Cal WAXTED-EMPIjOYMENT AS STA tionary or donkey engineer. Address X, car "Aatorian." WANTED YOUNG MAN, GOOD EDU cation, would like work of any kind. AeMres L. M. G., 01 re Aatorian. lie wantnl nil tlixr In It 11 hadn't walked two blocks when an uM I WANTED A TOSITION FOR LIGHT, tramp with straw tu hi hair, who bad! insW worki willing to learn. Twenty IT waa a nrxoKD vr norma, the same feeling of lassitude that I've got, and getting up early for a week affected a perfect cure." "This la the first I have heard about any feeling of lassitude. If you are feeling that way, why not go to a doc tor and get a tonic V ; "Why not go to a doctor and be hur ried to my grave? Haven't I paid out tens of thousanda of dollars to doctors, and have they ever done me the least good? I haven't said anything about ihl feeling because I didn't want to .frighten you, but the time has come when I must do something. I have no more appetite than a sparrow, and I would hardly go across the street to pick up a dollar." A he had come running up the steps on reaching home that evening and as he had eaten a hearty 6 o'clock dinner Mrs. Bowser could hardly reconcile his statements. She sighed and waited for further developments. "And ao I think I'll begin "In the morning and take the sunrise cure." "Very well" "You you think it's all right, don't youi" Certainly, les, by all means get tip at daylight and get out where the first beams of the rising sun will fall upon you. It may be the means ef sav lng your life." A flush came to Mr. Bowser's face as be thought she spoke In sarcasm, ibut after a moment he decided that ehe was sincere, aud lie forgave her and said that be would attend to wak leg himself up at half past 3 in the morning. He would try the sunrise ure for a week, and If it benefited Llm he would expect her to walk out with him thereafter. Things were left In this shape, and 9 o'clock saw tb; gas turned out and the Bowser family In bed. Mr. Bowser Luiitcd up on old alarm clock and set it for the hour he wanted to arise ainl went to kVc thinking of r-d suns and dwy mead ows. At exactly half pat 10 the Itus e.'cn and Japanese fleets ex me together with a whlr-r-r-r and lifted him out 0 Led with the exclamation: "By the eyebrows of the Cardiff gi ant, but what on earth is going on la this house!" "It Is your old alarm clock that Is going on," answered Sirs. Bowser at she got her breath. 80 It was. No one but a jeweler or a cook can set an alarm clock and be cure that it will go off at the right hour. , Mr. Bowser lifted it up and gave It a iwat against the wall and then reset It and growllngly got back into bed. II U Jaltb In the sunrise cure was shaken for a moment, but then he remembered that alarm clocks and sunrises were two different things and decided not to t discouraged. The clock ticked away en the stand beside him, the crickets aang hi the wet grass outside, and the eight bumped along until the bells truck midnight. The sound aroused jtbe ambition of the clock. It didn't propose to take a back teat for nny-. turned out of some alley, came tlous and baited to say: 'It's what brought me where I am today." "What do you mean?" "Turning out at this ungodly hour of the morning to get a ulp. 1'rop It, old man. Iro it or It will drop you." At the next crossing a milkman tried to run over him, and a policeman look ed at htm suspiciously and shook hi head, and when be had gone five block- be encountered three roisterers who had been out on an all night lark and were weaving along arm in arm and singing at the top of their vo'.ces. "Shay, old man-ehayr they called out in chorus. "Well what la it?" "Let r feller have a closer look at that rum blossom nose of yours, will yon? How long did It take you to bring out the colorr Mr. Bowser would have got away without a row, but the trio grabbed I hold of blm. and lu the strnule all 1 went down together, knd wben be final years of age. Address Cha Laraen, Bay Center, Washington. MUSIC TEACHER. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN'-MRS. a D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street FOR SENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS A LARGE furnished or unfurnished room on Commercial street, with gas and bath, reasonable. Inquire at "Aatorian." BUSINESS DIRECTORY Z RESTAURANTS. GUM VAH CO. Restaurant ajl Aster St All kinds of nia!a Suey. Aiterla, Ore. Noodlei and Chop -UJZ..t..ji NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. TO EE POINT OYSTER HOUSE. Eastern and Shoal water Bay Oyster Steaks, Chops, Etc. Open day and night. lltk St, next to Scully's cigar store FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or dpughnuts, 6c, at U. S. Restaur ajit 434 Bond St BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 16-ccnt meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 CotnmercialSt. Notion is hereby given that the an nual meeting of th to-khoMer of the Astoria E'Wtrio (Vmppany will be held at the ofllce of th comppany, Pug Block, Atoria, Oregon n Monday Mis eighth, day of January, BMW, at t o'clock, p. M, for the purpn of electing a board of directors, to aene during the entulng yer, and for tlie transaction of such other business a may lawfully come before the meeting. C N. MUCINS, Secretary Aatoria, Oregon, Dumber 10, lixtf. MEDICAL, PROFESSIONAL CARD. PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHT8IC1AN AND 6UKOE0N Aetlng AaiUUBt Burgeon C.S. ataxia Hospital BervU. OOe hour: 11 to II am. 1 to :! paa, 47? Commercial Street lad Floor. LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry Th only whit labor laundry In th ity. Dos th beat work at reasonable priosa and la In evry way worthy of your patronage. DR. J. P. GORAY, Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT S05 Oregoniaa Building. PORTLAND .... OREGON OSTEOPATHISTt. BOARD AXD ROOMS FOR SEVERAL parties can be secured at the Holden Houxe, 9th and Duane street. FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. Man and wife preferred. Cheap rent to right parties, 1601 Thirty-fourth street FOR RENT-THREE FURNISHED rooms for light heue keeping. No hidren. Enquira 472 Commercial street FOR SALE. FOR SALE SEVERAL CHEAP BED room suits, lot of curtain, shades, one range, and other housefurniiihing articles. Apply at once C21 Exchange street FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED rooms with stoves: also houseketoinff ly managed to pull loose hla coat waa rftnm. Wrrr r,nn,M. 578 rm.n.UI riniuJ .m 4k. k. t M vt. 1.1.1 n,wn, 11. . N , htreet, Shanahan budding. but after going a few pace be made up hla mind to aee It out The sun was rising blood red. and what be had to say to Mrs. Bowser would keep for another hour. In fifteen minutes be reached a wide expanse of commons, and there he stood and swelled out-his chest and breathed In the morning air and let the bright orb of day hit him between the eyes. It was glorious. It was an elixir. It was worth a dollar a minute to his health. He could feel the thrill of re turning health--he was feeling It when two truck peddlers came along on their way Into town to whoop and yell and shriek and wake everybody up. When they had reached Mr. Bow ser they halted. "Same old coon that threatened to break my jaw a month ago becauxe I hollered In front of hi house," whis pered one. "The came old ciauk that offered to kick uie out of his yard laxt Wednes day," added the other. 'Let's go for him!" Then the kun-the rising sun-the blood red sun-the health giving sun the huu tflat Green had recommended for lassitude wituesMed another epl ode In the career of Bowser. He fotiifht well and j?auiely, but the hea- theu prevailed, and It waa a buntred figure that Mrs. Itowser and the cat welcomed at the gate. "What In heaven's name has hap pened'" "Wonun"- "U this the nunrlHe cure?" "Wonran, behold your work." "How Biy workT "Come Inside the houne. I can only stop a few minutes, but our respective lawyers can afterward orranjre all about the alimony. I understand all all, and the dead line hat been reached et hurt.- M. QUAD. 10th and DUANE Sta, Phen 1Wt GARDENING. IDTTKD PLANTS AND FLOWERS for taleExperinced gardening and job work of all kind don on abort notice Addreas orh-r to X. C, care Aatorian Office. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD cora wooa, mm wood, mi wood, any kind of wood at lowest price. EDy, th transfer man. 'Phone stoi Mala, Bara oa Twelfth, opposite opera house. TAILORING. fOR SALE SECOND-HAND 7 COL- umn newspaper outfit; complete x :pt press; cheap. Inquire at this of flee. LOST AND FOUND. LOST IN STAR THEATRE, DIS charge papers from Company "L." Twenty-Third infantry, U. S. A., Finder please have at this office and receive reward. LOST lady's mall, silver, open-faced watch, with initials "M. R." on same; finder pleae leave at thin office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND HAND DONKEY ENGINES for sale, suitable for logging and hoisting purposes. For description and price apply to F. D. Kuettner, Astoria, Orejfon. The Astoria Restaurant. GOOD, CLEAN MEALS EXCELLENT SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 399 Bond St, cor. Ninth FOR SALE CHEAP HORSE, BUG gy and harness. Inquire Aatorian of- EMBROIDERY LESSONS GIVEN LESSONS IN HARDANGER EM broidery ia given by Mrs. Julius Erickmn, 63 Weat Bond street, AstSria, for 25 cent per honr. for Kidney & Bladder troubles. . Cures In 48Hours URINARY DISCHARGES BahCpattte T m . . . 1. - emtarw or Mvirrau bear! B. MARTINSON Fin mfrrhtnt tailor ing, Room 5, over Cooper's store, K. of P. Building. As toria. FURNITURE. ROBINSON tL H1LDEBRAND Goodman Bldg. 688 Commercial 8t UP.NITURE, Carpets, 8tovaa, Matting, Window LINOLEUM, Ete. Asdding Shades, BROKERAGE. Y C. J. TKENCIIARI) Real Estat, Inaurane, Commiaalor and 8hlpplng. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offio 133 Ninth Street, Naxt t Juatloa Offioe. ASTORIA. OREGON. 15 1 1 The Smith Premier is the simplest and strong est of all writing machines. It does better work, does it quicker,lasts longer, and costs less in the long run than any other type writing machine. It is The World's Best Typewriter Let in ttni you our CttU book telling ill about h. Typewriter lupplirl. M chinca rented. Stenograph fumkhei. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 4, fuik iu, Portinl n DR. RBODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Offlc Uanaat. Did. Phone Black 20(1 171 Commercial St, Astoria. Or. THE Dr. C. GEE WO- Medicine Co. Formerly loraltxl 2&9 AWer Street: for the past flfeycara,IIAVC MOVED Into the 1 large brlok building at the south-aast mr. nr 01 r irat ami Morrison Btreeta, En trance No. iffil Front 8L Successful Hone Treataeot br.C.OKg WO Is known thrmifhoal the Oiillixl 6UIM, and la mlted tha Ura VMivm lwrtor ou tTOitol of bla wo4arfttl ear without tu aid of a knife, wiihoul uala pniMMioi diu(fany kind. II trwtu aay andalldlara wltb pownrMil orltol root berba, hark, and ventaele that ar uo known to medical acleBMi la this eoanLrr. and Ibrootn lb um nf tbeaa Iwrailea rae dlra beguaniutfea U cure Catarrh, AaUima, Lua TraokU. tyMiMMtiam, NtrveuiMM, StoMK Uver, Kldaiy, rimak Wsakiwai and all CKraaio D'aaaaaa. mil or writ, enrloln(4 l-eent atamp lor nwuinioon and circular. Addrraa, Tna C. Oa We CMmm Mklm C. f Ma. Ml 11 ..rat H LP. Cm MoUua Ibla " PmHUmA Bnm. HOTELS. HOTEL PORTLAND PORTLAND, ORE. Flnett Hetol ln th Nerthw! DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 624 Commercial Kt Aatoria Oreson. Dr.VAUGIIAN', . Dentist Pytblan Building. Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOCJAN DENTIST 578 Commercial Ft , 8banahaa Buildlog DR. C. W. BARR, Dentist, Slanaaell Building Telephone Ikd 20til Astoria, Oregon SEASIDE DIRECTORY. J WINES AND LIQUORS. THE OEM An up to datc reaort for Gentlemen. Choice Winoa, I.iuor and C'igaia. Give us a rail and we'll do the reat. 0. E. HUNTER. Prop. Seaside. Ore. LICK. Saa Frtncleco'i leading COft fenienct and famil; hotel centrall located. Coa Tinient to all car lines, and placet of amusement and ia Ureal. Caf and Grill at Uched. Rates U 00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depota, HOUSE Sao Francisco, Cal. $1 . EXPERIENCE tfr A Tmoc Maama ''Hi!11 CoovftMHTa Ae. AnfMianondln aaka)',h and 4niiMtnn bm nalor.tMla. i tlniiirtellrrtiiinditl!. HAK0B00K on Pti.ata anlrklr wariain one ln?milln n pruimirir 111 in loo fa hMbr (Mia. I uBimunir. ctil fix. itlilMt IDHfi j fur .BOyrln mKniI. inrnuun muan rtceiri Ink-in 1p'Uu K'ilo4, mi hout ctuirj, ia taa scientific .ntntricatt. A htnd.om.lf lllntrt4 w4tklf . I.rfMt fir. 1rrm, i a tw: four nHiiiLbcil. (Mdhjaii nwdMlr, MM & C0",BrM' Dr.nch uisca, CV t St, WaitaiDaiuo. MORNING ASTORIA Is on Sale in r Astoria at J. N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZINGER'8 NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, SCULLY'S CICAR STORE, JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. and THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, f Tenth and Commercial Sta, At IS IS Ttl kind of & Sioi for wKickiKe NATIONAL MAGAZINE is pajjing $10,000 1 too nimcotr I" a rMlrinU br. V Mml uwrf a rm oM QntkH ipiuur m iai pinna . Mt m ia. mum t M. (nty. nt rvi r.MlrH muck a ted auHnuii. TM ol4 laljr m il Mr U m Ikl, Mtl,. '.ilon. it imum la ia wlns brr.vs.l illlml tailla. "mm .i3 'lL"f "l "" kvurbi, Aval aliiv inai n oa mm, .rna," nM Ok M Cum. II w mtultm I a Ml a. rm. .Almlv " ,Im1 a, Ul ail. mt. Do know of abetter one Wa want littla atpriaa. anacdotH, biu ol w. vw. tiM, nuiuc you ""-"T fuppmf from liat h Think, Lauh or Cry I40 prim will b slran for tha Ixwt ., Jn P11 ,ilver doltara liiKh yv Ilia fint trn auuettful eonipetltora tu thfirta.rdt. Ihf pnlr condition for atitirinf thlicnm petlt 00 la that you arod with vmirrllimi,,. to Ui National Maaaslac Addii. K JOE CIIAPPLE, Editor M M DORCBCSTCB AVLNtT. 1 V I it -I . 1