WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER sy, 1903. the sronxrxG astoiitaw. astokia. uxiegox. ORANGES The new navals; sweet, juicy and of fine flavor, . All sizes at very special prices. We have the best at all times ROSS, WIGGINS (a Co TIRSE TALES OF THE TOWN . Olery Ticket OtiU-A marring Ikn wa Issued yesterday afternoon by County Clerk Minion, in favor of Mr. I.afe Tomlinxon ami Mi fa4l Minier. .-. ,' ' Firtt Papers. Kali Karijala, a Ha tha of Finland, yetlerday filed bl dec laration of intention to beoome a riti sen of A merit with County Clerk Clinton. It RscowiBg.--Mrs. Alex Gilbert nai almost recovered from her recent ill ness, and will leave lu abort Mm "S-ith her hutbead to peud the rt of the winter in California. Small Delinquency. At 10 oVbsk t. morrow, Thursday , morning, HherilT Unvill will Inaugurate the delinquent tax sal of property for the year WH, in Clatsop county, to recover delin quencle and interact charge, aggre gating the very amaU um, of, approxi mately $3000. Iiprtttien of Giatttude. The sister aiiperlvr and the good titter of the Uff of St. Mary'e Hospital drslrs to express their deep ne of gratitude for the raaoy kindly Christma offer ing that have reached the hospital during the holiday season. Kverythlug sent la was thoroughly appreciated and carefully bettowed. Married Yeettrdajr. The parlor of tho Ator Houte, In this city, were the seen yesterday, of a quiet but happy wdding. when Mr. Ufa Tomtlton, of , Attorla, and Mist Kadie Minier, M ' U ; ! SS I. ' ' " I j: Strictly Fresh ij RANCH :j EGGS ij: i; Two Dozen i; 65 cents ij: ! ! ij! JOHNSON BROS. ; GOOD GOODS. j V 118 122 Twelfth St Aitorla, Or. Seaside, were made one for life, by Rev, L. J, Trumbull, pastor of the First Bap tist Church of thia city. The affair took place at 3 o'clock iu the after noon. Comfort Whilt Ton Wit.-The aud iting department of the A. A C, It railroad headquarter In the FUvel building, hu been equipped with three hot water radiators, operated "direct from the ga ax water main in the building. There are three of them of tlx standard each, and they give forth a genial and eijualbl glow that make it a pWur to do butlne there. The ret of the "boy" have to keep com fortable with Jutt plain, old, common, everyday store, but they teem to sue ceed pretty well. Holiday Gathensg. A Jolly party assemhWd, a Christmas gtirst, on Monday evening Lut, at 0 home of Mr. and Mi. Frank Norberg. There wer all wanner of holiday amuse ment Indulged in and a thoroughly happy time was had) those who had the good fortune to bo there, were: The Mit Fannie fiimil, Inea 8innl, Tina Manu1 Inn Mannula, Olga JaeoUon, Thekla Wirkkabt, Irene Hen-drh-kson and May Young; Metsr. At tor lvon, Henry Salvon, Charlct Anett, FJz Crowe, Ed Wilton, Fred Wilson, Tom Vktriaon, F.rnet Lercn, Alfred Anderton, Mr. and 'Mrt. Hen drUVton and Mr. and Mrt. G. Buttrom. Warning To Hunt en. The yte ptme warden las iued a warning to all hunr that their Ifccnses will ex pire on December 31t and to aave all thoee Intending to hunt after the first of tho year had better procure their licnms at once. The notice iaurd ty the warden it at follow i "AH huntert' licrnaca expire Decem ber 31, IMS. Aa Sunday and Momlay are legal holiday, I will ak all who aUh to take out their liivnoce thia week, to avoid trouble. Any peraon hunting after Peoember 3Ut without Iki nxe will ouhj.'ct to arrett. I propose to enforce the law, regardlet of Individual. No partiality will be hown. Lleenne iatued thU year ex pit with the year. New licence ran be mired at the office of the county clerk." Not Set Yet.-Tb trial of John Mephenien, proprietor of tlie Navoy italoon and dance hall, upon a charge of "Wilfully committing an act which groly disturb the public peace and oiH'nly outrage publio decency and it jnjuriou to public moral," preferred against him by Hon. Herman vUee, mayor of thi,city, on Saturday night lat, ha not Iwenj act a yet, according to JuMiee Goodman at 4 o'clock yet trday afternoon. Tt will probably come up for examination tomorrow, or on Friday, or Saturday, or next week or whenever the diHtrict attorney eliall have returned to the city, It U a cae the final Uiuo of which lie in the jgrit diction of the honorable circuit court. Morning Attorian, 75 cent a month. Start the New Year Right. By Trndlnrj WltK Astoria' Blgrfeat and Finest Furniture Store. For the Best See Us. IN POLICE COURT Judge Anderson Disposes of Many Christmaj Cases NEGRO VERSUS CHINAMAN Charle Patten, Colored, Eati Go Mun'i Noodle and refaaei to Pay for Them Fight Eniutt, ia Whick the Metro ia Laid Out. A ttriking demonstration that a n-gro' head U not alway bard enough to withstand tlie impa-t of a five-pound tthk of woid, weilded vigorously by the. muacular arm of a wild-eyed ton of Heaven, wa afforAfd th police and the public in general, Monday after noon, when Go Mun, proprietor of a noodle Joint on Bond street, bad oe cation to chatie Cliarlea ratten, at gentleman of the 'ebony hued variety for eating of hi noodle, and then re fusing to pay for hi meal. Patten, and be of the almond eyet, were ' before Judge Anderson in police ctriirt yesterday - afternoon, and by meana of an Interpreter, Go Mun man aged to tell enough of hi aide of the ttory to induce the Judge to present Patten with a Christ ma gilt of ten tbiyt in the shadow of the bar. A'Tording to the. tain of Go Mun, Pat ten lml wanderod into the noodla cafe with a Christma "jag" on, and ordered l-.ttl of the "long white." He ate, and then started to leave without handing over the unal fee. When preMl for the change, ratten grew angry that a "chink" ahould have the presumption to ask him for money, and brubed bim aside with some force. Go Mun would not be denied however and ruhed to a clinch, whereupon the in evitable raror of the colored gentle- mon flashed forth. There wa nothing doing for Charles in this line, for be. fore be could get action, Go Mun felled him with a heavy blow on tho bead from a stick of wood that lay bandy. It was all over then but the shouting, for the noise had attracted two of the city' guarduins of the peace, who promptly carted tlie prostrate and senseless form of Charles Patten to the ritv jail where yMerdar he pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly, and received tlie generout sentence of ten daya. Lying on a cot in the city jail; with a sprained ankle, and hi face and bead a mas of cut and bruites, James Scott ia beginning - to realize the depth to which be bat fallen through hi over indulgence in liquor. There were teart of repentence In Scoft'e eye yesterday afternoon when Judge Anderson convened court in bis cell that he might hear hit case, Scott was beaten up so badly tbat ha could not appoar in the court room, and to in order that be might receive justice, the judge listened to the case in the man' cell. "I must plead guilty your honor," said Scott, "it was lne who started the fight, and I guest I deserved what I got, I come from Scotland, and this li the fin-t time I ever spent Christmas in jail." "Yes," said Judge Anderson, "I wonder what your old mother would thiuk if ho could see you now!"- This was too much for the already wounded feelings of Scott, and he biiiko down, and wept. A ten-day sentence was impWd on him, and the judge advised tlie chief of police to have him removed to the hospital at w.n n D.w.ii.1. ivs h& could occur the proper medical attendance. Anilrew Tlandcr, with whom Scott had hi mixup," presented hardly a bet ter tight, when he greeted the police court to listen to hi doom. Hit face wa badly cut in teveral place and both eye were black and swelled shut. Ha pleaded guilty to fighting and wat fined $211, which tot having, ho will remain in jail for ten daya. John Chevalier, for drinking loo much, wa arretted and yesterday afternoon fined by Judge Anderwon the turn of $3, execution of the sentence being suspended during hi future good behavior. Carl ChrWenton. who wa arrested on Aator street Christma day in a drunken condition and released on bail of $3, did not appear for trial, and for felted hi money. John Doe and Richard Roe, two in dividual imbibing too large a quantity of Chrifttmas liquor, contributed ten dollars each into Ua city treasury, as bail which they forfeited by their non appearance in court yesterday after noon for trial. ? ...... Our Annual Sale Commences Today. .... ' - ." "-,''.. ..." Every artidein the house reduced, . This is the greatest offering in Fine . , AM Dress Goods, Gothing. Ftirnishing AIM f Goods, Etc, placed before the people of the Lower GJumbia for a year. C. H. COOPER, The Leading Dry Goods and lothing House of Astoria. t Redmea Celebrate. Aa enjoyabte Christma celebration wa held Christ mas night iu the lodge ball by Con- coraly THIh, No. 7, of the Order of Kedmen. About 250 person were pres ent to take in the Chrbtmaa tree and have a jolly good time. The children all received gift, and the lodge mem ber were each presented with an em- blm of th order. Refrethmnts of a delicious nature were served in the basement. Gift Worth Having.--Among other uumerou and appreciated Chrktmat gift howered on Vncle Charley Wright, the genial boniface of the Hotel Occident, was one from Well's River, In far Vermont, hit native place, that for real, unique interest, aurpatse any thing that ha been reported at thl office. It reached him on Christmas day in good" season, and was nothing more, nor le, than a baby' under thirt about seven inches long and show--ine soma faint sign of wear, but re vealing the further atributea of a mother's loving and tender care of a precious relic. It wa bis own, the first little shirt he ever wors wa placed on hU own baby form) seventy-five years aim, when he didn't -Inow so much about men and things a he doe now. The sift, odd, ind ,uggcstive, i dctply appreciated by Mr. Wright and ha awakened more and hRppier memories than anything that could have been sent him. He will take inestimable care of the funny little garment, and obey to the kttcr, the instruction of the donor, to pat it along to hi first grarHcldld. 'Like soimt other conjec tural matters, he must first catch the grandchild, a quet in which be is not entirely hopeless. Mr. Strumeyer's Burglar. In the dark and dismal post-midnight hours of yesterday, the homo of Kd Strun meyer, at 520 Franklin avenue was in valid by burglar. He wa aroused by certain aounda of a turreptitiou na ture, such a the careful opening of a window, the easy opening of chamber doom, and the faint, yet unmistakable foot falls of the prowling and predatory visitor. He arose in hi wrath and went to bunt for the invader, but at a simple matter of precaution, slipped upstair and aroused his friends and roomer, Van Turks and Bell of tho 0. R. & N. Iservice, and the three, in semi-Grecian costume made nine dis tinct circuits of the entire house, from "foundation atone to turret crest." Mr. Strumeycr guarding the rear ol the parade with Van Tuyl in the lead. After they had got their marrow chilled and a first-claw cold apiece, the dis covery was made that their next door neighbor was hustling about making fire and getting ready for his day's wdrk. The trio sncesed out a solemn oath to say no word of the adventure, but it leaked out, like a good Christ mas story ahould. ORDER Or EASTERN STAR. Fern Chapter, No. 38, Order of East ern Star, will hold a meeting at Ma sonic Hall on the evening of Wednes day, December 27th (tonight), when the installation of the newly elected officers wlil transpire under the guid ance of Grand Matron Ryan. Refresh ment will be served during tho even ing. Thia call is issued by Worthy Matron Laura M. Louns berry. Any phasa of hunger can be daintily gratified at any hour of tho day or night at' tho Palace Restaurant. The kitchen and dining room service ars of the positive best Privato dining rooms for ladies. Oe call inspires regular cus tom. Try it. Commercial street, oppo site Pago building. Do you wish to study the piano t Piano harmony and history of nuak taught at Miss Tawney'a studio. 68t Commercial Fulton building; Phoas Black, 2141 N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all manner of taxidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat- tress making a specialty and all work guaranteed. Leave orders for wood of aQ kinds at Astoria Grocery, to be . delivered after January 1st Supply is exhausted at present 0. Nelson. Hot drinks and sandwiches at Hoel-lar'a. CLOSING OUT 8AXX. Oi the fifteenth af Normber. the a. tira itock of roods at th LitUa Book 8 tors, will b put on aal at cost Christ maa bargains ia books, stationery nov elties, ata. 174 Tenth street TOTJX SXZT. Never have to wait long at th Oc cident Barber Shop, A. E. Peterson, proprietor. ' i MOVED AND READT. Charles Heilborn 4 Co, have moral into their saw atort and make th sjb nounoraest that they are now opea fox business and art ready to fill all orders promptly. Wood! Wood I Wood I Wood! Wood! For eboie dry box-wood, telephone 2004 Black, or fear orders at ths As toria Grocery. O. Kelson, Tho Wool Maa." The event of tho week will bo tho concert at tho Methodist Church Wed nesday evening December 27th at 8: IS. Adrnlgstou 60 cents. Miss Molly Reynold of Portland will play at the Methodist Oonoert Decent ber 27th. Mrs. Tilda Anderson, massaffo. 1479 Gnand Avenue. Gives either at homo of willoalL Th Little Book Store for sale. Holiday Gift la the way of TOILET SETS, MANICURE SETS... PHOTOGRAPH, POSTAL AND MUSI CAL ALBUMS AND UP TO DATE BOOKSf NOTIONS AND TOYS. BIG LINE OF PICTURES. vSvenson's Book iStore. Fourteenth ind Commercials Street Htart Fluttering. Undigested food and cas In the stom ach, located just below the heart, prose against it and causes heart palpitation. When your heart troubles yoa ia that way take Heroine for a few daya. Yoa wil soon be all right. SOo a bottle. Sold by Bart's drag store. We are sols agents ia Astoria for the Niagara Store Works of Buffalo, If. T. Celebrated Stoves and Ganges TBI ZISITH HID III S1AX Every one guaranteed. Will let yoa stand or sit on the oven door If yoa wish. Prions reduced oa all stores sad ranges till after the Holidays, U.J. Scully , 470-472 TOMMJsKOAL STEIET mmmwmmmmmm 1 - ... - - """""" '" " " J-w ii l"'"--gewsBiws!ayajBjssiiwiaB u , K sMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmi wmi 1.. m mm turn. "