The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 27, 1905, Image 1

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0 1
Hill and Harriman Inter
csts Clash At Last.
Portland and Seattle Railroad
Kept Prom Crosssng
O.R.&N. Track.
It li Now Atlefed That is VloUtlon of
the Court's Order, the Portland
Seattle Railway Built 300 Feat Mort
of Track.
available for railroad terminal purpc
on tba harbor, other than those now In
tba possession of the Northern Pacific
or recently purchased for the Chicago,
Milwaukee & Bt. Paul road, ware deed
ed on Thursday lat, la now here oa a
vl'lt. It was aatd at tha time that
AshUm wa acting In tba laterett of
K. N. Harriman, who wanted tha land
for use a a terminal for hit new line
to tha Sound country. Thla statement
I denied by General Aahton, who says
the land embracing every particle of
vacant property on tha harbor of Ta-
mma eunaoie for railroad purpoeei
were deeded to him o that tha city of
Taoooia ran treat fairly any and every
railroad that want to coma there. Ta-
roma, ho aaya, wUea to be in a pool- PmiVMTHi1 NlffiAhC .iflfl Pntmi WlffP DfVPlvP DIUil
tkm to tlva every railroad advantss-'",wv,l "MY"" wuui usiiv avvvv.iv uvyvii
eoua terminal fad litle aad It la be
Wived thla can bow be done.
From General Doubassoff of Moscow That
The Revolt Has Proved a Failure.
in 1870, and dipoed of twenty-two
years Uttr to an Eoglwh, syndicate.
After disposing of hi .malting biiinee
tie devoted hime!f to bla real estate
intere-4, wbkb became extensive, .
lie in lorn ixty-three yeara ago at
IJaden, Germany, and waa brought to
Chicago by bit parent, at tha age of
four. Hi wily venture In politlca waa
hi election to te position of county!
treasurer and tax collector in 1875-7.
Seattle, Dec. 26. Imagining hi room
a -dip and himwlf the second mate,
a longshoreman, Peter Hansen, beat bia
companion, A. Cray, another longshore
man, about tha head Christmas night,
tanking the latter' death about noon
today. Haan wa arrested, both had
been drinking.
the Eel River Between
Fisherman Crew, i
Considerable Damage, is Dona at Vic
toria and Vicinity.
Victoria, Dee. 26. Considerable dam
age waa dona by tha wind thU morning
at Victoria and the vicinity. The roof
f an empty furniture factory waa
Mown off, and many fencea blown down
and the (turner Dulwich anchored off
ICsqulmalt dragged her anchor, and
grounded, (the wti floated at
water. Telegraph wirea along
Vanooutcr coast are prostrated.
Tba Insurgents" and the Soldiera Are Almoit Exhausted from the Conatant
Warfare The Entire Population of Moacow la Terror Stricken Martial
Law ia Being Strictly Enforced Mort Terrible Atrocities Will Follow
Crashing of Rebellion, if "Black Hundred" ia Let Loose.
Portland, Pee. 2d. Tba granting of
the Injunction by the state circuit court
dliectlag the Portland and Seattle rail
way and Simms and Shield, eonlrae
tors, to discontinue tba work of rail
road construction In the vicinity of the
proponed crowing with the new line of
the Oregon Rallroid and Navigation
Company between here and the Colum
bia Rher, mark the fir legal clash
actually to occur between the princi
pal themselves, in the alleged .fight be
tween the mil and Harriman Interest..
Saturday th 0. R. k N. learning that
adivn construction wa. in progrr in
the neighborhood of the disputed point,
cured a temporary injunction which
waa served on tha Portland and Seattle
Railway and the contractor, directing
them to reae work.
This document it l aetted w
served on. President Flanders and the
(ontrarlor Saturday. It is alleged in
violation of the court's order the Port
land and Seattle Railway continued to
work Sunday and Monday, and built
300 feet of track aero the Unl and
Wfttabll'dicd a grade. There ia no rec
ord of tha buance of the Injunction
and it U not known when the citation
I mail returnable.
London, Due. 26. The St. Peters
burg correspondent of tba Telegraph
say soma letter-addressed to Witte,
Trepoff and Durnovo exploded while
being opened at the general pot office.
HI. Petersburg, Dec. 28. Emperor j The uiilitary authorities are preparing
t l
Oakland, Cal, Dm 2S.-After an ill
ne of only twenty-four hour Justice
Waller Van Dyke of tha Supreme
Court of California died tlti afternoon
at hit residence in East Oakland.
I tie eminent Jurist, was stricken so
suddenly that hi life of eighty-two
year ha ended almost before there
wan a realisation tlmt he wa ill.
Justice Van Dyke waa born at Tyro,
rienwa county, New York, on October
ft, MX He wa admitted to the bar
at Cleveland, Ohio, In IMS, coming to
California aero tha plains In 1840. He
wes elected to the Supreme Court to
scrv front January, 1HU9, to Doeeinber
ai. iwo.
Says Taconu Will Treat Every
real Fairly Coming There.
San Francisco, Dec. 2d. Ceneial J.
M, Ahton, of Tacoma, to whom, all of
th lands within the city of Tawmn
N'li hulas and Count Witte tonight re
ceived the report of General Douhasa
off, governor general of Mohcow, saying
the revolt bad failed; that the military
oltuaUoa waa well la hand and. dis.
affection among the troop overcome by
attacka on them with bombs and re
volver to which they were oubjeeted,
from windows and roof and which so
enraged them that they were hardly to
be restrained. Although 'the rebellion
may flare up euebere and although
there are indication of an upheave! at
Odessa, If the Moacow rebellion can be
crushed, the leaders will receive a blow
from which they will not quickly re
cover. Among the developments here
today most important, wa the capture
of the leaders of the "Fighting Legion"
which It Is twlieved end I he danger of
an attempt at an arnred uprmintr in
St. Petersburg.
Tonight the correspondent of tha As
nociated Prea at Moacow telephoned
that there seemed no doubt of the in
xurgenta collapsing. Tha Insurgents
ttill held the quadrangle In which the
workmen's counsil la sitting, but only
because the governor-general wa not
bvr In receipt of pauper relief In near- "ty "a coup de grace. Firing
ly evary mflnth of the year mow ending continued Intermittently throughout the
have ben greater than In any of the ly- At 5 o'clock automatic gun wera
Problem of London's Poor
Growing Worse.
Hot Only Baa There Been Large In
crease ia Oat-Door Relief But tha
Number Entering tha Workhooset
ia Createat ia History.
Xow York, Dee, 28. A cable to the
Times from London layit
Offlelttl figure, relating to tha legal
poor of London show that the num-
previou forty year comprised In the
return, the exception of the
period of 1M7 to 1871.
The ratio of paupera per 1MM (T
population ba been liMicr in nit of
the month of thi year than in any
previou year miic 1874. ,
Not only haa there lMen a remark-
liU lncre.o (n outdoor relief, but the
number entering workhouses has con
tinned. In no year of the history of
the poor law ha the population in the
workhouse been greater fir December.
Chicago, Dee. 2(1. A a renult of en
nunc growing out or a deire to se
cure control of the painter'a aud paper
. aiiiuV sraiaonr uoiun .sjaSubu
thot and fatally injured at the weekly
bunine meeting of the union tonight
by Janr-s McOuire. McGuire Is from
the hall.
London, Dee. 28. The St. Petersburg Don Comcke, the Tver Dragoons and
Time' eorreanondent v Rener.1 Don. vkh regiment have routined and
baorI report a 19,000 person killed or
are confined in tha barrack. The cor
respondent 1 Informed that 2000 art
, wounded la' Moscow. The later new xm, (nd 10,000 woundei The revolu
at Moscow aaya the' first regiment of tiouK are making no headway, ,
still used In Straatner Square, but the
insurgents were . becoming exbawted 1
after four days of efforts, and the fight
ing I rapidly degenerating into a
guerilla warfare. The correspondent
ys the entire population I terror
tricken and the back street present
an uiwanny appearance. Ceneial Dou-
Iwwoff is enforcing the most rigid mar
tial law and no person ia allowed on
the direct after 9 at night. Among the
loner claea who do not sympathize
In the desire to overthrow the Emper
or, the feeling is becoming jntcnee and
in many cases the strikers have been
hol to death. The correspondent pre
dict the crushing of the rebellion is
likely to ba followed by most horrible
atrocities If the "Mack Hundred" is let
Revolutionary leaders who Sunday
decided it was absolutely necessary to
precipitate an immediate conflict here,
aa a diversion in favor of the revolu
tionaries at Moacow, re-considered their
decision last night oa the n-ound it
would be sheer murder to send the
proletariat into tha streets. Neverthe
less they voted to continue the atrike
and use every meana to force out all
workman, at thelMme time hoftinir
themselves ready t J take advantage of
the situation la tha event of the iitc
cess of their, comrade at Moscow.
Threaten Armed Insurrection.
Warsaw, Dec. 28. Tha street railway
employes struck tonight and the rail
road employes are expected to follow
suit. RevolutioniaU are-threatening a-a
armed Insurrection similar to Moacow.
for an emergency. The authoritka are
making many arreota.
Strike Partially Successful
IiOndon, Dec. 26. A dispatch to the
newa agency from Odessa state that
the strike is only partially successful
and probably will collapse. Tha strike
committee Is threatening to resort to
arms ana me uovernor ueneral an
a a . .
nouncea n win aeaj wiut then in a
drastio u.anner. It ia stated that while
the people are in a state of nervous
tension the city i generally tranquil
The revolt at Moscow ia practically
crushed. The correspondent of the As
sociated Press telephoned at 7 o'clock
tonight that the insurgents no longei
had any chance and are making their
htt stand. He predict no more heavy
The police and troops today captured
all the mjembers of the executive com
mitten of the fighting revolutionary or
ganization, while discussing plans for
an armed uprising here. They also
. I 11. a.. .
capiureu aeiaus 01 toe plan for an
iiprl-ing as well aa large quantitiea of
arms, bombs, te. It is understood that
a a result of the capture, the govern
ment has secured Important in forma
1 A t A, 1 ...
oy ine revoruuonisM witn the army,
The executive committee numbered
forty-seven persons.
The workmen's council today decided
to take the most energetic action to
ward the workman who refute to join
the strike. Three hundred workmen'
organizing a "Red Flag" demonstration
were arrested. Encounters between the
workmen and troop occurred in dif
ferent part of the city.
From the standpoint of the govern
ment there is a slight improvement In
the outlook this afternoon. Notwith
standing the deeWon of the workmen
to continue the strike, many strikers
broke away. From the standpoint of
the strike leaders, all now depends on
the outcome at Moecow.
A telephone measage from Moacow
state the fire which destroyed the
Rreat railroad station last nicht are
practically extinguished and danger of
the destruction of the city by fire b
over for the present.
Paris Dec. 2ti.-TI Vatkan White
Hook, treating of the subject of the
reparation of church and state, i re
ceived here. The book place the
Onu of Reparation on French poli
tician ami refute the assertion that
the separation was made neeesaary by
the attitude of the rhnrch.
IWon, Dec. 20. The American board
-f foreign mb-sion today received a
cablegram from Constantinople of a
vere earthquake at lUrpool, In east
tern Turkey whk-h destroyed many
house and made many people homeless
and destitute. The region is densely
populated, mostly byArmenians.
American 'and Italian Fishermen
Disagree and on Christmas'
Night fiht.
Father of Mrs. Marahal Field, Jr'
Passes Away.
Chicago, Dec. 20. Louis C. Huck,
father of Mrs. Marshal Field. Jr, and
one of Chicago' most widely known
citiaena, died last night of Blight's dig
ease. He left a widow. Mr. Paula
Huck, and sit children, three of whom,
Mrs. Marshal Field. Jr., and the two
youngest, Louis C. Huck, Jr, aged, and
Paula aged 13, were at his side when
ha died.
The other three children are Henry,
now- In Texas; Freda, now residing in
Cologne, the wife of Baron Komoaky,
and Marie, now tS Marchionesa Spin
ola, living in Italy.
The fortune of Mr. Huck was built
up through the Louta C. Huck Malting
Company, which he founded in Chicago,
Ship Almost
the Rocks.
Goes On
Broderick Castle from Salinaa Crna
Driven by Storm Through Straita of
Joan De Fuca Clears Vancouver
Island Rocks by. Narrow Margin.
Victoria, Dec. 26. The British ahip
Broderick Castlo from Salinaa Cms,
had a cloae call from going on the
rock at Vancouver laland during bat
night's storm. She entered tha straits
under bare pole and waa driven to
ward the coast by a sixty-mile gale.
Just before going on tha rocka aha
manager to wear clear just in the nick
of time.
Foreigner! Enter Saloon Where Ameri
cans Are Celebrating Chriatma aad
Open Fire, Which ia at Once Re
turned With Good Effect
Eureka, Cal, Dee. 26. In a fight
Sunday night between American and
Italian Fiahertnen on . tha Eel - Eirer,
which originated in a disagreement at
the beginning of the season, six men
wera shot. Tba Italians descended the
river to a saloon where the Americans
were celbrating Christmas and opened
fire. The American returned the lira
but a pitched battle was prevented,
owing to the fact that the Italians cap
tured a misnamed Casey whom they
used aa a shield. Two Americans are
under arrest in the hospital suffering
from; severe wounds. Four Italians
have been treated for gunttbot wounds.
Florence, Dec. 26. The thieves who
last night broke into the ancient house
of Dante ami stole several relics,' wrote
oit one of the walls, "You Florentines
are idiot. You have salable thing and
don t know IV
Wibonville, Neb., Dec. 26. The busi
ness part of Hemdon, Kansas, waa do
stroyed by fire today. There Is no esti
mate of the loss, and little insurance
was carried on any of -.he burned struc
Seattle, Dec. 26. Mrs. John Downev
of this city last evening surrendered
her 14-year-old son Rupert Hopkins to
the United Statea Marshal. The boy
ia charged with stealing $92 from a
pot office sub-station. Mr. Downey
is a refined and educated woman.
whole Population of Central and South
ern Russia Revolting.
Pari, Dec 26. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Petit Parisiea re-
porta Tver station between Moscow
and St. Petersburg in the hands of the
insurgents. The correspondent of tha
Matin says aa engineer who arrived
from Baku states the -whole popula
tion of central and southern Rus4a is
in a state of revolt. 1
Seattle, Dec. 26. Captain) Omar J.
Humphrey, agent for the Alaska Com
mereial Company leaves for the scene
of the wreck of the Portland tomor
row. He will ba followed by tha tug
Pioneer and a. complete wrecking outfit.
The last report received by Humphrey
statea the Portland wa still upright:
He expects to be able to save th ves-seL
Annapolis, Dec. 26. Prof. Alger and
Lieut. Commander Nulton were detailed
aa members of the court martial to try
MuUhipmani Coffin on the charge off
haing Middhipinab Kimbrough. Lieut.
Commander Harrison was detailed aa
judge advocate.
Albank, N. Y, Dec. 26. Mrs. Alfred
Wiltse of this city ia tha mother of
three-days' old daughter which she
insist was born less than, four uontha
after the birth of a son. Tha story U
practically vouched for by a reputable
physfc'ian. ' .
Washington, Dec. 26. The State
Deuartment telegraphed Consul Mills at
Tjhihuehua, Mexico, to proceed to the
scene of the ruthless killing of Ruther.
ford and McMurray and , Investigate.
FitisWad, the owner of the ranch where
tha killing occurred, and "Siiorty, a
cowboy, are held ia jald on the charga
of committing tha crime, notwithstand
ing their protest that it was don ly
Mexican brigands. Milts will see that
they have, a fair hearing. '
i s