The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 26, 1905, Image 1

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I M t Mftfaftltf)
Flames Stop Christmas
People Ptec From Dwelling) With
Christmas Trees and '
Th Inadequate Water Prewar Almost
Can Fir to Get Beyond Control
Firemen Perform Htolc Work la
Checking Spread of the Flame.
Xrw York, Dec. 23.-Hundred of
tenement ball and their toylsdan
OhrMmai tree wcr carried Into the
traet Wr day tight todar during a
fir which threatened to obliterate ev
oral biocke of the city In the vicinity of
Fifty-eighth street and Kleventb ave
sua, A six-story factory building at
634 and Ml West Fifty-eighth street, I
w completely destroyed with a lossj
cf flOf0,0000. ; bound llenver t Rio Grand paaener
With tneuieut boue on tlnr tid, train from 8iU-erton, well loaded with
and with the ga tanka of the C.iimII- .' mneiigera, wa wrecked three mile
dated Uae Company within reach of, from thU city e.terday, and while no
boer failed when the flic wa hotiu a killed, a large number of the
tent. Fire engine were htily couiled paoaengere waa injured, telr of them
together, pumping in pair and'thU de -
vice togrther with the bold work of
the firemen who advanced alnit into
the iie of the flame In order to I '
on tho Dro with their weak lram, i
finally avd Ue luindrcU of aurround-j
lug home.
The fira wa flrt discovered when
fiamea bunt from tit third story win
lw and belched completely acro
Fifty -eighth street, with a roar like a
discharging cannon. When the Flre
Department arrived and tried to put
up it cwniprned-air etenion ladder
to the sixth floor, the ladder refund
to extend. This, delayed the firemen
mveral minute. Half an hour alter the
fir started, although it was , atill long
before unrUe, the" room of Rooticvelt
npitnl, eoma ditance away
were righted as if by daylight
was great alarm among both patients
and their sttemUnts.
Kin h crowds ruhed out of the tcne -
ment IiOUhm nearer th Are that the'
Mili-e from several station weie called
out to handle them.
At the height of the fire thousands of with it. The curs were dragged along
spectator temporarily forgot the burn-J in this manner on their aide for over
ing building In watching a struggle in -4H feet before the engine and train
the "upper window of a tenement-house were brought to a stop, the engine ten
ia Fifty -eighth street, A man trtdder nearly (oppin over, while the drive
climbing over the window oill, prepar-; wheels of the engine were . running on
ing to 'drop to the street, below. An the tic.
N York, Dec. 23.Certiueatea of
election will be presented tomorrow to
Mayor MoClellan and the other candi
date who, on the face of the return,
were successful at the last election.
Exact figures have not been given
out, but It la known that th plurality
of Mayor McCIellan ka been reduced
by about 300 from the figures given out
by the polio on election night firing
him by the corrected figure a plurality
over V. R, Hearst of alwut MOO.
i No opposition ' will be made on be-
other man rushed out to Ke LIio
The two fought In tht window W
the siJewalk, r h!l' tlifl crov-d 1lo
ceted eeml-elrvl. -
A llnl(fr picked up at hazard from
bedding bleb other tenant were trying
to save wa stretched directly under
tb indow. It u not needed, bow
e ver, for the half-crazed man wa drawn
back through hi window bj main fori.
Tli firemen carried th ho from tbo
coupled engine to tbo roof a of neigh
boring flat house. They poured water
upon lit factory Are and extinguished
little vble wbicb contlnnaly started
n tlm roof aliou them. Tbo tun bad
risen twfor the last of tbo Christmas
trees was carib-d back Into tbo house.
OOne fireman was injured by falling
Ironwood, Mich Dec. 23. Kight mm
were killed 1 a fall of 1000 tone of ore
from tb slip In the Newport mine. On
account os the great danger of drifting
or It will U aereral days before tin
bodies are recovered.
Cars Thrown Down Embankment
And Smashed.
Defects Rail la Bclimu to liar
Ceased Accident Cart Tarawa Of
Track and Drafted for Over Fonr
Hundred Feet Before Stopped.
- lhknn CoK 25tTh
,iiit aerioiuly.
J The accident we eauaed, it ia claim
ed. a defective rail. Th mora aerioui
j 1 v injureili
tiMre Scofleld, bartender, Silverton,
Hire HI broken and aeriou internal
II. ('. Hall, mail clerk, internal in
jiirie. ,
II. C. llarria, mail clerk, internal i
jtiriee which may result riouly.
Mr. S. Hogrra, Silwrton, bruie and
hmk. "
Infant eon of Mm. Roger had xevrral
teeth knocked out.
Tom Acord, Dtiran, left nhouldcr
John Acord, Silverton, face binned,
(ieorg Smart, Rm-kwiMnl, riyht nhonl-
wrre.di'r brui-ed.
Cnrlo tionuilea
Rock wood, right
shoulder bruised. "
Hugh FcrgUMin, Silverton, liack In-
juivd and IhikI hruied.
When the accident occurred the chair
car lolled down an eight-foot em
Imnkiiietit, dragging the other cars
half of Mr. Hearst to th issuance of a
certificate to Mayor McCIellan, but
there hsa been no withdrawal of the
BHHAIlKMit tit N in - L IK IaAIuI I MM
to make a comnlet invest i ration of the'
- r
lectlon. With th evidence brought
In, such an inquiry aa a iasls, it is de
clared that quo warranto proceedings
will be InsUtuted to test the right of
the mayor to hold his office.
Flection bets, however, will be paid
without more delay, About 100.000
has been tied up In th hand of slake
holders, since-before election.
Robbers Hold Up Pasadena
Street Car. ' '
Christmas Shoppers Had UtUe
Chane and Conductor
Contributes Most.
Fifteen Passengers Are on the Car and
While On Man Watches th Motor
nun tb Other Robber Belief Pas
sengers of Their Money,
Loa Angeles, Dec. 23. -It Is thought
that tho two men who held up and
robbed a Pasadena-street car last night
did not secure more tbsn 1100. Con
duct- Donney, who was in chargo.of
the car, was robbed of f40, a portion of
hi receipt for the day. Max Swart,
of Pasadena, a passenger, was relieved
of n wallet containing t40, but tbe re
ntaining passenger contributed but
little. About fifteen passenger were
on the car. No jewelry was taken,
but one of the men took a fancy to a
watoh worn by on of the passengers
and pocketed 1U Both the men boarded
tho car near East Lake Park, one of
them getting on th front end of the
car, the other on th rear, lu.tli paid
their fare to Pasadena to the condue
tor. Shortly after the car had pacd
Rose Hill, th man sitting In the rear
end of th car, drew a pistol from his
pocket, threw open the door, and com
manded tns conductor and passengers
to hold up their hands. The conductor
put up his hands at once and was
promptly relieved of hi money. The
man called to his partner at the front
end of the car to "get busy." The lat
ter, in the meantime, had placed a pis
tol at the head of Motormsa Blair and
ordered him to run slow. II then went
through the pocket of the motorman
taking some small change. Both men
proceeded through the car and searched
the pocket of the passengers, one by
one. All the passengers, upon neanng
the command in the rear of the car
anil turning around to stare in th face
of tho pistol, had promptly raised thair
hands and offered no resistance. Many
of. them, however, tok advantage of
opportunities to drop their valuables
on the Boor where they were out of
ight. After completing their robbery
of the passenger one of the men called
pleasantly to the conductor, "Stop the
car, here's where we get ofTt" Then
commanding the motorman to go ahead
without stopping, they leisurely swung
from the car and disappeared in the
Insurance Investigating Committee Will
( . Receive Statement Today.
New York, Dec, 23. At It meeting
tomorrow the luvetigsting commited
composed of five trustees of the New
York Life Insurance Company will re
ceive from Secretary John C, McCalJ
the statement from Judge Andrew
Hamilton which Mr. McCall was sent
to Paris toprocure.
The committee ia anxious to know all
h detail of Hamilton' legislative ex
penditure and will expect President
McCall to throw light on whatever may
be found obscure and unexplained in
th', Hamilton doounie&ts. This paper
will also lie presented to the legislative
investigating committee.
President McCatl and his son have
grthrr since the younger man's arrival
from I rli tn S-.tJifoy. It is likely
that Pre.idcnt MiiCall will eci-d the
trustee committee a statement of his
own to accompany Hamilton's and this
may contain further proposal with
regard to tbe 1235,000 of fund paid to
UamiMem. rfe it will b rmembrd
Mr. Call sid he would restore to the
company before December Slat, if Ham
ilton di not explain satisfactorily for
th money.
Bogota, Dec. 23. Regarding tbe re
cent conspiracy. President Reyes said
the senseles conspiracy ia the last sign
of revolutionary life in Colombo. He
ay h endeavored to suppress it by
appealing to tbe patriotism of the eon
spirators; this being unsuccessful he
crushed it after obtaining ample proofs
with which to courtmartial It' authors.
Want Ameria td Aid, Them to
Get Their Freedom.
Peopl in Poland Petition That America
Will Berp Them in Their Straggle for
Liberty Remind United State of
Deed of Keednske and Palaski.
Boston, Dec. 23. The Ruisian bu
reaneiaey is cteJni!ied in re olutions
presented last night at a meeting of
tlie local branch of the Polish Nationsl
Alylianee. The object set forth was to
how sympathy with the demand now
being made In Russia for constitutional
government, "and for the assistance of
our freedom, poor and suffering hun
ger and other privations at tin- hands
of a relentless, oppressive government,
John Romansxt-hwes, vice-chancellor
of the Polish National Alliance, pre
sided, and several other made speeches
in Polish. The resolutions say in part:
"To the people of the Russian Fjn
pire, who because of the misfortunes
their country has lately suffered in the
sgony of despair, are attempting to
break the bonds of political slavery
and are seeking in a constitutional de
fense against the autocracy and bureau
cracy, the cause of these misfortunes,
we extend our sympathy ami pray
that success mar crown their efforts.
"We condemn tlie murder and
bloody assaults of a defenseless people,
committed at the instigation of the
minions of the Czar's bureaucracy.
"Actuated by a feeling of righteous
indignation at the commiion of such
cruel tie unheard of in the history of
the world, and realizing the gravity of
the present situation in Russian Po
land, w appeal to a free people of
Ameriea, who at all time have ex
pressed sympathy and given assistance
to those oppressed and struggling for
freedom, that they will not forget our
beloved country, which sent forth to
the assiftance of the struggling new
American Republic Kosciusko and
Pulaski, which furnished hundreds ' of
volunteers in tlie ranks of the army
that struggled for the freedom of the
colored man j Poland, whose tons' in
hundreds enlisted 'under the American
flag in it latest war for the independ
ence of Cuba.
"In the face of the news sent to us
from our native laud, and where the'
Polish peopl are massing themselves
in support of their natural right to a
political existence as a nation; where
our people are falling a martyr to a
cause; where the prisons ' are being
filled with innocent people, we, Poles
now living in America, do not only
sympathize , with our countrymen In
Poland, and do not only unanimously
approve the demand made by them of
the Russian Government,, but we obli
gate, ourselves to support, according to
our means, the cause of our country-
men in Poland." " - -
Future May Brief Awful
Communication rVith SLPeters
' burg Ceases At Midnight
Situation Ominous.
In Odessa the Striking Workmen Are
Arming, Preparing to an Attempt to
Attack the Troop and Revolutionary
Literatnre ia Circulated Everywhere.
London, Dec. 23. AH eye are again
turned toward St. Petersburg and Rue
sia, where it seems certain that pillage
and bloodshed, such as will eclipse the
record i of .the world, are in progress
Dispatches of a decidedly sinister na
ture were received here up to midnight
hut night aud then all communication
with the Russian capital ceased and has
not yet been restored. The telegraph
companies declare that their linea are
all right and that the operator on the
Russian end must either have deserted
their post 'or else the government has
seized the offices.
The last dispatch received which was
timed midnight Sunday and came from
St. Petersburg, stated that the attempt
of tlie insurgent to seize tlie city council-,
ttate bank and railway station at
Moscow and to proclaim a revolution
ary government had failed utterly and
that tlie government was in complete
control. It is declared that the troops
who had remained logal to the czar had
bombarded the sehoolhou where the
rebel had established their headquar
ter and thbt hftcr losing twenty men,
the leaders of thcrevolutionary move
ment had surrendered and wcr to be
tried by summary courtmartial and
It placed the casualtiee at fifty
kMed and several hundred wounded.
Sundiy was fairly quiet in St.
Petersburg, according to all accounts,
but the secret police were very busy
and ISO of the leading member of the
Union of Unions were arrested and
taken before the governefc-genenaf, to
explain their connection with the latest
strike movement. The news from the
Baltic provinces is even mora warlike
than was received during the past
week. The peasant are apparently in
absolute control ami are . burning es
tate at their own free will, unhamp
ered by the troop. The latter are not
strong enough to oppose the horde of
peasaut who are sweeping everything
be'ore them.
In Odessa the striking workmen arc
Seattle, Wash., Deo. 25. One man, a
Japanese attendant, waa burned alive,
another was so overcome by smoke that
he is now In a dangerous condition, and
thirty-one horses were burned or suffo-
called in a fire that broke out in the
rear barn of the Montana Stable Com
pany, on Washington street, between
Fourth and Fifth avenues, at 2:30
o'clock this morning, and communi
cated to the New, York, the Montana
arming preparatory to aa attempt to
attack tbe troop and revolutionary
literature is being circulated every
where. Up to mhtnight Sunday, how
ever, there has ben no open outbreak.
Sixty Thousand Children Under .Ago
' . Working ia Southern Mffla. I
New York, Dee. 23.-Prof esse r Felix
Adler, speaking yesterday before the
.Society for Ethical Culture, said, among
other things; ( i
"A new kind V slavery which ha
groan up in the iast few year is the
employment of young children. In
southern mills there are 00,000 children
under the age of fourteen working from
ten to fourteen hours a day, beside be
ing compelled to work alternate night.
Four or five years ago there were only
24.000. There are alao 8000 children
working in and about mines, and thou
sand employed in . clothes factor!
when they should be at home, and this
terrible form of slavery is spreading."
Secret Wedding Occurs Twelve
Months Ago.
Lady ia tho Daughter of Socialist Mem
ber of Belgian Chamber of Deputies
King Make Her Baronet and Grrta
Her Fine Bam. - -
New York, Dec. 23. A Pari dis
patch to the World, dated today aayat
According to th Reveil do Bruges,
there can Hie no longer any doubt about
King Leopold's morgan tic marriage.
"It took place twelve months ago,"
the paper say, "in the private chapel
of th Chateau of Laken, near Brus
sels in the presence of tw aide de
camp and the court chaplain, acting
under the authority of the Cardinal
Archbishop of Mechlin. "
"The lady is Mme. Vaughan, -whose
maiden name was Mile. Lacroix. She
is a niece of Van Lamgendoliek, n
Socially member of the Belgian Cham
ber of Deputies for the town of Lou
rain. MMaie. Vaughan was born at
Louvain and is the daughter of a care
taker. Sh haa been created a baronet
by the King and gave birth to a fin
child quite recently.
"The lady live on th King's prop
erty at Cap Verat, near Nice.
"Tlie matter is now an open secret"
New York, Dec. 25. Dr. Dillon, the
St. Petersburg correspondent of the
London Daily Telegraph, declare that
"Saturday doings in Moscow mark th
moot important manifestations in Rus
sian Anarchy" says a London dispatch
to tlie World.
Dr. Dillon is persuaded that the
economic bai of the Russian finance
are now about the give way with a
terrific crash and that a commercial and
industrial crisis unexampled in tlie his
tory of modern states is about to be
gin, characterized by a famine.
and th Washington lodging-houses,
two-story frame buildings over the
stable. The monetary loss is estimated
at all theay from $10,000 to 13,000,
with insurance covering half of the
The exact manner in which th fire
was kindled is not known positively.
The general belief la that some one
passing down the alley threw a lighted
match through a wooden gate into av.
part of the barn wher the fir started.