SUNDAY, DECEMBER M, 1903 IS FRESKI . REGN lURCiEYS One Piano TicKet With Every $2.50 Purchase New Jersey Cranberries Absurd Conspiracy in Columbia s Falls Through. Los Angeles Celery And Everything Else For A WAS NU CASUE FOR ALARM Nice Christmas Dinner. THE MORNING ASTORIAX. ASTORIA.' OREGON. NOTHING noNo el HHffll. President Ry Cablet Consul Central at New York That Conspiracy it of Little Importance and the Conspira- -, tors Are Now ia Prison. New York, Dec. 23. Luis E. Bonilla, onsul general of Colombia, yesterday addressed the presa a follows: Sir: Kindly give publicity to the following important cablegram from hi excellency, General Rafael Reyes, presi dent of Colombia, in order that the true condition of the country may be known and confidence in the peace of Colom bia assured. President Reyes is well eapable of maintaining order throughout the country, being a man of indomitable mill and possessing wonderful activity. Moreover, the -large majority of the people in Colombia desire peace at any eost. The cablegram reads as follows: -Bogota, Dec 21, 1905. Colombian Consul, New York: Absurd conspiracy discovered 1 Those responsible for it in prison. Will be judged by courtmartial. Country quiet Peace, secured. Ex- A. V. ALLEN chang lowering from five to three. "(Signed), REYES." -Enrique Perea, editor of The Pan American Review, aW made public a 1 communication in which, a-fter refer ring to the report that an attempt had been made at Bogota to dispose, of President Reyes, he aya: ' "I am in a position to learn that what took place in the City of Bogota tm the 20th inst, was sjmply a ridiculous con spiracy, discovered in time, and without any serious consequences. The con spiracy did not have the importance given to it by the correspondent of the State Department. There is not the slightest probability of a revolution in Colombia and despatches received from Bogota explain the occurrence as of no consequence whatever. While there may have been some local political excitement due to) the lack of patriotism of a handful of political discontent belonging to the party or tho family of the defeated can didate in the lat presidential election, there i no foundation lor the report as it has appeared." FIELD LEAES WILL. Chicago, lVo, 23. Marshall Field 3t.t who died recently of wounds canned by the accidental discharge of a pistol left a will, and yesterday letters of admin Utration were granted to Arthur D. Jones and Stanley Field. Marshall Field Sr., was appointed guardian over his three grandchildren Marshal Field III, Henry Feld, ten years old, and Gwen dolyn Field, four years old. The per sonal estate is valued at $1,4.10,000 and the real estate at 175,000. The direct supervision of the estate will fall on Stanley Field and Mr. Joues, Bonds were furnished to the amount of 12, 000,000 with Marshall Fk-ld and John (i. Shedd as sureties. More Good Store News "Ve take pleasure in announcing that on Tuesday, January 2, 1906, we will inaugurate our customary JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE at which we intend to offer such Dry Goods Bargains never before attempted in Astoria merchandising. It will be one gala display of bargains from one end of the store to the other. The year just closing has been the most suc cessful in the history of our store, and com mencing with the new year we intend to make it still greater. If good goods and low prices will do it, the A. Dunbar Co. will merit your trade throughout the year J 906, Wait for Our Clearance Sale and Save Money. Smoking Jackets, Overcoats, Sox Plain and Fancy, Plain and Initialed Handkerchiefs, Suits, Fine Suspenders 60c to $2.00, Underwear, Nightshirts, Lounging- Robes, Hats and-Gloves. Umbrellas, Separate Handles, $2.00 to 020.00, Neckties 60c to $2.00, Over- shirts. Every Artie c We Mention Is Useful. Every Article We Sell Is of Standard Quality. M e r m & mi Wis ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER TOMORROW'S rOOTBALL. IT I1T A. DUNBAR C X2 Astoria's Foremost Dry Goods, Suit and CloaK House. J Astoria'! Commercials and Portland Athletic Billed. There should be a smashing good Kame of football at the A. F. C. Tark here tomorrow afternoon "id it is sure to b one of the big events of the sea. Min. The Commercials are ia prime shape for the contejt and intend to do all that science, grit and murl can accunipli-h against the Multnomah's in disguise as the Athletics. It will be a strong and hardy tent and the Atorian's want, and should, hsve, the encouraging countenance of a big home audience. Following is the line-up of the rcpec. live teams: foinmerciiiU Fullabek, AWeoniMe; halves, Painter and Tulleyj end, Buy and Md'onrin-, tackle, Sutton and Minardt; guard, tiainmal unJ Ooddurd; ("titer. Cherry. . Portland Corbett, left hull; II. Bailey, right half; Cullman, ipiaitcr- back; M. Bailey, fulllttick; Owen, en ter; D. Jordan and Butler, guard; Duvall and HanftVld, tackle! McKenna and Behrens, end; ub, W. .Todnn, Peterson and Burrows. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier. 0. L PETERSON, Vlc-e-Pwsident. J, W. CAR.VER, Aaaistant CashUr. 4 Astoria Savings Bank Capital Pi1 4 In lino.000. aurplus and t'ndlvlded froflu llVOOft Transacts a U-ar4 Bank! a HiulueM. Iateret raid an lime Deposits 1M Tenth Street ASTORIA, OREGON. CHRISTMAS CANDIES and Christmas Novelties NO SURRENDER. Typothetae Printing Shops Will Not Yet Give in to Typo graphical Union. Chicago, Dec. 23. Any poiliility of surrender of TyoOictue piinting shops to the Typographical unions in January was removed when the following not lee was posted in twenty nix of the tiikc hound establishment: "To allay any apprehension or fears on the part of our eoiritfising room em ployes as to our position on the open shop after January 1, lUOfl, the under signed members of the Chicago Typo theae. reiterate that our s'lops will be conducted as open shops after January I, llMtfi, fifty-four hours constituting a week's work and that under no circum stances will we entertain any proposi tion from Typographical Union No. 11 to the contrary. "All employes In our service are here by assured of permanent positions as long as they continue to fulfill their duties satisfactorily." PORTLAND ASHORE. Seattle, Dee. 23. The ateamcr Tort land is ashore on Spire Inland, 0 miles from Ketchikan. , She is leaking badly, and Is perhaps a total Ions. The waters are now above the boilers. The pas sengers were removed to Ketchikan in small boats. It is thocght the ship struck in a dense fog. She was en route from Vnldez to Seward CHOCOLATES. Vanil tamoit Orange Strawerry RaapWry Walnut-topping ream-topping AJmond-topping Pose Violet Pistachio Jim Ciowr Co.Co Nut Rolls Marshtnallow Caramels NeiigaUitca Maple Clilps Dipped Almonds Dipped Peanuts Dipped Pineapple Angle Food Peppermint Etc., etc., etc. BON B0NS PecaJl Toppings Walnut Toppings Almoa Toppings PixUidiio Toppings COu Nut Rose Iiemn Cherry Violet ' Vanilla 8trawlrry Chocolate Hutter Cup Pineapple Marshmalloar Kte., etc., etc. SPECIALTIES , Cream Tafllei assorted A Peppermint Chew Log Cabin Cream Wafers aborted Cream Caramels Walnut Brittle Almond Brittle ' Pecan Brittle Peanut Brittk CoCo Nut Urlttlca '. Tuttl Fiuti BritUe Mihrtlimallow Turkish Neuget Fig Taat French Fruits Jordan Almonds (rystalixed VIoMe Crystal ixed Eoe Leaves Crystaliaed Mint leaves Cum Drops Hoarhound Drops Iinon Drops Fruit Tablets Mint Iwengws . i ' Etc., tie., etc W make id the cleanest factory In the world, all the candies, and ice ' creams and aherbet wt aaU. Out of town order carefully packed. Candle ia large quantities from it ii cent I per pound up. Basket, Boze, noveltie and Christma tree ornament too numeroua mention. Selling below cost. Place your Xnu order for let crtam now at 341-543 Commerjial Street ffl HIGHEST. tii jj QUALITY .ffi ASTORIA'S LEADING CONFECTIONER 541543 Commercial St.