SUNDAY, SXCEMBIS too. THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. OAK RANDA Captai n Jacob rvtmms Christmas Gift hi services In loading the ship and die charging ballast at Kureka last Novem ber. Another libel was filed againt the same vessel by a Sa Francisco steve doring company to recover fllOO for (owing lumber and barley last week Fine I at Oakland. Vpon filing a . bond of Jf4000, the vesael wa permitted to de part lor Australia iat.iUlit. Tlie steamer Sue II. Slmore t still 4 ,in port. She wa to have kit out for oAlvj Tillamook at 2 o'clock yeterday eter j mxin, but the Imr wa pretty busy about that tune and she refrained. . 1 hat happy young couple- who are to be umr- Uewa of a Day Aloof the Docks of Ai , i ied on the hijh by Cnptain Schra toria Christmas Ashore and Afloat 'dor have been patently waiting for a Mea and Their Crafts Foreign and , week ami may get out of the notion if SHIPS BOTH SIDES OF local line-up. i the Sue don't make it. pretty won. A repoit was circulated in New York, yesterday, that Howard tJould' yaoht. . - V ...i.: u c r- ...ii i. The Kamm steamer Lurline is getting. . "u .' A.w I,., a.k r,...i .making a cruise in the West Indies, Aoria, but she's doing business .11 j'" W OD 'Wunt thi Stom tha ..m 0 h .rriv.l w. " th Allantie Coast and that two evening a pleasant secret leaked out to h "4 fnmrNor the effect that all the officers of the j fo,k furr' -X " ." -teamcr Lurline and Undine and all the agents of the Vancouver Transpor tation Company, of which Captain Jacob Kamm ia president, have just had com pleted, at Portland, and will present to that gentlemen, at his home in the metropolis,' tomorrow morning, a mag nificent silver "loving cup," eleven inche. in height and fifteen inches in circum ference, of solid silver richly lined with pold, and splendidly embellished in em bossed figures suggestive of the marine rated from blame Captain R. J. Pun life, to which the donee ha devoted ham, master of the steamship Roanoke, nearly fifty wars of his life. It is a I for losing the vessel's rudder wliile The ttvaniship CtdumW ero down front Portland early yeterday""rnorning, took on a good bunch of freight, added one passenger from here, Glenn Me- i.raw,- to the thirty nve already on board, and crossed out for San Fran cisco at 8:15 o'clock a. nV Advices have been received here that Inspector Bolle and Bulger have exon- superb gift and will undoubtedly be thoroughly appreciated. The ever present discrepancy between the marine measurements of France and the United States found expression again yesterday when the customs in spectors of this port measured the Asie. She had to pay for an increase of 350 tons to the tune of $21.00 and w ill, it is presumed, file a. protect with the de twrtmenf ami be turned down, a ia tho i - usual course of procedure with all French bottoms entering here. - Ban Francisco, Dee. 22. A libel was filed in the United States District Court yesterday against the British ship Lou don Hill by Georee Wester, a stevedore. to recover $1148 alleged to be due for! croing Humboldt bar on November 24. Tbe French bark Hoche came down from Portland, cargoed for Kuropean delivery, yesterday forenoon. The Har vest Queen brought her down and put her in safe anchorage in the lower harbor. The ship Columbia, and the barken tine John Palmer, are said to be in the offing, seeking an opportunity to get on the Christmas side of the Colum ba river bar. The bark Paramita is also thought to be outxide, on a similar quest. The Portland 4 Asiatic Steamship Company will dispatch three of its, ' The steamer Roanoke, of the North Pacific Steamship Company, will resume service on the Portland!) Angeles run about January 10th, according to ad vice received by Agent Harry Young. The steamer F. A. Kilburn, from San Francisco, via Tillamook, into which Ut ter port she fled from the recent storm, came in yesterday morning and went on to the metropolis. The four masted schooner Forest Home, from RedonJo to Portland, cross ed in yesterday morning and was brought to an anchorage off the 0. R. 4 X. dock. The steamship Senator Is due at the O. R; & X. pier early tomorrow morn ing. The w reckage - of her saloon and upper works S being done m route. The coasting steamer lice crossed in yesterday- on the forenoon flood, from San Francisco, via Eureka, whither she went after a load of redwood." . The U. 8. Revenue Cutter Commo dore Perry, came down from the metro polis yesterday, morning, after an ab sence there, of eight days. steamers to the Orient during Clirist mas week. The Arabia and the Cape Antilles will get away Wednesday and the Strathmore Friday. The three-masted schooner Beulah, from Saa Pedro has arrived in and Is anchored in the city channel off the A. 1 t railroad dock. e Tho Rriti-li steamship , KirkW left Portland yesterday, bound for Shang hai, grain laden. She should be here this morning. The Portland bound passengers on the Lurline lat night were J. Kenyon, C. C. Patrick, and Frank Brothers, of Brook field. The barkentine Gleaner haa finished loading lumber at Knappton and cleared yesterday for San Francisco, with 10, 000 feet The Harvest Queen left up for Port land with the French bark Asie, at 2 o'clock p. m. yesterday. The British shjip Oweenee will be down from Portland on the hawsers of the Ok la ha ma some time today. KOO00O00000OO00O000OO P. A. STOKES P. A. STOKES Practical Presents for Particular People lUnSduffaerl V Mars HttJlafaHt 1 The Lucky Number is 9 84 99 AND Wm. Bech, 512 7th Street Gets that Magnificent Malleable Steel Prize Range. Wishing you one and all a Merry Christmas, we are , Yours truly, . FOARD & STOKES CO., Astoria's Greatest Store, :safd) III 1 air p p Come to us for your holiday purchases where we have exclusive styles at modest prices, Assort ment unequalled. House Coats, Both Robes, Dressy Gloves, Neckwear, Fancy Sus. penders, Kid Gloves, Suit Cases. P P. A. STOKES The Leading Clothier Ti OliOl MUSIC What Some of Astoria's Choirs Will Sir. PROGRAMS AT CHURCHES M Bm TOMES y Astoria's Greatest Store. Where the New thng Make Their Debut. as J Some Master-Pieces in the Hands of Gifted Sinters Fine Treat of Organ Music ia Store Genu from Sacied Oratorios Lists of Sinters. There will be some magnificent inu.ic in Antoria' churches today and tomor row, and especially rich are noine of the program for the great fentiva! of the Nativity. Among thiwe with which the Astorian has been favored, are the Chrtxtma program of race Kpincopal Church and St. .Mary's Catholic rhurrli, which are set fuith in tbe following line: GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Christmas Day 6:30 a. m. Prelude, (), He Joyful in the Lord" (Danka)i processional, "C'hriatmaa woke (Wainwrixht); "K)rie Kleiaon" (Evey); "(iioria TiW- (Paxton) t "Of fertory, "While Sliepherda Watched IVir Flocks by Niuht" (Gabriel), Sur urn Corda and rianctu (Camidee); communion hymn "Anpls from the Realms of Glory" (Warren) s recessional, "0 Come All Ye Faithful" (J. ReadinK); poatlude "Gloria" from Hay den's flrnt mass. Christmas Day 10:30 a. m. Prelude, "March Pontflcal" (Gounod): processional "0 Come All Ye Faithful" (J. Heading); "Vemte" (Dupuii.) "GlorU" (DupuU), "Te Deura" (Reed)i "Jubilate Deo" (W. IlayeM ,hymn, "dristiana Awaka" (WaiowTlnhtli 'Gloria Tibs" (Paxton)i offeratory, slo."In Old Jud-a" (GeibeDj "Sanctu" (Camidge)j "Gloria in Exlnis" (old chant); recessional "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne" (Matthews); postlude, "Gloria to Ssnctus" (RatWe). Tlie ever glorious "Adette Fldele" will le sung by the choir, with solo olilignto, and Mia Iaurie McTana's numU-r will be "O Selutaris llostla." The following well-known singer, con stitute the cholri Soprano. Mrs. J. II. Ot'onnell and Mr. Autin ()lirn ST. MARY'S CHUKCH. - Cliri-tma service will be held at St. Mary'a Catholic Church, Monday, at 8 a. m. and 10:30 a. in. High ma will be given by.Rer. J. Water, celebrant, assisted by the regular choir. Farmer' inspiring mass in B flat ha been faithfully practiced, end it will be given with fidelity, and reverent feel- ing suitable to the natal day of Jesus of Nazareth. During the mass, Miss Madge Sovey will sing the soprano solo, "Noel" tbe Christmas hymn. BEEbgJHIVE 1 I WATCH I THE ! BIG i! ' SALE I iWWwwOOOOaCCCOOJOOOOOO, Tte liltli Book Stors for Mia. Mi Madge Sovey, Miis aU BiJTtl, Mr, Juie MK'mmiil, Mi May Ma gee, Mi- Anna Msgee, Mis Ford. Mis Ih-rtha Kannon, MissMaryCraintn. Mi Hilda Hrunold; Kate bia ntt, Mi Laura McCano, Hiss Marx Dealey, Mr. Max, Mi ltetf OX'oiinri ttnore Nello Jvhnson, fVW, Unirr, Klnkclla; Us-im -4;iia. II, Abrrcroiubie, James Vernon, tad Auitla Keately; Mia Sovey, orgsnt-l and direct rv. Itruedlt'tioi! will follow itmnediaOly after mas and tlivr will be m even ing service on Monday. YOUR NEXT. Never have to wait long at the Oc cident Barber Shop. A. E. Peterson, proprietor, i CLOSING OUT SALE. On the fifteenth of November, the en tire stock of goods at tm Little Book Store, will bo put on sale at cost. Christ- maa bargain In books, stationer- nov elties, etc. 174 Tenth street MOVED AlfD KEADT. Charles Hellbora & Co., have nove4 Into their new store and make the an nouncement that they are bow open for business and are ready to fill all ordsrt promptly. Of Interest to Clergy. . The Astoria A Columbia River Rail road Co- havlmf been m-anted member ship In the Transcontinental Clergy Bureau, the name of that company wilt appesr ia the clergy application b'snks snd clergy certificates issued ly the bureau for 1000, and commencing Janu ary 1st, of the coming year. The permits will be honored by all agents of tbe A. t C. R. R, thus eliminating tbe individual half-fare permits Issued by that company la former years. Re questa for official application bleak should be made to J. C. Mayo, general passenger agent, Astoria. Holllfcier's Tuxiy Mountain Tea 1 simply liquid electricity. It goes t every part of jour body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes you well and keeps you well 35 oent. Sold by Fiank Hart. Come and belf the Methodist Church Wednesday night and Incidentaly give youm-lf a treat. v For the concert will Imi worth bearing. . Admission 60 cents. Any woman can buy a Psris hut but nut every woman csn culiivata a firt- clasa intellect to wear under it. Hot drinks aad sandwiches at Hoei 'crB.