The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 24, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14. ito.
PresbyteridM Congregational! and
McthodlsU to Unite.
Three Denominations in Cauda An la
Favor of Uniting Beprtieatativt
ttvax Each Church Meet aod Talk
Propoaitioa Ovar Utmost Harmony.
II will return Sunday morning on tho
Uuneh Lotiie. funeral ervlcc
ovrr the late Caroline 'Young will b
held at the clinnh at 1 o'clock p. in.,
on Sunday, According to the cutorn
of lite church llieie will be early morn-
lug Mir v he at the church 'beginning- at
A: 30 oM'X'lc TliU ervAe 1 looked for
ward to a no other service during the
year. Tho church U ut ifulljr deco-
rated fur tha occaalon. Over on bun-
ilred colored candles have been placed
in Hit church to help in tbe Illumina
tion. On Clirlitntaa Day evening, at
30, tho Sunday 8liool lll (rive iU
annual Chrlttma entertainment. A
mt cordial Invitation la extended to
tha public fur the tenk'tt ami en
Toronto, Out., Dw, .1A-Th Bnnl tola
by the member on the union of the
PreabyterUa, Methodist and Congrega
tlonal Churrbe of Canada in one great
committee of the three denomination
yet-iday cannot reached before IOiMI,
"Throughout the whole". ay the
ofhVial report, "the uttmxt harmony and
brotherly feeling prevailed, all the mem
ber apparently being animated by one
purpose, namely, to reach eom-lualon
that would I for the glory i.f their
common lord and tha mie rapid etten
aion of 111 Kingdom throughout the
huUtantial unity and centll bar-
tnony eiUting among tha three d. noihl
nation i a marked fnatur of tha
flndiiiK of the committee. The com
mon doctrine held by the i'tckbytci Ian.
MethiKifrU, and CongregationalM arc
formuluted. lWible line forming a
policy fur the united church, the ar
rangement of talorl eervhr without
a time limit, nctllcment d lrnfcr
of paotor training for the mtuUtry and
for the relation of a minister to the
dm ttine of the church are wt forth
and the matter of sdiaiiiintratloii in
b it in the hnnd of a aub committee to
prepare a detailed report for the nest
annual meeting of tlx- gcn-iu! com
nut tee. v
Id delicate (itelion of the relation
of the minUter of the dortrine of the
l'nlte-1 Church U decided. The eanill
date for ordination mut believe him
clf child of Cod. 1 1 uly called to the
niiui(ry, mint bold the holy acrlp
lure a containing aufflciently all doe-
trine neceary to aalvatlon and be
re wived to teach nothing not In con
formity with them. He mut believe
the doctrine of the I'nlted Church a
he iinlertaiid it, to he agreeable to
the tilling of the holy cripture, hii
own ierotiHl feith bring in cm-iiIUI
aiemeiit with it, and hl adheience
N-injj pledged to it.
Ihe committee then proncdcl to et
out in nineteen article the erioii doc
tiltinl oiiit of agreement. The law of
Cud it declared a beiii( letcalrd ill
the Ten Otiumandmcnt and the wind"
of ClirUt. The ('hutch on enrtli I de
ecribel a vUible and aaned brother
IumhI, conitng f lme who prof cm
faith in .lean Clnit and obedience to
him, with their children.
IhiptUnr and the land's are
(he two niciiiini'iitx. lMitlt I not
elated to he uprinkling or immersion
A minitry n declared to In- aci-oiding
to tlie .ord' will nnil that the church
ehould not contain unworthy iiu-mlicr.
Ih-lief in the re-m rect ion of jut and
unjunt ia declared.
The reMirt in eigned by Chancellor
)lurwh for the Methodic, llcv. Dr. 1),
M. I'iitiiHiiy, for the I'rctbyteiiiin. and
tha Rev. T. . llydo for the Coiigre'
There will be epecial ClirUtmaa aer
ice at the Firnt M K. Church all day.
A ChrMma aennon at II a. in., at
whlcli time there will be apecial Chrlat
uma muele by tha apb-ndld choir.
At 7:30 p, in, a nacred concert in
which Mime of the bet voice of the
ity.will be heard. Mr. Jamaa Vernon
1 ill lng a nolo and the whole program
h fllhil with rholccet taUkbr. .Ilia Kp
w 01 tli lwgiM eerVtiv at 4:30 yon will
And a pleaaant one. Nunday Hchool at
12: M and i-Imm meeting at 10:30 a. m.
Thin i a epeclal day for our frlcml and
for the t ranger In the city. Come and
mora than weh-ontc.
4 H i H M t t I rM-M-H I I t M t
Minuay wrvicea at 11 o cluck a. m.
and : 30 o'clock p. m.; Sundaj School
el 12:30 o clock p. m.j aervicei at IIv
Tnnocetite, 10:30 o'clock a, m. Sundiy
rnluMd at 3 o clock p. in.
The Chrlat inaa tree and card aer vice
at tiraoe Church thia evening at (1:30
! o'clock p. m., a ahort carol eervicc w ith
oirerinir for tha (lilld'a Comfort Cot
No. 3 at the Good Samaritan Hospital,
' andthen the tree and a good time down
etair, Immeduitely afterward".
Chri'tmas Day, an early celebratkm
of the Holy Communion at 6:30 'o'clock
a. ni. and a second, celebration with
" niuMninir grayer, it 10:30 o'clock a. m.
The offering on Chriatmaa Pay will b
for tha Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund
flutaf R RydqtiK .pVlor." Tliere
will not be the regulnr wrvlce at the
Flrt Lutheran Church tomorrow. The
pator leavea thla morning for Chinook
to conduct the Chrlnlmaa tree exercUe
at tha Lutheran Church of that flaee
Jtev. W. 8. flilliert, pal elect of the
church will preach in the morning,
uiue kpcclnl ClirUtmaa niuic wilt alao
lie rendered by the choir.
In the evening there will lie a ChrUt
ma aong eervlce for which an excel
lent program ha lcen prepared, tha
hoir will be a-.lled by eome of lite
t I uitioical talent in the city ami
the xtting onhe.tia of the Sunday
Ni-hool. jCl are cordially invited to
llice i-ervii-ca. Heat free. Sunday
School meet, at 12il3; Y. I. H. C. K.,
meet a at 01 30.
urweginn-Daninli M. K. Church, up-
eiliwn. Hervlee SiiihIuv, December t4,
Sundiiy Sluxd at 10 a. m., II. M. Iir
entn, euerintendrnt The pa-tor will
preach at II a. ni. No eveniag aervlce.
ChriKtmaa day, Deeember 23th, the pa
tor will preach at II a. m., and at 8
p. m Tueday, DecemW 2th, Chrlt
ma tree and entertainment for the)
Sunday School. Kev. C. Aug. IVtemen
Flrt Congregational tliurch: IVeach
lug at II a. 111, and 7:30 p. m by ties
pnKtor, I. it her D. Me hone, Morning
ubjtit. "Seeing the Star" evening
Whnt Mm II I Do With .lcu." A
cunliul invitation i etendcl to all,
Sunday School 12:20 p, in.
At the lhiplit Church on Sunday
t'luUtma eermon will lie preached
f i urn the following text: Ia. 0 fl, 7,
and 2d Cor. 0-1.1. K-eryUnly I i-or
dially invited to attend.
A hue mtikical program will lie given
today at both the umining and evening
erviie in the Flint I'rebytciian
Church. ThU morning the Itev. V, S,
CilU-rt, tlie pator-elwt, will preach.
Thin evening he will make a ahort ad
dreM at the tmg rcivice, which will
lie given by" a choir, ehortt and orchc
tra under the direction of Mi Katie
Kliivcl, A con I i ul in It t ion in extend
ed to nil.
The Modiih Woman Mutt Have
Several Black Gowns.
m ta worn tlid perfectly flat and atratftt
a rrosa io coiuir.
waUt plctaral W of altuou
grwf eilieto Tb emhroldery ont
Hull.,; r-Jllr.r aul ttiffa la a fincy
buttiuhola dealgn effected with tone
of grer i and dull pink. Tb rent la of
white mnwMrtln and tm yoka of cro
chet lai-e.
Uaea Keeka Fee Wletee Wae-Blh
rrewa4 Bala THaaaaed With airda
t rarJe-llk Walata ml Mok
PUiaa Are Popalar.
Black la to t much worn, and tbt
imart woman aaplraa to at leaat tbrea
black gowne-a tailored oaa, a dinner
frock and an evening coatume.
Fruit yellowa baring a not of pink.
luru aa apricot, peach and banana, art
In favor tor fancy walata la aUk and
cbtffon trimmed with a toned of black
and dyad laca. - ,
A charming bloua to waar with a
tallorad ut U of pala gray caabmara
trimmed with narrow, wbiu ailk aou
tactta brakL .
Moat of tha aeparata blouaea wbea
not of waah material art made on a
fitted, boned lining worn over the aklrt
tod flnlabed with a belt of the gooda. .
The new fur boa are not aa long ta
Ibey were laat winter. '
Buckle of peacock blue and gram
are a millinery novelty, aa are alaa
Tbe newet roaea are of French cre
ation. The coloring, which are pale
tinting on gold and allver tlaaue, are
of Alice blue, gray, green and other
lalnty ahade. Tbe foliage la of the
lame tint aa tbe flower.
Dreeay little bonneta fof wee one
are made of enured cream colored chi
na a Ilk. They are poke ehape and elab
orately thlrred over a frame. Aeroee
rikw Bboux Lorn pRim
tbone made of feather, which are al
moat equaro and very Urge.
Hie winter linen atocka are made of
heavy material embroidered In amall
dealgna with heavy effect. In moat
Inatancea the edge are scalloped. Stole
effect are atlll popular.
The gown pictured la o( gray plaid
broadcloth. The upper part of the aklrt
and tight fitting ttlp length coat art
trimmed with braid and tiny bullet
ahaped button.
Cootie feat hem. roaettea of eatin, ret
vet and lace, fur bauda and flower ail
figure conspicuously on tbe winter
bat, aud In thla lUt should alat be lu
eluded chiffon and njaltnea, which
make tbe moat expensive flower and
Very high crowned bat are trimmed
with blrdaof parndloe and a loose fold
of soft satin around the brim.
Some of the new hata hart aoft re!
ret crowna lu the "tauT abape, and
many of the emart millinery creation
bare crowna of fur, uaually mink.
Thla la au effective meana of ualng up
pieces of fur that at neck pieces bare
become de mode.
A pretty model for a slrl'a school bat
Is In palest tan atnooth felt Imply
trimmed with brown velvet ribbon and
A Fearful Fata.
It U a fearful faU to have to endure
tho terrible toitttr of Tile. "I can
truthfully say," writea Harry CoUon, of
Maxonville, I., "that for Blind, Bleed
Ing, Itching and Protruding Tile, Buck
Icn'a Arnica. Salve, 4a tha beat cure
made." AIo bcit fur cuts, burns and
Injurle. 23o at Charles Roger, drug-gl.t.
Tk gtrlekea Re From 6rlf.
Whit a fortunats provlalon it nature
It l, that deprive ths roae of menial
aufferlng; for how poignant would be Ita
srlef ta dlecover, In the heliit of Ita
blnomliia' alory, that a canker fed at Its
heart, and that Ita beauty and fra franc
were ' doomed forever. Nature alwav
Tare tha sufferlnc; h la a veritable
tor-houM of pleailns reward, lor
thoa who seek her aid. In the year
gone by falling hair snd graynei hava
cnat a gloom over tha live ot thousand
of young women, but thanks to tha In
veet.'ratlons of eclentlata the true caiue
ot hair destruction la now known to be
y germ or parnilte that burrowa Into
th hair folllclea. Newbro Herplcld
baolutely deatroya thla germ, thua
permitting the hair to rrow aa na
ture intended. Sold by leading drug
flat. Rend 10a, In stamps for sample
to Tha Herplcld Co., Detroit, Mich.-
Eagle Drag Store, 331 S53 Bond. St,
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F.
Laurin, Prop. "Special 'Agent .
two natural qu'.lls. Though simple, the
arrangement of the loops was rery
trlklna. running In and out of silts In
the dome ehapea crown and the enda
falling on tbe brim and the qullla
caught up Into more loops on tbe left
aide, . .
Albatrona make many ot the datn
tlest morning shirt walata of the win
ter. The new collar to wear with tat
lored ahlrt walata la a plain linen turn
lowu affair embroidered In the cor-
Ders WUb. tbe- aj. Inch wide Bilk t?
the front la i long algrct falling to
ward the back, arranged with a creamy
ostrich plume.
Chiffon bat draperies have found a
new field In which to eiplolt them
selves. Great buncbee of the chiffon
are placed under the brim, and"folda
enrelop tbe crown, tang enda bang
down the back to tbe boulders.
611k waists of Scotch plaid are go
ing to be popular when worn with gray
coat suits.
Iladlum, crepe de chine, eotlenne aod
chiffon are all used for evening blouses.
Hand embroidered blouses will be
worn all winter.
Tbe motor cap pictured ia rery
aennlble and comfortable piece of head
gear for winter wear. It la made of
aqulrrel and adorned with a head and
tall of this frlaky little anlmaL Car
flaps art attached at tbt sides and fas
ten securely under tbe chin.
Rich', bright tones of brown, auber
gine, ml wine tints, royal pnrple,
nave mauves and crushed raapberry
are among tbe season's gay colors, but
their very brightness requires the ut
most skill In harmonizing them.
The lines of the figure are preserved
and enhanced thla winter by tha long,
The Holidays
Tiers are ealy a few mor tayi left Our Mae Leather Gosdi, Pktirta,
Books, Toflet Seta, aal JTmltJea, Japanese Brasses, Sorted Waal and
Leather, Fountain Pens, Card and Calendar, aa well aa tar Silver, Gold,
Glass and Metal wart afford a great rariety to . select from Eaoagh
Clerk-You need not wait.
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
' Now is the best opportunity, to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in tbe meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call anrf inspect
our elegant lines.
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Burt.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
A. L. FOX, Vice Pre.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning MachIncry,Marlnc Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. ,
LL L. E. Seli, Lessee and Manager
well cut coabi and rwllnajotea ud by
the flarlutt klrti, clinging nroiuid lite
blps. yet without any strained tight
Skirts are not a short a they were
luj year, even the trotteur lengths be
lli); only nu liicti from the ground, and
some of the skirt are quite loug be
bind, as the loug oklrtcd coats demand
till concession. . . ; J .1
Sleeve, after lielug rather long !n
liiakluK up tbelr uiluds as to their ulti
mate ehape, have decided to be ex
treuiely bouffant as to tho upper part
of the arm for dressy couts and cos
tumes, plaiu aud simple for tailor
made aud very fanciful for evenlug
wear. -
Tbe long coat, tbe short jacket and
the bolero are the three beada under
which our outer garments may be
classed, and each of them la divided
Into any number of subdivisions.
Trimmings art used profusely, aod
tbey art all of the handaome, maaslre
order. Wide , Bilk braids, branden
bourgs, silk ruchlngs, heavy passemen
teries, silk aud woolen laces and rich
velvet appliques are all employed wher
ever there Is an opportunity, .
, The drest. Illustrated la a party or
unclng.seJt!Oo! costume Tbe blouse Is
Monday, January. 1st
, A New Year's Attraction.
, The Greatest Play of a Decade t
"A Jolly American Tramp"
By the Author, "A Toor Relation,'' "Peaceful Valley," etc.
Laughter Beyond Ponaible Parallel!' Thrilling, Intbralling, Entirely
Novell Replete with the Most Unique and Sensational Situation!
v ' '
PofMefteing all the Elements of Popularity, i .
Admission: Reserved seats, 50centj gallery, adults, Xic centj chil
dren721 cent. "Seat sale open Saturday morning at Hoctler' book
store. ' ' - ,
made of wfilte eprif tulla. wtm pTaTtwJ
mallue ruffles and cravat, the latter held
by loops of paatel blue relret ribbon.
8klrt, belt ana braces consist oi paiei
blue shot taffeta between openwork
and ruches of lace. " - 5 -
judic cnomrr.
that grows In popularity. a
Newbro'a Ilerpicide, popularly known
aa the ORIGINAL remedy that "kill
the dandruff germ" is a new scientific,
non-irritant germicide and prophylactic
for tha scalp. It cure dandruff, atop
falling hair and prevent baldness by
destroying the dandruff germ.
, Ilerpicide destroys the enemies of Lair
growth and by keeping the scalp clean
sad wholesome itching of the scalp
stops, dandruff ceases and the hair
growa at nature Intended Marrelou
resulti follow the ue of HerpicJde, Aa
a toilet drexsing, It ia Incomparable, for
it is a purs antiseptic containing no oil,
dye, sediment or sticky ubtnce. Send
10 cent in stamps for sample to The
Ilerpicide Compsny, Dept. L, Detroit,
Mich. ; -
' r ....
I Brewed sad gA aader aaaitary
I . conditions
I The Health-Building quali
I LAGER BEER axe unexcel-
I led, Thoa it becomea at
I oncf a satisfactory tablt
I drink and a valuable tonic
I in the r'ck room.
I Easily kept, when pur
j chased IN BOTTLES from
our agenta.
0a draught , at the leading
north PAcinc
Morning Aatorian, 73 cants a month.
(- Urn.. -