The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 24, 1905, Image 1

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    UlUtMUUll AttOOUTID Mitt rWOAT
Injunction Suit Against
North Bank Road.
Magi ate Usc!n Columbia Valley
Company to Hide Real
Columbia Vtlley Begins Salt la Wash
lag tea to Restrain Hilt's Portland and
Seattle Road from Building Acrott
Ctflumbla'i Right of Way.
Portland, Dee, 23. A rrpoit reached
bne today that tbo Columbia Valley aald to b- a aub-ldiary of tba
llxriasaa irtl.m Ih CnitltttefU-efl suit,
in Skamania county, Waahlngtou, to
retrain If ill' Portland and battle ;
Company from building aero-a thej
Columbia Vallry'a right of way at
Cape J lorn.
NVwa of the art Inn (' brought to
l'mt'ond yesterday, and Couch Fln-
ilei, tb-e-presidcnl of the roiiiny,
. i .1 . i .i
iiMlay connrnieu me reoori , inn
milled hi company had not been acrved,
' 1 ' !
with an order from the eoiirt to me
ipriaton, and that o far be knew
no injunction kad been applied for. j
.lame P. Slai'Mon, attoriify for the
ColiimblA Valley, made an explanation
of the rae today, in which he aid:
"We have Instituted suit iralnt the
I'm t Un J k battle llailwav t'oinnany, i
Mra, 8imm k Cbielda, the principal
ii.i.lraitore, alao Porter Urothera and
Vyninton 4 Htevena, the two latter
flrina being Mib-conlrni-tora. ' enjoin
them from oorupying bind at Cap
Horn which U on the riuht of way of
tlw Columbia Valley Company. Tbey
------ "
are now tunnellns there. All of the
aper in the cae haw lieen erved and
an injunction aLed for. I e.mnot aay
when the rate will lie ralleil."
The ult has been brought in the
name of the Columbia Galley ItMilway jagremenl regnruiiig tne auigeri, a iur
A Navigation Cofitpany, and o far a!ther rejMirt wilt 1 innde in the New
the pnhlie I concernel it might jut a Year aa the aiuwera eontimie to arrive
well have been Instituted with the name, in large numhere.
of K. If. Ihrriman a plaintiff, for it W!
known beyond iiiietlon that the Colum
bin Valley, organlxed with U fierlingcr,,
who i alo president of the Wallulti
Pacillr, aunther Harriman evrpnratinn,
at Hie head, ia the O. It. k X. nfTprng.
It wan organized over five years ago, at
the in-Ujtoe of A I Mohbr, then exe
cutlve olllcer of the (. It. ft N, for the
iiirme iif bliK-klng the th of Paul
Mohr, who nought to conatruct a line
down the north bank after tlio failure
of hi xrtuge nwd K'henie.
When the fart leaked ouf 'that the
Northern Pacific bad htarted it cam
paign for a right of way through the
Portland k Heat tie, the Watlula Pacific
was organized. alo by the iLtrrimnn In
tcieita. IVith the 0. 11 k N. and North
ern Pacifla have UHed the suh-eom panic
to trood advantaira In obtaiiilmr a riifht
of way, but it ia eon Untied by the Hill i
New York, Dec. 2.1.Republioan a
Mmblymen from New Vork eounty at
the conference tonight formally adopted
a resolution endorsing James W. Wsd-w-orth
Jr. for speaker of the assembly
with reservation . If Aacmblyman
Una official tint the prime motive of
the Walluht pacific, working In con
junction with the Columbia Valley, Wa
to Ml. the prk-e or land to hamper the
Portland A Heellle, nd that no real
intention to construct a 'road was en
tertained Mm tlin awarding of contracts by
the Wallula, Pacific for the -grading of
Vm mil... of right of way lat week,
the statement ha been made by person
connected with the Northern Faclllo
system that the contracts were not gen
uine, and not a shovel of earth had been
turne on the right we jr. It 1 al
lege., by them that the contractor per
sonally admitted their naroea were tssrd
for the purpoi of "bluffng" and not
work. ,
Bogota, Dee. 23. Regarding the re
rent conspiracy, President Reyss Mid
tbo eneles conspiracy ia the last sign
of revolutionary life In Colombo. Tie
ays ha endeavored to suppress it by
appealing to the patriotism of the con
spirator) (hie being utwucceseful be
crushed it after obtaining ample proof
with wlih-li to eourtmartial it'a authors.
Orovlllr, Cal, Dee. 23.-ln a powder
exploalnn on tbo Union Pacific at Big
Bend this afternoon two Japanese were
kilM and several Injured.
UrUvCTalty of PeWUVlvania Rtque-
sts Football Opinions.
., . ... w ,
Banllaa Ira Sjat In Frnm Naarl Kvar
' ' 4
rAltava- anil Arhiwit ill tha rAlinir
College and School in the Country
SuggttiI Changes la the Rules for
Neat Year.
Phihidelphia. IX-c. 2.1. A large num
Iter of reiilie weie received to a'rtvwit
el n-utar eent to the univemitie by the
! l'n!verlty of Pnnaylvanla regarding the
niibjw-t of football rule. The important
qtietloni were, Uniform eligibility
'unlet eliininatiun of brutal ami foul
oUti the mlnlmlzinff of danger, An
iinieerved approval of lnoreaed penal-
tie for brutal and foul plays wss ex-
preaaed. and ae a whole, the eligibility
rule wa cordially ctV'UM-ndpd. The
replica indicate a wbleapread interest in
the nubject and a deire to reach an
Negroes Celebrate Christmas in Stren
uous Manner.
ValilNt. (la., 23. During a
( lirutma earnual among the rM'grnea at
Kiling, a turpentine eniup bctweu FaiK
and SI. (ieorge, today, m general fuil
lade (Nvurred and probably fifty hots
were fireil. Two negroe were killed
outright, and three mortally wounded
o that they died ktter, while eight
ot hcr rwoived woutida. '
Ironwood, .Mich., Deo. 2.1. Kight men
were killed by a fall of 10i)fl ton of ore
from the xlin in the Newport mine. On
account of the great danger of .drift lug
ore it will In never I day before the
.iodic ere recovered
Agnew would tand for the speakership
they would support him. Agnew de
clined to commit himaelf tonight, simply
fating ha would 'reaerva his decision
until he ascertained the trend of public
aentiment. -. ' t
Regular Battle Raging Reip of Terror Exists-Roar
of Machine Guns Yoiieys of Infantry and
Boom of Cannon are Heard
Other Rumors Say Gendarmerie and Coaaacka Revolted and Refused to Fire
on People Scene of Butchery Occurred la Moscow When Troops and
Caonoa Tired Into Proceesioa of Workmen Streets Barracaded and
Workmen Fight Behind Them Compelling Troopa to Carry Eack Barricade. .
Sf. Petersburg, Dec. 24. Tlie aitua
tion at Moaeow ia exceedingly critical.
A regular battle is raging in the street
of the city ami a reign of terror exUU.
A telephone message jtut received says
the roaring of machine gun, and volleys
of the Infantry and tho booming of
ran now can I heard at lulerral.
The military eems to have the upper
band, although rumor that the gen
darmerie and CoMack revolted and re
fused to. Are on the people are current.
According to a meage which is very
confused the revolutionary leader gave
the signal for an armed rUing of the
proletariat at sis o'clock this evening,
but the. governor, Douhassoff, discov
ered their pbfn ami quickly mssaed
2.1,000 troops under the wall of the
Kremlin, and mounted guns on the old
wall, posted artillery and placed de
tachments of cavalry and light artillery
at strategic point. A scene of butchery
occurred at 2 o'clock this morning when
the troops and cannon loaded with
grape, flred Into a procession of work
men carrying red flag ami singing revo
lutionary song. Since then there has
been almost continual fighting. The
workmen threw tip barricade but all
were earrk'd by the troopa. Defender
of the barricade at the Triumphal Arch,
armed only with revolvers, made a
stand of some duration in the face of
machine gun. One hundred ami twenty
student militia made a heroic stand at
Fiddler's School, defending r the place
with bomb and revolvers. They killed
two officers and eight soldiers before
they surrendered with a Ion of five
killed and thirteen owunded. Outlying
district, are reported in complete po
esaion of the workmen who are disarm
ing officer and policemen. The chief of
pnlii'e state an estimate of the casul
tie would be mere guesswork though
Chicago School Authorities Say it is at
Infectious as Diphtheria.
Chicago, Dec. 23. The school medical
committee of the board of education
yesterday took a band in tho fight to
stamp out tuberculosis in Chicago and
to prevent its spread in the public
.school rootna by adopting, without a
dissenting vote, a resolution calling for
the appointment of a committee: to
draft a rule providing exclusion frakn
the public school of all victims of the
The committee was also empowered
to prepare a plnn for the medical ex
amination of all "suspicious" pupils,
with a view to determine whether or
not they should be denied admission to
the school rom. , Tuberculois was held
to be as infectious ss smallpox scarlet
fever or diphtheria.
Victoria, B. CX Dec, 22.-Ceorge Car-
ter, a local commercial man who re
turned from China today said that ow
Ing to the boycott China was so worked
up against foreigners that an anti-for
eign outbreak seemed Imminent, espec
ially a Bhangtia and Canon.
they probably will ran Into the
Bombs Are Thrown.
Moscow, Dec. 24. Two bombs were
thrown at the pre'acture of police this
morning which partially destroyed the
buidliuj. Wo policemen 1 were killed
ami a soldier wounded. Serious fighting
ia now proceeding between aa armed
crowd and a force of dragoon. One
hundred and twenty revolutionaries
'were arrested today. Resistance2 wa
offered and five were killed and twenty
wounded. Two officer were killed,
'The police seized eighteen rifles, fifteen
revolvers end thirteen bomb. A num
ber of officers and policemen were dis
armed In the street and severs! police
men were killed. Troopa now -occupy
all barricades. Revolutionists armed
with bombs and revolvers are now be
sieging the residence of the prefect.
State of Seige.
St. Petersburg, Dee. 23.-Fears thst
the revolt in the Lithunian provinces
iwill extend to Poland has become so
acute that Governor-General Ska lion
at Warsaw, has declared a atato of
siege exists in the Polish provinces. It
1 understood the strikers ia despera
tion deckled to resort to volcnce and
blow up tlie bridges and tlie right oj
way on the railroad running out of
St. Petersburg. The first attempt to
use bomb was made this morning. A
revolutionists wss about to throw a
bomb at the patrol escorting non-union
men when it exploded blowing off the
man's arm. He was taken into custody,
The Finnish railroad employes have
decided against joining the railroad
strike. -
Trains continued to run on all lines
out of St, Petersburg.
Meetings of every description even of
the Law and Older League are being
Chicago, Dec. 23 Former State Treas
urer Henry Wulff was indicted yester
day by the federal grand jury as presi
dent of the Continental Finance Com
pany. J. V. Loeb, secretary of tho
concern, also was Indicted. There are
two charges, sending letters and adver
tising matter through tho mails con
cerning a lottery, and sending letters
through the mails with intend to de
fraud. -
The indictments were returned to
Judge Betheau.
The affairs of the Continental Finance
Company wero aired last July. Suits
were started against WultT 1 Loeb and
the latter waa held to the Federal grand
Jury. Wulff however, escaped this pro
ceeding on the plea that he wss no
the executive officer of the company,
though hia name ami prestige were used
toN attract investors who lost around
(150,000. WulfT now w ill be compelled
to stand trial with Loeb.
Vallejo, Cl, Dec. 23. A pole reach
ing to the height of 210 feet and fitted
with aerial apparatus for thd Mar
Island wireless, station has just been
erected on the island. This great height
will offset inconveniences which have
iutcrferred with the transmission of
messages' heretofore. The station at
the Karralonea. Tamalpsia and Goat
Island, can now come In touch with tbo
yard, and it Is hoped also that ships
at sea can Is eommnnlcatod with. This
pole is in three sections and Is said to
be one of tlie biggest in tne history of
aerial transmission.
rVattW. Dee. 23. harle " A..' Cham
bers, bookkeeier in the Jenkins Lum
ber Mill, at Uluine, it i believed met
foul play on December 1st at Belling
ham. He left lilaine that day for
Bellingham to seek employment and has
not leen seen sine. He had quite a
sura of money.
fiiinnison, Dec. 23. The engineer and
fireman were crushed to death under a
freight engine today t Cebolta, 3o0
mib-s southwest of here. A wheel 'on
tho engiue broke, musing it to topple
Knoxville, Dec 23. Billy Edwards of
Portland, w on two out of three falls
from Chark-a Leonahrdt of New Jersey
After Trap is Sprung Man is
w Conscious.
Maa Hung for Murder Arranges With
Doctor to Signal if Conscious After
Trap is Sprang He Gives the Signs
Agreed Upon,
Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 23. Dr. Carl
ton Simon, who witnessed the hanging
yesterday pf Edwin F. Tapley'Jr, de
clares murdered gave the pre-arranged
signal in proof that he waa conscious
nearly half a minute after the trap
had ben 'sprung. Dr. Simon said:
Tlie actual test on the gallows was
most successful. Tspley was absolutely
in possession of his mental faculties.
"The hand and fingers of the dang
ling body moved with convulsive con
tractions. Then the hands fell rigid at
the sides.
'Five seconds passed and then Tapley
began the signals agreed between us.
'The first signal came as Tapley,
holding the left hand, extended rigidly
downward, raised the right slowly as
far as the bonds' permitted him and
made three distinct contractions of the
thumb and forefinger. Then, with clear
ly determined effort the dying man low
ered his right hand, held it for an in
stant rigidly again his thigh and slowly
raising tlie left hand, repeated the
"At the third contraction of tlie left
hand there seemed barely strength in
the dying fingers to carry out the agreed
'To any man of scientific knowledge,
viewing this test with a full knowledge
of all the governing conditions, the fol
lowing conclusions are inevitable: -
Namely, that Tapley waa alive and
conscious to torture for nearly half a
minute after the fall of the drop.
That he was literally stranged to
desth in the name of tho law."
El Paso, Dee, 23. It is learned to-
day that the Mexican authorities have
detained all persona in any way con
nected with tba Rutherford mnrder.
Mrs. Rutherford is among tho number',
it being understood that tho authorities
Moscow News
Creates Ex.
citement at
Passive Proletariat at Capital
Urged to Arms By
Reports That Many Regiment Are Re
volting Coming In Fighting of tbo
Most Desperate Character at Moscow
Women Help Fight.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 24 (Sunday morn
ing) The news of the terrible blood
shed at Moacow has created a sensation
here and renders the situation much
graver. It furnishes the Holed stimulus
to the passive proletariat whose leaders
were deliberately ordered to fire on
peaceful demonstrations In order to
provoke, a general conflict and tbo only
recourse is to fight back. Tbey ako
claim the confirmation of the reported
disaffection among some of the troops.
Insurgents Fight Desperately. .
Moscow, Dec. 24. The .- situation is
hourly growing wore. The insurgents
hold several points in the city and the
fighting continues desperately. Two
large arms' stores were pillaged and
the contents distributed amnog the revo
lutionaries. In a tquare"in the heart
of . the city the insurgent are using
machine guns against a batery which ia ,
cannonadng them. There are many re
volting details. At the Fiddler School
when the students displayed the wbito 4
Rag and came out; they were charged,
ridden down and sabred by the cavalry.
Barricade sprang up all over the city,
and a soon as one waa destroyed an
aother went up as if by magic, at a.
distant plat. The crowds fought the
troops with intense atubborness. .. It is
impossible to estimate the number of
dead and wounded but probably it will
run into the thousands. Many bodies
were blown to pieces by shrapnel. Girl
students are conspicuous behind the
barrk-adeft either carrying away the
wounded or taking the place in tho
ranks and cheering the men in their
San Francisco, Dec. 28. United States
local Inspectors Bolles and Bulger hand
ed down a decision yesterday suspended
for four months the license of Chiof
Engineer IL W. Salbabor of the steamer
Californian , in connection with the
death of A. L. Blanchower, a water
tender on board the steamer who was
killed In tlie fire room on tho passage
from New York to San Francisco. The
inspectors at the same time exonerated
from blame Captain R. J. Dunham, mas
ter of tlie Steamship Roanoke, -for los
ing the vessel's rudder while crossing.
Humboldt Bar on November 24th.
aro endeavoring to learn from her the.
feeling which existed between her hus
band and Finstead who was arrested
yesterday. Louis G. Gouchener also
wounded in the attack, i under sur
veillance, .