The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 23, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Chimber of Commerce
Looks Over Jctiy,
Comaterce Commission Returns to Port
" UmI And Speak PlMUWDtlr of Their
Trip Bay Hal Million DolUrt
Should Bo Appropriated for Columbia.
rittnd, Dee. "Si-After having
vled tte ork dun on the Jetty (
tke aeuUt ot tho Culun'ikia River and
eevueed comprehensive loalht into
I ho cfcsanel question through a consul
Uliou with the rieeranaa ho Uk after
tbe telfajr of sblpe at the entrance, 0
committee, repreteetine; the Portland
CbaruW of Cwnracrre returned to tho
city Ut eight with a determination to
khar kardrr than tr for nire fund
to aid tho Improvement.
Thoe making up the.partj werei
George W. Ihfecfile, chief englm-er of
tha llaxrlniaa line In the Northwest
, C P. Adams, treasurer of tho Port of
TVitlsl Omuil-slon, and S. M. Mmrs,
A. H. Devera and J. N. Teal, of the
Chamhtr of (VmmiTif . At Astoria they
were met by Hieiun Van Duscn and
frM rUprnII, the latter bring thn
l'nii-l Slates engineer In chaw of
the iinprovenw-nt.
I'lie Prtlari'ler prut iin time on
tin- Utle, learning what bed been ae-
rrniUhed ami the tliuVullire under
whlrh operation wre carrb-d on. The
out It work were liicteI, and tha
mmitn or tho committee !-! a
though they bud bren give a thorouyl
lni.!. into tie inojivt. While at A
toil they were in confrrmr with the
pilot, and assured the view of the
"alt" regarding tha mouth of tho
river, tho channel from Portland to the
, end whet they deemed the urgent
nel In tho Interest of netlgallon and
wmm,rfe. .
"The lan tirrel for the ih-enen-
Inj of the bar and iniprovrmrnl of thej
lowrr unuiv " 11 ung rwvuiia, null it
i only a question of aecuring the money
wedej," aaid J. X. Teal today. "The
committee beliie, after examining the
'4k .that it will stand for a coritimi
bf appropriation, say about $500,000,
(or covering the expenditure up to .Inly
Ut, and then a eontlriumu amount en
that tho jetty ten be eompletml. A
forty eoot channel U aiirrd If the
project la ratriid out.
"M,e work that ha been iI'mh- on tin
jelly U evcllriit. Tin-re hue Ix-en
about f)U0,(NNM tun of riH'k iluttipM
there, ami so far a t It- umliiUkliij.'
lm prupeurd it . i in flrt class shape.
ly tha end of the yrnr the ainoiittt of
wink authorised wilt be fiiiulinl. Tha
tlootXN) approprluted under the river
and harbor bill ha been spent, hub
rock is being delivered by the routrar
turn nn eertillratee which arn payable
whoa tha $300,000 provided for contin
uous contract U available, under the
sundry civil bill. When operation are
upem('d the plant will be left In such
hae tHat it ran If immediately Maittxl
again, if we are eiift-ev-ftil In getting
tho m-ened fumU.M
The committee hu not nunpili'd the
lata mned 011 the trip, but thii will
be iii lmlil in a report to be filed later,
- nml it i euid the fight for an appro
print ion under the )iiinilry civil bill will
he made a etrnng a xiilile. The idea
of having money provided to insure
ojierHtiona. until July, and then a pro
vi-lnn for completing the work nwet
with favor among all directly Interested.
nmiruement waa made' that Prince
Henry of Primula had accepted etectkm
aa honorary member. IX George
Wlieeler ITIntnan of Chivago. waa elected
to iriembernhip ill the eociety.
Chicago, Dee. 12. for yeara one of
the niixt noted Inetructura of the Ger
man language In Chicago and t teacher
of French of International reputation,
(WJoe Eacobey, died of injurlee re
eeret when he wao run over by a etreet
car Decemlier 19th.
The 1'nlvenity of rfeldelberg, of
which Ewobey woe a doctor of phll-
oaouhr. waa amoni the number of In-
atitutlona from which he had receirod
honor. On hie right cheek be bore ft
car, the remilt of a dnel In hli atudeot
daya while upon hia body were lacera
tion received ht the battle of the
Frano-PruMlan war.
Kan i'ranciiMW, Ifc-e. 2i-An enterprise
for upplying elrrtrle power throughout
the ronntie of (ejitral alifomla h
jnt Wn art on foot ty tha Uuienco of
IkmhU In Biwton ami New York, Tha
nrolw-t, which waa proposed by 'ocal
men. haa l)een taken up by Kjalcrn
eapitalUU and the conitructWn of a
power houe i already under way.
The company 1 known a t.te KUinie-
Luna Klectrio Power Company and a
Xew York Trut Company U trufee of
the hoitd iu wbiuh amount to 10,-
Between New York Republican
- Central Committee.
Spiritd fljht Betweea Two Republkaa
Pactoao of Central Committee Bitter
Recrimination Xadnlfed la by
MraberoPeace I At Lait Reetored.
bnt were defeated.
Miortly after 1 o'clock the commit UJ
re eonvened and received ft majority amd
iniii ii'y repirt of the committee on
eredicd cat. The raroB men im
mediately Moved that the eeport be
tabled. Voting on the motion lited for
an hour and resulted in a victor for
the Person faction, the vote Undlng
322 to 201. Thia matter dipoed of,
noininationa were In order, and prompt
ly followed. ,
No Opium in Chamberlain'
There it not the leant danger in giving
Chamberlain', Cough Hcmedy to araall
children at it contain no opium or
other harmful drug. It ha an eitab-
likhad reputation of more than thirty
year aa the mot auccewful medicine
in ue for cold, croup and whooping
cough. It alwayo curee and la pluaant
to take. Children like It Sold by
Frank Hurt and leading dmggUta.
floaton, lc. 22. -Funeral eervh'Ca fr
Jmlge Iloralio H. WoM of St. Uuia.
who die.1 in thU city !at Friday, were
held yesterday at the home of hi
daughter. Mr. Walter G. Hoi ton, t
Brighton, for the accommodation of
frtemla and rchitivee in the Mt who
were tillable to attend the aervh held
in St. l-uk Kev. Alcxaruh r Mann, rec
tor of Trinity Church, oflltiated. Iturial
wa iu Walnut Hill Cemetery;
Water Cure for Conitlpatloa.
Half a pint of hot water taken half
an hour before break f a. t will uually
keep tho bowel regular Harh ca
thartlca ahould be avoided. When a
purgutive i needed, take Chamber
Uin'a ttomach and liver tableta. They
r mild and sentle in their action.. For
tale by Frank Hart aad leading drug
Xew York, Dc. 22.-Durlng a eonbrat
whioh continued from 9 o'clock till near
ly 4 o'clock thU morning, marked at
time by bitter recti minat lone, but con
cluding with mutual pledgee of aupport,
the control of the Xevr lork lb publi
can Central Committer waa wre-tej
from the adherent of Ex-Oovernor B.
B. Udell by the faction headed by Her-
In reorganising for the coming year
the eommitee elected Herbert Paraon
to the prehlency in uccehn to W1I
liam Halpln and choe other oftlc-
named by I'araon friend.
The oQlccra elected are: Chairmen,
Herbert Pareon flrwt vlce prenldent,
Senator Alfred It. Page; neeond vkre-
preldent, Jullu G. Kramer of the
fourth district; treaurer, Ceorge Blag
den; sergeant at arm, Kdiuund Bodiue
TKe election ca Mr. TamoM waa
eureil at 2:35 o'clock thi moniinE. It
wn made by acclamation and waa re
eclved with enthunlaam. Mr. Ilalpin
immedUtely congratulated Mr. Paronj
and in a brief epec-ch promi-d him hi
hearty uport. Mr. Parona repliol,
thankinir the committee for hia election
Mr. Page waa choen firat vlee-proaldent
after lively fght In which be defeated
Samuel Straiberger by a vote of 330 to
40. Mr. Stratbergcr voted to make tho
election unanimmi and thl wa done
The other officer were cboen unani
mouily by acclamiition.
Tactht of delay were adopted by the
Odd! faction a aoon a the committee
met and the continued for aeveral
hoiim. ll U aalit that 'tho motive for
delnv wa to await Urn renlt of tha
eukcrkhiii fliiht. Mr. Paron and hi
friend did not prcpoae to wait and an
tMiiini-ed their intuition of organizing a
committee if it took all night. The flret
let vote came Junt before midnight on
a motion to adjourn the election of a
prenident until January 4tb. The Par-
on men won by a voU of 322 to 228.
A motion made by Mr. Paron to ad
jirtirn fr thirty minute to hear the
contented election cae in tha Thirteenth
)itrict wa carried. The contetant,
Michael H. Wake I an Ode!! man and
hi friend in Uie committee moved to
pot pone consideration of the conteat
Tortnro of a Preacher,
Tho otory of the torture of Rev. O.
D. Moore, pa tor of tho Baptist church
of narperavllle, K. Y, will interest you.
So eayat "1 suffered egoalea, because of
a penkvtent cough, reoulting from tho
grip. I had to sleep sitting up la bed.
I tried near remedies, without relief,
until I took Dr. Kiag'a Now Discovery
for ComiimpUoru Cougfte and CoJaa,
wtblch entirely cured ay cough, and
saved mo front ooaaumption."A grand
aura for diaeaaed condition of Throat
and Lunca. At Chaa. Rogers druggist
priee Me and fl-00, gualaateed. Trial
bottle free, .v
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Vall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportnnity to secure
bargains as we will move to oar new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines. ;
D.F. Allen Son, ceJdli st
On Sunday. December 17ttL tho Den
ver k Rio Oraado railroad win inaugur
ate a dally lino of standard aad tour
ist sleeping care between Denver and
Loa Angeles ia connection with the new
Clark road. Both earn will leave Den
ver daily at t:30 . , aad arrive at
Salt Lake City at 1:35 p. m tho next
day. At thia point tho car will bo
held over until midnight, thus allow
ing through passenger the privilege of
a stop-over of ten hours and a half in
Salt Lake City. Eaetbound, these cars
will leave Los Agele at S p. m and
arrive at Salt Lake City at 0:30 a. bl,
second morning where they will remain
over until 3:50 p. m thence to Denver
where they will arrive at 4:20 tho fol
lowing afternoon. Thia afop-over at
Salt Lake City of the. regular lino of
sleeping cars prominsa to be an at
tractive feature for Vnmtineot1
Beautifying methoda that injure the
skin aad health are dangeroua. Be
beautiful without diacomfort by taking
Itollihter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Sun
shiny facea follow It ue, 35 cento.
Sold by Frank Hart
Chicwjro, Dec. 22. A dinpatch to the
Tiilume from TliHiuiHi!la, 1ml., ny:
Mr. Txiwell l'.rown, . young married
woman, died at the city hospital yea
terduy under peculiar clrcuintance.
Wednesday wlien Mrs. Brown did ilot
aipsir. Uie door to her mom was forced
open ami she was found lying upon the
floor uncondemn. Her face, neck ami
hands were ee black aa coal, It U be
lieviil he wa dyeing her liuir when
etricken and in some manner d,ed her
'face, hajida, and necks. She died without-
regaining eonciounes, and no ex
planation could be secured.
Prince Henry of Prussia Elected At
Member of German Society.
New York, Dec. 22. At the annual
meeting of the Society of Former Her
man University students held in this
city yeeterday, Dr. Hugo Schweltxer
waa elected president awd Dr. Carl Beck,
the retiring head waa chosen prenident
and Dr. Carl Beck, the retiring head
was i hoeen honorary preidenU The an-
Undigested Food
When any portion of food remain! In the stomach and refute! to
digeil it causci the torments of indigestion. This undigested food
rapidly ferment, Irritating tho sensitive coating of the stomach,
while other parts of the body, particularly the head, ouffer m
consequence. ... t .u
So long as this undigested food remains in the itomacn, the
discomfort continues. A few doses of
top all fermentation, sweeten the contents of the stomach and give
natural assistance that relieves the stomach of its burden. The use
of Beccham's Pills gradually strengthens the stomach nerves and
oou restores them to a normal, healthy condition.
Beccham's Tills positively cure all stomach troubles, while their
beneficial effects on the liver and kidneys greatly improve the gen
cral health. ....
Beccham's Pills have been used and recommended by the gen
era! public for over fifty years.
Id Everywhere la Boies. Mo aa Me,
!v J-
Ycu Planning to Remodel?
If you contemplate remodeling
your present home now or la the
seir future, you should study the
subject of Plumbing.
A Sole knowledge on the tobject w3
be bencfidal to you In the KlectSoa of the
best material and fixtures and to their proper
location throughout the home. t ,
i If yoa will caS and consult cs, we w29
give yoa attractive literature on modern fan!
tauoa and wul show you the samples of
taftferd Ware we have in our showrooms
A. Montgomery, Astoria
JOHN FOX, Pres. and Suyt,
P L BISHOP. Cacretary
A. 1 FOX, Vice Pre.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning MacWnciy,iMarinc Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfib Furnished. ,
MiBccanwnrMrp ni irtTFn. - Foot ot Fonru streot.
I rAnDEVM1Vn.NI W XIHR.IirU. mww v. - - .
i: ' & a8 ;'" ji
Astoria & Columbia River R. R Co.
la. m
12 1 10
"24 f" 22 (Leave." ArTive.j 21 23 jgaTfl)
p. in. a. ra.l fcP- m.f.m. a. m.
7:00j 8:00 PORTLAND (Union Depot) 11:20 8:50
8,101 81IOI Iwvo. OoMe. arrtvo 10:10 8:40
8:0310:05 Clataklno Junct 8:ll 7:401
8:24 10:20 Westpor, 8:51 7il0
10:3511:36 arrive ASTORIA leave 7:45 0:10
11:85 leave ASTORIA 'arrive 7:40 5:202:45 10:45
11:66 arrive WARRENTON leave 7:20 5:052:20 10:25
f leave WARRENTON arrive 7:20 2:15 10:25
arrive Ft. Stevens .oavo 7:00 2:00 10il5
leave Ft. Steveha arrive 7:00 10:14
arrive WARRENTON leave 8:52 10:06
. 11:55 leave WARRENTON leave 6:52 5:05 10:05
' fV SB.
12:14 Clatsop. 6:29 4:45 6:45
x :21 Qeartart 6:22 4:38 8:38
1 12:30j arrive SEASIDE leave 6:I5 4:30 8:30
Sunday 6aly, k '' ..'
" ThroufV tloketi and dose connection vtaN. P. railway at Portland an
Oohle, and a B. N. via. Portland, v . . . . .
' J. C. MAYO, 0. P. and P. Aat
We Want to Talk to' You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles, of the Art . . .
Wc take your . Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any -V
- library. ;
We take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off , rebind them and return
to you good as any new books
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
The J. S. Deljinger Co.
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astori an' Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street