THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER u, 1903. p ESCAPES A WRECK Steamship Senator In Storm at Set. Fierce t ttvemng mai vnc rrnunn wn uried in orthodox teaman fashion-in "Davy -lone-.' locker." ONE MAN KILLED DOING DUTYjof lhe ;mirnin)Si ul the r, Bur. ' 1 ashore and da-persed! Tliey were Tot and Bar Both Busy Holding Up the Ocean-Goine Fleet Fourteen Vesaela in the Lover Harbor Local Steamer Doing Regular Work. River : Saa Francisco, - Pee. 21 (Special) 'After battling against a fierce storm for over twenty-four hours, the eteatner Senator, of the Sa Francisco & Portland Steamship Company, reached port at 12:30 o'clock this morning, more than twenty-two hour late from Portland. One man dead, several cabins wreck- ' ed, an exhausted crew and seventy-five acasick passenger nerved as records of the havoc of the gale agaiust which the boat fought during all of Monday night and part of Tuesday. Xed Milander, aged 70, one of the oldest seamen in tlie employ of the company, was. killed while attemping . to rescue two young women imprisoned in a flooded cabin. The accident oc curred Monday night while the Senator was ploughing its way through heavy neaa. The aged seaman was on watch on the upper deck, when a heavv sea broke over the craft, tearing down the door of a cabin occupied by Mis Kath erine Haxelgrove and Mis Emma Struct (probably. Kluetsch). The cabin of tlie young women wa half filled with water, and their scream brought Milander running to their aid. Another sea tore an air funnel from the deck, and it struck He seaman on the head. lie was taken below, and died a few hours after. The ship's officer and crew hid a hard fight between handling the boat and giving euccor to the passengers, many of whom are still invalided a the result of their experience, Milander -bad been in the employ of I .SATURDAY-NIGHT December 23 as 8 o'clock the drawing' for the fJagnif icent Malleable Steel Prize Range Takes Place at the Foard & Stokes Company in the , Dry Goods Department, Will you be the lucky one, 1 WW') s4 WW HUE Astoria's Greatest company for four yfr. Wlthiu the past year he had been in two wreck one 00 the Elder, in the Co lumbia River, in January, end on the St. ruL off Point fiorda, in Xove mber. J A mutiny nearly occurred among the I crew when the body was boxed and J stored away on the tiper deck, tlie men devoutly thankful for their deliverance from tlie ueep. miom or mem nminK i ... 1 . 1 1...-1.. . .n hoie of ever reaching land. They j wv that the behavior of the officer and crew excellent throughout the try ing ordeal, and that everything that was possible we done for their comfort. The rough sea mule comfort impos sible. -The death of Xed Milander ha caused J deep regret among hi companion. It ! is taid that hi attempt to Rave the two .'young women was heroic. The wave were sweeping the deck from end to lend a he started on hi perilous jour ' ney. As he n cured the calun from which the two young women were calling-for help another roller struck the hip and swept over her. It struck a heavy iron funnel, snapped it oft at the deck line, and the heroic rescuer wa dealt a fatal blow. Hi body was recovered by his shipmates and brought to this port for burial. This morning a subscription wan started on the dock, all hi former associates subscribing liberally to a burial fund. Tlie officer of the Senator were: Captain II. H. Floyd. First Officer E. V. Mason. Second Officer Johnson (lives at 42(1 Franklin avenue, in thi city). Pur ser C. F. Haywood. Chief Steward Claud Cooper, Stewardess Mr. Brown. The Senator had nine first class and six oeond-chis. passenger out of As toria, but of the fifteen no record is kept here, a it i kept in Portland, a fashion of doing business that is not ap preciated at a juncture of thi sort, and which will be prolxably be remedied in the future, since such information i peculiarly pertinent and valuable when a ship of her importance is in a stress, or worse. All Astoria will rejoice in tlie safety of the ship and her people, and sJiare the general regret incident to tlie vio lent, but manly death of Mr. Milander, w ho. though unknown in this port, per- Store. Where lhe New thing sonallv, i entitled to all tribute for the sailorly qualities and sense of duty that brought hit deoth upon hun . FLOTSAM AMD JETSAM Tlie steamship Columbia is due down from Portland, en route to San Fran-ct-i, at the t). H. & X. pier early t imwivw Morning. The XomeCitv, from Portland to San KrancUt,- cot down on Wednesday . . . . night in ample season to make one more bor. in the lied up fleet in thi liar The fine steamer T. J. Potter must have had a "feeling" trip of it uu he wmv down from Portland last night, but she will be at her dock this morning if she i ou the daylight tide of the tide. The steamer Alliuaice left the fallen dcr pier yesterday morning at 6:30 o clock lor a vantage point, in me lower harbor where she will lie -in position to take advantage of the first passable p!iac of the Columbia bar. ' Captain Failcy and the Tatoosh went to the bar yesterday morning and found nothing but dense fog and a thundering bar. The same condition reported by Captain Reed and the Yallulu on their trip. Steward 1. P. Wallace ofthe Whit- tier, who wa so badly smashed up by the bur sea that came aboard that ves sel on Wednesday last, i doing nicely at St Mary's hospital,' though hi chance of rejoicing bis steamer on her outward trip, except a are invalid pas senger, are very dubious. Captain Jacob Kamm, of Portland, owner of the Kamm fleet of steamers, accompanied by Mrs. Kamm, was in the city on biisine-s yesterday uid left up on the night express far Portland. He knows the Columbia River, in fog, and out uf it, too well to wait for hi own liner, the Lurline, in such a bank of mist a wa overhanging the Colum bia valley all of yesterday. The Callender steamer Jordan -i one of the busiest boats in the A-toria fleet. Captain Jordan reporta the following list of nassencers vesterdar: Mr. and You have just a few days more in which to secure coupons. A number free with every One Dollar Purchase Are you still puzzled over what that Xmaa gift will be? Then pay our store a visit and we will solve the mystery for you. Wouldn't one of these sugges tions be about the thing? For the Lady A Dainty Silk Waist....$4toi5 A Handsome Hand Bag.Jito $7 A Fur Neck Scarf 75c to $25 A Beautiful Silk or Sateen Petticoat titofa) Or a Pretty llandker- chkf at from. 5c to $a In any of the above mentioned Una our assortment i complete. We also ssow a very large line of Toys, Dolls, tic. Where the Xew Thing Make Their Debut Make Their Debut. IBS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQi P. A. STOKBS Practical Presents for Particular People lUrtSduffMrl tV Mara Hud7Uoed tZSffier P. A. STOKES ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc Mr. Huns lVtcr-on, from Altoona; Mr. and Mr. Chri Henry atid Mm. George Klliott, from Charleston; Mr. Peter Lvern. Mr. William OHin-n, JIi Hat- u ,'1 taptain II. Ualein. from (athlamct, The Portland-San Fraiwieo (night liner Cost Kica hud her hawser over the O. R. 4 X. iier ravel all day yea teiday. She Impea to make it out for California this morning. In the mean time her crew is Im-y cleaning ship and making the handsome reem-l hatk een nicer than 11-iial. It a pretty tih fig fiat the Lurline can't find her way through, with Cuji taiu Irkiu and Pilot Olney at tiic wheel. She gt dowu list ni((ht from IVrt !n ml ulsnit an Imiir lute, and left up with a giKxl loud of stutl and a nuiu In r of people, among the hitter being H. WC'nok, D. K. Duncan and K. I!u--ing. The murine world a it stops t, and passe, Astoria, wa confmnted jester dny morning with a dense fog, the outer limit of which were iiily""giiessalIe since it precluded nil wrutiny; but rt poit rw-eiveil during the lay indicate that it reae'u-d from mill I'acitlr to Port Li nd anil a little lieyond laitb way. Thi. in conjunct ion w ith a still warring Imr lit the mouth of the Columbia. iiiuki-H the marine holdup all the severer, and render the probability f Christum dinners being eaten on tilt fourteen lair -hound craft In tlie lower harlior, nil t'ie more tangible. Tlie sen goers now stalled oir Sand Isluid and Fort Steven by fog and lmr, indinltf the following vessels Ship Bound For Flag Dunboyne Europe British Kj nance Kurope liritinh l:Liklieatli Son Francisco .....British Jeanie Sun Pedro American Croydon Jawn . .". ,. ...British Europe Falmouth f France Cambronne Europe France Duisey Mitchell Son Fran.... American Alliance Eureka American Northland San Francisco ....American Oakland .Sun Pedro ... American Koine City Sa n Fra ncisco .... A inerica n Costa Kica San Francisco. ,. .American lledondo Km Francisco American Thee fourteen vessels are likely to have plenty more for company, from Portland, if the fog lifts, and If it doesn't there will be another fleet in Cortland waters, that' all. HOME IS SOLD. Los Angeles, Dee. 21. Tlie announce ment wa made today of the sale of the bewutiful home site in Pasadena known at Carnielita to J V. Harkne, the Standard Oil magnate. The consid eration $180,000. There are twenty wres in the Csrmelita tract, fourteen I of which were brought by Harknes. n j the ground i a bungalow in which Helen Hunt JacLson wrote part of I "Haraona." j P. Come to us for your holiday purchases where we have exclusive styles at modest prices, Assort ment unequalled. House Coats, Bath Robes, Dressy pioves, Neckwear, Fancy Sus penders, Kid Gloves, Suit Cases. P . CHILDREN'S SALE, Class Nt. g, Melhislist Sunday School, will hold ciuhion and candy ak at the church parlor at 3:30 o'clock to day. The proceed to be devoted ty their subscription on th church Im provement. ooooooooooooo T5hc fej BEK&MittVE RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! A Cravenette Coat IN THE LATEST STYLE MAKE A MOST DESIRABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR ANY LADY IN ASTORIA. WE HAVE FIFTEEN DIS TINCT STYLES AND MAKE THE JANUARY CLOSING OUT PRICE ROW. 120.00 for $13,00 118 and $17.50 for 12.00 $12.00 for 8.S0 WE CAN NOT. IMPRESS YOU TOO STRONG WITH THE VAL UES AND GREAT REDUC TIONS IN THESE COATS. Jtf fohc, f,r.L. . BEELJHTVE OC0000OOO0OO0OOO0OCX0O0C OOOtXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ A. STOKBS The Leading Clothier PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Kamm wa in town yesterday for a short time. .1. L Mcl'herson am! wlfr of St. ,'oe, Mo., sre in the i jty on a visit. K. V; t1mk of ivnver i In the city (hi neck transacting lni-iue. M. V.. Mi-tiiiire left yrsterday fur Cos Buy wheie he will ffin. .1. P. West uds came over yesterday from Fnwiksfurt for a short stay. II .1. I4ircn a rrsi l. nl of Clatska 11 ie was in toun yestcrii.iy on buines. Tim t orii.ian of the N'ebilem s in the city yesterday nil a blief biuines tiip. O. M. .IoIhimiii of Mi-luwaka spent 1 few hours in the city esterdy on bllilie-. Mrs. K. A. Sinulcr n resident of Hjl j ImiIo, in toun tills week visiting1 ! tiiemls. Mr. and Mrs Chris Henry of Charles ton spent yesterday in the city on llll-llH -S Claud lliibluiid of Indejiendencn is in tin- city visiting f lien, Is during Ilia holiiluts. Mi lla'tie Xas of Cuthhinnt aa in the city yesterday afternoon vmit iny friends, Captain IIhiv llalain of Cathhinet wa in town yesterday a Rifling t business interests. Mrs, William U'llricn of Cuthlumet a ( 'iri-tiinKt shoppi-r in the city cterday, .ltHiiut sM-nt yesterday in the city isi Altoiiu spent yestenbiy in the city vi-i-ting friends. Mr. Alls-rt Miller of Pilar lbok wa in tun yesterday lining home Christ Inns shoiping, Albin Peterson arrive! in the -ity ycsteiday from I'm t land to remain a short time with friend. A. Carlson of the Iwis and Claik, wn a business visitor Jn the city yes terday for a brief time. Sheriff I-inville returned from Port land where he wa in atteiukmee at the State Sheriff convention. George Noland and family left todiy for Eugene to remain there during the Christina season with friend. Hubert Houston, a resident of Clif Win was in the city yesterday for a short time ateiiding to hushics interest Thonai Berwick, of the llrm of If. Bi rswich it Co., of Portland, wa a bul- I He... visitor in Asturiu, yesterday, j t'apt. Fitz Antensoti of tlie Columbia) I Kiver Packets' Asswlation has b-ft for hi hnmn in Norway, having received jifomiation that hi Cither and mother j were in the lumpiul on ai-omnt of burns i wiili h they received' In a fire at their I home. 1 HoWster'a Riy Mountain Tea la jfimply liquill electricity. It goef to ery part of jour body, Winging new blood, etrengUi and new tlgor. It makes ' . 'i vc'l x: I l eep jou well. 35 cent. ;.. ml l.y F.anknart,