. FRIDAY, DECEMBEB n, 1905. TIIE MORNING ASTORIAK, ASTORIA, OREGON. MURDER CHARGE Italian Who Sold Fruit To Dead Woman Arrested. WAS AFTER HER DIAMONDS Suspected Merdtrer lived Juit Across Strut From Rich Jtwcn and Clrrum- - atancea Lead Police to Believe He Killed Htr For Her Jewele. OATI RECEIPTS IARGI. Smi KfMK-lara, 21. The gate re relpta of the FlNlmmona O'llrlm fltit Iti-f nipti! nc IO,407. Of thl ura ja r 'ti nt tit to the gladlatora, the winner renciwiy 73 per wit of the 0 per re nt, toil the' Unmr getting 23 per wnt. It wa tli large-t crowd that baa attriuhd iiny flight In Suit Franrltro thli )ttr, himI wa the Iarget gallery that ha ever guthered 4 a fl-tic en counter In tbl rlt, . INDIA W TRADES DIES. aavawsB Denver, Dee. 22.-Valter A. Florer of (Iray Home, Okla, writ known trader among th Oange Indian, died berr at mldulj(lit from tuberculoma of the brain. Mr. Florer ram We about a year ago for hi health, He was an of Colonel John M. Florer. one of the plonere of Oklahoma and a trailed friend of the Iktigr, among whom lie ha lived aim the tliiM of the war. Mr. Florer wa born and raied among I ho Indian. The remains will be taken to Lawrence, K., for burial. WAS NOT SO EASY Woman Writer Shows How Easy It is to Steal Alilmry IWk, N. Jv JVc 2I..-Fiaiik IVrdonl, M ItatLin fruit ' m-c?, aiTmlrd Uii afternoon uinm a mm rant Liutd by MiMrato John A. IVr oVn. charging J.J.i with tiie murder of Mr.. Muriti Naftal, tha wealthy Jew wi feiund dead in her Imme in Houlh Main atreet, Wedm-nlay ater Boon. Samuel I'M', auoihi-r Italian, a former partner of IVrdonl, waajakeu at the aaniv time, and placed under bond a a wltneae. I'rrdonl will be ar raijrtwid before MagM mt Horde tumor row morning ml remanded to await Hie reult of the enroner Im.ue't. The warrant for IVrdonl' errt wai w.,itj out by William II. hutith. tve rhlef of poll.. Mr. Smith It reticent romi-ining IVrdoni'a arrr.t, but inti mate that he ha aurtlt-icnt evident in hi polon to wmiect the Italian with the murder, IVidoiii' former ilnif uf liiiKiurM 1 almu.l directly opiMmlt the Naftal h M. Naftal waa a frequent rua toiiii'r, and I'erdoni, it W crt.tl. knew thai .ha alwaya worried hrr diamond and nAwy about her prnm. When Mr. Naftal' body waa found the hand and limb were thd with ripe. Th aitthoiitic allege that the nM? wa rut from the awninjf In front of Piciic'. irun.ioi. 11 i iuitiiir Diatrit Uit I .w lorK, Jfcc. XI. MImi Ullian IVrdunl rerrntly told an cuaititance Itliwy of MiiieatiolU came to New Vork that h knew of a plan whcrdir they loot long ajro with a bundle of nwnu inljlht .nftdy and ea.lly get a large num lattipta. For eight year he i now SHE IS CAUGHT IN THE ACT Miaa Lillian Cherry of Minneapolii Cornea to Raw York to Write Storlea Cautht Shoplifting Saya She Wanted Practical Eaperience, to Bet ter Deecribe. of money end valuable dlann.n k It la trlii'Yfd that the man to whom he l.i oiu lied the plan told the police. IVr.l.Hil a year airo waa arretted, charprd wibH running a gambling hour but the grand jury failed to indict him. tatcr h waa arreted for wiling lior i-ontiary t law. A a conuence hi thirty -one teaching ha been her voca Him, writing her ambition. Mi wat held in JvuVraon Market Police Court yesterday on a charg of ahoplifting In a 8ith avenue department atore, Her defeme wa that, like Hamlin tiarUod, who recently got hlmetf plae ed in a cell in order to acquire "local buiiie fell t.lT and be wa foiml to I color," ahe wa. gathering material for diipo- of it. Hp i an Inveterate gam bler and for the lat month ha been frriuenter of the New York poolrooma. It U con.ideied MHible that Pkrio la the man to whom IVnh.nl flrt ugge4' ej tne iiimiioiii roi.iry. rierle i a Militiiin, witJi cotliih-lablc follow ing. He a formerly an Iii-'I.i- on the liM-iil t roller line and bear an ev.vllciit repuldtion. Sit dctn'lhe. four of them Irom New York, ere wotkinu on the m. Other nriet. iimv I made tomorrow. Mr. N'afUil wa buriitl IimIhv in -liiii)(lii Cemetery, New Yoik. I he (tolice are eearciuug lor a womun whimc home U at Ing llratuh. Tln-y aay IVrdonl hu licen .pending all bi money on her. Suite fruit found in Cie Naftal apartment which Mm. Naflal did not buy. The police aert that the hmg Uranch woman wa in the fruit atore kite on Tue.day evening. HUNTS TREASURE. Chicago, IW. 21. Soim-where along the lake .hore lli'cn Calumet Park mid the lndhitm Stale line -a dl-tance Igitru on tlx- police icgUtr aa living at an article on "How Ka-y It I To Meal in a Dertuient St4re." According to the atore detective, Mi (lurry wa en to take . woman combing jacket. When aearched after her arnut tliene aditional article were found ukui hrr : A hakrt, a paper of plii, MNin, a piece of bice, three acarf, tlvt handkrnhef two colliirx, fourteen Mt card., one Mililier and four boll of riblMiii. Sho went word to Rev. Ir. David .Ivine limn II f the Mrtrble CollcgiaU church in Fifth avenue,, recalling to him that .ho hud been one of bia pari.hion- er In .Minneapolis inroiigii uev, nr. Rutherford rounel waa aecured for her The hearing wn.4 adjourmnl until tomor row and &0 bail wiia accepted from (hone lntcrctcil. It 1 aaid in the wnmnn' behalf Hint her purjMwa n, for one thing, to acoff t Hie New York way of doing bul- nc- with crowd, and for whXImt to tet whetber actual expi'riem hud not more merit than Invention in a "tor?" meant for aale. Mii Cherry 'a New York addreaa i DEWEY ON HAZING The Admiral fs Against All Such Practices. IT SHOULD BE STOPPED Ha Saya tbo Secrttary of the Hary Should tt Ctvta Anthorlty to Sum- marily Dlanlta Aay Cadtt Found GuOty of Hating. C5iIcago, Dee. 21. A diiath to the Tribune from Washington, D. C, aaya: Admiral Dewey ha taken an em phatio atand againat the hazing prae ticea which prevail at tlie naval acade my at Annapoli. 'It 1 a disgraceful condition of af fair.," ha aald yeMeiday. "It ealla for prompt and vigororu attention. The Secretary of tha Navy .hould be em powered to diamiaa Instantly any boy caught in the rt of hexing and tha culprit ahmild be deprived of all hope of getting back. Ho aJmuld le diiui-ed and excluiWd forever." The naval academy . tlie eradle of the navy and there in the opinion of tha admiral, aJiould begin the iruulca tioa of tha princlj.li- of obedience to law and regulation width am e-wntul to the maintenance of an efHclent enlce. "Of courae bora are the wm all over tl world 1 they wi'l be boya," anil Ad miral Dewey. "I am not oppowd to fair fighting when eircumtiMncc are bik-Ii tltat it i the proer thing to report to. We do not want in our navy men who !iettate to rwi.t an lnutt Dut we do not want priMilxhU and It i unfair and unmanly for aevertl boya to at tack one. I feel aura if the Secretary of the Navy bad authority to dinuiU the boy infartttv and lie boy would 1 never have chance of getting back, there would be to mora hating.' OREGCri Short line Union Pacific IP awrv V 71 koura from Portlua to Cblee No ahaiiffo of eava. Parll rrora Arrive PORTl-AWD " - Cbleac Poru.od Mart Uk. Denver, ft 8pela Worth, UmaAa, IUa- IdlpB fciaa.m. aClt.MLoalt via Hat- Ctuoafo ao fee Seat iniloa i Han tie fcipna Wt Lake, Daoear n vie U mmtr aaa City, Ml haul. IngUw Cnicaco and fee teat SST!?'.. .w" Walla. Iwle. fut Mall loa.Kpok.M.MlBD- ;lp. aa. fPoll.MiHul,l.lUi iMOsai via Ipo. ifuwaiikae, Cfeleago. kane andlael Dally Oolombla tlvar U 4 aaa ept Una PortlaiMl aa Way Daily ay acaro laatflaca ' mIMm Our Great Removal Sale of ' Hih Grade Wail Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. " Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are selling wall paper at prices lower than you have ever seen it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. . B. F.Allen Son, st A. I CRAIO, CeaT, Paaa. Aft, Pertlaai. STXAMEX VAHC0TT4 Leave-Atia oa tha Tida DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOB ILWACO. oonnactljic Uere wltl vaiiu ror Loaf Deach, Tioga a North Beach, polota. Beturnlnf ax- rlrea at Aatoria aam aroainaT. fhroufb tickets to aaa from aO prta clpal Europe cUlea. O. W. ROBERTS, Avent, Aatoria, Ore. Clear thinking; decisive action, vim and vigor of body and mind, tha iparkle of life, come to all who noe nolllter8 Rocky Moiantain Tea. 33 eenta, Tea or Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart. Of Intentt to Clerrj. The Antoria & Columbia River Rail road Co., having- been granted member thlp in tha Tram-Continental Clergy Bureau, tbo name of that company will appear in tha clergy application blanka and clergy certificate iasued by the bureau for 1006, and commencing Janu ary lt, of tha coming year. Tbeaa permit will be honored by all agent of the A. 4 C. R. Urn eliminating tha individual half-faro permit baued by that company in former year. Re quests for official application blanks should be made to J. C. Mayo, general paasenger agent, Astoria. uf a half utile lie. buried a lUlicrman' treiiMiiie amounting to HIHMI. The lUh- vrniun told of liix Having to hi aged wife on Tiirdii'V nigit and piomid her that on the following day he would iimk known to her the hiding place of the produ of hi thirty year' work Diiiinif the nitfht he la-came bereft of epeech and e-lcidny ,ta waa uncoil- k'iHM Wlhout repiiiiing tlie u.e of hi. lacullica, he died of lieu I failure. The (ImUoi innn aa known to old aet- tier of South Chhwgo a Andrew Malt Kon,. Aciniiani4d by hl wife he went to South Chicago thirty yetira ago. lie took' up flhhing for a livelihood and the people of the vh'inlty called him the her mit rWhmman, Ilia wile believed he had barely made 1. ... ...i.i.i..., .i....i.ii bin word at flrt when he told hrr of hi large aaving but he wua o empha tic, lm declojcs, that there I. no doubt that the money I hidden aomewhere along the beach. l.cft Hnileit by hii death ahe Intend, to begin a i)U-iixtic avurch for tlie aecivted money. Mttttaon was 6 year old and hi. wife is M. a iMHirtiing uoue ai fourth trect. 12 Wet Ninety- Cured Paralysis. , . W. F. IUiley, P. 0. True, Texas, wrlteas "My wifo had been suffering flv years with paralysis in her arm, when I wsa pcrsuadod to use Ballard's Snow Liniment, whinh cured her all right. I have aUo uaed it for old aores. froatbltes and skin eruptions. It does tli work." Sold bp Hart'a drug atore. MOSS COMFORT THAN EVER. On Sunday, December 17th, the Den ver A Rio Grande railroad will inaugur ate a dally lino of standard and tour' Ut sleeping car between Denver and Los Angeles in connection with tha new. Clark road. Both car will leave Den ver daily at 9:30 a, m., and arrive at Salt 1-ak City at 1:35 p. m., tha next day. At thia point tha cars will bo held over until midnight thua allow ing through paaeengers the privilege of a atop-over of ten hours and a half in Salt Lake City. Eastbound, these cars will leave Los Angeles at 8 p. m., and arrive at Salt Lake City at 6:30 a. m., econd morning where they will remain over until 3:50 p, m (bene to Denver whero they will arrive at 4:20 tbo fol lowing afternoon. This stiop-over at Salt lake City of the regular line of sleeping cars prom! to be an at tractive feature for transcontinental travelor. Water Cart for Constipation. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep tho bowels regular. Harsh ca thartic should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber Iain's stomach and liver tableta. They are mild and gentle In their action. For ale by Frank Hart and leading drug-giats. i II in un Are You Planning to Remodel? If you contemplate remodeling jour present Home now or in the near future, you should study the subject of Plumbing. A Ettle knowledge on the subject wiQ be beneficial to 70a in the selection of the best material and fixture and la their proper location throughout the home. If you will call and consult w, wt wiS give yon attractive Etenture on modern sard tatxm and will show yon the samples of 'ZUitr Wire we have in our showrooms. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pre, and Bart F L BISHOP. Secretary Designers and Manufacturers of A. L. FOX, Yiee Pret . ASTORIA 8AVI50S BAKE, Treat THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery,' Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfit Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOIIOTCO. Foot of Fonrth Streot, goooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooc e 1 Astoria & Columbia River R. R Co. EFFECTIVE SBPT l, 1905. e a.m 2d p.m 8:15 l:Sfi 8:30 8:48 8:48 8:65 8:58 I Oil? Beautifying methods that injure the U, akin and health are dangerous: Be 9:13 lieaiitifut without discomfort by taking Hollieter'a Rocky Mountain Tea. Sun ahby face follow 1U ue. 33 oant. Sold by Frank Hart, 5:50 6:1011:05 6:11 6:25 8:281 6:30 6:40 Till 30 a. m. 11:40 12:10 24 p. m. 81 101 0:03 8:24 10:35 W Leave. Arrive. a. mJ 8:00! 0:101 10:05 10;2ft 11:35 11:35 11:55 11:55 p. m 12:14 12:21 12:30 PORTLAND (Union Depot) leave. Ooblo. arrive CUtsklno Junct Westporl arrive ASTORIA leave leave ASTORIA arrive arrive WARRKNTON leave leave WARURNTON arrive arrive Ft. 8tevena .eavo leave Ft. Stevens arrive arrive . WARRKNTON leave leave WARREN TON leave j 21 m p. m.jp.m. 11:201 0:501 10:101 8:11 8:51 7:45 arrive Clatsop. Gearhart SEASIDE leave 8:20 6:22 6:15 23f25 8:40, 7i40 7il9 6:104 7:40) 5:20 7:201 5:05 7:2(H 7:06 7:00 6:52 6:52 8:05 4:45 4:33 4:30 2:43 2:201 fe:15 2:00 29 a. m 10:451 10:26 10:25 10:151 10:14 10:06 10:061 8:45 8:38 9:30 Sunday only. Through tickets and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland an Ooble, and C R. A V. via Portland. j. c mato, o. r. ana r. Agant. JUST A MOMENT! & ej8 We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BIDING We do it in Ail the Latest and Best Styles of the Ait . . . We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library. The J. 8oooocoocoococoock5ococxxx?cooocc S., Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building Corner ComIierciai. and 10th Street CO0COC30CO0CC0TO0COCC0CCC000000000090C0a