THURSDAY, - DECIKBE at, 195. TIIE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. NOT SO SEN OUS Rujjlin PoliUcil Agitation Wilt Soon Pus. MINISTER OF FINANCE SAYS Ht liken tht Prtteat Trouble la tbt v Empire to Slckneu Which Will Sub '3 lid It Tint and Ltavt Government Stronger This Em. II! t'Vw York, IVc. Mi-The fit. After, iurg correspondent of the Herald eutlr an Interview secured last Saturday with M. Wilpoff, mlnUter of finance, who wa tked a to the eitrnt to which the government sufferrd by lmMort of the polilkal agitation, especially the recrut prcl'tarlat manifesto In which the bank ruptcy of the government a a tiuin- ltd. "I do not erk to conceal tli fact," tha mlnUter ald, "that the movement ha had l)f frit among it. "Coming on the h4 of our recent war It could not be otb'rwWe. Hut don't think for moment that wt experience any alarm r anxiety. "How often hare yon seen a young ml sturdy organism prostrated by 111 a which baa lcen Insidiously rreep ihg on? Hare you not oftn noticed how an ill man, aided by ft robuit vnt Na tion throw of ft mealy and after eon Taletcenc oonvergef rom tlte sick room alrnngrr and mo capable than ever. "Thai la the pillion of Rul juat ow. The illrva I In no way fatal. r will the eon,alei,eo, be proa, tratrd. I cannot ay eiactly when the patient will be able to get otit of, fcul rent assured, he will not die. The rucdiiul attendant are absolutely an re of thai. "Tha revolutionary party baa been trying to make capital, out of the al leged Impending bankruptcy of the gov ernment, lut It la going too far to apply the word bankruptcy to the government of a great country like Ituia. "I authorise you to tate positively that the Ruaalan treasury I In no dif ficulty, nor do wa foresee any possibility of financial trouble. Tba revolutionise make ft strong ptiint of having touched a weak spot by endeavoring to bring aUxit a genrni4 boycott of vodka. That U amrther of their random slatemenU. To show you how unfounded it U Just look here." Opening hia portfolio, tbe Minister pulled out a document showing the re tilt lo the trea.nry of lhi apiilt mono poly for the period from January I to Noeiu1er 30, ltMkV Actiml Income from that source ceeded by more than IVOUO.OOO the amount estimated in the budget for iWri. "Now you can Judge," continued M. fihipoff, "how wild U the assertion of our opponent." "(ireat uneaineaa pievaiU among commercial circlea intere(el in Huaxian bnlnee," a suggested. "That, unfortunately, I only too true," replied the MlnUter,, "nd no doubt it will lake time to dUpel the diapel the distrust but oit will are that the confidence will speedily U restored." MOSS C0HT0RT THAN EVER. On Sunday, December 17th, tha Den ver A Rio Grande railroad will Inaugur ate a dally Hue of standard and tour ist aleeping cart between Denver and Lo Angcle In connection with tbt new Clark road. Both cart will leavt Den ver daily at 0:30 a. in., and arrive at Fait Lake City at 1:35 p. m., tha next day. At Uiia point tht cart will bt held over until midnight, thna allow ing through pengere the' privilege of ft atop-over of ten hour and ft half In Salt Lake City. Eaatbound, theaa cart will leave Ixm Angele at 8 p. m., and arrive at Rait lake City at s30 a. in., second morning where they will remain over until 3:50 p. m thence to Denver where they wilt arrive at 4:20 tht fol lowing ftftefVoon. Thli aOop-over at Salt Lakt City of tht regular lint of aleeping cart promise to be an at tractive feature for.,' trantoontlnental traveler. ' . T yrtoni Flintlng. . "For aeven year," write Geo. W. Iloffmaa, of Harper, Waah., "I had titter battle; with chronic ttomacn and liver trouble, but at last I won, and urad my diteaiea, by tht e of Eleo trie Bitter. I nnhealtatingly recom mend thera to all, and don't intend in tht future to bt without them in tht bou. They art certainly ft wonderful medicine, to bavt cured auca a bad cast ae"mine." Sold under guaranfrt to do tbt taroa for you, by Charlet Roger, drupglst, at 60c bottle. Try them today. W0 BAD EfTECTS. Chlci Baaker Sayi Recent Bank Fall am Art Rot 80 Bad. Chicago, Dec. 20. "Other bank and financial ctnlee in grnorwJ In Chicago cannot poaaibly feel any lad effect front tht fallurt of tbe John It. Welab banka," aaij Jame It Forgan, prealdcnt of tht Firat KaUonal Hank ami of the Chicago' Clearing Aatociatlon Uat night. "In guaranteeing tha depoalU of the three bank, the other banka of Chicago have taken no uaual action. They bavt not teenmed any great HaUlitlea. In fact, tht actual liability ftaaumed by aoh bank I compevatlvely trivial not more than la met on an average day'i bualue, "There la no other bank In Chicago In tht condition which canaed tbe down fall of John K. Walah't InatiUition. No other bank ran bt enVJected to tbt crltk-lm that it president l engaged In other Hnc o( buaineaa u WaNh wai, 'Of oouraa tvey Chicago bank hat bimlnea men in IU directorata. It U ao all over tlie world. Dub with all the bualneM men aa director In the Chicago bank, no other bank U uaing It' fund for out. Ida Inve4ment a were the three." COriVICTAREIIEllOES Forgot They Wert Convicts and Do Noble Wort RESCUE PERISHING WOMEN U Big Horpital Fiit Oft BlackwtU'i Ialaad Tht .Praittitlary .Priaonert Art Sweated to aad ii Saving tht ImprUcadd Wtmta. New York. Dec. 20.-Men forgot that they were coovlcU and rememliered only that they were men on Mackwcll I-Jand early thU morning when the maJe prlaoner. marahaled by their keeper Into fire-fighting am life aavlng eorpa, bort from tbt flaming floor of tht women' wrd Ave hun dred and ninety-four frantic women and from the hospital bed fifty more. Starting In tht aewlng room of the workhoue and from caua which ba not Jet lcen definitely decided, the fire had reached a fierce blate at t o'clock, when it wa discovered. The Are en- vine on (he ial'tid proved inadenimte and a rati for help waa aent to the city department. Seven enginea were aent over but were not aufllclent to ave tlie women' workhouae from detructon. On the ton floor of thia building were cell for the. women, and everyone held one or two iirUoncr when the fire oc curred. Thee women became frantic w ith fright and were aoon choking with the denae mnke that fllh-d all the hall and their cell. .That mot of them did nob perlh 1 due to the recent intallatlm of a ya tern by which In emergencle every cell In ft tier can be opened lmultnootily with all the other. Y)n the extent and danger of tlie blaxe lieeame apareut the Warden mnrahaled out hU regulr fighting force of employe and oon were all at work. The flume unread ao fan!, however. that thl fon-e proved hnele-ily Inade quate. Then It wa decided to trut to tha male prinoticr en-c of inanluHxl and they bore the teat well. Relened from" their relU and mnr ahaled Into amnll bodic they entered the burning building and went at the worp of flre-flghtlng and rewiie with niter diregnrd of the ditiger to them aclve. The flame were crackling all aliout them end they plunged through the dene amoke wlien they brought out In their arma the bit of the women priwucra. Tbe fire India ami the about of the men at wock could be heard all over the Inland and In the hnxpltalt and build ing of the other inatitutioii there wa a panic which wa quieted with diffi culty by the nurnea, phyalrliin and Keeper. Ihe lire waa connncu 10 me women's workhouse. WANT DAMAGES. flan Francbteo. Dee, 20. The Taciflc Coaat Company hanied a liliel In the United Rate Dlatrlct Court agalnat the RIdon Iron k Locomotive Work to recover $5337, dmge alleged to have been utlned by tbe ate-uner Auncion while undergoing repaira by tht defendant The complaint recite that tbe damage wa done when the ateamcr Corona collided with the Asun cion at the dock during a etorm , on THINKS IT'S FUNNY Stockholder In Broken Chbijo Bank Jokes. HE IS NOT AT ALL WORRIED Say That Oat Had Betttr Takt Thinga . Coolly and Go Slow and Every Ont Will Oct .Thtir .Monty .la .tht Esd. . ' Chicago, -Dec. W.Tht only Jocular note heard thu . far oncerplng tbt WJh fallurt come from D.' K. rear aorta, pbllantbrojd-t and ttockholder in tbt Chicago National Bank. " Mr. Pearson enjoyment of what ba call "Walah' declina and fall off, la dut to hi unahakea belief that the new directorata will bring both depoitora and atockholdera throush without lo. That mw'li conced4 tbe college benefac tor take tha poaltlon that hi $411,000, tied up in 1-12 abarr, entitle him to whatever humor ha can find in tlte ituatlon. ' "John B. Waloh wa a mighty amart man, but no banker,'' a id Mr. I'camon lai nlgt. . Triend John certainly ha mixed thinga up. , He wa altogether too aan- gnlne to make a goo banker, and now ha it reaping tht re writ. "Of eourae'I would not talking like tbla if I did not betievt that every body woMld come out of it untcatbed. I'eopU can ay what they have a mind to, but I, who bavt known John R. Walh for forty llyo year, know that ba I an honett man and that hi In vestment ultimately will pan out all right. . ; "Left take thing eoolly aod go At any rata Um4 I going to bt my motto, notwithstanding tbt liability on- tailed, in my U hare. That commit- tee of Chicago banker I doing mag nificent piece of work, and tha fact that It ha undertaken to atralgnten out John' affair npport my belief that genuine and ufnYient aet are there. "Poor John I have known him ever aim he kept that dinky little newa- ttand on Dearborn street. HI only mistake ha come rather late in life. If ba had stopped getting richer and tried to give away bi money he would till U a rich man." AUTOhtOBILISTS RESCUED. Flagstaff, Aruu, Dee. 20. The search inir party which left here eterdy afternoon to locate the loat tranaeonti- nental automobillat. Percy F. Megar gel of New York, and David F. Faett of Lansing. Mkh., found them late lat night in a deaperat condition, anowed In, without food or gasoline, thirteen mile from town, near a deep ravine in the mountain. In a- few hour longer they would hva perished from tha bitter cold. Both men .suffered from the cold, but had managed to save themselve from being frown to death by use f gaso line to build ft re. Smoke from tbi fire led the recuer to the spot. By ft mere chance a squirrel had been hot during the day and cooked over their fire. It wa their flrt food for over thlrtr-six hours. While searching for the transcontinental autoinobill.t. the earching party came aero the frown body of a logger by the name of Thomaa Smith, who had been lot for two dayt. The automobile was towed iuto town lute last night and will Wave Wednes day or Thuraduy, providing tho crew I anfflcicntly recovered from their long exposure. " . ? - . 1 la PraUt of Chanrotttaln'i Cough Remedy. Thera it no other medicine manufact ured that ha received to much praUe and to many expression of gratitude a Chamberlain'1 cough remedy. It U effective, and prompt relief follow It ut.e. Grateful parent tverywrnwa do not h .'tabs to teati t? If merit for the benefit of other. It a certain en? for croup and will prevent t'. it Urk If given at th fir.t eppcimce f disease. It la eapeclally adapted to children a it I pleaaant to take and containa nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphries, a well known resident nd clerk in tht ttore of Mr. E. Lock, of Alice, Chpa Colony," 6out Afrkm, ayi "I hkre ned ChamberViln't Cough1 Remedy to ward off croup and cold in my family. I found It to be rery aatl- factory, and it givea mt pleaiurt to reoommtnd It" For tale by Frank Hart and. leading druggista. Pal VST: aw V r ) Siioict Line IIuiau tla MSM1 ft kwtra from FortlaAa U CMofta Nt) akaaga art eon. Departl Cblaa Port I. iaaffO ttlsod tpaelai t-.Ua. m. ylaHaaH utioa TIMESY'REOUIJUI from PORTLAND HattUke.rMaTer.n worm, umtM, iea- iciu.mLouu. CftMHoaad ibeKaet AttanlU iy lft!L P"" H " wn, wmmam, vta H ant- sa w ly. Hi Lotus, iafUm jCbtosco sad U fast M. Not . Walla Walla, Uwi. a . a, awrtla. m raal, Oalnthl via Boo. kfUwsakea. CbUaaa.1 ie 'a4 last I 1 Ante i TiUaa .Mia Dattl es . eepl Ho avjrat7ju kMambla ftivar ie rwmaaa aaa Wa Uaaiag tan Daily wtra Our Great Removal Sale of liih Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure, bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in tbe meanwhile we are selling wall paper at prices lower tban you have ever seen it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. - " B.F. Allen Son, cli7$t 9 33 A. C CRAIG, GeaVL Faaa. Agt, ParUaai. STXAXXR IAHCOTTA Laavaa AtUrk ear tha Tide DAILY EXCEPT 5UKDAT, rOR ILWACO, oonnacUac Uare wtu tralna for Long Daach, Tlofft aaa North Beach polnta. Batoralag aw rtvea at AatorU aamt aranlng. rarougB tlckata to and from all prta , elpai Eoroptaa ettlea. O. W. ROBERTSV AertBt, Aatorta, Ore. Water Curt ftr Ctattlpatita. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep tht bowel regular. Hartb ca thartic should be avoided. When a purgative ie ' needed, take Chamber lain' ttomach and liver tablet. They art mild and gentle in thtlr action. For tale by Frank Hart aod leading drug-giete. 1 Are You Planning to Remodel? If jroa contemplate rcmodcEng your present noma bow or in the near future, yoa should itaJy tin ubject of Plumbinj. A Etde knowledge on tie mtjeet will be beacdJ to 700 la the KlectJoa of the beat materia! and fixture! and b thdr proper location tnroughoBt the Home. 1 If jroa will c3 anj consult wt will give von attractive Etentnre 00 modern and "N u"a w (ho 7Q the tamplea of TbBiimf Ware wt have ffi our ihowrooni. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Pru and 8oyt FLBISUOK Secretary A. L, FOX, Vie Prea. ASTOBU 8A V150S AXK, Treat Deslaen and Mtntficttirers of THE LATEST D1FBOVED Canning MaAlncry,lMarinc Engines and oilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. COITJtCSrONDCNCE SOtJOTED. Foot of Fonrth'Street. C00OO0O0O0OQ0X)CO0C0O0O0OOCC0O0OC30O0O0C0OCO0O JUST A MOMENT!: & J8 We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in Ah the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. ... j5 tj& 8 n a Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any ... ..1 We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rcbind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library ; . , . - - . - The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building Corner Coumercial and 10th Street March 0, 1004. Mara lag AsWriaa, 7 So par month. COCX)OOOOCOOCC OOOOOOCCOOCCOOCOCOOCOOOOOCCOOOOOCCOOCC30CI a