The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 20, 1905, Image 3

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    vrrnmoAT, dzcimub m, ioj.
Newly Elected Dblrlct Attorney
Will Follow Uw.
Attorney Says Ht Will Not Authorise
) Bun si laterpreiers ana sseaicai
witMHM, aim win Net pr Travsi
eipeoett of Witnesses,
Uoton, le 19. "I tritfiid lo Ignore
11 cutoma eataUlUhrd by my iet-uV
sou. Wbffo Uio atatuts fall to gU
no authority to direct peyuieut by the
County trraiuror, euktout ran not kvo ido
'o-h authority. Thia office i to bo con
ducted during my administration in ar
coitlania with the law."
Tai dHaratlon by the newly lrot
o4 di'tHi-t attorney, John l. Moron
lt ntfjfit accompanied an announce
sueut by blra of several radloal .haius
ta th conduct of the dUtilct attorney'
o(&, Mr. Mora daJming that hit
pivderetaora in office lutvo been guilty
of authoiliitf payment over whk-b they
have no control.
In bia announcement today the di
tikt attorney delate that h will not,
Wauie bo baa not the authority to au
thotlte till presented by Interpreter
and medio! witnee In payment (or
their appearance before the grand and
petit juronj be elo refute to author
Uo the payment of witneetea traveling
espenaea beyond the limlU of the atata;
decline to authorise police official to
draw money from the county treasurer
(o pay the eipenei Incident to bringing
to thi atete any offender captured out
tide the boundariea of tho common
wraith. In thia lt contention Mr.
Moran W supported by tho atomey gen
oral, Herbert Parker.
Mr. Moras' claim t that under tho
elatute, interpreter and medical wit
He In the court are entitled to
only ordinary witneoe fax.
The medical eva miner in Suffolk
county receive ttouO a year for their
art Ire and thi, Mr. Moran claim it
ufliilent compensation for tho. work
they do. T,1ry have been amifttomed
to leeelv $15 for each time they teti
(v Uftx the prand Jury and fit for
ea h appraratu before a petit jury.
On "Sunday, December 17th, the len
vcr A RJo Grand railroad will Inaugur
ate a daily lino of atandard and tour
Ut alreping car between Itaver and
Lo Angele in ennnertion with the new
Clark road. Roth car will leave Den
vr daily at :30 a. m., and arrhe at
alt Lake City at 1:3.1 p. in., the next
day. At thi point the car will bo
held over until midnight thu allow
ing through pateenger the privilege of
a atop-over of ten hour and a half in
Fall Lake City. Ket bound, three car
will leave Ixm Angelea at 8 p. m., and
arrive ai Salt Uko City at 0:30 a, in
second morning where they will remain
over until 3:00 p. m., thenco to Denver
where they will arrive at 4.20 tho fol
lowing ' afternoon. Thi tlop-oter at
Salt Uko City of tho regular lino of
kleeping car promise to be an at
tractive feature for tranaoonlinental
Remarkahlo Core.
"I waa affllib'd with eclaties." write
d, C. Nud, lowavllle, Sedgwick Co;
Kan., going about on crutohea and uf-
feting a, deal of pain. 1 wa Induced
to try Ballard' Snow Liniment, which
relieved me. ,
I ucd three 50c bottle. It la the
greatet liniment I erer ued have
recommended it to ft number of perona;
all expreea theuuelvea aa being benefit-
l by it I note walk without eruWies,
able to perform a great deal of light
labor on the farm" 28o, 60c and $1.00.
. - New York, Dec. l.-lVnJamln V.
C'hadoey, a prominent Brooklyn law7er
and orator, waa aentenced to one years
Impriaonment yeoterday for attempted
grand larceny. He wwa arretted recent
ly in Xilee, Mich., after tho Brooklyn
police had believed him to be dead for
nearly threo yeare,
Hurt FlutUrlng.
Undigeeted food and gaa la tho atom
aeh, located jut below tie heart,
prone against it . and cause heart
palpitation. When your heart trouble
you la that way Uko Herblna for ft few
day. You wil toon bo all right. 60c
ft botUo. Sold by Hart' drug atore.
a Cwee. .
If you think you aro gracofnt got ft
friend to map dosen shot at yew
with kodak when you don't know U.
Ton will ae yourself !a ww awkward
position that yon won't hare any
celt left In you.-Atcblon Glob.
la re.
Mamma (at break f ant table) You
ahonld alwaya ne your napkin,
Georgia. (Jeorgl I am nslng It,
mamma. I'vo got the dog tied to tho
leg of tii table with IL-OoMen Days.
Taele lal raeeHleo.
8b a t am ao fond of tree! The oak
ta my favorite It la ao atroog, ao noblol
Which di you llko tho beatt U
(promptly V-Tew. i adf.
Butt. Dee. I!). Tbomaa A. Crowe, a
well known mine operator and former
militiaman of Idaho Spring, Colo., waa
eworted from Butto early thia morning
by a number of eruted miner. He waa
badly Iwwten.
Temper too valuable a thing to
bo it.
Sltor r getting more pointed de
finitely o.
Clewr thinking, decUiv action, vim
and vigor of body and mind, tho eparklo
of life, cmur to all w ho ua HollUter'a
Rocky Mountain Tea. 33 eenta, Tea or
Tabb ta. Sold by Frank Hart
New York, IVc. IV. Judge George C5.
Holt, in tho United State dUtrb-t court
yelerday handeil down a deciion that
painting and arulptiiro need not be
marled with th cutnmry "copyright"
notice in order to pMect them from plr
ary. Th dacUion auatained an action
brought by Einil Won.kineli.ter, againt
the Amoilean IJUiograph Company end
tho Aoierkwn Toliacco Company, the
plaintik charging violation of hi copy
right. ,
t Maet Cwlllvato Oretee If Tow
- Wool Imartf Tewe Mlaal.
The tulnd la very, delicate, rompll
rated plerw of ruetbanUiu. and. al
though toado to do a certain kind of
work marveloualy well, yet. when pot
to an entirely different nae, It effl
clpocy U ruined, Juat aa tho delicate
tiachlaory Intended for prodorliig flu
watch porta would bo completely apoll
od for thia parpooo If tued to make
clock pftrta. Waoa th mind become
deflected to a eertaln extent from Ita
normal condition by th vtcloue read'
tog habit. It direr fee mora and mora
and rarely gooo back to tuo norma L
By desultory bablta of reading and
lack of ayatom yon eonfuao Um mind
with large ruaaa of nnrUaalflod mate
rtaL Yoa pick up t book and fewd a
few pagea apd then pick up another
oo and then go from that to a paper
or magaftlno. - Thia yuta tho mind In a
cnaotic auto, . pecauao you jot every
thing rua Into, th cnontal reoervolr
without any order or deflolte plana.
Syateoloo reading la profltlowa. You
cannot gala knowledge of a friend or
pria hie frtondablp by a baaty flrat
toprooaloo, ao In reading, a book you
cannot gala everlaetlng good by kln
mlng over Ita content or by reading
a few pagw on ni&ht and then put
ting It oo a abelf to gather duet until
you got tim to road It again. Every
thing com out of th mind aa It went
la, and If It doe not outer la an or
derly manner It will com out 1a chaos.
IWautifying method that Injure the
Lln wnd health are dangeroua. Bo
lieautiful without dUcomfort by taking
HollHer' Itocky Mountain Tea. Sun-
lilny face follow It ue. 33 cent. ,
Sold by Frank Hart.
Did you ktww that in Jain woman
gihl their teeth.
The ladir of Arabia tain their fing
er and toe led.
HolliMr'a lUxiy Mountkinj Tern la1
Imply lijukl elMrii-ity. It gore to
every part of your body, bringing new
blmMl, atrengtlt and new vigor. It make
on well ad keep you well. 33 cent.
Sold by Fiaiik Hart.
to ftaeiaat Balaa4 It Wa at 1
- eCtoeli la the Farvaaea.
Th ordinary hour for dinner la Ear
land la th fifteenth century appear
to have beea 10 o'clock la th forenoon.
la tho larger baronial eaatlea, a Uriah
Boapltallty wa practiced, but oven
among the lower ranka. aayi a con
temporary, tho "bona Ode traveler"
could alwaya b aor of a welcome and
th beat provlaloa that the bout af
forded To abut tho door upon th
boueelea atranger wa aa offenn
which th church would not readily
condone, and It waa remarked of more
than one who had erred la thu reaper!
that lock ever afterward deserted him.
Th approach of th meal waa often
announced by th blowing of noma, ao
that wayfarer might haateo tholt
Curtoualy auongh, grace waa aald he
for th table were laid, and tha
foeeta appear to havo had their appo
tJtee whetted In a moat aaluUry man
aor by regarding the movomoota of th
attendant aa they aproad th cloth
and brought In aaltcvllars. drinking
veaaela and other neceaaarlaa. To
wait on other at table wa ooaaldorod
rather honorable than otacrwlae, and
th atory of tho Black Prtnc attend
tog to the wanu of tho captlv French
monarch contain nothing extra ordl
nary. In tho household of th great
th carver and tho who presented
th win at table war never too than
esquire and often noble and barooa.
Family Magaslnc
One thing certain, Coiigreiiroan Ing-
Moith will never dare go hack to the U-
land of Silu again.
The rate debate U on in the Senate,
and Senator Tillman la happy. IT likea
o ee the epark fly.
Cured Paralytla.
Y. F. Bailey, P. O. True, Texaa,
write i "My wife had been tuffering
five year with paralyaia in her arm,
wtbea I, waa penuaded to u Ballard'a
Snow Liniment, wbldh cured her all
lght. I have U need it for old aorea,
frotbltea and kin eruption. It doe
the work." Sold bp Hart'a drug etore.
. Irrltael Draara.
Tho uae of tea and coffo. aaya ad
authority, who Include tobacco aa wn,
I Injurlou and ought not to b In
dplgod In by thoa who aeek to plac
themselves In th beat condition to re
list dlaeae, bee uae 'they belong In th
category of Irritant drug. These, by
rousing the vital fores to got rid of
tho poison, provoke tho action which la
mtata kingly supposed to bo aa added
fores, wheress thia action I only on
of self preservation. It will readily
b aeen how much aupportlng and
building np of th sytm thor ar la
uch substance by trying to He oa
thorn to tho exclusion of other things.
Ho result would Drove th abaurdtty
or th :..
WIIklna-Ttfu'v never worked a day
ta your llf. kav you? Bllklno No,
but I'vo worked lota of people. Do
trolt Free Press.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
Capital and Surplus $100,000
Y Y Wll II IUI O Beer.
Sherman Transier Co.
HENlY SHEllM AN, Manager
lacka, Carriages Baggage Checked tod Transferred Trucks and Fur
niture agona Pianoi Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commerd&l Street
Phone Main 121
Astoria's Best Newspaper
Your Stomach"
Is t way pcoplt Is China say
Good Morning." Th greeting .of
almost crcry nation is an inquiry
after health. The Chinese have the
root of the matter. A strong stom
ach is the foundation. Look after
this organ and the general health
cares for itielf. Man is so consti
tuted it cannot be otherwise. It is
the mission of -
to keep the stomach well, the liver
active and the bowels regular. They
dispel sickness and create health.
Dyspepata, IndJcaatJM, BIlkNU
m or C0Mtlpttoa cannot exist
when BMCfuna'f Pt2i are uh4 ac
cording to directions. For over 59 .
fn they have cured disordered,
stomachs, and are now a world-famous
remedy. They merit your
. .
fold Everywhere. la boxes Uc. aad So,
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines. .
The bet cot you no more than "any
old thing." It will pay you to buy at
We Pay The Express
and charge you no more than our next
door Btfgfabor. Send for illuitrated
catalogue today. A solicitor wanted
in every town.
Dm Bi S) lar saMtsral
Star bar(M.ia fjanlla,
IfTtlaHM ar alMrattaa
W m ic t II wrtmii.
uawaun.ii 1 . aw y
T mriii, ena. FT
SI J. rSMtlK.7.
Gtrealar ant aa
Are You Planning to Remodel?
If you contemplate reroodelbg
your present borne now or In the
sear future, you should study 'the
subject of Plumbing.
A Ett!e knowledge oa tlx subject will
be beneficial to you in th selection 'of lb
best material and fixtures and In their proper
location throughout the home.
If you will call and consult us, wa wZ!
five you attractive literature on modern asaW
tatwn and wLl show yon the sample 'of
Ware we have la our showroom.
11 '
8; ;.l
J. A. Montgomery, istoria
JOHN FOX, Pre, and Ruyt
F L BISHOP. Secretary
A. L. FOX. Vie Pre.
Designers and rtanaficturtrs of
Canning Machinery," Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfib Furnished.
CO"JttSrX)Wr:NCE SOliOTtO. ' Foot of Fourth'Streot.
& 3 & J
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . .
SS g sj
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn, out books with
the covers, torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book
. Let us figure with you on fixing up your ;
V '" "
- Library.--
& iS sjS
The J. S.
ger Co. :
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian'.Buildino ' Corner Commercial and 10th Street