THK UORNLVO ASTOTirAN. ASTORTA. OREGON.' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER so, 1903. THE HOMING ASTORIAN Established 1S73. Published Daily by THE J. S. DEiLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. By mail, per year 7.00 By nidi, per month. 60 By carrier, per month .73 WEEKLY ASTOKIAIf. By mail, per year, in adrnnoe. .$1.00 Entered aa teeood-elaM matter Jane .1W6, at tbe postoHk at Aitorl. Or- ton, under toe act of Codjitm ol March I, wt tarOrrUn for the iMwiu of Tai MouT nwisroaiJL toeithsr wfataooa or pUo of mmj om um 07 poaui oara or tfcrouj talevho. Amy brnjpUartt? ta ds- nvtn aaouta m waiiiwi reoorxM 10 im oaV of pubiieatioa. TELEPHONE MAUC Mi. WEATHER REPORT. . :. Portland, Dee. 19. Western Oregon and' We4ern Washing- ton: Occasional rain. Western Oregon; Occasional enow, colder. THAT NEW HOTEL. Now that the Democrats have got things all their own. trey and the recent election has been properly dige-iter, there is ample time to give to other import ant matters of local significance; and among the most pressing is the con struction and opening of a big, new, first class hotel Tbe City Council has pars ed the proposition of the Philadelphia man up to the Chamber of Commerce, and the chamber will probably pass it up to the people who will promptly pass it back to the "Quaker City" man with a tag on it that will forever forfeit his further interest in the matter. This is the way such questions are usually dispo-ed of, Tlie one and only thing to . do, is to route popular sentiment here for a hotel that shall be credit to the city and then make it essen tially an Astorian deal; build it on 1 site that will make it a distinct orna ment to the city ; build it of local mate rials, with local money, and put it in charge of local man who will make it popular. There is everything here nec essary for the launching of a splendid enterprise of this sort and its profits and revenues generally, should be spent at home, just as the coat of iU mate rial and labor should be spent among the home dealers and mechanics and la borers. Astoria, is rich enough to carry out any hotel program that may be needed or adopted, and we believe she has public spirit enough to take the in itiatire in its inception and installs tion; if the has not, let it be demon strated first, then call in your out siders. HOUSE COMMITTEES. Only I few changes are found in the committee li4 of the Houe of IVpre svntafiwa, anj tboso were already din counted. The prohmd ascendency 01 th Republican patty and the re -election of Speaker Cniiihiu make the Hu-e in a measure, like the Smut, a roiitimi wis bondy. The old scramble for com in it tee appointments at the Wginning o! each seion yield to an orderly pro- sreion of niemlcr from lower to higher place on the commit te.-s in which tHey have had erieiKe, and in sure a continuity of policy that is in general of public benelt. The mo-t con spu-uous change is the appointment of the new memltcr of the committee of ways aiui means who are in sympathy with tle Speaker's tariff views and op pord to tbe opening up of the question of revision at this time. The most gratifying feature of the appointment is the promptness with which they are made. They are an nounced a week after the. meeting of Congress, something unheard of for years. At the beginning of the first regular seesion of the last Congress Mr. Cannon was expeditious, but a short ex tra sesion just before bad prepared the war for the appointments. The President had contemplated an extra session this year in order to get busi nes under wav before the holidays and avoid the usual waste, of time until January, if for no other reason. The Speaker has accomplished what wa hoped for from the extra session and left Congress no excuse for not getting its work well in hand before the Christ mas recess. 0 - BEAR IT IN MIND. Without any individual reflections or personal propensity in the allusion, it is quite in line with cogent, consecutive, political thought to 4l if it was a real ly &on-partiMH move in the "Citizens'" party to appoint ai Democrat to the mayoralty! If a P.epublican had lioen named, it miht have: been con-tnicd into a genuine non-patian t-p on the part of the "Citizens'." hut since it was a Democrat (and luckily for the city, the bet in the party here.) the conclusion is inevitable that it watt the first gun of the Democrntic masters to S'liiphasize their late. ciuiMtion of lo cal supremacy. By the way, we like that word "master" better than "Ix)," the latter N -o hackneyed, ye know. 0 MERELY A HINT. Sssissa - In the course of a few" weeks the As torian will have another project of de cided public interest to present to the people; of this city. The preliminaries aire not far enough advanced to indulge in an open discussion, but when they are there will be a conspicious and invit ing them for wide, public agitation and arbitrament. Keep your eyes on the- columns. j DISPUTES NIL, Thirteen years without a labor diffi culty is the praiseworthy record of the United States Potters' Association. This body of employers deals directly with the headquarters of the association to which its woikmen belong. There Ls no room for disputes with walking dele gates or business agents looking for 'graft" and tk-kled with the notion of ordering strikes. If trouble arises, it is settled between tbe manufacturer and those in highest authority in the union. It is surmised that there are sensible and conservative men at the head of that workingmen's union. It would be a good example for the study of the house smith's union, which struck against a lo cal building firm of New York on suspic ion that it. refused to investigate. Tne greater the leaven of intelligent and honor among workingmen, the fewer will 1 the violent disputes bet wee them and the employers. 0 COLLAPSE OF RUSSIA. town"; Ty will carefully, slowly, but iikM surely accomplith it, however, and the d.ttice-halls will be the. t on the list of the popular relaxation, to be granted immunity. o- Wliat Speaker Cannon call "the The stream of gold flowing out of Ruia will .probably be followed loon by a proreion of grand dukes and othe mipvrlluous functionaries, 0 The population of Sing Sing continues to increasegreatly to the advantage of white haired manilai-in of the House 1 4,1 citizens, and (specially of New haw sIh.wu tlie -kiU their place, and J or City. " now the youngster in the Senate have I O txvn forced to bow to the w ill of the I If the baseball magnates want to "eliler statesmen." These questions of I MP interest in next years games precedence 'laxing been settled, it U to le Imped Kith timiv will get, down auiicablv to buine. they aie advised herewith to start public investigation of graft 0 Hie engagement of Mis Roosevelt Acmnliuc to the German Imuerlal Wn '"y mnieed, a great bur Chancei!, -the empire is at .peace " J,u ,iftd froM ,be nouMe ol the iiie woiia will iriadly accept the awsur- i"".r, nw a HKre substantial tlu thpt given in like terms by another empire years ago. There Is scarcely. a power Kansas produces 00,(sK) barrels of oil a day. which should be mnple to ke p in tlie woild more potential for peace I hrr PnFri,.v from getting rusty than (tcrniany, and scarcely on that is The cotton exchange should be re moved to Washington. That's the pies lent center of crop misinformation -o mora interested in maintaining peace. . 1 0 An inventor writes to a newspaper asking whether the government offers a reward for the inventor or discoverer of perpetual motion. Usually inventors along that line do their inventing first and then they dout cart what the gov eminent offers. o The Pennsylvania Society, Ohio So- iety, Xew England Society, Southern Society et al are beginning to have their annual dinner. If we can succeed in locating Uiat other' hungry man we're going to take him out to lunch for pure sociability. Amalgamated copper crossed par yes terday. It was like welcoming home the prodigMi son. 0 ' The court of appeals ha crystallized public sentiment very well. Hist! the little gunboat is safet 1 T i .a .-sanin uemuarui nas maue an Im pression on the American stage," writes dramatic critic. There! Sarah has probably fallen edgewise again in some rying death scene. A thk-k rug should be used on the stage. 0 These beautiful, snowy poems and (orie.4 m tne iiiristma magazines would be much more enjoyable if w eouM only forget how the authors per pired when they wrote them last July. SLIPPERS A fllLL LINE. Best f.lalie of Shoes on the not' ' I lief. Another Brooklyn cenetarian is dead at the ape of 108. It is bard work sometimes to get across the bridge, but it is worth while if one wants to con tinue long in the land. ITvSUPTOYOU REMEMBER IT'S FREE. SEE THIS MACHINE, READ OUR OHER, A NATURAL TONE TALEIN0 AND SIftGINU MACHINE .. M S. A. GIMRE, $43 Bond Street 0pp. Roai Higgin 4 Ca Tlie Russian empire today appears to . .1 m 11 eri t a e in a state 01 001 lapse, inrougnoui the whole vast realm, from the Baltic Sea to the Sea of Okhotsk, from the Euine to the Arctic, the political ma chine has broken down and the social and industrial fabric has fallen or i fallinz into ruin. Not for more than a century has the world seen so appal ling a spectacle, not since the "Cim merian World-wreckage" of the French revolution. There may 1 those who will apply that graphic phrase to the darkness and ruin which now prevail in Russia, seeinir that the land of the Cimmeril was in that empire; and in deed it seems a fitting for such ap plication as for the case of France, since if Russia has not proportionately the culture which Fran-e then had to le destroyed it has a vastly larger popu lation to be involved, it has already de veloped savage passions not. surpawd in the Iteign of Terror, and its govern ment seems to be as close to the verge of failure a was that of Louis at the death of Mirabtwu. Tlie name of Mirahcau, indeed, sug gests another striking re-emblanee ! tweeen the two revolutions. "There is one Herculean Man; in "internecine duel with him, there is Monster "after Monster .... With tliese shall the "Serpent-queller do battle continually, and "expect no rest." Thus spoke the historian of the French revolution; and every word is precisely trueof the Rus sian revolution of today, with reference not to Mirabeau but to Witte. Vast as are the contrasts between the two men personally, they must be reckoned as one in hatred of anarchy, whether of of monarch or of the mob, as one alo in circumstances and in responsibility. That they will not be alike in their ending we must hoie. Mirabeau died, and hi uVith was followed by the flight of the doomed king. Witte mm speaks of resigning, an incident wltose sequel might lie no less disastrous than the death of Mirabeau. For if he is not able to stand, who else in Russia ru hope to be? And if his wle policy of constitutional order is not to prevail, what can take its place with promise of more acceptance and of more success? 0 SLOW BUT SURE. There will be some show of sense in the degrees of speed adopted by tlie Democrats in the "owning up of the HHDAI38IS (MS , PSXLT C8SEB IT Foley's Honoy and Tar There Is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after Foley's Honey and Tar bad been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and strengthens the lungs. ioley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and eren in the last stages will always give comfort and relief. Foley's Honey and Tar eives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances with some unknown Drenaration . r , Contains no opiates. Curti il Ttrrlili Cocjk ei Legs, N. Jackson of Danville, in., writes: "Mr daughter had a never attack of La Grippe and a terrible congh on her tungi. We tried a greet many rtmedlae without relief. She tried FoIeVe Hone and Tar, which cured bar. Sbehaanerar been troubled with a cough eiace." Cesiusstloa CbtiI Foley ft Co., Chicago. Dana, Gentlemen: Foley'! Honey and Tar cured ma of Conaumntloa after I had Buffered two yean and was almost daav perat. Thre physicians failad to ghra me any relief and tba last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I beard ten el without benefit, until Folev'a Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Ita efface right from tbe start was magical. I Improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lang Trow ble. Yours very truly, ALUS. MARY AMBRQSg. Three sires 25c, 60c, 11.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the 11.00 bottle al most six times as much. sou m mmm it CHARLES SOGERS, Druggist, CHINA WARE CUPS AND SAUCEBS. CHOCOLATE SETS. SALAD SETS. TEA SETS. FANCY TEA POTS. ALL APPROPRIATE , CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Yokohama Bazar 63 Commercial Street, A tori Call at ear Stere sni Hear the Specially Prepared Becerds of Basdi as4 Other Instrumental Music, Songs, Stories, Recitations, and Assure Yosrwl that This Is the Beet Offered You Buy only the Btcords. STANDARD TALKING MACHINE BECOBDS ABE FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY. 7 , As a home entertainer It hae no equal. The bemt, talent in the aouairy is brought right to your fireside to while sway long wlnUr freeing with eees. eat recitations and songs Or you may lh to learn a song and what beUar Instructor can yen have than one of the Peerlea singeia to phrase a song arar aad over sgaia if need be. The possibilities of this wonderful! little ssaAise for instruct ion and amusement are endless. . This Grsphophoae represents one of the latest schitremeati of the la f feet and best equipped Talking Machine industry in the world Therefore Its re production wiU surprise sad delight the most ending listener. The equipment consists of tfi lnch enamel Steel Hon with Urge aspfcfytaf Bell Connection and Brass Detschsble Hsra Connection, Detachable Hon Supporting Ann Aluminum Swinging Arm Noiseless aad Perfectly Constructed Motor 00 tempered bearings that will last a lifetime An adjustable Speed Screw ladeetructable Nstursi Tons Sound Bes, Etc. ONE STANDARD TALKING MACHINE FBEE TO EVERY f1? CUSTOMER WHOSE CASH PURCHASES AMOUNT TO 4FeJw RECORDS FREE WITH tio.oo CASH PURCHASES. Call at Our Store aad Hear Any of the Pieces Listed es the Reveree of this sheet. See snd bear this wonderful Instrument aad learn how easily you as a ob tain one Free CHA5. LARSON MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, FUBNISHINCS sad SHOES, FISHERMEN'S snd LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 557 .COMMERCIAL STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. PALE BOHEMIAN 'LAGER BEER Brewed and igl under ssnitsry 'conditions The Health-Building quail, ties of PALE BOHEMIAN LAGER BEER are unexcel led. Thus it becomes at once a satisfactory table drink snd a valuable tonic in the sick room. Easily kept, when pur chased IN BOTTLES from our agents. On drsught at the leading Csfes, NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO, ASTORIA, OREGON. 75C PER TH Porrho I1UG Delivered right at your door every morniog before breakfast by the BEST CARRIER SYS TEM in the country. Accordion. Snntnrst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS." Ns Hot Irons, Ma Burning of Goods Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Cartful Attention Civci to an Out-of-Town Orders. The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest Telegraph News. Shipping loteligence. Condensed Local News. Portland Market Reports B Real Estate Transactions. Society News, Railroad News, Sporting News. County Official News. Complete Want Colonics And la fact all of the News of the Country Watch for the Big Colored (Comic Section Ii you are not a subscriber let us show you our proposition and we will convince you that its the best ever made ty any newspaper. f Telephone Main 661 for our plan, or if you live out of town write a postal and we'll do the rest. C.CtCLINTON; Circulation Manager. The Morning Astorian lOth and Commercial