The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 20, 1905, Image 1

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    "V - -
7 fsjgifeivcU
Passenger Trains Collide
. Frfefitffll Results.
One Penon Kiiled-Forty Others
More or Less Seriously
Bulking Alaag Parallel Track, Two
Trami 3ed4aly Cem Together Lo
cal Ttaia Switched from Third Track
t Faarth, Striks Passenger Coach.
New York, De. I9.-Ia on of the
most extraordinary aeeidrnte known to
Anrfa nUlraadiag, two heavily load
ed passenger train earn together on
' tk elevated track of the New York
Central aad Iludsoa River railroad to
night ia Harlem. On maa waa killed
ail 40, mora or lea seriously Injurr4.
Both colliding train were Kat bound
Oue wa tiff Stamford local, tba other
train wwa tho Poughkeep4e exprW.
Rushing along en, parallel track, the
two train suddenly cam together. The
local was switched from tba third track
onto the fourth and in an instant the,
engine of the express crashed Into the
day rounh following the. smoking car of
to local Tha track at tli point, of
tba colli. Ion wrr about 30 tot in tbr
air. Tii la road the work of rescue dlffl
cult and lent materially to the terror of
the pe-aiengere.
Kire apparatus wa summoned and
many persons were rescued by mean
of Udders plaoed against the structure.
-Merlons lajurle befell moot of thowt in
tha car demolished by tha PiHtghkcepsie
JrSn D. Horn, engineer of tha express
train wai arrested tonight on tha charge
of maalaughter and wa later released
on ail.
Ko one of the Poughkeepsle train a
far a can ba learned waa hurt.
Saaatt ia Eaecutiv Seuioa Get Buijr
Orr Appointment.
Wellington, iVo. IB. The Senate in
executive session today ronflrmod the
nomination of Cbarle W. Pn'sell, of
Wt .Virginia a assistant attorney
general ; register of the land office, Zen
a Y. Coleman, of North Yakima. vnh
ingtun. A long list of army nomination
were confirmed. Among thoe held tip
were General Cronler, chief of ordnance
and General DavU, judge advocate gn
Houat Discuss Federal Control of Ia
, auranca One Mor.
Washington. Pec. 19. Th House to
day continued the debate iimleer the
gule of referring to the aneage of the
Pridrnt to tha eommltteei, topic of
interest, local or national. Tha aubject
of federal control of Innuranoe wa th
main feature and nearly all the speak
er began their remarke with reference
Vancouver, B. C Dec. 19,Py th or
ganiatlon of th Howe Sound Copper
Company, with a capital of five million
to It. Tba manager of tha big Insur
anca companies cani In for criticiain,
tli government was crillcUed for it
lack of control In matter where it baa
JurWMIo'and tba state were repri
manded for tba lax method of control.
Tit day passed without legislation.
Three Swimmer 8av Twe Laborer
ia Eat River Taaaal.
Xew York, Dec. 19. Thro daring
swimmers today rcned two Italian
laborers who were more than forty
hour Imprisoned In th Eait RWar tun
nal of the rennnylvaalaj railway by a
cave-la at tba Long Island City end of
tba under water bore,
Tba men wera almost exhausted whea
rescued. Previous to tha feat of th
(wlmmer. 200 workmen tod boared
through thirty four feet Into a abell of
conoreta forty feet tbkk. Tba auggee
tioa waa mad that tha men could ba
rescued by swimming into th tunnel,
and without thought of tha consequence
three expert ewlmmer volunteedcr to
mak tba effort.
Waahbgton, Dec. 1.-The Senate to
day accepted a report of tha conference
commhte oi tba Faaasa eaaal nr
gencj appropriation bill- and thus, o
far aa It I concerned, Anally disposed
of the matter. The acceptance of the
report wa preceded by a brief discus
sion of tha restoration bond provision
to the appropriation bill and of tha ac
tion of tha bouse In reading tha Sen
ate' actio In eprating thosa two
question. '
GO 13 -IMD
Unknown Throws Infernal Mach
ine Through Window.
Bomb la Threw lata Office of Allied
Irea Aatodatioa la Hew Yark Polio
Beller That Som Dittraatled Strik
er Wanted t Get Revenge.
New York, Dec. 19. A bomb wa
hurled tonight through one of the front
window of the Allied Iron Association
at No, 7 East Utb street. It landed
In a room ued for telephone purpose
and exploded wrecking the place. Sev
eral employe were in the adjoining
room but were only stunned by the ex
plosion. Only fragments of tiHe ml-sile
could he picked up In the wiveked room
and no one waa found who saw the
person throw" it. , '
Tha Allied Iron Aoouttlon was form
ed rei-ently when the Struutural Imn
Workers dot-tared a strike against the
contracting firm of Pot and MiOord. Its
ofllcee have Wen used a a bureau for
the employment of nun-union men to
take the places of striker. "
Mr. Berry Ha Ey Removed Ammonia
' Used by Captor Deitroyod Sight.
Kansas City, Dec. IB. Mr. Inn Ker
ry, bite of Northport, Washington, who
recently defied arrest for four d.iys In
a railway coach at Girard, Kansas, un
derwent an operation today n which her
left eye was removed. Her eyesight
was destroyed by the ammonia, used by
the captor in driving tha woman from
tba coach. Mrs. Berry I aa Inmat of a
sanitarium, in thia city. .
dollar all the copper property on How
Sound will be united under one manage
ment. Th company will ba Incorpor
ated under the law of New Jersey.
0 r
Responses Testifying to their Approval of the Ac.
tion Taken Have Been Sent in By All
The Unions in Russia '
Tat Leader DecUx Their Ability t Stay Evry Train ia Raaaia TUa Meaaa
TUt la AH th Empire Net a Train Will Ran, r Telegraph Lis Ba Oper
ated Co verameat I Prepared t Us Perot f Arms IS It Sanl4 Bee ma
St. Petarsurg, Deo. 80, t;03 a. m
Tka call for a general atrik throughout
Rttla to begia Thursday at aooa waa
Issued toaight. Tba call ia approved
by Mia Union of Unions, tba Union of
Paasa.aU, tba General Railway Union,
aad tba Gouaeil of Worknea of Si. Pet
ersburg and Moscow. A reepoasa waa
received from the railroad men of Mos
cow which wa unanimous for the
Tha leader declare their ability to
stop every traia ia Russia.
liaed Up far Battle.
St, Petersburg, Dm. 19. la
apparently on tha eve oi a great if not
final straggle for the mattery between
tha government and proletariat. Both
idea are lined up for battle. I At a
this afternoon all Indication pointed
to a declaration of war between the
proletariat in tha form of a summons
for a complete general itrik tomorrow
which will tie up th railroads, tele
graphs, and every Indsutry and busi
ness In tba empire. All proletariat
groups hero have declared in favor of
a general atrik and tha news whea
received by tha workmen' council and
allied bodies at Moscow also pronounced
In favor of it. Tha decision of the
central com mil tea of the railroad union
sitting at Moscow without tbe support
of which the other organization will
probably not risk a battle, is not re
ceived, but it is is known that dele
gate on the committee from St. Pet
ersburg and the Baltic provinces are in
favor of tlie movement and tha leaders
he i are confident that the radical will
carry tha day. Tomorrow Riis-ia may
again I cut off from the world not only
by wire but by rail. Tiltere la an air
of suppressed excitement throughout the
city. The street have a regular holi
day appearance in honor of Mm em
peror'a nam day, and are crowded. Col
lisions between the Beds and Loyalist
are momentarily expected but none are
reported up to the preterit. Batteries
of machine guus ar stationed at sev
eral points of vantage throughout the
city and also infantry and cosaacks
are everywhere. An especially heavy
guard I stationed in the neighborhood
of the Jewlh market.
The Molva ,tlie name under which
the suppressed Bum Is now"appeaxhrg
decWes the responsibility for a general
strike will reet upon the shouklera of
th government. It charge it ia the
purpose of W'ltte to postpone assemb
ling tba Donma until next summer and
In the meantime to "pacify the country"
In the old bureaucratic way. .' , .
Th emperor's name day is signalized
by a declaration of martial law In the
province of Suwalki, on the German
frontier of Pokwd, and by feasting of
the army in the country. .The order
for the Improvement of tha condition
of tba army and navy which preceded
the announcement of measure for im
provement, of th statin of prlvatea.
which Waa adopted "aa a token of the
emperor' good will toward bis army," '
provides for aa increaao of tha pitiful
pay from $1.35 per year to S3 ia ease
of ordinary privates aad from S3 to M
ia tba case of privates of th guard. At
tba same Uma fha pay of aoc, ooramU
sloned officer la increaed la proportion,
n the ease of tba lilgbeat of sergeant,
and major, amounting to $34 per year.
Tha strike order renders every mem
ber of she union signing It liable to ar
rest and punishment under the new
strike law and Uto minister of the;
interior, Durnoro attempted to tele
graph order to Moscow to arreat the
member of the railroad oaioa and the
workmen's council but bis dispatches
went held up by tha aItrod trie
The members of tba 8t, Petersburg
council of workmen hav beea notified
by the general, railway union and Mos
cow couacil of workmen that ia pria
ciple they are ready for a strike, but
they besitttated on practical grounds.
St, Petersburg leaders, however, feltj
their prestiga would suffer severely un
less they could aaswvr the government's
determined offense with counter
st roke j while maay who were commit
ted to full revolution secretly decided
the ground would be swept from under
tkeir feet should Uie government pro
mulgtU a law granting universal suff
rage. '
Seen Burning Distress Signal aad Sig
nalling for Tug Seven Kile South
. Weat af Carmaaaa Light'
Vk-torla, B. C, Dee. 19.-Xew re
ceivsd from Carmanah Point tonight
state that at 9 P. M. A four masted
masted schooner waa burning distress
signals and signalling for a tug seven
mile south wet of Carmanah light
houso at the entrance to the straits of
Han Juan de Puce, The light keep
er reported th achoonew which was un
bailed, to be la a bad fix. Her fore
sail waa gone and aha appeared to be
having great d&lculty to claw off the
coast. A heavy sea is running.
Maa Wanted ta Get Married, But Gar
: Wrong Kama Arrested.
Panta Crux, Cat, Dec. 19. A warrant,
was issued today for tha arrest of Dr.
Arthur C. Prober, alls Clarenca B,
Davis, a banker and merchant, of Ben
Lomotil on tho charge of awearing false
ly to his name In an affidavit for a mar
riage license. Back of this charge in
general, la one that Davie l Wr. prober,
who la accused of having wrecked a
bank at Dayton, Oregon about a year
ago. :.Ha waa married in November to
Mis Olit Hume, society editor of the
Fresno Democrat, who with her mother
own considerable, propetty .in Be n Lo
Committte la Delving lot Acair af
Washiagtoa Lif laauraac.
..New Yrk, Dae. ia. Aa Inquiry mta
the affair of &b Washington Lif In
surance Company waa begun today by
losnrancs Investigation Committee.
The president of tha eotnpanw testi
fied to verimw reforms Instituted by
him sinoe Le took office ia 1904 when
the company wa re -organized. Among
these were the aWWiing of the cask
surrender valuite, and the limitation of
the loan feature. So far Tatlock knew
no eampaifrn contributions were , ever
made by hi company.
Xew Vork, Dec. 19. Call of asi
tance were rent to Are Jea!puarters
from Blackweira Island in the East
Hirer oa which the city work bomM and
penitentiary are located. Two engines
were sent. The lire can e seen from the
city and appear to be serious. The
fire is said to be in work hon-o build -where
hundreds of prUoDcr are sou
aVd. -
NVw York, Dee, 19. The eontriutiona
to the fund for the relief of Hebrew suf
ferers ia Rustic yesterday, waa $10,233,
bringing the grand total up to $1,17,
HM2. The largest contribution yester
day waa $2722 from the Orthodox Jewa
of fit, Paul, Minnesota.
The benefit given by Samuel 8. aad
Lee Shobert wetted about $2500.
HE 1ST M m
Secretary Boruparie Cannot Db-
miss Midshipmen Hizen.
Be Saya That the Midshipmen Waa Ar
Guilty af Baling Mast Be First
Brought Before Aa Authorised Court
Martial and Givea Trial '.
Washington, Dec, 19. Secretary Boa
part ha found he has bo power to
dismiss Midshipmen Coffia and Vander
vers, charged with basing and complic
ity ia the baaing of Midshipman Kim
hrotigh. This Information waa conveyed
to him today - by Attorney General
Moody; A few daya ago ba submitted
to Ve attorney general a a abstract jues
tioa whether, a cadet must ba tried by
court martial previous' to his dismissal
from the academy. Today the attorney
general told the secretory hU conclusion
waa averse to the asserted right of th
secretary to dUrais a midshipman and
he promised to supply an opinion In full
legal form within a short time. At I
now the duty of Admiral Sands, super
intendent of Vie academy to order Cof
fin and Vandervere before a court mar
tial. " :
Struck by Timber ia Mia Was Wait
ing Trial for Murder. .
Walla. Idisho, Dec 19.-Thomaa 1L
Bock, chief of police of Wallace, while
working aa timberman in the Standard
mine at Ma-e waa killed today. He was
struck by a timber hurled by an ore
train in the tunnel On August 26, he
killed Oscar Olson, In a saloon fight and
wa awaiting trial for murder. Since
ris arrest he has not acted aa chief, but
wa not removed.
Vkoria, B. C Dec 19.-Mr. Mary
Cridge, wife of Bishop Cridge, the first
PpSscopal miiorp to arrive oa th
nms -a
Fireman and Several
pioyes arc list.
While Fire it Height WgU CoIUp-
ted Burjinj Firtrran
In Debris.
Paaic Oatbreak af Fir aad Maay af
Employes Ar Iajnred ia luak to Ea-cap-Frty
Girls, Thirteen Maa and
Boy Employed.
Chicago, Dec 19. One fire ma a waa
killed aad several employe bava lost
their lives ia a Ar which destroyed the
enamel sign factory of the Charles M-SchonJsv-Company
tonight. L'aUl tba
ruin of the molding are searched it
will sot be positively known whether
aay employee were killed either la the
explosion which started the fir or by
tba falling wall and the floors wbiob.
followed soon aterward. While th fir
wa at its height one of the walla sud
denly, collapsed and a number of iremea
were precipitated Aa the debris. With
the exception of Lieutenant Henry Bas
sett, who was crushed to death, all tha
firemen escaped with severe shaking
np. A number of employe were injured
ia the panic following tba outbreak of
th fire and for a time all aorta of ru
mor aa to tbo number of persons killed
wera circulated.
There were forty girls and thirteen
men and boys employed ia the factory
and according to the officials of the com-
pany all but two persons have beta ac
counted for. Tba police and firemen,
however, declare several employe were
unable to make their escape, and ware
ia the building at the time the floora
and walls collapsed.
They Rise and Slaughttr tba Turk aad
Bara Their Home,
Constantinople, Dee. 19. The latest
dispatches received from Tiflia, Caucasia,
today say that 300 houses in the Mus
sulman quarter were set on fire by arm
ed Armenians, who prevented the in
mates from leaving, and fired oa the
firemen w ho a tempted to extinguish the
flames. -'
The total number of Mussulmans kill
ed la not yet ascertained, but 57 Turk
sh subject ere known to have perished.
The fighting was continued December 17,
when the telegram was forwarded, and
the Turkish consulate waa overcrowded
with refugees. -
A telegram of the same date from Ba
toum, Caucasia, reports 'a continuance of
the disorder there. Great fears of a
mssMcre prevailed In the Mussulman,
The guniat transport Ismar hsa left
Constantinople for Batoum to taka off
the Turks.
Pacific coast died today at 79 year of
age. She came to Victoria ia 1835 whea
it was only a Hudsoa Bay fort.