The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 18, 1905, Image 1

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A'rnw. .4J r.- r-m.-- at r
Government Making Final
' Attempt at Suppression
, " - -
Proletariat Prepared to Give Blow
for Blow In the Stru
Covtrament Fiffctlig for Lift ia Baltic
Begloa Where Revolution la Ia full
Bleat Planus of Revolt May Spread
U Ptlaad.
Kt Petersburg, Dm. 17. A shudder
of horror ba convulsed Russia. Tlx
government claim it hit given battk
only U the "Had" revolutionists, but the
.opularaj fMwraU btlkrw the "white
terror" baa returned. Already leaders
of (h proletariat agitation who escap
ed rapture KcndYy night at the Econom
k Society meeting, and even men of
the rank of Professor Molikrff art in
hiding from tha polka, ho ara hunting
them down. Tha government evidently
ant k-i pate a battla royal, and haa mada
if disposition accordingly. It fully
umbfrstend th proletariat will giva
blow for blow in answer to the whole
sale imU. ; ,
Tha Workmen's council and league of
league Sunday night Issued a declara
tion of a geneml strike to begin Im
mediately, and ("onsequently by Imperial
ideas published tha morning all tha
governor general, governor and pre
fect, throughout tha empire who are
cut off by telegraph are clothed with el
noet dictatorial power; being authorix
ad without eonnuiting Tl Petersburg
to declare a atate of telge, and if nec
essary even martial lw. At moat pro
virw'Ul authorities are reactionary of
ficial of aha oM regime, tha advantage
they will take of aurh power to ter
rorice the. populace can be easily im
eartaed, they being In position to be
come petty tyrant and wage war each
n hi own particular fashion against
tha revolutionist.
In addition to the general atrike ex
pected, tha revolutionariea have re
course to old method of fighting tha
government. Tbtj state terroiKet or
ganiratlon held m meeting In Uta email
hour of the morning. Wltte'a life U
considered In danger and the annex to
the pake where he ia re-Ming i heav
ily guarded. The moiit algniflcant new
to coma from Tsarskoe Selo, where, in
view of the resolution of tha govern
ment to put It foot down on the atrike,
a. regular campaign k being conducted
with the purpose of inspiring loyalty
in tha guard regiment.
,Tba government baa chosen a depcr
ata moment to repress the proletariat.
It la lighting for life in lha Bfcie re-
Washington, Dec, 17. The Senate will
meet the wihee of the House' for ad
journment for tlie Chmtnua. hoji.lays
, on Thur-djy next. In tfw meantime the
'Senate will probably content Itself, with
comparatively little work unlca there
k a "defy" in agreeing with the House
on e)Mof thaTaaama canal einergei
ey appropriation bill. The late measure
gion wltere tha revolt ia admitted to
lie in. full bhut, wltih alntoat a prao
ileal cerUlnty if it cannot be rruhad
ita flame will epread to Poland,
Tha government today eueoetded in
restoring cable eommuniuation abroad,
but U uttorly unable to guanuitea how
long it will be able to keep tha eablea
in operation, ,
A report that Count WltU had re
signed wen in rlrrulation but It I falae.
It may, however, become true any mo
ment, and Oew-ral Count Alexia Igne ti
ed U being held Jn reserve. . '
A rlosa frlrnd of the premier telle
the AmocUM Pre that Witte had
no faith in the policy of Minister of the
Interior Durnjovo and only . consented
to it on condition that it be con
fined to legal mean.
A prominent) personage said to tha
Associated preset
"The - step taken, toward reaction
marke the beginning of tha and aad the
policy which haa been Inaugurated by
the government ia bound to fail. The
governments task will not be merely
the erreat of a email group of leaders,
but of the whole population. The pow
er conferred on tha provincial author!-
tiue by the Imperial ukase ia tanta
mount to declaring martial law through
out the country, and the Irresponsible
repression which the officer of the old
regime will be sure to commit when let
loo can only aerve to fan the flame."
Nsrwa from the interior tonight ia
very ecarce. The revolt in the Baltic
baa spread southward to tha province
of Kovno, on the border of Poland,
which belonged to the old kingdom of
Lithunla. The rebellion In Kursk la be
yond control and the govern meat's in
formation, being that an uprUing ia la
course of preparation In the Ural re
gion, ,
An offlcer Jut returned from Ma
ehurU told the AMOclated Prase that
a spirit of mutiny prevailed emonf a
largo portion of the ernry and the pris
oner from Japan have been saturated
with revolutionary ide by agitatora
during their captivity, and were ripe
fur open rebellion
Authorities Do Not Know What
Train Robbers Got
Thia Traia Bad Often Been Held Up,
and Therefore Carried Little Monty
Standing Seward far Captor-Of-fdala
Conffdtat Arrests Will follow.
BC Paul, Dec. 17.-0(HciaU at the
N'orthera Pacific Expre Company
headiiuartera in thl city are stilt with
out definite detail concerning the hold
up of tlie weotlioiind Northern Pacific
N'orth CtNtst Limited .at HllUide, Yh,
Inst'night and whether or not the band
its secured any great amount of booty
Uiey do not know. W, 8. IIy, super
intemlrnt of tlie Northern Paclflo Kx
pre Company i inclined to believe
that no ovt four or five hundrwl dol
lar waa .eecurwl, "Thia is the same
train held up one or twice previoiuily"
id Mr. Hay, "and previous experience
induce. the belief that little waa se
cured, .The fact la, we-do not carry
much uuwy on tilts run, most of our
buainesa being dona in check.
will go to the conferetwe' committee
early In the week and a united effort
to reach a conclueion before the holiday
adjournment will be' made. The action
of the Pcnoite In attempting to elimi
nate the bond provision and nuke a sep
arata law of it will probably be Che
yrrmf boo ef eon tent ion of the con
ference commlkee.
Mutiny of Rostoff Grenadier Regiment Has Collapsed
? Owing to Internal Disscntion-:Mntinccrs .
Retarn to Duty "
Soadroa of Cossacls Cavalry Firn on a
Woaadbg a doren peraont Bmla tionariet Kilted Two Cosucka Imperial
UkiH Jawed Impewera An Cover nora and Municipal Aathoritiea to Pre
claim Martial Law la I vent ef Bail way Communication Iaterferad With.
Moscow, Dec 17. There Is htenae
alarm among the population here over
the new from St, Petersburg of the
Inauguration by the government of a
policy of repression. ,
, The mutiny of the Rostoff grenadier
regiment collapsed " Ign ominously to
night owing to Internal dieaensioa and
the discontent of a Urge portion of the
soldiers who are with the program of
the Socialist leader, who wished to
force them to an open collision with Use
loyal troopa.
After a meeting Into thia afternoon
two battalion and a machine gun de
tachment deserted. The mutineer,
sent a deputation to General Plavoffski,
string they had returned to duty, and
imploring pardon and volunteering to
enter the barrack and seise the re
volutionary committee so a to prove
their repentance.
The ringleaders endeavored in vain to
hold the other battalions in line, but
tfif defection of their comrade took
all heart out of the malcontent.
Upon General PUvoffski'a ultimatum
that he would open fire unleee they
immediately surrendered, the remaining
Sea ef Nicaragaaa'Prtaident Ia Abduct
ed from Hia American Sweetheart
by Stern Papa'a Order.
Washington, Dec. 17. One of the moat
sensational episode thai the diplomat
ic society .of aha capital haa furnUhed
in years is unearthed in the shanghaing
of Alphonson Zelaya, 10 Pyears old, the
son of the president of the Nicaraguan
republic, A representative of Don Louie
Corea, Nicaraguan minister to Wash
ington, with the aaeistance of two eity
detective on Friday last captured the
boy while he waa calling upon" his sweet
taart, a Miaa Baker, who live in am
exclusive boarding .house in K street
Melodrama aa aeen on the , stage, is
tame compared with this incident in
real life, -v : , . . , -
Young Zelaya fell desperately In love
,ith an Amnrican girl, who, likewise,
waa desperately In love'wlth him.' The
.boy, after spending three yVar it we
Point, resigned in order4 to) be n hi
weetheart The course of Irot fp f Jan
smoothly until the opposition -of the
boy' father called into play the inter:
national- machinery of diplomacy, toe
aosiotanc of the state department here,
and the instrumentalities of, the loaJ
police. Then followed a practical ab
duction, the imprisonment of Zcleye and
hia special conduct from thi country.
oung Jclaya i now cn route to Nica
ragua, j.-.r-...;. .. "'. .
Additional eeneation l given tha case
by the statement mada by Capt. Board-
mnn, diief of th local detective force,
that, the emissary of, Minister Corea,
ho enlisted the assistance of the po
lice and engineered the aljuction, is
Chester Curti Mercury of Massachua-
etts, who haa just - bee.n selected aa
Band ef Bevelntionariea stiOiag and
mutineers ' laid 'down their armee and
delirered up Private 8ehbaroff and
other member of the revolutionary
committee, aa well aa sever! civilian
and agitatora in the barrack s. The of
fioer then resumed command of the
regiment. .
It it expected that ottvar disaffected
regiment will mora to duty. There
waa a serious affair ia Stretenke boule
vard in the center of the city hut night.
A squadron of Gwsecke fired on a band
of revolutionariea, killing or wounding
a doaen person. , The revolutionariea
killed two Cossacks. '
Aa imperial ukaae issued today from
St. Petersburg empower all governora
and general and municipal authorities
in the event of railway, poetaJ or tele
graph communication being Interfered
with to proclaim a modified martial
law. Under the.nkaee military com
mander automatically become govern
ors general. Martial law may be end
ed only by the order of tW minister of
the Interior, at St. Petersburg. Pro
vision are already made to enforce
compliance with Uw communication
rule, while tbey remain in force ,
State ooneul to Managua, Nica
ragua, a poet mad vacant by the resig
nation of Cheater Donaldson, who be
friended the Alber brother, one of
whom waa recently arrested there for
insulting President Zelaya in the course
of. certain litigation, to which Alber
claimed they had been unjustly sub
jected. ' The abduction itself waa accomplished
in proper atyle. Zelaya and hi sweet
heart were together. Mr. Mercury and
Detectives Kelan and McNamee entered
tr room and placed Zelaya in custody,
lie protested violently and worked him
self Into a fury. Miss Baker wept bit
terly, but waa helpless. He waa bund
led out of the house, asxisted into a
closed carriage, which waa driven rapid
ly away.
Zelaya waa imprisoned from Friday
night . until Sunday evening at the
Cairo, a big family hotel in the resi
dence section of the city. The ' boy
threatened suicide, but detective were
constantly in attendance, "
Mis Baker wept bitterly after bid
ding bey lover farewell Saturday morn
ing aha' and he friend called at police
headquarter and learned the particul
ar of" the police arrangement from
Zelaya.4 Mi Baker was not permitted
tj , see . Zelaya) until Sunday ep-dning
when at the railroad station Miss Bak
er and a large party of friends were on
hond to bid Zelaya good bye. .
Mis Baker is the daughter of a lo
cal physician, and h 18 years old. She
i prostrated over the affuir, and this
morning declined to be interviewed. Her
marriage to young Zelaya was to have
taken place tomorrow night.
New York. Dec 17. An appeal to
poiky holders in al the states o the
anion to lend aiUnce in preventing
dvere lejftnlation, b made by Presi
dent Paul Morton of the Equitable life,
in a circular letter uthich i being sent
to policy holdnr. Morton say the in
suranoa business i certain to bo a sub
ject of great consideration by the leg
islature aoon (o convene a a result of
what haa been printed and said about?
insurance during the lat six month.
Lonlon, Dee. 17. The Northern Tele
graph Company announce that direct
communication with . St. Fete r burg is
restored.' Tlie company say 8t. Peters
burg U mAr in communication with
Kh-ff, Vilna, Smolensk Kharkoff, Ios-
ow, Rostoff on the Dn, Kaxan, Har-
borg and tlie distrk-ts in th neighbor
hood of the Russian capital, but the
Baltic province are still cut off.
Portland, Dee. 17. Robert Rommel,
Jr., while dui-k hunting on an island a
lew miles North of Portland on Satur
day, slipped on a. wet log and in .falling
received a charge from hi shotgun in
(he adomen. The young man waa
rbought to Portland, where he died to
day. He waa 22 year old.
fraueau, WU, Dec. 17-Tbe.two men
who yesterday ld up the Colby State
iSank at Colby, Wisconsin, were cap-
Xured in a saloon here today, making no
Lreaifttanee. All the stolen money waa
recovered. Both say they are farmer
and never before committed a crime.
R?ga, Dee." HAf ter" notifying"' the
noble, the municipality baa entered in
to negotiation, with the rebel. The
latter demand a the price of surrender
their seventeen hostage including four
German subject, and that th Lithun
ian republic be xecognied.
Two Divisions of Chinese Im
perial Commission.
i Will Stndy Gevtmmeata af Japan, Ger
many, Austria, rrance, England ana
America Party Will Travel Leisure
ly Acrosa TJnfted State. J
Ncy York, Dwt 17. Acotxlinij to
cable advice received today by A. W.
B4h, who haa extensive business inter
est in China, the two division of the
imperial Chinese commission appointed
by the empress dowager, to study the
government of Japan, Germany, Aus
tria, Frpnce, England and America, will
arrive in thi country in February. One
of' the division will journey leisurely
across the American continent from Se
attle and take steamer here for Eu
rope. The other division will make an
extended etay in America, expecting to
spend et least two months in Washington.
Contanlinople, Pec 17. A dispatch
from Batoum, Kutais, trans-Caucasus,
-eporU the outltreak of a revolution
there. It says the street are barri
caded and fierje fighting took phicd
The militijy haee. employed artilWry
and many are lil'ed. In r.fponse to a
re juet by . the Tur! u-h onaul, the
pMe now I arrsn-'ng ti dispatch ves
Lewiston Youth Admits
Murdering Pawnbroker
Former Niht Manful, Dentist,
and Tvyo Young Men ,
x Kclpad. .
AH the Persona Whom Sherman Haa
Confessed Were Implicated la the
Crimea Bavet Been; Attested Polidn
Doubt Murderer' Story.
Great Falls, Mont, Dec. 17. A spec
ial to the Tribune from LcwUtoa, says
Jame Sherman, aged IB year, manager
of the Argus Publishing Company's sta
tionery ddpartfincnb. recently arrestett
on. auspkioB of brutally murdering Sam
Studxiivkl, an old pawn broker, August
21t for the purpose of robbery, haa con,
fesrtcd, implicating Dr. E. A. Long, a
dentief, Walter Gooch, the former night
marshal of Lewi ton, and RuaaeU Hor
top and David Atchison, young men of
tha town, in the murder aa well a in
the poatofGce burglary and many other
recent burglariea in town.
More jewelry stolen from Studzinski'e
place wae recovered today' from the
place, where id wae cached by Sherman.
County Attorney Ayere, who waa ac
tive in solving the murder mystery, to
day made public the fact of the at
tempt made: December 1st to, poison
nimaeif and wife, it being; hia theory'
thai an attempt to put him out of tha
case by killing or frightening Aim waa
All of whom Sherman haa impli
cated in the Crimea to which ho haa con
fessed ara under arrest
Tho suspect deny aaoSutely the truth
of the story told by Sherman. Dr. Leaf
point out the fact that be wae not in
town at the time of the poetoffice rob
bery and thi atateemnt ia confirmed by
the officer. Sherman told contradic
tory stories regarding some detail of
the connection of these persona with tho
crime and tome doubt ia expressed by
the officers.
House Will Continue Discussion on the
Sam Subject Until Thursday.
Washington, Dee. 17. Four days be
fore the holiday adjournment will be
dedicated in the House to a further dia
cuittdon of federal control of insurance
and completing the enacting of .the Pan
ama emergency appropriation. There
are many members who desire to talk
about insurance. Speaker Cannon haa
concurred in the general view that the
President's message furnishea aa good
ham a anything for this debate.
sels to Batoum to bring back the refu-
; Tlie di-pntcU ays a similar state of
affairs exists st poti in th smt gov
ernment and In the ton n of KutaJe.
A dUpatch froni Constantinople nays
the international fleet, whiuh has been
making a demonstration in Turkinh
waters ha been, re-falKl