The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 17, 1905, Image 1

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    . - f
Dynamite Thawing House
is Blown up,
One Mia li Killed And Prob
ably Fifty others Are
badly damsged, some inmates being
Colombia Amu, Rosslanft, Smuhsd,
ami Many Feepl Arc Smrtly Cat
by Falllag Class.
Spokane, Dec. 16.-A dispatch to tbo
Chronicle from Rowland, B. C, report
detructlve explosion of dynamlU
there thl afternoon 1b which on bud
was klllw! an& possibly fifty other
mora or less painfully Injured by tbo
hedr and by tho tailing glut. Tho
explosion occurred In tbo thawing house
of the War Eagle and Control Star
niaoo. John 8. Ingram; ii charge of
too thawer was killed. Tbo substation
of tbo elortrlo tight plant was wrecked
and Uto town U In darkness tonight
Tho shock waa fott throughout Ros.
land and oarller report stated there
bad been a heavy Ion of life, th be
lief bring that the powder magsirae at
tho miaa containing about two ton of
yi Ingram! death baa removed the
Mine la about 250 feat distant from tb
thawing home.
A iperial to Ui Spokesman-Review
bigh explosive bad exploded. Tho mag
only aourco of Information aa to the
caus of the explosion.' Several mem-
btr of tbo offleo staff and men la the
oompreseor building were hurt by fly. i
Ing glass or by being thrown violently
ajeainwt the machlnerT. Bulklinn In
the Immedisto vicinity were twisted,"" returned. I
out of shape and window broken. The
Big War KsgU brufcding house was
lfarly All tho Plato Claaa Windows en
sllghUy Injured. In tho city the shock
f tho eiplosion caused -much conster-
BaMon and did a large amout of dam
age. Nearly all plate glas windows on
Columbia avenue were smashed, many
people receiving cuU from .the frag,
ment. The Center Ptar, War , Eagle
jand LeRoi mlnua will bo shut down In
few days because of the injury to the
steam and air pipe and the compressor
machinery; and the practical wreck of
the buildings nootn4rig Um(d. The
damage la estimated at $30,000.-
: Red Uko Mills, Minn., Dee,
Peter Martel, wife and three children
were burned to death in a lire which de
atoryed their home eeaarly today. -
? - -
. Washington, Deo. It. Th House In
dulged itself again toUsy to the extent
of four hours' In whit many time have
been termed an scad em io discussion of
federal control of Insurance. It was the
fourth lay of th debate and the in
terest of the members wa appreciably
, dlminMed. The Democratic contention
for state rights predominated in the
controveroy. Republicans , who spoke
confined Uiemsclves more to the com
mitted reference to which wqnld be
made of the subject of insurance in the
Tacorae, Deo. 16. Tb Korthorn Pa
eifto westbound North Coast Limited
train waa held up tonight at lllllsdel
ear Ellentburg and tbo sproM ear dy
namited. Ko (Walla are obtainable. It
l underitood that none of the pas
sengers r trainmen were Injured.
Portland, Dee. 16. TUomos Hemming
an old aallor, who wu ahot la cold
blood t evening by robber who held
up tho tar of the Centennial saloon,
died this afternoon shortly after S
o'clgck. Roush, tho other man ahot, I
getting rapidly better, Ko etue to Up
rowan naa been yet found. ,
deft imnsnoAnoir.
Annapolis, Dee. 16, Tbort I a rumor
afloat among the midshipmen that when
tho eongmalonal Investigation of baa
ing commence! all tb upper elaaa men
will jota In an acknowledgement that
they have partaken In basing and in
a sense defy InvestigaUon,
liaitunoro, Dee. 10. The announce-
ment waa made today that with the
close of tho year the Baltimore 4 Ohio
would oeeae to latuo paase and reduced
rate of transportation to al alaaeea ox-
cept officer and employee of the com
pany and tho connecting llnea.
c j i g j I 1 v
iimn wn jury hi rvajwsim world.
Gets Busy.
"7" j wnuy wua
His law Partner Soeceo WlUeav ef
Consplriag t Violate tho Federal
laws Bribed Government Official.
Topfka, Dee, 18. Tb Federal grand
Jury in Investigating tho government I
bind fraud in Kansas ttoitIght returned J
an indictment against State Senator. F. I
"Dumont Smith, rive other Indictment I
Smith la charged Jointly with his law
partner, Roeeos Wilson, of conspiracy I
to violate the federal laws, which pro-1
vklw o penal sentence for Influencing,
any consideration, a government of-1
.Aclalon any matter then pending be-
official,;' I
ti i aiK-jrtw in inn inummrns mat i
Smith vnd Wilson for a consideration I
influenced the opcmlion and action of
T. E, Ryan, formerly special agent in
the' government land ofNco in the, hnd
fraud cases, which be waa investigating
in Ilotlgman county, Kansas. According
to alli gation the' men implicated in the I
cases raised the sum of 12500 which was
divided between Smith; Wilson and Ry-
an. It U alleged Ryan then reported to I
his supcrore that, ho had Investigated I
the cases, ami found the four men who I
contributed money; not guilty of . mak-1
ing fraudulent entries of land and that I
iTeaiaenls message. . un this many
views were expressed. None of them
""n ru t""-
mi-mil w prim uv ui'jwu vu m n j
and mean committee.
Holiday reces was fixed fom next
Thursday to January 4th. For the pur
pose of bringing out Information show
ing the existence of a civil pension list
the House naked the President for
number of civil employes of the gov-
eminent who have reached the nge of I
scvcntT years. I
The Sioro, A ladies: Russian Newspaper aaractcr-
izes the Action As Puerile Which Will React
On Russia In Eyes of Worli
Battleahip Slara" and the Crolaer Abreck
Captain of Company la sand Begin ent Befusea to Obey Ordera of tho Col
onel Who Commands Bum to Use Bis Company to Break p tho Strike
Saying It Waa Police Work, .
St .Petersburg, Dec ll-Tbe SIoto
severely orltidsea tho foreign office for
the appointment of M. Bakhametieff
formerly minister at Mm Tague and dip
lomatlo agent In Bulgaria, ao minister
lb Japan, eaylnff the selection of a
I from thle third rate post is a
puerile attempt to humiliate Japan,
I which will lesct on Eusa In the tjf of('ownr, and the church. It la also pro-
Tonight the telegraph offlea at Kleff
called vp 6t. Petersburg and asked
whether Minister of the Interior Dura
ovo -had been dismissed. Receiving i
VT? . rd "a
it iuwh w au up wist eiiy mw IB
vain. The same thing happened on the
Irkutsk wire.
Tha hsitlcahln filan inJ t nilwr
Abrsck have been dispatched to Riga.
At Kaluga, Captain Samanakl, of tho
Twenty-second regiment declined to
obey the order of hi colonel to use bis
company in breaking up tho strike, de
daring In writing thi.t ho regarded po
lice work outside of tho duties of offi
leers and soldier.
The Russian professors at Warsaw
university have organized a volunteer
postal service aa a thousand bags of
mall await distribution.
The Colonel of gremkliers today sent
la message to the mutineers, offering to
consider their proper grievances if they
would submit them. Bo received no re-
pry. Only eight operators are working
In the tedegraph ofllcee. The tdcrsph
leongreas ha again resolved to continue
tb strike.
every aeveiopmeni goto to show tnat
the government la resolved to make an
attempt to repress, the agitation now
existing throughout Russia and restore
order in the empire at any cost Every
move made by-tho reactionaries has al-
ready bneo rmtt with . optt dHflance.1
The Liberals are incensed at Witte's
contemptuous reply to the Zemstvo rev
olutions, contemplating a plsn to hold
election for a contitocit Independent
government. Tho Liberals contend there
are unmistakable sign that the . gov-
ernment is preparing a counter revolu-
tkn and openly, charge that Witto has
been elected to take up the cause of
the court against tho people, and
hope from him I ended.
there was no evidence to warrant their
arrest , .
An indictment wusj returned agnlnst
Ryan charging him with receiving a
valuable consideration and allowing his
opinion and action to be influence)! in
the case under hi Investigation.
lie, is one of the original backers of
Senator Burton,. who was recently cc
victed by a federal court at St Louis.
Marshfleld, Wis," Dec. 16. The state
bank of Colby, Wia., was robbed this
afternoon of $4500 by two highwaymen,
who ordered the cashier at the point of
revolvers to turn over the money, -
Hot Been Dispatched to Kir
Plana for a revolution in the Baltic
prorincee prorido for Uto establishment
of a revolutionary administration, in
wttoh boycott the repnentaiives of
the present government will refuse
quarters or. aubeieteneo to the troop
and withdraw dfpooite from the banks
and cease payment to tho crown, land
vidsd to
arm and organise the people
into militia, to respond to a call for a
general 'strike of tho Russian proletari
at . to oompej the "convocation "of the
constituent aasvmbry. ,
The Reval city council tonight passed
a resolution in favor of tho removal of
police and troops from tbo city and
rely on tho protection of tho workmen's
militia. Also they resolved to trans
form tho city treoaury into a strike
fund. ,1 . ...
In Moscow proclamation are being
distributed inviting tho people to the
regular square of Kremlin on December
lOth to a publio service. It 4 believ
ed by some this means a massacre by
tho "Black Hundred" after the people
assemble. . . , . . ;
Today'e advices from Riga are meag.
er. tonnrmauon la received, however.
that tho governor ha -asked for war
ships. Reports are in circulation of
collisions in tho streets of Uto city. A
letter written December 11th and
brought through, by a special engine
which was riddled with bullet, says
every dead wall in Riga bears posters
urging tho mob to attank the gentry
and capitalist. Women of the better
claase have been sen elsewhere, and the
gentlemen remaining have formed them-
eivea into militia, and are holding the
house of the nobility, while the soldiers
hold the other public place.
. r .-.-
Berlin, Dee. 18. The Lokal Anzei-
gcr"s Konigsburg East Prussian cor
respondent say the revolutionist are
in full control of' aU CeiirUnri and
Livonia and the neighboring government
of Kovno ia also in a Mai of rebel
lion, Mitau and Riga are in flames and
Li beau In " seriously thretened. ; The
lives of all German's sre n the great-
et danger. Everything U in an uproar
from Kreutsberg on the Dums to Kovno,
Masked Men Stop and . Rob . the
. North Coast Limited. .
Spokane, Ded. 16. The North Coast
Limited express westward bound, was
held up and. robbed 13 miles Wet of
North Yakune, Washington, at 7 o'clock
tonight Two masked men compelled I
the engineer to stop tho brain and run
the locomotive, mail and ex pre ears
half a mile West of the balance of the
train. They dynamited the ' express
'cor, shattered the through . and . local
safes, and decamped with the eonteenta.
The amount' of plunder obtained is tin
known. " The contents of the through
fcafe is known only to the terminal
points, tho messeager not being is pos
session of tho information. Ko report
wa- received tonight a to tho content
of ttte local safe, but t 1 said to havo
been light, a the train doe compara
tively little local busines. .
The sheriff of Yakim and Kittitas
counties have posse n pursuit of the
bandit. The pasoengers were not mo
lested and no one was injured. . : .;
The robber boarded tho train at
Hillsdale, and climbing over tho tender
into the cab and presenting their guns
at the head of tho trainment ordered
tho engine, express snd msil ears cut
off and ran down the track and (top
ped. The eagiser at Uto command of
tho robbers txod sorea charges of dy.
namte to tbo express ear which blew out
the -aides and end. After removing
tho content of tho safes, tho robbers
left, taking shot at tho fireman who
stock his head out of, the cab window,
and at tho spproauhin' brakeman..
Report received at the general of
fice of the Northern Pacific state that
both men were masked and heavily
armed. They were of medium height
inclined to be slight in build and wort
black hat and coats and blue overall.
One man's overalls were badly torn. On
releasing the trainmen, , both robber
went in the direction of XorUi Yakima,
Salem, Dec. IS. Seventeen fraudulent
certificates for school nad were reported
to Clerk Brown today by R E. Mom of
Chicago, who It is said bought them
through 8. JL D. Puter. " . .
Men And Munitions From U. S.
to ble of Hnes.
If Weeded, to Defend American Rights
on tho Seut&cra Island, Six Thou
sand Men Win Go Than from TJ. S,
to Fight
Havana, Dee. !. President Raynard
of the Ide of Pine) Association, in a
letter to tho Associated Pros saysi
The last msil from th United State
brought additional guarantees of the
meaning of the total of over $50,000, In
cash, and 6000 men and all the initia
tions needed should we elect to use
force in maintaining tho right of
Americans on American territory.
Secretary of the Interior Andrade
when shown the. letter said tho United
States doutlea could be depended up
on to prevent the embarkation of men
and munitions of war for the Isle of
Pines, He deolared bis government
would psy no attention to such state
Kingston, Jamaica, Dee. 16. The gov
ernor, of Jamaica, Sir Alexander Swet
tenham last night proclaimed the Pana
ma canal sons umhy the emigrants
protection law, under which a $3 depos
it I required from each person going
there. This measure hampers the op
erations of the recruiting agejit of the
Isthmian canal here.
St. Petersburg, Dee. 16. A private
letter received from Harbin dated No
vember 25th, denies the re porta of wide
spread rioting and mutiny and burning
of Harbin on November 16th. The let
ter says tliere is much discontent in
the army on account of the univcrl
dcui to return to Russia end because
of the appearance of a mutinous spir
it, and grumbling.
' Report of mutinies in the regiments
That BodyPassbftiiana
Appropriation BUI.
Set Speeches Made By. Bacon
Allison Culberson Stone
Newlands.' .
Bacon Offers Substitute Amendment Re
quiring Congress to Bo Supplied with
Estimate of ail Salaries Paid hi Con-
. nectioa .With Canal .Construction, '
Washington, Dec. 16. The Senate to
ey appropriation bill, but the result
wa not attained until after a debate
on tho bill vshich continued tho greater
pert of the day to the exclusion -of
practically aTl of the bainss. Sot
speeches were made by Bacon, In ad
vocacy of hi amendment requiring' es
timate for canal commission aalaries,
and by Allison, who devoted himself
largely to detail of tho bills; another
speech by Culberson, who criticised Uto
employment of Bishop a "press agent'
and by Stone, criticizing Uto purchase
of American ships to carry Uto Paan
ma canal supplies in fses of th an
nounced determination to go abroad for
vessels under the condition then ex
isting, and by New lands, who expressed
tit opinion that the construction of the
anal should havo been entrusted to the
geological survey.
A substitute for Bacon's amendment
offered by Hale waa accepted. It apo
ifioially require Congress to be sup
plied with regular estimates of all tho
salaries exoept those paid laborers, both
skilled and umkiilod. Otherwise tho
bill was passed as reported front the
committee, "..".. ; ' ", N
During tho debet Halo mad an au
thorized announcement that Bishop's
duUes as pre agent would b discon
tinued. ,
Multnomah and SeatUe Play Scortles
Game. . .
Seattle, Dec. 16. There was nothing
to cbosee between the Multnomah Ath
letic club and the Seattle Athletic dub
in today's football game, and It went
through with a - score of nothing to
nothing. It Is declared one of the best
and mos hotly contested games ever
played in Washington. Seattle succeed
ed in keeping the ball in Multnomah'a
territory a large portion of the time but
the closest it got to the goal line wa
twenty yard.
in various parts of Russia, ertntlnua to
pour in ceaselessly. At Irkutsk prac
tically the entire gnrrison of 4000 men
i . . . . . .t .
ani many oiucers voiea ior ins im
mediate convocation of the constituent
assembly and the battery stationed at
Serupljhoff has presented a serie of po
litical and military demand-. The new
from Moieow !- very bad. Open mutiny
has broken out in the Crenmlier nd
other rt-giratnt. - . ' '