i. i i TIIE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1905. Mum Outclass it) to nam two trutee to tot with tlmver Cleveland, Morgan J. OTtrien and (ieonre V. WetinirlKMie. in th ek-o 1 1 ion of director. WILL COST $300,000. v We arc sole agents tor the celebrated v. iw. u-son h. w T An m' . ni . jhroken in th Rroux for the erection of n Li. rry vo s vAtt vjiass iwaraea tnc bunding th. M of th mu gold medal at the Lewis and Clark Expo sitionSee our large display. A. V. ALLEN Miy DISCIPLINE Home for Little Children. The build ing ill be ereeted by Henry IT. Roger, vk-e president of tit Standard (HI Com pony. The cost, it ia Mid. will be (kto. Mr. H. H. Roger j president of the Mfiuh home for Little Children and devote much tint to the work. Th institution was founded in 1883 for the temporary relief of working mother DARING AERONAUT Thri!!!n Experience of Man In An Airship. LOSES CONTROL IN THE AIR an individual nor are they readily drawn nJ ,h" wf K'rU UnJr 12 '"4 . eat a . ' t . a How Far Does Democracy Affect It's Orginazation. rouncs in army, baneful luto schemes for territorial aggrandir mrnt involving war. Their proper niili tary policy, therefor, is preparation for defense, The speaker of the lIou . is the moat powerful official of the govern ment, next to the President, and he may even thwart the desires of the latter, R ia the real (tar. The average mem ber of Congress ha about aa much in- of eight. The last anual report showed that 44 ehihlren ware in the institution. IEAKST IN LOS AJfCELXS. When at Height of Half Kilt Motive Power Girti Out Aeronaut It Car ried by Wind for Three Milee-Fiul ly Comet Down. Chicago, Dec. 14. With the daring of a man who fawa death for the mere excitement of it, Horace It. Wild an el eetrMan of Chicago, yesterday fur the first tint in hia life, made flight in He soared to a height of at " 1 r lientcaaat Colonel Jaaes Pettit Say Politics SUM. JUt later late Amy Affiaire a It la Harmful to Efftctirt ' frguiutioB. - Sew York, December 14. Lieu tenant Colonel Jamea S. ret tit, formerly secretary in the military de partment at Washington and at present aailitary instructor in the District of Columbia, read a thesis yesterday be fore the military service institution at Coventor's bland oa "How Far Does Democracy Affect the Organisation and Discipline of Our Armies, and How can fia Influence Be Most Effectively Util ised." Colonel Pettit dealt at length with the subject, the general trend of hi argument being that the influence of politic upon the militry of this coun try was baneful The speaker said in parti "The. great conquerors of the world Vav been monarch s wielding practical ly unlimited powers. "When the military commanfler is the ruler of the nation as well, he. is the court of last appeal, and secures tfcat unity of command and control of laaources so vital to the successful or ganization, the discipline and campaign ing of armies. The further ye depart from the principles the weaker we be tome. ' "On the other hand Democracy, as a rule, represent peace. They do not respond to the personal influences of Loa Angeles, Deo. 14. William R. !Ieart a rived in Loa Angele thia ev ening over the Santa F. He declined an airhip. to comment on the Albany decision, but iM0O rtt abovt llw gr fluence on the eourae of the House as it A announced that be would prob- , a doe at a council of elephant. The Mr Utement tomorrow aa to o rote of Congra rprmnU iU politk-al h'1 furth" ,K PurtU niiu. .w. . , iu opiaion. instead of iU pemaal beUefa.' ' contest for the of - . UJ b flee of mayor. The abolishing of the canteen is an H IustrjatKta 01 VheJ t&ct tbat even in times of peace, legislation for the army comes out of any hopper greased with the. slimy oil of political spoils and partw expediency, unredeemed by th salt of honest, manly. Independence and belief as to the right and justice of the eaue and the needs of the country. "We are of sanguine temperament We believe in our starj we regard the law lightly; we place thousands of laws on the statute books, but are lax in en forcing them. These qualities in the military service make rigid discipline impossible. Deserters, sentinels aleep on post, and guerrillas, should be shot, but with us the penalty is rarely en acted. "Our patriotism U largely of, the lip. That true patriotism which regards the country as the home to be cherhued and protected within and from without even at personal sacrifice, is not as com mon as it should be. It is constantly being diluted by the accession of for- selves German or Irish-American, a 1 . ., ' rr . . . ' , though tbey desired to serve two mas 17AS DLACIUIAILED Wealthy New Jersey Brewer Paid Over $70,000. AND IS DRIVEN TO SUICIDE BaDaatiae Family Will Take Steps to Prosecute Conspirators and fiegaia the Money if Possible Blackmailing Story Will Be Made Public New York, Dec. 14. A sensational XMAS AT GRIFFIN'S store arrangement of goods is ewrnple'te although we have much more to 'gei ready than ever before' Come ary and we will m able to give you aauch better a,ttention than the "day fceiore Xmas. In our windows this wrek Calandars, Games, Toy Books and JHmed PleAures-SyEMXGS ONLY-r we display fancy Brass, Class and Mtt td Ware Evenings only. t f BOOKS J. N. Griffin ters. "Our country's flag is at the mercy of any vender who may choose to spread notice of his wares on its folds and the man in. the ranks ba a very modet place in public esteem bntil .'troop ship's on the tide.' . 'The national characteristics, which bauome governmental ltes id ft Vt- moo racy like ours, make it impossible to organize and discipline an effective army from the point of view of military experts." TRUST DEED FILED To Secure Investors in the Road to Bullfrog. San Bernardino. Cal.. Dee. 14. The Tonopah & Tidewater. Railroad Com pany filed a trut deed here today which constitutes a fimt mortgage to the Me chanics . Truit Co., and the. Indian & (ieneral Investment Trust, Limited, of London, to secure the inventors in the road's bonds in the sum of fM,0OO. The document states that the railroad com menees at Ludlow, Cal., on tlie Santa Fe and continues northerly across Inyo county. Cal.. to Bullfrog, Nev. The main line from Ltullow, Cal., to Bull frog, is to m 11 roil long and a branch line wven and one half miles to Death Valley. STATIONERY MUSIC THE PEOPLE ALL a CWwa CrW4, Gt Vm Kewkro'a 1 HerwIeMc This word of late baa been In overy one's month, and many are wondering what th word elcnlflea, though no on baa yt been found, who will deny that KEWBRO'8 HKRPICIDE doe the. wore Well, for the Information of thousands of people who like to know all about a rood thins", we would say that HERPICIDK sneana, a destroyer or killer of -Herpes,' GO OH WITNESS STAND. .. Xew York, Dec. 14.-Edward II. liar rinian wrote a letter to the Armstrong committee yetterday asking that an op portunity be granted him to go upon the wiUiw stkiid in the liriilt(ve insurance investigation and testify re garding his attempt, as described by Thomas F, Ryan on Tuesday, to share in the purchase of the majority of stock of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. The cominttee informed Mr. Ilarri man that he could have such an op portunity any time he wanted it, and it is eaid to be likely that he will testi fy today. The committee has not taken any for mal action in Mr. Harriman, but had been waiting it is said, to whether he would ;ss: an opponunny 10 rep1 y ney Carl Fischer-Hansen, giving the In side facts as to how Robert B. Ballan tine of the wealthy family of New Jer sey brewer, who committed suicide Sat day night, was blackmailed out of se curities, cash and notes amounting to $70,000 by a conspiracy shortly before his death. Mr. FWhcr-Hansen communicated with the Ballan tine family yesterday and strongly advised them that he be permitted to give to the newspapers the details of the conspiracy. "I had an intimate acquaintance with Mr. Ballantine for 14 years," said Mr. Fwhcr-ITansen yesterday, "both as his legal adviser and a a personal friend. II visited my office last Friday and unfolded to me the nature of the charges made against him. He told me how un der threats of exposure and even im prisonment he liod been mulcted to the extent of $70,000, It was one of the most wonucrlul xtorics 1 have ever heard. "It was decided to lay the entire case before District Attorney Jerome to se cure the indictment end arrest' of the men in the conxpiracy. Saturday after noon we veiled the district attorney' oflice. There we learned that Mr. Jer ome had gone to Connecticut and could not be seen until Monday. My friend ended bis life Saturday night." Mr. Fischerllansen said that Steps had already been taken to stop pay ment on sdverul wdes, hetyl by the blackmailers ami an effort will be made to regain most of the securities. Ne expects to see members of the Ballan tine family this morning and to start for Charlottesville tonight to make a personal investigation of the events leading up to Ballantine's death. 1 ed before. Hi flight was over Grand t Crossing and was witnessed by hund reds of spectators. The trip through the air at the height of half a mile was made under difficul ties. Wild's greatest peril was danger of losing his hold of tha machine on account of the cold. Twice hi numb Angers slipped from their grasp of the frame of the hip and twice he caught himself by. hooking hia bl into a groove in the cross beams. The trip was made after several at- temps covering a period of three week. When the big air-hip sailed away the crowds chirrs-d aad Wild waved hi hand gleefully. For a time all went well, the dirig ible madiine moving to the South smoothly. Then the engine operating the proveller stopped because the sup ply of gasoline was exhausted. With that came to the air-hip man the real ization that he was going higher and higher and had no meaas of propelling the ship in th direction of the earth. Wild made ft frantic effort to escape destruction, climlied to the network of the gasfilted bag above him, and holding on with the Angers of one hand, almost frozen, with his -other ban unfastened the cord that held the mouth of the WHoon, permitting the -gas to escape in ufftclent quantities to allow him to reach the ground in safety. The pulling down of the airship by it trail rope was accotnpli-bed by two women and a ly, with the greatet difficulty and at great personal rUk, for several parts of the machinery be anie detached and their falling to the ground lightened tlie balloon so that it truggled with renewed energy to es cape into the clouds. If it had escaped from tho reseure Wild's death would iv been certain as he would have been carried out into the lake. SCOTT ON STAND. New York, Dec' 14. A large part of the day was consumed by Edward W. Scott, President of the Provident Sav ing Life, at the hearing of the insur ance investigating committee, Scott's testimony related to thel manner in which be had purchased control of the Provident and the disagreements with the matter of recalling the uiUbIe ,owr U,anf du while he was their Australian agent Now "Herpes" la tb family nam of a lisea caused by various vegetable par asite. A similar microbe cause dan draff. Itching scalp, and falling hair; thia as lh microbe that NEWBRO'8 HERPI CIDB promptly destroy; after which tb ftair grow. Sold by leading druKgltt. Bend 10c in stamp for sarapl to Th Herplcld Co., Detroit. Mich. , Kagl Drag Store, 351-353 Bond St, Cwl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. F. laurin, Prop. "Special Agent." Ryan. Mr. Harriman, it i expected, will be arkel, among other things, about Mr. Ryan's assertion that in the negotiations Mr. Harriman referred to his political influence, and also whether any arangement had been made where by a political leader was to become a figure in the insurance world if Mr. I Harriman succeeded in getting a share of the Equitable stoc-V and was allow- There Is no pepper In Schilling' Best ginger ; there's nothing wrong in Schilling's Best anything. Moneyback. One Piano Ticket With Every $2.50 Parchaie Because It Pays to f Deal With WISE Courteous treatment, "Good Clothes. Dberal Ideas. Cheap goods at cheap , prices please you first, but the smile fades with the colors of cheap clothes. WISE Builds His Reputation On Good Clothes, On new Ideas, On Liberal Treatment IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH KleinnniaaWise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER Are You Planning to Remodel? If you contempUto remodeling yaur present homo bow or la tho n:ir frture, you ihouli ituJ die subject of rlumblnf. A Utile knowledge on the subject vrHI b beneficial W you In the selection of the belt material and Ixturei ami In their proper Ixatlon throughout the home, - ' If you will call and" consult ui, tre rQ give you attractive literature on modern tin! Utlon and will show you the sample! of "iteaiaMl War w h.v I A1 J. A. Montgomery. Astoria 0 Cured Pararysia. W. F. Bailey, P. 0. True, Texas, writes: "My wife had been suffering Ave years with paralysis in her arm, w.hen I waa persuaded to Use Ballard's Snow Liniment, w!iii cured her all right. I have also used it for old sores, frostbites and skin eruptions. It does the work." Sold bp Hart's drug store. Of Interest te Clergy Th Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Co., having been granted member bip in the Trans continental Clergy Bureau, the name of that company will appear In the clergy application bla'nks and clergy certificates issued by the bureau for 1004, and commencing Janu ary lat, of the coming' year. These permita will be honored by all agents of the A. ft C. R, Rh thus eliminating th individual half-fare permits issued by that company in former yeara. Re quests for official application blanks should be made to J. C. Mayo, general passenger agent, Astoria. CHANGS OF. TIMS Th Baltimore k Ohio Railroad Commencing Sunday, November 10, train No. fl, tha Royal Blue Limited, will leave Grand Central passenger station, Chicago at 0 p. m., instead of 3:30 p. m. and will arrive in Pittsburg at 6:35 a. m., Washington at 4:40 p. m., Baltimore 50 p. m. Philadelphia, 8:10 p. m. New York 10:40 p. m. the same aa with th old schedule, thus reducing the time one hoar and thirty minutes. No excess fare will be charged on thia fast limited train. All other trains will arrive and depart the same as formerly. Stop-over is allowed at Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, not to exceed ten days, at each place, on all first-class through tickets. Our Great Removal Sale of High Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are selling wall paper at prices lower than you have ever seen it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. - . J . B. F. AUen a Son, c,mst a Lacer Y VII 1I IUI U O Beer. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. Pres. and floyt. F L BISHOP. Bwetarv A L. FOX, Vice Fret, ' ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPItoVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and pollers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE S0HCITC0. Foot of Fourth Street. -V