The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 15, 1905, Image 2

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rrtrr . rrmxT-" A CTA11 f A V ACTATJ1A OlfPHrlV -
Establiiaea XI7J. '
Published Daily by
6y mail, per year ....... ......7.00
By mail, per month..... 60
By carrier, per month,.. , .73
By mail, per year, in adrift. .(1.00
Intered at stcond-taM matter J a at
U. 1Mb, at the postoftkw at Astoria, ore
rrm, aader tbc act of Confreaa ol March 8,
l .
tyOnlera for the itOvmag of Taa Hoax
tmUroaiaatosniM mMcm or plac of
tuitirci aay b aiad by postal card or
teoKh teta hone. A or irregularity tai do
krrj ataould bo BMdlateij reported to Um
1 Tort land, Dec. R Western
Oregon and Western Washing-
ton: Cloudy, ith probably oe-
casional rain.
Eastern Oregon, Cloudy, ris-
ing temperature.
The Republican party of Astoria is
confronted with the solemn and impera
tive duty of reorganization. The jssue
of Wednesday's election loaves no other
lina of organic action open to them.
The Democratic party is in the local
saddle and has its eyes upon the June
contest which will be final for years to
come, if it shall fall to them. There is
nothing to bJ gained by dallying with
this imperative demand. Flushed with
their recent victory, the Democrats will
thir political work, and the one-time
"OitweV will n find whom he ha
made hi master. So 1 it Th poli
tioal alignments in the City of Atria.
from Um day forth, are the Republican
and Democrat. Tlte-e, and the iwly.
The. very tirmith of the tiiajoiitie
cast at WeJnemlay ehvtion const it lit
its most unequivocal feature. Had
they been motlcrate there niiplit have
been room for mi-Jcadiug ambiguities
and unwl'ikomj dmbU that would
have prolonged a situation that was
acute enough a it was. The popular
naimlatc i for an opcu town; no editor
ial nor other ihotry can obliterate
that fact, and it is a waste of time to
indulge, in it In good time the man
data will be fulfilled to the last ve
tin of it authority, and the sooner
no, the better the arbiters of Astoria's
futuic will be pleased. The people do
not like their edicts bandied about or
dawJUal with. The Democnita are
charged with the duty of undoing the
work of Sheriff Unville and the soonc
they get at it the . better. Of course
they are going to U- caution and not
make Muck and drake" of the- pre
tige they hare gained, but that they
wilt carry out the utter measure of the
popular bidding need not be discount
ed nor doubted. .
The Astorian has one single objection
to the appointment of John M. Gear-
in to the federal senate. He is a Dmno
erat We admit it is insuperable but
it b all the objection we can find,' ami
no self-respecting Republican paper is
going to forgo it sole cliance for ob
jection. Otlierwie Mr. Oaiia is entire
ly acceptable. He is in his prime, 1
broad minded, liberal, far-seeing, well
trained publicist, with the pride of
State behind him and of large and
wholesome m-a.sD on public affairs. He
C7 a
will ably second every efforof bis col
league, Senator Fulton, in the urgent
work of securing the indispensable ap
propriation for the development of the
ureal public works underway in tin
9 j -
State, nor are we afraid to trust him
upon the less tangible and more ethics
issue that confront men in h post
tion. We wish him a pleasant year of
service and congratulate the State up
on the selection made by the Governor.
0 ,
1 wuncnea at an Ammran vnr.i in
liat nfean a dunlirata vipfnrv fnr thm li i
r t j iiuh iwo years, xnese reuses are
June. The matter is too gravejvided into three classes five having a
for idle and purposeless controversy I displacement of 10,000 tons and a speed
there is but one thing to do. Bury every . '8htcn knot. five others displac-
ling omy ia,w tons and developing a
little hi Chef HtVftl uhilo tha T,1atft n.l
at claims sink every party aim and her Atep (the Mississippi) will displace
weal, until the Republicans of Astoria J not more than 13,000 ton and are not
are re-united and revivified upon a new J expected to travel faster than seventeen
and firmly cemented orfmnitinn tw. KnoU- nevertheless, the smallest and
slowest ships of the dozen onclit to
possess fine, fighting qualities. TheiH
armor belt above the waterline is two
inches thinner than that of the Connec
ticut and the Virginia, but the turrets
and barbette afford as much protec
tion as do the corresponding features
of the two other classes of ships. What
is more,, the. main batteries of the three
are are identical, beinir competed of
means something. When this shall be
done, then take up personal names and
Issues and adaptl them to 11 ta be4
aernce of the party and the public.
Until this is done the party is hope
less as to immediate future achieve
ment, and the doing of it will be the
Art and bet service that can be rend
ered. There must be no haczlinsr over four 12-inch and eirfit 8-inch emn. For
fJ 0 1 S3 O "
men, no paltering with equivocal mcas I bros&Ha fire the Idaho and Miissfppi
I Drill ndl'o ftisiif T.tnr.K -i (1a mtA S
ures. The nartv. with n tself. must u v" """
.... . I doubtful whether the twelve 6-inch rifles
ntrenginenea, renewed ana put to wore I . ... . , . , ..
I of the innnia can do any better ee
.1 1 t! A . . .. I " "
miong popular unes, 10 renuer to IM cation. Inasmuch the Connecticut
City of Astoria the good and efficient will mount twelve 7-inch rifles, she will
service it alone can render when) it I have a slight advantage over the sh
which went down the way lately,
'but the difference is relatively small,
The designers of the Idaho are not like
ly to feel ashamed of their work.
According to the dispatches the sul
tan ha yielded to the power. The sul
tan always yields when the power e
rt sntlicietit pressure, but tlw moment
the preure is removed he forgets all
alnnit hi promise and allow thing
to go on in the same old wy. IVihup
it will be different thi time, but it i
safe to say that the financial reform
he ha pledged himself to carry into
effect in Macedonia will come to a full
stop the first time a complication aris
en in European politic that will destroy
the conceit In fact, the sultan i lad
ing required to yield up the flrt funda
mental of sovereignty in Macedonia
the right to collect and dispose of rev
enue. The powers insist that the taxes
shall be collected and expended by a
commission over which the Sublime
Porte ha practically no control. Thus
Macedonia, while nominally remaining a
Turkish province, .will be financially in
dependent and really! under the protec
tion of the six great Christian powers
of Europe. The condition prevailing
in Macedonia justify some drastic meas
ure of amendment, but it must be a8
tuitted that the right of the sultan to
rule in hi own dominion I sharply
challenged by the system tlie powers in
sist shall be established irt Macedonia,
. ;;v ' , ' ...
"Bicycles,? said Judge Hurke in hi
opinionreudered iu the eae of Thomp
son v. Dodge, 58 Minnesota, 55, "are
vehicle used no verj extensively for
convenience, recreation, pleasure and
business, and the riding of one npon the
public highway iu the ordinary maimer,
aa is now done, 1 neither unlawful nor
prohibited, and tliey cannot be banish
ed because they were not ancient ve
hicles and used in the Garden of Eden
by Adam and Eve.H
This decision and tle rea-oning of it
can be quoted against the opponents of
the automobile, who are to be fouml
mostly in more or less remote rural
regions. Opposition has never succeed
ed in driving wit of existence any ma
chine or contrivance that coiTlributes to
the comfort, convenience or profit of any
.vMitprhle nortion of the public. It is
true that the automobile frightens
most hores on country road and is a rJt iiancrpi- through the perverse
passion for fast driving that possesses
nine automobilista out of ten, but piese
are mils that time will remedy. Horses
will become accustomed to the automo-
wwti tne nuveny t rne upmt WMr"
off the desire for great speed will abate,
It will be remembered that the outcry
against the bicycle few years ago
laid strexs on the "scorching" proclivi
ties or the wheelmen: but who ever
hears of an objection to the bicycle
nowadays on that ground!
The newly appointer Governor of New
Mexico declares himself in favor of joint
tatehood "if it can be secured on equit
able term.' Emiitable terms in such
ca is a rate conceit! However,
President Roosevelt also favors ioint
tatehood and he lias appointed Govern
or Ifagerman, it is not siirpilning that
the latter should be of the same mind.
To know Deecham's
Pills is to possess good health. ,
P1,. are. n rmAr for more thail OHC-
MV. . ...
half the ills that afflict the human race.. And
thev Drevent as well as cure. Yet 'they arc not a
cure- a.ceDtforthose ills that start in the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels. When these work properly
disease is rarely present, for doctors say that over fifty per ccat
of sickness begins in these organs.
Bo You Know
the secret of good health? Here it is: strong digestion, regular ,
bowel action and sound sleep. A simple matter after all, when
,: you take Beecham's Pills, a purely vegetable meaicine
that has no equal In all the world. They tone the stomach,
' strengthen the digestion, improve the blood, regulate the
liver and kidneys, operate the bowels, remove duious-
ness, constipation and headache; elear the com-
plexion and banish sleeplessness. Jtwiiisurciy
pay you to learn the marvelous efficacy of
Beccham s Pills.
S.U Cvrywhre In Baaae,
lOo ana 35s,
wilL The bugbear of a "Citizens'"
party has been removed; it baa been
absolutely absorbed and digested by the
Democrats, and the Democrats conti
tute the one and only opponent the He.
publicans have- to confront. This is
plain, but practical talk, and the sooner
it is heeded, the better for the Republi'
can party and for the City of Astoria.
If half that U told of Cem ral Sak
halin is true, lie wjis a monster 6f
cruelty, of whom the world may be glad
to be rid. Yet it was a hideous thing
to "remove" him by assassination, and
the tragedy is another ominous sign of
(he time in Russia. It emphasizes the
For 'evevral years the political term fatuous wickedness " of those who are
'3ei!en" party, "Citizens"' council, fomenting disorder in order to' compel
uuizens artministmtion, "titizens'" reation and abandonment of reform
this, that and the other thing, have It is doubtful if complete reaction would
been the slogan and rallying call in now 1 possible, eren if the cur should
tm city. The fool farce is at an end. attempt it. for reaction and repression
With an appreciative sense of the real require force, and where in all Russia
good owe done by the. original Citizen1
coalition in thi city, we bid adieit to
tlie old and actual organization, and
hail its successor to the municipal poli
tical field. The Dvmoc-at have skill
fully and deliberately absorlied the rist
Wan and utility of tlie Citizens' party
nd function, nU thrtre Is no- use
Ixxndying words about it. It has been
so cleverly done the very absorbee are
till unconscious of the hocus-pocus and
will not realize it until tome issue is
raised that conflicts with Democratic
program, and then it will be too late;
the Democrats are yery thorough in
is a suiiicicnt and trustworthy force
for that purpose now to be found T
With all the army loyal it would be a
tremendous task to suppress such an up
rising as is now in progress. With the
army honeycombed with disaffection
nd regiments daily deserting to the
side of the revolutionists, and with the
navy practi-atly annihilated, the task
would seem to lie hopeles. It is truly
said that Count Witte's burdens grow
heavier day by day. It must be re
garded as equally true that whoever
wantonly add to their weight, on either
side is a foe to the KussiaA fatherland. 1
a copy of one of his books. Amateurs
may take home a copy of the Iresl-
denfa menage and try It on tlie violin.
Another advantage for Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain is that, whatever hannens
in England, the same old moral is to
be drawn.
.For Kldnev
"V m awt a a
et uiaaaer
Cures In
Each CsomI "
bears the as mc 47 DUUn
If true, a one newspaper account in
dicates, that an Italian who can speak
scarcely any English is armed a watf-h. I
man of a great New. York building, it SAN- FRANCISCO -
nngni, nr. at-gurum an aiinosi ineviiauie
that somebody
would get shot some-
Having heard from Carnegie, there is
only lacking an opinion on immigration
from one of the organ grinders who
come over and get enough to establish
themselves back there.
For Congress to go into the business
of making rates will be complicated.
s '
now that the general passenger agents
say Congressman have really to begin
paying them. ,
0' '
There teems to be no indications that
the regular football .abolition season is
over for this year.
Tlie Russian revolutionists who want
to kill Father Rapon rather surprise
the world, which had tupposer they
were running to short of material. 1
Fop tUo
fJOflflG ASTOillAO
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the UEST CARRIER Sy
TEM in the country.
rart Includina berth and mai
Round -trip, 124.
Steamer Leaves Astoria for
Francisco Every 5 Days.
Connects at SanFranciico with Rail
and Steamer Lines for South,
era California.
O. W. UOIJERT8, Agent
Aatorla, Oregon.
Gen. Pae, Agent.
San Franeiaea. CaL
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore..
Capitpl and Surplus $100,000
Sherman Transter Co.
lacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and TransferredTrucks and Fur
niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. '
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest
Telegraph News.
Shipping Melteence,
Condensed Local News.
Portland Market Reports.
Society News. BS'
Railroad News.
Sporting News.
County Official News.
Complete Want Columns'
And in fact all of the News, of the Country
Watch for the Big Colored
li you are not a subscriber let us show you
our proposition and we will convince you that its
the best ever made by any newspaper.
Telephpne Main CGI for our plan, or if you
live out of town write a postal and we'll do the
rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager,
The Morning Astorian
lOth and Commercial