THE MOnXING'ASTORIAX. .ASTORIA. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1903. Cui Glass! Cufllass! Wc are sole agents for the celebrated H. C. Fry Co's Cut Glass-Awarded the gold medal at the Lewis and Clark Expo sitionSee our large display. A. V. "ALLEN PURSUITS OF PEACE Japanese People Settling Down After War. SAYS MINISTER . GASCON SUBPOENAS SERVED Missouri Preparing (o Prosecute SUndard Oil. ROCKEFELLER IS SUMMONED 101 ef the Standard Oil Will Be fte tired te Appear lefof the Courts and Give Testimony in the Suits Nov Pending. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. Confident!! Bookkeeper of Drug Firm Falls From Grace. Chicago, Deo. IS. William J, Smith, for twelve jmm conllileiitlul lssikkeeer for tit Rober Stevenson Drug Co., was yesterday arrested for forgery. AHhui:h he had taken almost $.1.wn frtm the funds of tln itiiiiHny in la than a year, little or none of it wa jx-ut on liiniM'lf A. wu evidenced by hi apojrttic when unvoted. Hi clothing; was oh! and worn ninl hit over- otmt wa not warm rnon'lt to protect him from t l.f weather. "The money all meiit ti the loan 'haik.' he aid. "Thev kept threat cuing to garnish) mv wage and I knew if that happened I would looe Rockefeller happen to be; meanwhile My Job ami I uiiul.le to do anything the nroeeedinirs here will be keit alive. I for my children." t 1 Yon know I have never made the Mate-1 Smith lived with hi wife and two men that Mr. Rockefeller ia endeavoring children in a cottage. ork, IW. H.-IJovd lirieotn, to evade the service of a subpoena upon! "My firt 'P wa ken about lnitcd State minUter to .laau, ar him. nor do I wish to be understood in three year ago, when a friend or mine 1,-jved in thi citv ycerdav coming any way a making that Matement now, invented 4 candy kt machine," Smith. ,y way of San Frntu-ivi on a short or intimating anything to that effect." caki. "I borrowed fcMO from the money 'Ve of aWnce. night he. talked It was the general opinion in Wall lender and signed a not for X0, interest ingly about Jap,m, her eondi- street yesterday that Mr. Rockefeller, hleh he borrow! to put the machine ti,,n Bft,.r the ar, and jueanit pro- who i now at Hot Spring, Va., would on the market. Well, it Ml through. ,wt, j ,), ytr t.t. toon eome home and take steps to ac- 1 lot my fc&. my friend disappeared, 1 ,sim-e the war, Mr. ( fail, the cept the service. and I wa at the merry of the money .lupancs people have settled down to Owing to the postponement of the lender. All the money I took wa paid ihwr rf)niur occupation. Th gov Standard Oil proceeding in this state to them. I didn't get any of it, with Lrnment i buy paying 4T it war deb's from December 4 to January 5, new er-did my wife and children. Ianj adjusting it finance. The whole order of aubpoenaes have to be ob- "I shall make a clean breat of it," jm 0f (n(l jiMneM j, toward Indus- One Piano TlcKet With Every $2.50 Furchaie Common People Are Now Clad that the War Is Over Excitement Which Pre vailed After the Peace at Portsmouth Is Subsided. , Xew York, Dec, 13. Henry Wellman, who will act with Attorney General Hadley of Missouri, in the suits brought against the Standard Oil Company by the Staie of Missouri, said yesterday that subpoenas had been served upon James A. Moffatt, one of the executive committee of the company and Frank Q. Barstow and Howard Page, who are high officials of either the Standard Company or some of their allied cor porations. Henry H. Rogers had been served with a subpoena, a had John A. Arch bold. According to Mr. Wellman, both these men have stated that they will appear in his office in January to give their deposition. "We are having some little difficul ty said Mr. Wellman, "in serving some of the others with subpoenaes, but by Janu. 5 all of the men who are in the State of New York will be serv ed." , When Mr. Wellman was asked if he thought he would be able to serve a Subpoena upon John D. Rockefeller in thi state, he said: I do, but in case we should not by January 5, I understand that Attorney General Hadley will give notice to take Mr. Rockefeller's deposition in Virgin la or New Jer-ey, or wherever Mr. tained from Justice Stover. HOTEL ARRIVALS. The 'Occident A. L. Conger, San Francisco. Mrs. D. L. Kelly, Knappa. C. E. rainier, Knappa. T. B. Waters, Oehkosh. Walter Seaborg, Hwaco. Henry Teller, Ft. Roberts, B. F. Huff, Hoquiant. G. W. FJlis, Portland. TX W. Heihuan, Portland. . T. Hoge, Portland. J. Stevenson, Cascades. AGAINST POLYGAMY Meeting Held In Gotham to Prose cute Mormons. CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMOOT BURGLARS SUFFOCATE WOMAN. Abury, X. Y., Dec 13.-Mrs. ST. Naf ta 1, a wealthy resident wa attacked Women and Men in New York City Are by burglars in her apartments, bound Determined to Set that Utah's Mor and rased and stripped of her jewels. I bob Senator Does Not Take His She died of suffocation before her nliirbt I Seat was discovered. " WILL ASK FOR RECOUNT. i 13. ijit evening .New loric, uec I3.-Heart. counsel R - , . ..... ... . siatea tonight mat an appeal wiuia ne i made to the legislature durin the first nt,-P,y mass mating at tb . . I 1 Tk . 1 . 4 . . M. week in Januarv to tas a bill nrovM- aurP 'enue rresoyierian cnurch. nils , r r ing specifically for a recount of all the I meeting wa arranged by several or ballot cast in the recent election, l ins i ganizauons oi ttie city whkn are en- is regarded as the most direct course tolgaged in gathering petiions and direct- pursue a further court proceeding, I ing the campaign against the seating of through "quo warranto" would be blow I Sena tor Siixt of I'tah, and tedious. XMAS AT LONG BEACH TO HAVE DEEP WATER HARBOR GRIFFIN'vS Will Dredge and Deepen the Bay to Ac commodate Sea-Going Vessels and Compete With San Pedro. Qur store arrangement of goods is omplete although we have much more to get ready than ever before Come,"11 ke Railway Company, removed Los Angele, Dec. 13. The Los An geles Dock and Terminal Co., wjiidi ha announced it intention to construct a deep water harbor within the city lim its of Long Beach, yesterday made their o pranice oi jx.iygainy. mere is first effective -mode in the direction tip-'U broader ground upon which to try request of the Ilarlx- CVnnpany the this iae. ''I bring the general charge that M said Smitli, " I gues I can do my lamt- trial expansion at present All their ly as. much good while in the peniten-jrffwr,, turnrj j llmt .Urection. tiary a I have in the last year." A to the after pea rioting, Mr. (riscont said that the dissati .fact inn over the peace of Portsmouth wa mere ly temporary, and had become unim portant now. The feeling of discontent ha entirely disappeared ard the Jap anese people feel great Rrjitnle to ward the A merit-tin people, and parti cularly to 1'resident Rievctt t it bring ing about eu. The Mikt'o Is.m-d an cdkt telling the e'iple that tin re was a government caring f.r their in terest and advNing them ntdnl to their regular isvuuitiii, The ieijile obeyed a they oly everything eman ating from the mikado. : Mr. Griscom declared emphatically that after the excitement due to the first new from Portsmouth had suit- ided, 'the people sided harmonloiuly with tliet government) ami recognised the wisdom of making peace with Rus sia. He wa asked about Crea and the lapanee protectorate. "Corea is not strictly in my province-," he said, "and although I saw Maruui Ito shortly liefors hi departure from' Japan tf Corea, tha-Corean ii.tli ha developed since I left Japan. Peo ple in the United States are better in formed concerning Corea than I am. 1 saw Admiral Togo frequently be fore my departure from Japan," the miuister added. 'He told me that he intended to visit the I'nited State with his fleet next autumn, after first pay ing a visit to England, Japan's ally. I told Admiral Togo that he would Iw cordiully receivol, a the American peo ple are alway glad to welcome a brave man." Mr. Gricom intends to go on to Washington in a day or two. His de parture from this city ha bern delayed by a cold, brought on by the change to the American climate. He ha not lecided jil-t when lie will return to Japan. Dr. Hill, who has recently entered up on the pastorate of the Janes Methodist Episcopal church, Brooklyn spent five year in Utah. Several years ago he came Kast, where he has since been ac tively engaged in di-seminating knowl edge concerning the history and doc trine) of the I'tah hierarcht Jt ev ening, jn discussing the Smoot question, among other things, he said: "The question of expulion of Mr. Smoot does not and should not hinge primarily upon his guilt or innocence arly and we will be able to give you, I , , . , . .... ' e 'narrow inlet which open into the ex- M Americaut-m, M-ing antngoni-tic to aruch better a,ttention than the "dav , , , ... . t..: ...:..!. before" Xmas. In our windows' this we display fancy Brass, Glass and Mtt al Ware Evenings only. tensive mar-h where the new harbor is the great basic principles upon to 1e miide. to nermit tlie nassave of our political institutions rot. week Calandars, Games, Toy Books and 'a dredger to begin deepening the liar- "First, in it form of government, it Framed Pictures EVENINGS ONLY '' 'After the. dredger had entered snd " a centranzcu pr.wer, with all the lines 'before the ra road com nan v could re- ot nutiionty held in the Eiat of one i ' i ' . . : place the bridse structure, the dock and "'a", who has revelations 'made to or- terminal cfiinjinny secured a teinMrary der.' injum-tion in the I'nited States court, ''Second, the very vows imposed as restruininof the railroad eoro&anv from condition of mcmlHrship in the Mor- rt a V replacing the bridge. The dredger tlien m"n church not only disqualify its mem began the work of dredging the harbor, hers, for official participation in the af ... . ' - 1L. . i 1.... J .'if k it is me iniennon oi me company ioi" l"" mivm, mi i. jjoou mi' L VJFlIIlIl I build a free harbor which will accom- zcnship." modate the largest shipping vessels and lie a competing factor with the San Pj.1rA tiartw.r TliA muf r.f ililb tiri-irlr I. .innnnn 1 nere ,S JUSt 0nC W2V tO s s. r7 u m-u V !' V 'i'f t v Approval of United States has been sought and obtained and lite harbor will le finished in five years. Because' It Pays to Deal With WISE G)urtcous treatment, Good Clothes, Dberal Ideas. Cheap goods at cheap prices please you -first, but the smile fades with the colors of cheap clothes. WISE Builds His Reputation On Good Clothes, On new Ideas, On Liberal Treatment IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH t MeraiiaittWise ASTORIA'S REUAIII.E CLOTHIER w 51 TALK IT OVER Are You Planning to Remodel? If you contemplate remoJelinf your preient home now or tn (he oeir future, you should study the subject of Plumbfaf . A L'ttJe kncw!eJxe on the subject wfll b bcneficls! to you in the selection of the beit mitcrul and fixturei snj In their proper Ixrsdon throughout the home. If you will call anj consult ui. we wUJ WOv give you attractive literature on modern unl- tIon an J will show you the samples of 'Stoiari Ware we have In our showrooms. J. A, Montgomery, Astoria S00K3 STATIONERY MUSIC HEALTHY PLANTS Rlr tha Moat Carcfal Atteattoa aa Well as Om Sail. Did you ever sea a rosebush which despite the most beneficent envlronmsnt r solt-ot sunshineand ot atmosphere, -seemed never to achieve a healthy growth. A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a canker eating out Its heart Tou must destroy tha causa before yotf can remove ths effect. Tou cannot cure Dandruff and Bal Bess by rubbing- on hair lotions, STORM DOES DAMAGE. Rome, Dec. 13. A violent windstorm today caused the damage of many steamers in Nepolitan waters. At Yen ioe a launch wa capsized and the five occupant drowned. At Sarano, a and 'r,'n- tra'n twenty-one cars were overturned Jv the wind. Several towns mere is have good la baking aoSa- kdat taMin lilncS economically : Schilling's Best, grocer's, moneyback. at you! GETS EVERYTHING. viibhlnv In iraMlIn t Tou mwt look to the caona of the Were flooded trouble It'a a germ at the roots of j yur hair which causes It to fall out j Newbro's HerplcMe destroys the R-erm, and healthy hair Is the sure result. Hold by leading drmrrlsts. Send 10e. In j KtToU.fMich!mpl, ' Th' Herp,cld C"i -Vew York, Dec. 13.-llarry C. Pull- Kagle Drag Store, 351-353 Bond St., man was today elected president, sec Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St., T. F. retary and treasurer of the National Lauria, Frop. "Special Agent." , liCague of baseball clubs. Water Cure for Constipation. ITalf a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh ca thartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber- kin's stomach and liver tablets. They ate mild and gentle in their action. For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug With People You Know. With Astoria People. No evidence can be. stronger than the lirect testimony of neophs you know. The public expression of friend and ' neighWs is the proof of merit we offer. ! If you still remain a skeptic, talk it' over with this testifier. I). E. Duncan, who is employed with j his brother at the Astoria soda work , : 42(1 Duane street, and who resides at ' the corner of Duane and Ninth street, J says: "I had been troubled with a weakness of the back and kidneys for a number or year, 'lucre was a con stant dull aching pain in the loins and as far "up as the shoulders. Not only ' did my back ache, but there was a weakness from the kidney secretions which was very annoying and disturb ed my rest. I heard about Doan's Kid ney pills and one day I stepped into Charles Rogers' drugstore and got a box. I found them to be a great bene fit After the first few doses I felt better. I know of others who have used them with the same good results." For sale by all dealers. Pi ioe fid cent. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffslo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Our Great Removal Sale of Hhh Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are selling wall paper at priCes lower than you have ever seen it before. all and inspect our elegant lines. B.F. Allen Son,c,mSs. Weinhard's Ut"s:, Beer.' Cure for Sore Hippies, As soon as the child is done nursing apply Chamberlain's salve. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. Pres. and Hoyt, F L BISIIOP. mcretar? A I. FOX, Vice Pres. 4HTOKIA HAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of TUB LATEHT (MPKOVKD Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Oatfits Furnished.. CORRESPONDENCE SOI JCITr l Foot of Fonrth fitiwt.