J Wis UBUMr AttOOIATCD PflltB RUNOUT COVCRS TMsT. MORNINQ fllLO ON THI LPWEft COLUMBIA VOLUME LX NO. 199 ASTORIA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 1905 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' f .A iv GFARIN GETS APPOINTED Governor Chamberlain Chooses Him Senator, APPOINTMENT PLEASES Oeirln b tht Popular Choice Among Majority of the Politician, HE WILL WORK FOR OREGON Successor U lata' Seaator Mitchell Makes; Statement Sayiag Ho WU1 Ea deavor tt Rtprtseat the WhoU StaU Without Respect to Settles. Salem, Dec, 13.-Coevrnor Chamber lain appointed John M. Gearin, of Port Und, United States Senator at 10 O'clock till morning. Th Governor M t hi office early Uil morning and with the assistance of fleeretrsy Catena he carefully reviewed all U) letter and telfgraaas of recommendation in favor of all tb men bo hsve been recom mended to klro for the office. The communications numbered sev eral hundred. Mot of them favored Gearin, and not a tingle one protested agahist him. Even those advising tlie appointment of other men spoke well of Mr. Gearin. , ShurtJy Wore 10 o'clock tlie Gov ernor asked tka newspaper men and other to retire front the executive flhamW, Maying hej wllnl to cone mune ilh himself. While alone he us ed the ong-dlUn telephone, presum- My to a4vla Air. (earin of hi ap Al 10 VWV he nonl the ' pointmcnt, door and made the formal anniMince meut of Gearin'a anointment. Gearin Make Statement John M. Oearin, of P.wtl.nd, who w.e yenterdar appointed United Ftatet Ken tup r!nMmnp f ').ni)irlu!n in mm- ... ii, n. i.i idrte the unexpired term of the lat t, , .... , . . , . ftmator Mitchell, in a etaement made . . . yestecdar afternoon, announce! that it .III I- kl . .ML . m.mt-r f ii. v i iuii . . i ,u,.ii the Federal Senate to serve impartially ...i - ui...... Li.. u.,1 ii.. M.,1,. ii. a ... d, a., ei et inlrrpt)i of lh Ktt of Orvgtm. "It shall be my Wt endeavor to rep. resent the whole State of Oregon, wit if. 1 " out reevt to any section or district," aaid t'niled Stacts Senator .lohn M. f'.Mnrl.. l.i.1,. ! am nalit'S (if Ore. ' Roni em proud of her commercial and Industrial achievements, and my every -ill l. i ...l.i In llw.ir fnriher . . . development, I ehall spare no effort In the Senate to nrociire an adequate Feileral appro- prlation for the Improvement of both the Upper and lower Columbia river, tho Dallea-Celilo canal, the liaibofiT at Coon Bey, Yaqulna Bay, and other de- toning point along the Pacific coast and in Oiegon, for I fully resJire the need of Federal assistance In developing the commercial facilities of the ttate. ATTEMPTS TO KILL THE WITNESS IN THE CASE New York, Dec. U. Abraham M. Hummel, an attorney waa placed on trial today before JuntU Rogent In the criminal branch of the Supremo Court on the charge of conspiracy and ubornation of perjury In connection with the Dodge-More divorce case. When the court adjourned only four 'IrrlKtlin U one of the" recognixed need of Oregon, and I ahall do all within my power to bring about the ex-ten-Ion of Irrigation work on .the sev eral project now receiving attention In the state. I am convinced that all the power of the Federal Government avail ahle should be directed to the prosecu tion of Irrigation and reclamation work, to the end that the arid waatee of Ore gon be made productive and thus add to tlie agricultural wealth of the ttate. "I am in hearty accord with the pol ity advocated by President Rooaevelt on tlie question of railroad rate regulation, and I shall support him along those line. It la my conviction thai the rail road of tlie United State should be subject to governmental regulation. I do not believe In oppression of the cor poration for it hsi fixed and recog nised rights, but I am equally of the opinion that the people constituting this government have right thai ehould be jealously con served and regarded." FARMER BURKS WINS. . Dee Moines, Dee. 13. Farmer Bums tonight defeated Charles IUckenachmldt in a mixed style wrestling match, Burnt won the first and third falls catchas-catcb-etn, and Hackeoscbmldt the second, Graoo-Rooaa. Democratic Committee Proceed ings Being Aired. DF.Fr THROWN AT WILLIAMS Lamar, Florida, and Skackleford, Mia eeurL Complain of Winiama Failure to Recommend Them for Reappoint ment on Committee!, Washington, Dec 13.--Wai.hlng Democratic linen for tlie amusement of tlie Republicans" as Willame, the mln ority leader, put it Monday, occupied Hie attention of tba Hook for more than four hours today. The result ac emnplished waa a "defiance" thrown at 1 1 . 1 !1 - I . 171.. ,H" ""J "J ma a Du nuacfticioru, ui iii"uii. in Jeotnplaliit of both reunited from the ifsilure of Williams to recommend their ii. i ri i.i. t i - j frv. -PHntment a. member, of the com- mine on interstate ana lorwign com ""r Both made long epeerhea aa- sailing William' leadership. Williams " r reiil ed to Mmar at tome length and ' " ' 1 " briefly to Shacklcford. Hit defense wat ' l "im ,h' " m this contmltec were divMcd, and he l"" wewwry for the good of ithff iwrty and country, tlmt nnitod I , . ' A. . f A ""'"" " in rniuono mn- iriii"inwwi. .... there was high tenmon in the neliate, liiiimr waa particularly bitter, in his crituiMii he oH'iily declun-d bis here I...... nniu.n.l frinniUliin tnr WillininS "-r ..... .1 .m .ii.l ii . lit., flia nril. nil ii'ii'iri . ii vim miii' if iciHiim of himself were retracted, lie however, would have recogniaed Wil- , ' . , , "'- 41ie k'',,,r- Shnrkleford denounced all Iksns, and placed himself entirely independent of party leadership tn the Horn, The tubject under discussion wn the committee's distribution of the annual message of President, Roosevijt. At the conclusion of the Democratic debate, this bad not been accomplished and the houst adjourned. jurors had been selected. During the course of the argument today, Aaslst an Attorney Rand, in chargo of the prosecution made the assertion that ef fort! had been made "by the otJier tide" Charles F. Dodge, the most Im portant witness against Hummel. Rand said it wt! necessary to guard Dodge coiutantly. iviciuur. LINEN PEBWSIHKJIIE NEW YORK LIFE MAN Resigns ViccPresIdcncy Chairmanship, is Succcdcd by Alexander Orr ol the New York Rapid Transit. CHARLES A PEABODY IS ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF MUTUAL Senator Dryden of New Jtrtey, PreaUent of tho PmdentUl Life Insurance Company Waa oa tho Witneaa Stand Saya He Farora Federal SaperiTia'.oa of Lift Iaauraseo Companiea Throng a National Inanranco Department Would Benefit Both Companiea tad Thote Intnred. New York, Deo. 13. Two Incident affecting the life lnturance tituatloa of New York today overshadowed tho leg islative investigation committee. While the committee waa Inquiring Into tho conduct of the Prudential life Insur- aawei'Ofnpaay and the Metropolitan Ufa Ineurart Company, neorfr' W. Perkins, resigned the vioa presideney and chairmamJilp of tho finance com mittee of tho New York Life, no it succeeded by Alexander E. Orr, presi dent of tha New York City Rapid Tran sit Commission, and aa chairman of the finance committee, by John Clailin, bead of the H. B. Clailin Company. Another important move in the situ ation, wta the election by the trutteea of the Mutual Ufa Insurance Company of Charle A. reabody who succeeded Richard A. McCurdy, aa president of that company at $50,000 a year. Pea body It a lawyer, tho American repre sentative of William Waldorf-Astor, the director of several bankt, and other corporations. Peabody waa alto nomi nated aa trustee of the Mutual to, succeed Justice Peckham and Emory McClintock, nominated to succeed Elihu' WILD RUMORS CIRCULATED. London, Dec, 13. The correfondent of the Time at St, Petersburg say a wild story is in circulation there that General Count Alexis IgnatiefT waa ar rested by order of the emperor for plot ting to establish a dictatorship. In- piiry at IgnaticITi house, the corn. pondent saya, failed to elicit a confirma tion or denial of the cAory. i BUSINESS DEMORALIZED. Moscow, Dec. 13. (By telephone to St. Petersburg). -A veritable panic prevail nn the Bourse. Tlie complete collapte of businca in the provinces haa been. attended by many bankruptcies. Agrarian distrutancea are extending almost to the gatct of the city. v The country mansions of many of the noble including tlm. of Count Shakovskoi have been burned. GO ON STRIKE. New York, Dec. 13. It wai announc ed today that the teamster in the em ploy of Clark, Chapin and Bushnell, wltorcaale grocers had gone out on strike by order of the officers of tho local lodge of the International Brotherhood of teamster, the firm having refused to tlgn the closed thop agreement which the union insist upon. . Mr. Buthnell tayt thai he haa secured a sufficient number of men to take the place of the striker and with adequate police protection will be able to defy the nnion. If the firm succeed In doing this there is said to be a probability that tbe general .strike of teamster wil) be called In the grocery district. GOES OUt OF OFFICE of Company and Also Root. They cannot be elected a trust ee! until the next meeing of tho board. Senator Dryden, of New Jersey, presi dent of the Prudential life again testi fied before the inveetigaing committee today and made a statement givirfg rettoni for -favoring federal supervis ion of lift) insurance companiea through a national insurance fepartaent, which he said should have high authority over them. Thin, he said, would benefit both the companiea and those Insured. Just before adjournment today Haley Flake, vice president of the Metropoli an Company, told of an incident in which tbo company eommiseloned Wil liam A. Read to buy 3333 aharea of railroad ttock for tho company. -Fiske aaid, Read, tho tamt day told tha ttock to a company of broken for $10 a aharo lets than the broker told it to tho Metropolitan, Mr. Fiske aaid he tried to get tho money back, but Read re fused to turrender tt. Peabody haa issued aa open letter to the policyholder! of tho Mutual be speaking their eonMnvee and assuring them tho company it operated In their interest, economy and lawful method are pledged. SEAT COMES HIGH. New York, Dec 13. A memberthlp on tho New York Stock Exchange told today for $88,000, which la tbe highest price which a otock exchange teat haa ever sold for. The previous high rec ord wa $85,01)0. , , LAND FRAUDS IN - WASHINGTON FOUND Government Was Cheated Out of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars by tho Hyde-Benson Ring. coma, Dee. 13. Proceeding affect ing more than 100 resident of tho itat of Washington and involving the, title to thousand of acre of kind obtained under Benson and Hyde patent,' have been brought before the United State court by District Attorney Frye. The present action is the outgrowth of -a suit brought teversi week ago by tho government to cancel the patent issued to Benson, Hyde and other Theckwd claimed by the government I valued at 4500,000, and it located in rierce, Thurs ton, CliehaJie, and Lewi count ie, and certain tracts north of Seattle. ';" HARRIMAN TO TESTIFY Aiks lnturance Committee to Allow Him to Amwer Ryan. . New York, Dec 13. -Ed ward IL Bar riman today wrote to the legislative insurance, investigating committee ask ing tht he be give n aa opportunity to go on the stand and testify regarding hit attempt as described by Ryan, to share in Ryan's holdings in the Equit able Life. The committee ha replied to hit re quest that it will be granted and Har- riuian may testify tomorrow. SCHOONER WRECKED. San .W, Cal., Dee. 13. The schoon er I'lorenra on a von age from. Blue fields, Nii-arua to Port Iimon, Coeta Ki, wrecked. Among those lost wa Frederick M. IT. Wood, British con sul t Port Linton and two Americans, John Tibant and W. M. Rather, the lat ter from Tex, alno three sailors. (me paiMencr and two sailort were rescued. BIG SMELTER SOLD. Denver, Dec, 13. Announcement wa made hut night that a controlling in terest in tbe Ohio t Colorado Smelter at Salida, Colorado had been told and that tlie purchaser would extend the business of the company by construct ing new phsnt at Salt Lake and Denver. Timothy Goodwin, of Denver, one of the former owner of the stock transferred, is authority for the announcement. He selifthat be was not permitted a this time to diiM'Irxo the identity of the purchaser but that they -were not In any way connected with the American Smelting & Refining Company. Tbe price paid for the Salida plant was 2,250,000. An Annapolis Midshipman Barbarously Treated. BY COWARDLY CLASSMATES Midshipman Kimbroagh of Tennessee la Stood Alternately on Hi Head and Heels Until Hr Becomes Unconscious Department Will Investigate, Annapolis, Dec. 13. Admiral Sands, superintendent of the Naval Academy baa reported tho basing of Midshipman J. P. Kimbrough of Germantown, Tenn to Secretary Bonaparte. Kimbrough wa hazed for giving information in tbe courtmartial of Meriwether. He was stood alternately on head and heels until he became unconscious in which condition ho wss found by hi room mate, Midshipman Coffin, of Carton City, Nevada, and Midshipman Van Derver, of Mount Holly, N. J, who were on duty at the time, have been recom mended, it is said, for suspension. Cof fin was one of the haxers and Yan-Der- er failed to report tho incident though cognizant of it. RUNAWAY TROLLY CAS KILLS THREE PERSONS Car Dashing Down a Steep Hill Strikes Another Loaded With Passengers With Terrible Results. Meadville, Pa., Dec. 13. A heavy run away trolley car daubing down College Hill faster than a mile a minute to night struck a hctivily lobried Ctm- brilge Springs car, killing three pas sengers and injuring a dosen or more. REPORTED LOSS DENIED. Cheyenne, Dec. 13. Railroad and ex press company official here deny the report that $00,000 in gold coin ws de stroyed when the Overland Limited was wrecked at Ahsay. The officials sdmit the complete destruction of six hundred neks of Australian mail. ANOTHER HAZING CANAL APPROPRIATION " BILL WILL COME UP Washington, Dec. 13. Tho Senate was in session only an hour and a half today, and a portion of that time waa spent in considering executive buinei. A number of private bill were intro duced in open session. Senator Alli son presented the report of the commit tee on appropriations on the canal bill, giving notice that he would call it up PROVISIONAL G0VE1HT Insurgents Sef Up Govern ment At Lirania. DECLARE INDEPENDENCE Former Governor and Russian Officials lmprisonedNew Officers Appointed. PEASANTS PLUNDER ESTATES Landlord and Noblemen Art Fleeing for Their Lrvit, Fearful of tho Poor Peaaantry Who Armed, Are Attack ing and Piliging tb Rich. St Petersburg, Dec. 13. Two mes senger who arrived from Riga today, having walked about 130 miles to catch tho train at Plock not only confirm the report that a provisional government haa beeneet uj at Livonia, bt say many troop Thsve goner over V the insurgents, Dvina fort, commanding Riga harbor i in their possession and the governor and other Russian official are prisoners. Tha mesenger add that the provisional gov- i eminent exercises authority throughout Livonia and part of Courland. The new government has declared the separation of tho Lithunian people from the Rus sian empire. They haAe chosen the) local officials and decreed the closing of spirit thop and breweries, and the annullment of contracts between peas ants and landowners. There is a gen eral uprising of native peasants who are traveling in armed bands, attack ing the estates and driving off or kill ing the owners. Some land owners organised volun teer battalion to protect their prop erty, the authoriies being powerless to afford aid, but the majority are seeing in terror. The peasants forbid the own ers to sell grain or lumber and formal- - ly declare the forests, in tho estate of those who have departed to bo con fiscated. Tho position of tho peasant In these provinces is the most deplorable of any in the entire empire. Conditions almost approaching the feudal system have been continued down to the preheat time. The rich have practically kept thf pessants in a ttate of vassalage, plac ing them at the mercy of the German barons, from whom they rent the land to purchase the right to cut wood,, and to fish from the waters of the gulf. Russian officials sre being expelled from the provinces and many have been killed in the streets of the towns. There is a reign of terror st Riga. CORONATION NEXT JUNE. .i. Christlania, Dec. 1J. The government haa fixed June 23d of next year for the coronation of King Haakon and Queen Maud. for consideration toinorrow . , A communication from Secretary Shaw regarding the campaign contribu tion by the national bank waa read. The secretary enclosed a letter from the controller of currency, fraying that tho ' reports of the bank inipector reveal only a few small contributions durbej the last fourteen years.