The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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tomorrow morning and iutei mentj will be
held at Greenwood. cwterv Rev. Fath-
. F. .V. Waters, rector of St Mary's
One Piano TlcKet With Every $2.50 Purchase.
orUciitting. ,
a Brae, Silverware, Cutlery, Tinware and Graniteware.
lection as yon are bound to find something to make an elegant present.
Witfc the Finest display of Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Cut Glass, Brie Matters Transpiring ia and Around the
Court House-
The Peninsular lutn.l A Trust IV, t
Christmas Buyer are invited to come and laspepct this splendid se- j.lnoU Mcitnine, warranty title, coii-
Monition $.100, and convex ing lots 43
laud 4 in Mock t Ylni' Astoria
v I hi: r i.t t. I'.rii,, i.u
wife, unit da im titl. consideration
'iNi, conveying it , in suction 2. ami
1-4 of section 20, ami V 1-2 of MV
of section 3.1. T 4 X. R 9 W; aU
XF. 1-4 of NK 1-4 of section 32, nam
township ami ronge.
Mary A Hull, widow, to Building A
Uxn Co., warranty title, consuloratlon
0XI, conveying kt 3 and 6 in block
M. McCluiVa Atoria.
Theodore Bracker to . Erie Maunht
by warranty title, consideration M0,
conveying lot 12, block 146, and lot
7 and 8. in block 43, Sliively' Astoria.
A marriage license, was iued yes
Well Known Men on Publicity
, entire Congressional delegation from
Louisiana is in favor of Meriwether's
.retention in the amice and the num-
' i Wru are determined to make a fight for
him. They think the couit martial
, itself has brought out fact enough to
If alaMt4H Ilitmii! rfftm ...... ..
11 riiunvuiw wwmimw nwin snow that .viei iwetuer would make a
Soae Member of Laaiaiaaa Delegatioa
Will Prtaeat Special Bill to Congress
Be Instating XidshipmaaIt la Now
laowm Xeriwetncr Was Acquitted
Chicago, Dec 11. A dispatch to the
Tribune from Washington, D. C savs:
"If Midshipman Minor Meriwether, -they were outweighed at least twenty
splendid officer.
Commercial Club Football Team Return
. from Seattle,
Tba return of the Commercial Club
boye from their trip 6 Seattle, where 1
they played the Seattle Athletic Club!
oa Saturday, and suffered a defeat by
the score of 35 to 0, and their explana
tions of bow it all happened, throw a
different light on the game. The boys
say when it is considered that they
were pitted against an eleven of star
players, all of whom have record on
some prominent college or university
team, and together with the fact that
Washington, IVc, 11. Perry Belmont
of Xew York, chairman of the publicity
bill committee U instituting a move
ment for publicity of camjmign contri
bution, announced yesterday that the
terday to Mr. Mattl Jarvenpa and Mis following have consented to serve a
Kitri Brum. I member at llui n.tUn.l nr-un,.it..n
f . . a v i . t
After Christmas Holidays Meeting of
National Oiganuatioa Will Be Called
to Appoint Committee to Arrange
Order of Busines and Proceedure
The two following named Russians '
yesterday filed decUumtioas of Inten-1
in addition to those who. names have
tention, to become American citiaena in lrl. published
due course: Richard Rasmuss and John I Governor Han ley of Indiana Govern-
Hansen. ," Montague, of Virginia j Governor
District tax levies wera made and re Cummin, of Iowa; Governor Blanch
ported to the county clerk in behalf of ard, of fouislanai Governor WarAVId,
the following road and achool district: f Man land j Governor Dawson, of
m - we 1 a . a a ttt 11- a ' !! . a .....a
ttoaa aiatnc. no iv, nsppa, 111 muta;
sciool district No. 21, Walhiskl, 3 mill.
The date for hearing the final account
of the administrator in the estate of
rYed Ileim, decvaed, haa been set by
the probate court for January 10.
Jr., is dismissed from the navyas a
result of his court martial on the
charges growing out of his fight with
Midshipman Branch early in November
and from the effects of which Branch
died, be w ill be re-appointed by one
of the members from Louisiana and a
special bill presented, which, if paed,
wiu re-iasute tne midshipman as an
officer of the navy. It has become
known that Meriwether was ac
quitted on the charge of manslaughter,
but wrms found guilty of infringements
of the rules and regulations of tie
naval academy which are of sufficient
seriousness to warrant bis dismissal.
The case is now in the hands of the
Secretary of the JCavy who probably
will reach his conclusion in a few days.
It is quite possible that Meriwethen
may be allowed to stay at Annapolis,
but if that course of action is follow
ed by the authorities he undoubtedly
will be given some severe punishment,
possibly by being dropped back a year.
Whether be is punished or not in this
manner, it is likely Meriwether will
lose a year, provided he is permitted to
stay at alL He has lost over a month
from his work and would have consid
erable difficulty in making it up. He
bail written the Secretary of the Xavy
for permission to re-enter hit clas but
this request has not been granted. The
Frank Scott of Seaside wa a visitor
pounds to the man, their performance
of holding down the score as low as
they did, looks very creditable.
The onslaught of the heavy Seattle
backs, and linesmen, were irretible and
when a two hundred pound man would jn the citv venter Jar.
start plunging forward with over half G. W. Simpson arrived in town yes
a ton of human beef and brawn behind terday noon from Portland.
him, it was totally impossible to stop A. F. Wheaton of Menlo, Wn., 1 in
him, .before he had gained a yard or town this week on business,
more. Mass formations, and plunges Mrs. John Covle of McGowan was in
around tackle netted Seattle good yard
age, and were used for the greater
part of the game.
None of the locals suffered severe in-
town for a brief time yesterday.
E. M. Bartholomew of Ilwaco, was in
town for a short tiro this week.
L. E. Loom is of Long Beach waa a
juries, though many of them received I business visitor in the city ye-trday,
bruises, tiat will leave them stiff and Chas. Payne, one of the publishers of
sore for a week or so The team all I the Chinook Observer was ia town yes
say that they wera accorded the beat I terday.
treatment by the Seattle club, and have
no criticism to make in this respect.
Every courtesy possible was shown
t'lem throughout their stay in the
Sound metropolis
NVxt Saturday the Seattle Athletic
Club meets Multnomah on the gridiron.
Mrs. George P. Jackon of fathlamet
was a visitor in the city yesterday for
la brief time.
G. Butler and Charles ackson of
Carrolton, Ohio, were In the' city yes
terday for a short tiro.
Wm. Washer, who baa charge of two
Our . store arrangement of goods is
complete, although we have much more
to get ready than ever before Come
arly and we will be able to give you
much better attention than the "day
before"' Xmas. In our windows this
week Calandars, Games, Toy Books and
Framed Pictures EVENINGS ONLY
we display fancy Brass, Glass and M-t-al
Ware Evenings only.
This "game wil undoubtedly be one of UWn mP ,l the of S-"''-the
hardest fought contests in the WM in AtorU Jrday.
historr of the Northwest as each club JdV Bnimbaeh of Ilwaco arrived in
it determined to win, and has impressed tha U1 niKnt tnd Ieft M th Wt
b,t plavers of the country into servk-e for short luinM triP to Inland.
Mr. ana Mrs. nris uimson, ana me
Mi-es Cox of Chinook were visiting
The Astoria boys w ho held Multnomah
down to a scoreless, game during the
early part of the season, and had by
far the best of the contest, are in
clined to believe that victory will rest
with tle "Northern club this year.
in the city yesterday for a short time
with friends.
E. P. Tobin, a representative of the
Pacific Paper company, arrived in town national organization will be called to
yesterday noon to spend a few days on appoint a committee to arrange an or-
West Virginia; Samuel Compere, Presi
dent of the American Federation, of
Labor; George Gray, fnited States fir
ouit Judge, lVlaware; Charles W.
Kliot, president of Harvard University;
W. A. Alderman, president of Ida Uni
versity of Virginia; W. H. P. Kamice.
president of Brown I'niverMty ; Henry
Hopkins, president of Williams College;
William 1VW Hyde, pr'idetit of Row
doin College; W. L. Ward, New Yoik.
memlier of Rcpublimn national commiU
tee; Norman K. .Mack, New York, mem
ber nation Democratic roiiimiltee;
William T. Chandler, former1 Secretary
of the Navy, and of the Spanish claims
commission, Wahingtn, I. C.j tlias.
E. lliiglies, counsel New York legisla
tive Investigating Committee; Wanier
Miller, former United States Senator
from New York; John M. Thurston,
former United States Senator from Ne-
braska; W. F. Vilas, former Postmaster
General; Everett Colby, State Senator,
New Jersey; Carter II. Harrison, form
er mayor of (lilcago; Roger t Sullivan,
Illinois member Demoi-ratio nntioiml
committee; Charles A. Gardner, chair
man hw committee state publicity bill
committee; John . Dillon, New York,
former judge; William F. Harrity,
Philadelphia, chairman of the Demo
artic national committee; It. R. Ken-
Iliiladidphia, former cludjiinan D)tii
ratie national committee; K. R. Ken
nedy, former United States Senator
from lVlaware; diaries S. Hamlin.
Boston; Cromwell Gibbons, Jackson
ville, Fin. j Van L Polk, Ten.Ws;
D. S. Jordan, president Stanford Uni
versity, California; James If. Wilson,
Wilmington, Del.
After the holidays a meeting of the
Because H IJ
It Pays UJj
Deal fSeVl
Cheap goods at cheap prices please you first, but the
smile fades with the colors of cheap clothes.
WISE Builds His Reputation
On Good Clothes,
On new Ideas,
On Liberal Treatment
V. ft&!
Arc You Planning to Remodel?
If you contemplate remodefint
your rent home now or In the
Bfir future, you shouM ituJr the
suljert of Plumbing.
A little knowledge on the iubjt wHI
be benifwia! to you In the selection of the
ben material and turei ami in thelf toper
location throughout the home.
If you will call ami consult 01, we wO
jive you sttractive literature on modern MnJ.
tition inj nil show you the ssmplti of
teaisrd wire we hsve In our showroomi.
J. A. Montgomery, Astoria
I business.
Chicago, I-c. II. Gt-orge Beecher, a
young man living on a farm South of
Hammond, lnd., has been notified by
the American consul at Munich that he
is one of four heirs to an estute in Ba
varia, Lis imtive country, to amount
of 114,000,0110. The estate was left by
the brother of his grandmother, and
diei I j iiv urn i, in j.iiiii7, jut, uri
is a lurra nana ana nss ncen in America
three years. He said yenterday ho had
papers to piive his relationship.
J. N. Griffin
tke ratal Gem aa Urn Htrntif Xet
Facta ef Ideaee.
It ia th rarest thing" In the world for
a man to be necessarily bald. No man
whose hatr la not dead at the roots, need
be bald if he will use Kewtro's Herpl
ctde, the new acalp antiseptic. Herpl
clde destroys the germ that cuts the half
off at the root; and cleans the acalp of
dandruff and leaves It in a perfectly
healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, in the
Maryland Block, Butte, Mont., was en
tirely bald. In less than a month Herbi
cide had removed the enemies of hair
growth, and nature did ita work by cov
ering hla head with thick hair an Inch
leng, and In six weeks he had a normal
utt of hair. Bold by leading druggists.
Bend 10c in stamps for sample to Ths
Herpldde Co., Detroit, Mich.
EAgle Drug Store, 351-3)3 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St., T. F.
Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent."
Mn Fred Brown, Jr., Yields to the
Stress of Suffering.
As the shadows of night fell ye.-ter-
iday the spirit of Mrs Emma. S. Brown,
the young wife of Fred J. Brown Jr.,
took its counter flight to that sphere
from whence no traveler returns. Her
death occured at the family home on
Exchange street, between Twelfth and
Thirticnth, and waa caused primarily
by abscess on the brain. She)
peacefully as a little child, surrounded
by kinsmen and devoted friends who
from the extreme of the malady were
duly prepaid for the previous isnue, and
who rendered every conceivable and gra
cious attention possible.
Mrs. Brown had been an invalid dur
ing her brief married life of four years,
and in mite of rending cain was a
happy ami cheerful and elf reliant wo- Tea and COfTee gO by tastC
T' r "fT!? pftUent' fnUl T? alone; and tastes are many.
self-reliant to the very end. Her last "
illness dates from Thanksgiving Eve, Schilling's Best teas are five
and besides her devoted husband and . . f ,.
his household, she had the ministrations nd CofifeeS four! different,
jof ber sister, Mrs. pj. Coiins, of Port- money back all; at yourgrocer's.
land, wno was summon oa ana siaia oy
her until the sad final.
Mrs Brown was a native of Vaocouv- Of Interest to Clergy.
er, Washington, and but 22 years of age The Astoria A Columbia River Rail
She was married there to Mr. Brown on road Co., having been granted member
Octolier 10,1!K)1 , at St. James Catholic ship in tha Traiw Continerftal Clergy
Cathedral, and came to Astoria at once, Bureau, the name of that company will
to live, and has been here since. She appear in the clergy application blanks
i Iris ma le a host of warm personal I and clergy certificates issued by the
friends who will sirx-erely mourn her bureau for 1006, and commencing Janu
decease. She was a prominent member sry 1st, of the coming year. These
of the Order of Pocahontas, the Ladies permits will be honored by all agents
degree of Order of Red men, and be- of the A. A C. R. R., thus eliminating
sides being popular there and in social the individual half-fare permits Issued
way, was a devoted and tender wife, by that company In former years. Re
No children blessed the union. quests for official application blanks
The funeral services will be held at should be made to J. C. Mayo, generat
St Mary's Catholic church, at 9 o'clock passenger agent, Astoria.
der of business and proceedure
Furious Fighting.
"For seven years" writes Ceo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wa-h., "I had a
bitter battle, with chronic stomach and
liver trouble, but at hist I won, and :
cured my diseases, by the use of Klec
trie Bitters. I uiihesilatiiigly recom
mend them to all, and don't intend in j
the future to be without them in the
house. They are certainly a wonderful
medicine, to have cured such a bad ca-e '
as mine." Sold under guarantee to do
the same for you, by Charbss Rogers,'
druggist, at 50c a bottle. Try them to- j
day. I
Brewed and sired nailer sanitary
The Health-Buildini quali
LABER BEER are unexcel
led. That it becomes at
once a satisfactory table
drink and a valuable tonic
in the sick room.
Easily kept, when pur
chased IN BOTTLES from
our agents.
On draught at the leading
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as we will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines. (
B. F. Allen Son, enlist
Weinhar d's UnSecr.
JOHN FOX. Tree, and flayt.
V L BISHOP. Secretary
A I.. FOX, Vice Tree,
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers,
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. "