The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1905, Image 2

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Established 1I73.
Published Daily by
87 mail, per year 17.00
By mail, per month..... .60
By carrier, per month .75
By mail, per year, ia advance.. $100
Xntered a second-class trotter Jon
B. Ittfc, at tbe poalulTW at A.iortn. ir-
ron, under Uie set ol Coiu;re ot March i.
where they apparently not care
whether it is known or noL They are
for a "wide open town" ami Uutt ia all
there Is to it. Thiir denial came too
late for anr decent conileration and
they are helptewty and bopelra-dy com
mitted to the policy Tlie depente
fight they are making for T. F. Lauiin
for the police commission accentuates
their adherens to this nasty program
anil the further the? co with it the
leu their chances become. It ia a
square, plain, simple ngiu oeiween re
siecthle Astoria and the tduma of As
toria. Happily the Republicans axe tor
the decency and .honor of the town. The
voters will know what to do and how
to do it. Then the responsibility
tVOrtW for the dUruijr of Taa Moax
lm vjtoj.j to oiUMir reattiwK or place uf
business nay be made by postal card or
throuffa Me nona. Anr invculantr to te-
B-ery should be mmedtatetY reported to tbe
office of publication.
Portland, Dee, 11. Western
Oregon: Cloudy and threatening
with rain along the coast, slow-,
rising temperature.
Western Washington! Clocdy
with rain.
J. W. Suprenant
A. B. Dalgity.
John Nordstrom.
John W. Babbidge, six year tann.
W. C Laws, two year term.
Alfred S. Tee.
James F. Kearney.
Karl Knoblock.
James J. Robinson.
R. M. Leathers.
OL A. Letaenwsber.
Thi fa strong yet sinuglarly ap
propriate specimen of honest old Eng'
lka that has direct and trenchant bear
ing upon the local attitude of the Dem
ocrats who are leading the Citizens'
morement in this city. The Nest in
the ease ia the City of AMoria, now free
from the onus and shame of her earlier
hUtory and striving to put up and
maintain e decent front to the world, as
a place where abnormally naMy condi
Uom hare been set aside for good and
all, and the accepted limitations of
municipal life are in vogue. The Dm
earata with the lust of office strong up
om thorn, in Uie City, now and in the
County in June, hive deliberately pro
mulgated a doctrine and purpose of be
fouling their next, their home-town, by
striking down the barriers raised in the
name of communal decency, and plung
ing the City into a new and worse
phawa of untrammelled lioentioUHne
the end whereof no nun can see. It
fa a remarkable exhibition of political
daring and fool-hardiness that will be
met with an adequate rebuke by Sun
down on Wednesday; but no rebuke can
Laewen the sheer temerity of the scheme
There is a very definite interest in
the ' present fight being waged in this
it t for the continued suppression of
the gambling den and the dance-hull:
Every little seaport striving for jut
suoh decency and wholesome effects,
and the smves of Astoria means much
for all of them as an object lcneon in
compelling the conclusions they them
selves so much desire. There ia not a
coast town, from Tort I.os Angeles to
Port Angeles but what is seeking to
amend its status and put on the con
ditions of decency that mean so much
for the inland cities, and the entire
lit will be strengthened by the over
whelming success attained by the City
by-the-Sea on Wednesday next, lw
defeat here will re-u-t upon evury otlier
port on the const and the resumption
of Astoria's old foul standard and
shameless name as the wickedest port
of her size in the world will have a de
terrent effect on every other struggling
town, north and south of her. Let As
toria show her moral strength and thus
aid her neighbor-port.
Tie one, poor, beggarly, compulsory
denial made by the Democrats in their
morning organ of their purpose to open
up the City of Astoria to the gambler
and dfctre-hall dives, ban served Bo
purpose in changing public sentiment
here. The program fa thoroughly and
ompteUly understood, and the Dem
ocrat and their trailers are at a pass
Brer E. M. Baker is now presiding
at the Democratic-Citiznns-Non-Parti-san
"barrel" and using two scoops: One
for the faithful and obedient henchman
who are to do all the Bosses tell them
to do, and Uie other to rake off the Cen
tral Committee's percentage. They say
it is a, sight for the God to see "R
M." count out the coin; it's so easy
after the long experience gained with
the other little barV wherewith he
hade himself snug for life.
One of the surest signs of the real
effect of Uie stopping of gambling and
dance-halls in this city, is the number
of small and cosy home that have gone
up this fall at both ends of the city.
Why check this healthful prosperity by
opening up the vicious lines and lures
that mean waste and extravagance, and
William II.'s address at the opening
of the reichstag was a good deal more
interesting than is the average "xpoech
from the throne." Tbe kaiser finds that
bis empire "has with all powers cor
rect, and with most of them good and
friendly relations." ITe expresses pleas
ure at being able to co-openue with
President Roosevelt in the Russo-Jap
aneee peaoe negotiation, welcomes Ja
pan into the list of great powers, hopes
that Nicholas II. will be a "pathfinder
of Russia's happy future," and extends
greeting to Norway on its entrance
into the family of ntition.
It is on Uie Morocco affair that the
kaiser's words will attract international
attention. "The differences which arose
between France and us. be says, "in
Uie Moroccan affair bad no other origin
than In a disposition to settle without
OenrtwiT's participation question in
which the German Empire also ban in
teres to protect" This language will
be read with a good deal of interest in
Parfa and London, England and France,
with the concurrence of Spain, had ar
rasged Morocco' statu without con
sulting Germany, and the Uaiser called
a halt on that enterprise. The result
was that an international conference,
to be held at Tangier, ia to'settle Mo
rocco's statu.
Juxt what sort of an adjustment will
be had in the Morocco conference can
not be foretold, but it I certain that
the kiiiaer bothered the authorities at
London and Paris for a few months.
Nor is he at all bashful about letting
the world know this fact. His language
in referring to the incident has a direct
nes which will not please British or
French diplomats. He will be con
demned by London and Paris paper
for the plainness of his speech, but hm
own country will probably appkud him.
As an exponent of shirt-&V-eres diplo
ma y William II. has not much to learn
from the Government at Washington.
0 '
time in a complication of views and
cross currents. Their work will please
nobody, not even themselves as a whole.
1 o
The Hartford Courant says: "Prob
ably the next generation of Americans
will see at the nations! capital a glori
ously massive and towering monument
to all the dead soldiers of America!"
The combination of indomitable cour
age with grand achievements deserves
the greatest memorial that can be de
"It is greatly to be wished," says the
President's tnewmge, "that the state of
New York should copy as regards Nia
gara what the t,te of California has
lone as regard the Yosemite" Cali
fornia has mado the naUonal govern
ment the owner of the Yoemite valley.
There seems to le no other way to
save Niagara falls.
- o
By means of a government dam and
locks the Cumberland river, for forty
miles lelow and ten miles atiove Nash
ville, has been rendered navigable the
year round This stretch will be ex
tended ten miles more, making sixty
in all, by the second lock above the
city, which will he, completed next'
year. The CtimlieHand can be made
pcimam-ntly navigable in this maner
for tWM miles, and the mineral alone
in that region would warrant the improvement.
o '
The football that is played Is the
football that should 1 played as a finish
prize tight U to legitimate boxing. In
deed, as between the two prize fighting
is on a higher ethical plane than col
lege football. The fighters are frankly
professional. They make no pretense of
amateur standing. They flghtj openly,
for money, and they have to fight fair
ly. The fouling of opponents which foot
ball referees tolerate would not be a I
lowed in a prize ring. The conte-t would
tie stopped at once, and the. decision
given to the victim on the foul. Football
if played, must always bet a rough
game; but it need not be a homicidal
game. It need not murder a score of
players in the course of a year ami
maim hundreds more. Ex.
In counting Democratic noses in his
leadership of the minority in the House
the most frequent question of Mr. Wil
Hums of Mississippi will be: "How
many got away I"
After the college presidents shall fin
Mi their tinkering with the rules of
the gridiron, they will discover that un
objectionable football is the most ob
jectionable of all.
Many children inherit constitution
weak and feeble, other due to child
hood troubles Holister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will positively cure children
and make them strong. 33 cents, Tea
or Tablet. Sold by Frank Hurt.
Russia is full of wild rumors. The
revolutionists seem to be pursuing the
same tactics employed by Gen. Kuro-
patkin's forces in Manchuria a gener
al system of Huffing.
The Ca nadir in tariff reviser continue
their wandering up and down the Do
minion, and seem to get deeper all the
Torture of a Preacher.
The, story of the torture of Rer. O,
D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church
of Harpersville, N. Y, will interest you.
He say: "I suffered agonies, because of
a persistent cough, resulting irora toe
grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed.
I tried msuiy remedies, without relief,
until I took Dr. King" New Discovery
for CWlimptlorjt Cough, ami Cold,
w&ich entirely cured my cough, and
saved me from consumption."A grand
cure for diseased condition of Throat
and Lungs. At Cha. Roger druggist)
price 60c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial
botUe free.
Jspan ha taxed the caa $25,000,000
for Caking care of the Russian prison
ers. Whatever the Japanese may lacK
in diplomatic sVill the fully make up
in financial acumen.
la Praise ef Chamberlain's
There fa no other medicine manufact
ured that ha received so much prak
and many expression of gratitude a
Chamberlain'' cough remedy. ft I
effective, and prompt relief follow it
uie. Grateful parent everywhere do
not h..'tate U' tesll t? I's merits for
the benefit of others. It a certain
run for croup and will prevent lln
tiirk If given at fhi first rppefirsn.e"! f
disease. It 1 especially adapted to
children a it i pleasant to take and
contains nothing injurious. Mr. E. A.
Humphries, a well known resident and
clerk in the store of Mr. E. Lock, of
Alice, Cup Colony, South Africa, says:
I hiuve usrid Chambeiliin's Couglv
Remedy to ward off croup and colds in
my family. I found St to be very satis
factory and it give me pleasure to
recommend It" For sale by Frank
Hart and leading druggist.
LdoIc on this picture and try to remember what iuspired it. Remember that it was
drawn during a penod of intense and immense moment to the city of Astoria, when
she was in the midst of her struggle with the "wide open town" ring; when every clean
minded man and woman within her limits was striving to save the husbands, brothers
and sons of a thousand families; when every honest agency was at work to bring the city
back to a place of honor and decency among the communities of the state; when the low
and vicious, the depraved and irresponsible, the nasty and dangerous phases of humanity
here were making their last despairing stand for the dominance of the city and its moral
wreck. Recall that time, and then consider the change that was wrought; how gambling
and the baser evil of the dance-hall were cast out by the immutable edict of popular will,
and the city brought once again to a level of normal morality and respectability. The
fight was won only by the determined expression of widespread public condemnation
after a long drawn and bitter campaign in which the friendships of years, and the house,
to-house peace of the city were shattered, and all the ambiguities and wretched amenities
of such a strife were piled up in colossal and unhappy eminence; and thus thinking, re
member once again, the Minority Party of Astoria, the Democrats. With Their
Allies, the Gamblers and Dance-Hall People, are Formulatinz a Political Pro
gram of Retrogression to Those Sam Detestable Conditions, the first and vital
feature of which campaign is the domination of the city at the polls on Next Wednesday,
and the second element of which is their succession to County Government In June '
Next, i-or the sake of your families, and your own sake as the head of that family, or
its mainstay, or pride and hope, so cast your vote on the nth of this month that thev
shall know, Once For All, that the manhood of Astoria is still inthc ascendant, still
controlls her destiny, and still has the right and power to save her from so foul a rever
sion. Stand Dat lor vour mother? and sisters and the womanhood that relim nmn von
0 Fix Their Status and Maintain It in the Citv -of Astoria It All Dencnd Unon
the Thinking You Do and the Vote You Cast Next Wednesday.
Wltl People Ton Know. With Astoria
No evidence can be stronger than the
direct testimony of people you know.'
The public expression of friend end'
neighbor I the proof of merit we offer.
If you itill remain a skeptic, talk it
over with this testifier.
D. E. Duncan, who fa employed with
hi brother at the Astoria soda works,
426 Duane street, and who reside at
the corner of Duane and Ninth etreets,
say: 1 had been troubled with a
weakness of the back and kidney for
number of year. There we a con
stant dull aching pain in the loin and
a far up as the shoulder. Not only
aid my mck acne, but there wa a
weaknes from the kidney secretions
which was very annoying and disturb
ed my rest. I heard about Doan'a Kid
ney Pill and on day I stepped into
Charle Rogers' drugstore and got a
box. I found them to be a great bene
fit. After the first few doses I felt
better. I know of other who nave
used them with the same good results."
For sale by all dealers. Price W
cent. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,. N.
Y., sole agent for th United Stales.
Remember the name Doan' and
take no other.
Sherman Transler Co.
Biggige Checked ind Transferred Trucks and Fur
Piano Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 CommercUl Street Phnne Mln 121
Hacks, Carriages
future Wagons
J. Q. A. BOWI3Y, President.
0. L PETERSON, Vice-President
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid la 1100,000. Bur plus and tTadlv Idea Profits faOO. I
Treotssue General Bankln- Business. laierest Paid on Time Deposit
I6S Tenth Street,
Morning Astorian, 76c per month.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
ESTADL181IED 1880.
Capital and -Surplus $100,000
Astoria's Best Newspaper