The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 12, 1905, Image 1

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Lamar of Florida Stirs Up
Explaining Why SfucWcford and
Himself Wert Left
v Off.
Williams, tho Minority Leader of tha
Hosst Stopped Proceedings Before
Revelations U thi Nature of Criti
cism Wart Mad.
Washington, Deo. 11,-Wllliams, ruin
rit leader of tbs House "stepped on
the lid today just In tim to prtvtnt
rmleUoat la tho nature of open crltl
dm of the eoounKt AaalguuaU
hi eoiWfura for which ho la respon
sible. .
- An Incident followed the announce
ment of the committees. Iamar, of
Florida, submitted a newspaper clip
ping purporting to quota WUllama to
the effect that Lamar and Shark It ford
(Miourl), had been loft off the Inter
state and foreign commerce committee
because they failed to follow tha iVmo
cratic caucus action at tha Ut aes'lon
on tha .railroad rata bill. Speaker
Cannon suggested that tha statement
read, did not const i tut a a quetlon of
peronal privilege which entitled Umar
to the floor.
"The gentlemen might proceed by un
animous eonat," suggested Payne.
"I low much time doe he want) an
It wee hera William atrotte forward
from his teat in the rear. ITa bailed
the Speaker with a word and (feature
and when ha got hit eye, ha reserved
bU right to object only long enough to
, make a sUtewafitt
"In the Intereat of Drmorratio bar
morn, fairneaa and" of tha general good
will, which will not be promoted by
waehlag Dcmocratlo linen for the
amusement of Republican or the
Hoiiae, I object."
Immediately the question ltecaiiit In
teresting Lamar faced William, who
Uhk1 uloxe to hi in and charged him with
taking the matter into the newpapcrs.
Shackleford waa on hi feet vainly de
manding to a-k a question and rmvny
Dcmoniate applauded the stand ttikcn
by W'illiama.
Lamar demunded that William call
a Democratic caucua tomorrw or allow
bim to proceed. Speaker Cunnon wclld
cd hi gavel vigorously and declared
verybody out of order and in the mulst
of tha confusion recognized Payne for
motion to adjourn, which he declared
carried and tho eslon waa over until
Washington, .Dec. 11. Senator Mo
Creary today lntrodiL-wy a bip arovtd
1ng lor unqualified free trwda between
tha United States and tha phillppinc.
Seattle, Deo. H.Fire started in tha
after hold of the German tramp ateam-
'or'lfarleeh & Wch' tUni 20''
000 ca-e of kerosene oil at 0.30 o'clock
tonight, but prompt actiim by' the fire
-London, IW. 11. The correnpomlent
of the Dally Mail at Hi. Peter.burg In
a dictated dated lumber' 10th sends
an Interview with Witta in which tha
premier Indicates that Russia la eon
fronted with tha alternativo of a revo
lution or violent coercion. Ttiough
the count hna not abandoned hope be
U not aanguino and If forcible rtprea
lon becomea neceewry ha will, accord
ing to tha oorreapondtnt, resign hi
tank to other hand.
Wathlngton, Dee. 11. Amoaf tho ap
polnteea to tha varioua oommltUaa an
nouncad today by Speaker Caanoa arai
Merchant Marino and flahariea,
Humphrey, of Waahlngtoa.
Election! No. 3, Humphrey, of Waah
Rlvrra and Harbori, Jonee, and
Humphrey, of Wahlngton.
Indian Affaire, Hermann, of Oregon.
"Minn and Mining, Williameon, of
Education, Humphrey, of Washington.
I'tivata Iaad Clafma, Cuhma of
Election of Preaident, Hermann of
Irrigation of Arl fcendi, Williamson,
of Oregon.
Each Day Brings More Evidence
to Lljht of Opertlion.
Another Bundle of Bogw Certificate
Haa Beta Presented to G. C. Brown,
Clerk of tht Stata Land Board
Some Uttered LaU at Last October.
Klem, Deo. 11. Each day bring
mora and worn aurprUiog evidences of
the nHMiumental aMturanca of tha gang
of echoo! land operator which haa re
ulted in the swindling of an unknown
number of pcraona out of largo auma
of money.
A bundle of forged certiftcatee which
waa prceentcd by peraon, who for ob
rioua roatton, dtiie George 0 Brown,
clerk of tha school land board to w ith
hold their nainea, abow thtt the forg
erie of orrtifltea, in Uie state aeal,
notarial sttale, signatures of the official
and notaries, doe, constitute tho whole
of the manufacture! eviuVmvs peipet
ratetl by tha swindlers.
This bitch contains forged letters
written on forged letter tirade of the
itat! school laml txoxd with the forg
ed signatures of Clerk Itrown pu: port
ing to inform operator ai to the status
of their land. AIko forged receipts of
pretended psymentn of different parcel
of land, with simile rubber stamp us
ed b tho clerk of the board. The
forgeries were uttered aa late as Oc
tober, 1005.
The forpfd certificate returned to
day ull piu.d through S. A. D. Putcr.
now under; convict tors for conspiracy,
Horace 0 McKInlcy and other.
Puter and McKinley are both out on
bond since their conviction last sum
mer in the federal courti their pres
ent whereabouts being unknown. Mo
Kiuley la reported to be in Jian and
Puter .when last heard from was said
to bars been in Chicago.
department pisvented any serious dam
age. Jieveral wooden rases containing
oil were burned but the tins withstood
the beat. Tht cause of the (lie is unknown.
Hughes Declined to Say
called to Witness Stand Probably Will
Will Be Called Tomorrow.
Hughea Bringa Out Facta Tending to Sow that frank Badley of ltew Bedford,
Massachusetts, When Ht Secured Control of tho Company, Borrowed lies,
ooo from Company and Bsc Kever Repaid tho Loans Money to Boy op
Inanraaco Stock.
Kew York, Deo. 11. The lnauranoa
investigation committee, appeared to
night to have succeeded In its attempt
to make Thomae F. Ryaa divulge what
E. II. Harrimaa said or thraatenod to
do to influence him to divide hia con
trol la the Eqnitafcle lift Assurance
Society. District Attorney Jerome,
who ,ws ked by tha committee, to
take afepa to punish Ryan for refuing
to uwwer questlona about ILirrinian,
reported to tha committee today. Ha
informed Ryan'a counsel Ryan ought
to answer. Jerome alno wrote the com
mittee he believes Ryaa will answer If
brought before the committee again.
Hughes haa declined to say when Ryan
will be recalled, but It la presumed he
will tk tho witnese stand tomorrow
or the following day.
Subsequently Guthrie, Cravath and
Henderson, counsel for Ryan, gave out
a statement than they have , adviatld
Ryaa he should answer questions and
he If prepared to do ao whenever- re
called by the Investigating committee.
The oommitteo was engaged for part
of tho time today in Inquiring Into the
affairs of the Provident Savinga Life
Assurance Society of New York.
Hughes, the counsel for committee, had
brought out by questioning President
ienda Hia Reply to Collective ltoto of
Oonetantincfile, Dec. 11. The reply
of the Porte to the collective note re
garding Macedonia, presented by the
power on December 6th waa communi
cated to the Austro-nungarian ambss
edor thioafternoon. The correspondent
of the Ixmdon Daily News, at Constan
tinople cables t "The aultan has yield
ed. He has accepted the scheme for the
financial control of Macedonia aa em
bodied in the kct collective note of
the powers."
Russian Refugees Arrive in tha City
of New York.
Now Yoilc, Dec 11. Five hundred
Rutminn refugees many of them witness
es of the msacrea at Odea and other
place arrived hero today. Some tell
graphic storks of their experiences and
while recounting them, men often break
Into tears. Riota began at the issu
ance of the manifesto, they say. They
assert, that hoodlums were led by dis
guised police. In some placet jails
were emptited of the prisonei t ho at
tacked and stole from the Jews, Men
from the province of Kovlno assert tha
police themselves read into the eon
perors manifesto aa order to kill all
Jew. According to 'the refugees, the
mobs carried knives, Stone slab, iron
bars, revolvers and cluba. Small child
ren were thrown alive from the third
dory windows. Older children and
rovn upa were first butchered and then
thrown into the streets.
When Ryan Wiil Be Re
Scott, of tho company that when Frank
P. Hadley of Xew Bedford, Ma;, se
cured control of the company In 1806,
he borrowed 1162,000 from the company
on hia collateral notes to pay up for
stock of the itwairance company. Scott
testified that Medley had never repaid
the loaaa and tho inauraace company
realised onry $30,000 oa the ask of the
collateral. - " ' -
Soott testified that hia four sons and
a nephew were employed by the com
pany of which he is president.
Hughea read from a statements of
the legal expenxes of the Providebt
life, a li of five payment made to
Andrew Hamilton, the legislative agent
for the New York Life. The witness
said Hamilton had visited the insur
ance department In Illinois and Kansas
and possibly some other states to se
cure permission for the Provident Life
to Isano a policy on the first. year on
which no reserve would be required.
The company got permission. Ham
ilton, tha witness said, also acted as
eounael for the company in a test ease
in which the company resisted the con
tention of the state insurance depart
ment of New York that the law impos
ing a tax on premiums waa retroactive.
The company won the case.
Idaho Dental Students Wishing to Op
erato May Practice on Prisoners,
Roie, Dec, 11. Willy-nilly, the pria
onera in the Idaho peuitentiary are to
have their teeth filled or pulled, at
necoMary. The state board of dental
examiners will meet in Boise Decern
bcr'27, 28, and 29 to examine appli
cants for licences to practice dentistry
in the Gem State. Two daya will be
devoted to the written examination, as
has been customary in the past, but as
an innovation, on the third day, a trip
will be made to the penitentiary, and
the class of ten or a dozen young dent
ita will be put to work on the teeth
of those prisoners who have diswat-rd in
ciors or hollow molars.
The members of the examining board
will watch the young men at work,
this procedure constituting a consider
able portion of the examination.
New York, Dec 11. A touring auto
mobile containing Mrs. W. A Burke,
Louis Haggerty and hia sister, and
Justin O'Brien, ton of Judge Morgan J.
O'Brien, came near plunging over tha
ateel viaduct yesterday at 165th street,
just west of Kighth avenue, A portion
of the iron fence along the side of tha
viaduct was torn away and the only
thing that aaved the machine from go
ing to the street, 75 feet below waa one
of the posts of the railing. The cat
had crosaed the viaduct and was well
over West of Kighth avenue when the
sprocket chain broke. At this point
i a steep decline and when the chain
snapped the machine started bac&ing
down the viaduct. The emergency
brake failed to work and the car kept
backing with increaiting speed and at
last struck the iron fence tearing a
portion of it away. .Tha driver kept
hie head throughout and called to the
pawengr that the iron post would
save them. rea. part of the ma
chine actually backed over the via
duct, but the poet caught it hi auch
a way that it was saved from drooping
to the street. Men who had witnessed
the accident, ruhed to Ihe machine and
got the women out. Later they return
ed home in a eab.
Three Railroads Coma to aa TJader
standing on Rates.
Seattle, Dec. 1 l.Aa agreement waa
reached tonight between the state rail
way commission and the heads of the
traffic departments on the Great North
era, Northern Pacific and the Oregon
Railway & Navigation Companies,
whereby the railways will accept the
findings of a commit ion on the joint
rate question . and will agree not to
tale the question Into the court, on
the new achedule of joint ratea aa es
tablinbed. The most important item
not in the agreement for the new joint
tariff i wheat. The railways will not
agree to a change in tue prevent rate on
wheat, and have decided to allow that
matter to pass for the present.
In Senate of the Death of Senator
Senate 9easion Proved Interesting for
Fonr Honrs Time la Takes ap la
Spirited Debates oft Railroad aad
Panama Canal Questions. '
Washington, Dec 11. With spirited
debates oa subject of railroad legisla
tion arising through the introduction of
a bill by Tillman to authorize the In
terstate commerce commission to fix
the masimnm rates, and the Panama
canal, due to a controversy over the
reference of the emergency appropria
tion bill to a committee, today'a ses
sion of the Senate continuously proved
interesting for more than four hours.
Adjournment waa taken without
mention of the late Senator Mitchell of
Oregon and so for the first time the
death of a Senator was permitted to
pass unnoticed by the Senate, The
erasure of Mitchell's name from the rolls
followed. Chaplain Hale re-called the
sitnation to mind in hia prayer by re
ferring pointedly to corruption and
death and by praying that members of
the Senate be given strength to bear
each other's burdens.
The Panama bill waa referred to the
appropriation committee by a vote of
40 to 23.
New York, Dec 11. Trilling sweet
melodies of their different lands, 36,000
birds, mostly songsters kept the steer
age passengers of the Hamburg-American
liner Patricia happy from the fintt
day after it left Dover until it reached
port yesterday. There were 200 Russian
Jews in the ateerage fleeing from the lll-
fnted empire and the little songsters
did much to keep them happy during
the passage.
Denver, Dec 11. A special to the
Times from Rock Springs, Wyoming,
says: Ninety thousand dollars in gold
belonging to a shipper whose name the
Goverment Is Against Uu
ivcrsal Suffcragc
Ruction and Revolt lion Confront
Each Other In a Death
Struggle. '
Government to Iaauguratt Progrm of
Repression Miy Moboliie Cossack
Strength of 400,000 in Effort to Crush
Revolutionary Forces.
St, Petersburg, Dec, 11. It is lean
ea on nign aumonty ina me govt ra
ni exit has finally , decided against uni
versal suffrage and practically in favor
of the eld project of 21 workmen rep
resents Uvea and the extension of the
ballot to ssnall rent payers, merchants
and the educate! classes.
Railroad men claim they have been
informed that several section in the
southewestern systems have already re
sponded to the appeal for a general
strike. Cooler heads, however, are ad-
vising against any precipitate ac
tion which might result in failure aad
ate urging the postponement of action
until organization throughout tht coun
try have been consulted. - ,
The situation ie exceedingly oral sous.
Public opinion it practically Tuaninwua
that the government haa entered upon a
fatal path of reaction aad Witt" min
istry .must fsJL Reaction and rtvelu
tion confront each other in dean
struggle. Both Trepoff aad Gsnasni
Count Ignatieff, according to nopal
impression, are being held in
to execute the program of
Again it is raid tho entire
strength of 400,000 will be mobiM
in a supreme effort to crush the mt
lutionary force.
General Parsrasoff said: "I think We
are coming to rivers of blood in whkh
the revolutionary party will lose their
game and Russia her liberty," . Certain
ly the' appearance of St. Petersburg
and the event here today eem to justi
fy this black picture of the future.
Remnants of the workmen'a' council
with delegates from the railroad men's
union and other organizations are hold
ing a meeting tonight to decide the
question' of a general strike. If the
government tlcliberately plans to chal
lenge now, it his choen it's time
well as tho funda in the organisation
are low and the workmen are tirde
of the strike and atarvatson.
Trenton, N. J, Dec 11. At the horn
of Edward Morris, yesterday,, triplet
babies, two boy, and a girl, were
christened and a congratulatory' lttler
from President Roosevelt Was read. lt
was writ tea by Secretary Loeb, - J
1 ... .-ii.'- i J J-
railroad and express company will not
disclose, was la one of tha cere oa the
overland limited, "which waa ' weecll
and' burned last week at Ahsay, aaJ
cannot be found. :
I -