The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 10, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1905.
I itesl Quotations in the Portland
Complete Market Reporta Cemctcd lack
Day Giving tha Whole! Prieea of
Commodities, Farm Product and Vt
Portland. Dee. fi,. Fancy creamery
butter U firm at current quotation, a
the eupply of freh ctm continue to
diininUh dally. ralurra art riot to
well slookrd with grs on account of
pool weather. ,
Hut Imtter )iriivM ars not expected
to advance, according to local mem
fry mm. Butter U already quit htf
for Portland, : and nhouM ' scarcity of
cream caw mi advam- In "th price of
( fancy j'reaiiierv,, titers Would U an op
ening for butler to cum in from Cali
fornla BBd other point where quota
tion would , l lower than here. Al
ready a great deal of Ktrrn cold Mur
age la on t'i market at 2.k per pound.'
and thla ha a tendency to weaken the
prioe of the local product. If present
price ean bn maiutiiliied all , 1nlrr!
they will pioULly be aiitU factory to
dairy men and en-auieiie,
- dd medal matlie have advanced 10
eenta per ca-e and are quoted at $ '
Freeh fUn o fall kind Is reported to
be plentiful at eurrrnt quotation.
A few 4op ala are reported at t'
lofe fur prime to choice.
fcan Francisco wheat buyer are itill
holding off, awaiting further order.
Grain, rreduce, Feed.
Wheat-Walla Walla, 74:3c valley,
77Jci blueotem, 70(?77o red, W"0o.
OaU-Wblte, $28; gray, $23.
Harley-Ilrewlng, $22.00j fted, $2UW;
rolled, $22,
Hay-Timothy, $12JWG$1S; ctover,
t803B.0O cheat, 7.!0r78.OO; alfalfa,
MUlatuffs-Mlddlings, $24$2Jj chop,
$18.00; bran, $10c20.00; ahorta, $21(3
Flour Hard wheat patent, 4.33;
straight $3 (4 4.00 1 gTahain, $3.73; rye,
$3.00; who wheat flour, $4.00; valley
flour, $3.&g3.M; PakoU, $4.30(37.25;
Eastern rya, $3.40; PHlabury. Jd-JO
. "
T&is;, uorvaiua, fj.70.
5; Oorvalll, $3.70.
Corn-Whole, $28.00; cracked, $29.00
4 per ion.
I Rya $140 per cwt.
20c; Coata Rio, good, 148 18c; Ar
Frod,,c buckle, 16o per lb.; Liovloe per lb.;
RulUr-Fancy Emmery 25271c Columbia coffee, b l-4c; 8alvador. 110
city creamery, 271130c; dl7, lfli
il7e; atore, 14fil5o; F.tern emmery,
I Pj:
I J Cbeeaa-Wung America, 151lflc,
I tVegon full cre.m 141c
j I Egg-Fwh Orrgm ranch, 3235c,
I ;lU.n gg, 25a 27 1 2c.
I I rouiirj-OU rooator., 8$9c; bena, 10
S 5 W 1 a a ta
I i ; 114110; pnng, iv!fliic; Droiior, tuw
lOc; gee live, 80c; dreaard, 10(3 lie;
?turkeya, live, 17 18c; dreed, 2021f;
I'.duck, old, ll(?12c; apring duck, 14c;
f plgeona, per dozen, $1.00(JIi5; aquaba,
II Honey Dark, 10llc; amber, 12
l3; fancy white, 14 15c.
rrnita and VegeUhka.
CJlfomla grape$113(3140.
Malaga grape $9.00 per bhL
.pple Green, 75c$1.75.
Peara- 1125(3140 a box.
Grap frult-W.50(J3.00 erata.
Huckkberriea 7e per lb.
Cranberriea $12.50 per barrel
Tropical rnilta-Lemone, fancy, $4.50;
cholos, $4.00 per box; orange, $2.60
3.00; bananaa, 5e per lb; pinapploa, 1
VIMQPwO per do. , Cwl food-Rolled oata, cream, 90-
1 PoUtoea-Per ack, 0375c; ear lota, lb. aacka, $6.76; lower grade, $3.00
country ; Jobbera' pricea, 7583c per $0.26; oatmeal, ateel cut, 60 Tb. aarte, $3
100 lb.,; turnip 75300c ck; oab-jper bale; 101b. aacka, $45 per Ule; oat
ftag, pr pound, lUc; wlery, dozen, aaJ (ground), 601b. aacka, $740 per
"DEdtMiEft. 190&. '
Hlfh Water.
M. P.
uTlft. h.m.
rldav i 4: ix
trday I I: IS
ftuNDAT I 4:14
Monday 4 7:20
Tueaday II t: 13
Wdnday 4 9:02
Trrdy 7 9:46
Frtdar ,.. I l:t4
Saturday 9 11:14
iuNDAT 10 0:0
iUNDAT 1011:41
Monday Ill 0:481
I a
Tuesday 11 l:tS
Vdnewday IS t:0
Thursday 14 9:42
friday .15 8:90
Saturday 16 4:02
IUNDAT 17 4:80
Monday ,18 1:18
rueeday .........11 4:11
I Vedneaday 20 7:17
f "huraday 21 8:12
I Vlday 12 4:18
1 aturday 2210:11
, UNDAT 24 11:01
t londay ...jr. 0:23
f londay 2S 11:50
i Mday ,. 26 1:11
i redneday 87 1:67
r Tinrwday ,..2g 2:41
i Ytday 2 9:25
7fit8Acs onions, $1.0$1.10, in country,
Jobber' priors, IliOlJOj cucumbers,
box, Wj beet $1 per wcki carrot 75c;
per ak garlic, lOoj egg plant, 15c per
pound aweet potato, 2gZJcj r4 pep
pari, 2'vj pound p hothouse It'ttuoe, 30e
doaea. i California. f vegetables Creen
bean, Oo pound; green pea, 10c;
sprout, 8cj rsdinlie, 25o down bunches)
Chile peppers, $1.20 bos; tomatoea, $113
boxi'fcead lattui-a, SSc doa. artichoke,
7flo dot, " , ; " "; '
Grocarlea, Provision, Etc.
Sugar, aack baais Golden C , $4.93;
extra O, $5.06; pvwdired, $3.03; patent
ub $5.Wf cane, P. O., $3.65; fruit aug
er, $5.53; beet augar, $5.43; barrel, cwt.
10c; kgi, cwt., 26e; box, cwt., 60c ad
vance over lark Im!, le )c lb, if paid
for in 13 duj.
Salt-Bales of 7f. 2, :ele, $1.60; bale
Uft 3, bale, ; $I.W; bale of 40 4,
baV, $1.00; bl-a of 13 10. bale, $1.00;
bag,. 60, floe, ton, $11.00; bag, 60 lb.,
genuine Liverpool, tort, $17.00; bag, $0
It., 1 ground, lOOo, ton, $7X)0; R. 8. V.
20 5 lb. cut tons $216; R. 8. V. P.,
24 J lbeartonii 1 1.75; Liverpool lump,
ton. $l 50. :
r Imperial Jepan, 'o. 1, $3.93;
Southern, Japan, 6c; broken, 41c; bead,
fancy, 7; had, chok, Ole.
Coffee Mocha, 242$c; Java, farnf,
G232cs Jva, good, 2024; Java, ordi
nary, 17tf20 O.U Rica, fancy, 1820;
Cit Rita,, good, 14(418; Arbui-kle, lie
rr lb.; Lion 16 pr lb.; Columbia coffee,
l3;.Flvador, 1116CJ,
ProvUion llama, to lize, 13c; ham,
picnic, Oct bacon, regular, 12c; bacon,
brenkfaM, UlOiU'Io; dry (alt ide, He;
bak, dry aalt, lie.
Niit-WalnuU, Ko. 1 aoft ibell, 15)e;
No. 1, lard hey, IRef Cib, 13c; ai
mend, 17c; Albert, 14 13; Brazil,
14c; jeiana, 13ll6c; hickory, c; Vir
ginui peanut, 77; Jumlo Virginia
peanut, 9c; Japam-ae peanut,;
chenute, Italian, 14c; cocoanuU, dozen,
75rHOcj new almond, 1617c.
Figa-WbiU, lb, 6 1230c; black, 6
white, 3 1 2 pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3 4c;
Ueana Small white, 4 1 4o; large
limaa, 7c; Mexican, red, 9c,
Pickled goodt-Pickled pig' feet, 1-2
barrel, $6.00; 1-4 barrel, $2.75; 151b.
kiU, $1.25, pkk led tripe, 1 2 Urrela,
$3.00; l-4 barrela, $2.75 ( 15 lb. kite,
$15; pickled plga' ioagu, 1-S-barrela,
$0.00) 1-4 Urm., $3.00; 13 lb. kiU,
$10; pickled lamb' tongue, 1-2 bar
, ,.W t'1 WIIW, .Vi III IU, KIWI,
1 MM. 1 t V.l. ! A. II IV. 1.11.
Coffee Mocha, 24.'iSflr va, fancy,
2fl(ft32c; Java, good, 20 24c ) Java, ordi
nary, 17820c; Coat Rio, fancy, 18
, UrdKcttk-rendareai Tlercea, He;
Uuba,lll60a,Ul-4c,20c,113 8c;
10i( j. u VSei Stond.rd pur.
Tlacf, 10c; tuba, 10 l-4c, 60a. 10 I-4c;
20tf ,0 J0( ,0 j.4cj Q u
Compoundi TUreea, 7e, tub. 7 l-4c,
50. 6 3-4e; 10., T l-4e, 6, 7 3 4c.
' w
Pauaage Po.-tland nam, 13 12c per lb.;
minced ham, lOe; aummer, choice) dry,
17 l-2c; bokorrna, long, 5 l-2c; wiener
w7t, 8c j liver. 60; port, 9c; blood, 6c;
aeadebeeae, 12 l-2cj bologna aauag,
link, 4 1 8x
Palalna lAoae Muscatel, 3 crown,
7 l-2c; 2-crown, 6 1 2c; bleached aeed
ka 8ultamk, 7 12c; unbleached seed
lea 8ultaniia, $ 3 4c; London layer, 3
crown, whol box of 20 lba $145; 2-
crown, $1.75.
Driad Fruit Apple, eraporaUd, 91c
per lb.; eundricd, aack or boxea, none;
I apricot 11(121; pea-he, lO&llc;
'hhfi IASiIS !. 1 tiiii at
a i-f,, French, 3 l.gC; flg. CaL blacka,
5 3.40, do, white, none; 8myrna, 20c;
Fard. date. 601 plume. Bitted, flo.
Low Water.
riiuy ..........
Tueaday ,
Wedneaday ,
Thursday ........
SUNDAT .......10
Monday- 11
Tueaday 12
Wednesday ......IS
Tharsday .,..,.,.14
Friday 15
Saturday 14
Monday 18
Tuesday 12
Wednesday 20
Thursday ,.,.,UX
Friday 77.11
Saturday ...21
Monday ...... ...26
Tueaday .,26
Wednesday ......27
Thursday 28
A. M. P.M.
h.rn. rirrh.ivi.JjfL
i6:se rsfiiioo 0.0
11:40 8411:621 0.6
12:48 8.0
0:45 1.2 1:64 1.7
1:42 1.7 8:66 3.3
8:88 tl 8:81 1.8
;i i. :u Mil
I 4:22 tJ 1:21 0.7 I
1 6:10 8.9 4:02 0.2 1 1
6:64 8.1 4:18 -0.1 I
4:82 8.2 7:11 -0.6 II
7:07 1.3 7:48 -0.4 II
f:4S S.S 8:151-0.7(1
8: SO SI 8:80-0.6
9:02 8.2 9:80 -0.4
9:61 8.210:12 0.0
10:45 8.1 11:00 0.6
11:41 2.1111:49 1.1
12:61 8.5 I
0:47 1.7 .2:041 2.0 I
1:49 13 8:151 1.8 I
8:00 2.6 4:1 0.6 I
4:08 2.8 6:15 -0.2 I
5:10 2.8 6:04 -0.9 I
: 04( 2.8 4:64 -1.1 I '
4:64 18 7:89 -1.6 I
7:44 1.8 8:22 -1.4 I
8:22 8.8 9:05 -1.6 I
Ulaj ID-lb. aacka, $4-00 per Ulej apUt
paa, 9UX) per 100-lb. aack; U-lbJ bote,
IL13; pearl barky, $421 per 100 J be,;
23-lb. box, $115 per box; ptatry flour,
10 lb. aack, $20 per Uk.
Canned aalmoa Columbia river, 1-Ib.
talk, $UJ; S lb. Ulk, $2-60; fancy 1-Ik
naU, $2.00j 1 2 tb, fancy flaU, $1X3)
fancy Mb. oral., $2.75; Ataak folk,
pink, 90c; rad $146; nominal, ta,
aueon rrult jara Halr-genon, per
groaa, $1)0; quarto, $70; pinta, $$J;
extra cape, per grota, $2.35.
Eoonomy. fruit jara Half -gaUone, per
groa, $135; quart, $10.00; pinta, $8J3;
extra cape, $148. .
Lverlaatlng fruit jara Half-mllon,
$1240; quarto, $840; pinto, $740; extra
oapi, gla, $240.
Prath Meau and fUh.
T-.. 1 . . . . A .
p r H. ri T. HU I ...1 . M a II jrtt-TK,
luru, 315c K,rk, 6i7cf beef,
bull., 1 I-242C-; eowa, 3 4c; ateera,
4 l-2s?3 l ife; mutton, 7ft7 l-2c; lamb,
Oyitara Shoal water bay, per gallon,
$2.23; per aack, $3-76 net; Olympia, par
aack, $5i5; Eaatera trauptaated, $1.00
per 100 lb.
Clam IIrdhell, per box, $100; raaor
damn, $2.00 per box.
Fkh Crab, per dozen, $140; Skoal-
water bay oyater, .p-r aack $4.00, gal
Ion, $2.23; halibut, 6c; black
il ba, per Th, 12 12c; herring, tc;
flounder, 6c; catflih, 8c; lobatera, per
l, 12 1 2c) Mlver amelt, ft:; ehrimp,
10c j perch, 6c; aturgeon, 80; ailveraide,
6c; aea trout, 12 1 2c; black baa. 20
23c ; Yaqitin chinook aalmon, Oct
Grain bag Calcutta and domestic,
7 120.
Wool-Valley, 2027 l-2c; tatern
Oiegou, 18620c
Tallow-Prime, per Ik., 33 -4c; No,
2 and greae, 22 12c.
Hope, Wool, Hide, Etc.
Hop New crop, 10(3 12c; 'd crop, 10
water bay orter, per aack, $4-00; oya-
Hide Dry hide, No. 1, 10 lb, and up,
I4(gl0 1 2c per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to
18 lb., 1415o per lb.; dry calf. No. 1,
undo; 6 lb., 17(3 18c; dry talted, bulla
and Ug, one third le than dry flint
(cull, moth-eaten, badly cut, acored,
murrain, hair-slipped, weather-beaten or
grubby, 2(3 3c per lb. lose); salted hide,
tteen, sound, 00 lb, and over, 9(3 10c per
lb.; 50 to 00 lb., 8 l-2(39e per lb.; under
',60 lb, and cow, 89o per lb.; aalteJ
tog and bull, sound, 8c per lb.; ealtcd
kfp, sound, 15 to 30 lbs., 9c per lb.; alt
d veal, aound, 10 to 14 lb., 9c per lb.;
salted calf, sound, under 10 lb, 10c per
lb. (green, unlted, lo per lb. ki; culls,
le per lb. les). Sheep akinsi Shear
ling, Ko. 1 butcher' tock, 2530 each;
hort wool, Ko. 1 butcher' atock, 40(3
50c each; medium wool, Ko. 1 butcher'
ttock, 00680c; long wool, No. 1 butcher'
dock, $1.00140 ecn Murrain pelt,
from 10 to 20. per cent 1cm, or 1214e
per lb. j hore hide, salted, each, accord
Ing to alie, $140(2.00; dry, each, ae
cording to alte, $140; colta' hide, 25(3
50e each; goat kln, common, 1015c
each; Angora, with wool on, 25c g $1.50
Mohair Choice, 30(3 t2e.
Feather Gee, whlta, 35(40v;
geee gray or mixed, 2530c duck,
whit, 15 (5 20c j duck, mixed, 1215c
Rcewax Co-', clean and bur,
22o per lb.
Cil oill'carl and antral oil, Me,
20c er gallon; wacr whito oil, iron bar
rela, 15c; wdod barrel, 171c; eocene oil,
c!,24cj elaine oil, ca, 271; etxra
tar , cao, 231c; Iron barrels 171c
Washington state test burning pila,' ex
cept headlight, Jc per gallon higher.
vonzine Mxiyinre degree, case,
22c; iron barrels 171c
Turpentine In cae, 92c; in wood
barrel, 80c; in iron barrel, 80c; in 10
cate lota, 91a.
Lined oil Boiled: la barrel, 53c;
cases, 62c. Rawt In barrel, 62c; in caaea,
58c gallon.
Gasoline Stove rasoline. case 24k:
iron barrel, 18c; 60 degree gasoline,
cae, 32c ; Iron barrel or drum, 26c.
Rope Pure Manila , 141c; standard,
Sic; Sisal, 11c; Isle brand Sisal, 9c.
Wire nail Present baae at $2.70.
Ixad Strictly pur whlta lead and
red lead, in ton lot 7Jc; 600-lb. lota,
8k; leu thai 600 lb, 81c
If ybu ar thinking of attending
Business College, you cannot afford
to ignore tha .best one in tha North
west Our equipment la nniorpaseed.
Tha proprietor! ar teachers.
Our graduatea ar all employed.
We will assiat you to a position
when competent
M0T0H .r
CovrHcbt. 106, hf (1. X. Mflraa
-I wouldn't rid In an automobile
Wby, the Cirri X ootflt won 14 never
forgive me. It would b an Insult to
my training. When I waa a twevyaar
old I waa exenliKHl In the saddle In
stead of In a Laby carriage."
. The girl dunked herself uddenly.
I'm afraid Fve been rude, Mr. Rob-
ben, nil said, with a rtiarmlng air of
contrition. "Come, forgive m and ex
plain yotir uew automobile to me."
They walked to the tirb wber the
machln- st.Kwl. and the girl llatfmed a
t-tjtlvely but with little ntidnitandlng
whll the man technically explained Its
beaut lo and wer.
Edith Wentley waa from Nevada.
Her Ufa on hr father'a ranch, the Cir
cle X, bad bred In her a love for borw
and an admiration for men who could
master thern. An autoroobll to ber
was nirly a tamed locomotive, good
to amuse the Me rich-
Khe was a.jrlrl all men admired and
many loved. Jtolpb Robben, stock-'
broker, clubman and typical New
Torker, was In the latter class. " '
II had met W at a G o'clock tea. He
detested 6 o'clock teas, nut she seemed
out of place among the g-.walplng socie
ty women, and her Uvezy western
styl attrai-td blm. '
'lx you Ilk the t7" h askeL
"Cooje; now,' that's not fair. Do I
look Ilk a girl who would atak out a
claim In this society reservation! Ton
outfit lo give me a square deal, and I'll
reciprocate by telling you that I think
you. feel as uncomfortable her aa I do.
I don't seem to know the trail don't
feci conversationally foot enre." s - ,
"Will F... lln m-mw b . a I
lop In the park with meT
"Will It Jut try me.
They met frequently after that. 3Tb
result at flrt surprised him, but later
It seemed ierfectly natural. He fell lo
love with b-r.
When his big French touring car ar
rived Robben wanted Mlsa Westley to
be the first to ride In It. Aa he finished
hi explanation of Ita mechanism aba
gingerly put her hand on one of tha
many lever.
"What is this fouuy little lever for?"
"That regulatee the speed."
"Oh, I see. It's a sort of mechanical
brldlo rein. And what happens when
you pr- this btg white button!"
"That crank the wheel automatical
ly and start the motor going. It's
very simple really, and a child could
run and control It," . -
'A child could inn Itt Why, then It
requires neither courage nor skill to
arHAixixa n kiit wrsxr, 111 liftxd hx
master It I abould think it would be
rather turn aport for a man." There
was a auggeatlou of mockery In hor
"Some persons think It require cour
age to run a machine like thla at fifty
or alxty mile an hour, but I don't go
in much for high speed. Tha danger U
too great I think you would enjoy It
Won't you come for Just a little sdIuT
"Thank you, but I'd rather not to,!
Of course ifa almply beautiful to look
at and wonderful lu many way, but
an automobll cannot b compared
with a bono. It baa no breading, no
bona aenee, character or anything ela
u common with man or natur. It
wind broken, perpetually bothered
with distemper and never can bo de
pended upon Jn an emergency."-!
wouldn't giro on aUbl room.H
Robben waa an automobll enthusi
ast, and Miss Westlej' opinion "turn
him In a tender spot. Tertiape hie face
bowed it, for aba thanked blm' again,
but still refuted even to test the cush
ioned comfort of tha tonneau.
"I'll tell you what I wlH do,vthrgi,J f
an added. "I'll tak a canter In th
park with you right now If you will let
m rid that aplendld blacCThra
Robben atudled ffe tall at&T.Jlc el
reliant girl who Ada a he Jftr
fectly and for the moment wta aorrv
that h ever bad en an automobile.
But ha enjoyed th rkj; f. ;n r:
Two week later b started out in th
rly morning In bla automobll for a
Ofrir mill over. H told hlrolf that
by tb tlm be rvtrrraed b would have
mad np bl mind either to propoe to
Mum Westley or to go to Europ tad
try to forget ber.
U waa alone, and bo a turned at
moderate speed into Pelham parkway.
in Westchester, b saw ahead a girl on
a horse. Tb bracing, balmy spring alt
laden with Um perfumes) of budding
tree and early flower and tb notes
of bird, added to itm phyalcal xhila
ratlon of rapid movement, had a plea
Ing effect upon Robben. The girl on
the bora fitted perfectiy into the
scheme. .
For a few seconds be waa loot la
contemplation and admiration of her
airperb horsemanship. Then he recog
nized something about the poise of ber
bead and the set of ber shoulder and
knew that tbe girl on the horse waa
Mis Westly. He wanted to Join ber,
but tbe combination of Miss Westley
on a horse and blm In an automobile
seemed to him unfavorable, and be
slowed down.
A be wstclied her be forgot all about
bis trip to Europe and determined to
propose at the firM opportunity.
Huddenly her horse swerved violent
ly to the right and broke from a steady
canter Into a wild gallop. Robben knew
Instantly either that the bridle rein had
broken or that tbe horse had taken the
bit In hi teeth. Clearly the animal
waa running away.
The girl retained her aeat In the sad
die, and, while she appeared to be per
fectly cool, be knew that around a turn
In the road less than a mile away was
the bridge across Pelham bey, and the
chance were great that tbe horse in
bis blind wlldness might dash her
against the Iron support of the narrow
structure or carry her Into tbe bay If
she were not thrown before they reach
ed the bridge.
He threw the clutch on to the highest
gear, and the powerful machine, thus
urged to the extent of ita alxty horse
power, leaped forward. It waa a long
chance be waa taking, but the girl 00
Vie runaway waa Edith Westley
Grasping the ateerlng wheel with his
left band, he slid aa far aa possible to
the right of tbe seat and guided tbe
machine alongside tbe bom. Tha ani
mal Teered off a tbe machine overtook
blm, but Robben reduced apeed and
kept as close as possible.
"Steady, Miss .Westley," be aald
calmly. "Free your aklrt and Jump
when I aay the word. Steady bow!"
They were within fifty yard of tbe
bridge when Robben threw off the
clutch. Jammed down the brake and,
with a aklllful. twist of the ateerlng
wheel, akldded elost to the runaway.
Bracing himself with his knee against
the dashboard, b let go tha wheal and,
reaching far out over the aide of the
machine, aald. "Come!"
With a quick movement he threw his
arm about the girl aa abe left the sad
dle and, strainlug every muscle, lifted
her Into the machine. Her weight and
the sudden hock threw them against
the steering wheel' with terrific force.
The great machine swerved, ran up a
bank and smashed Into a tree. For a
few. momenta they were both stunned,
but when Robben Bought the glrl'e eye
lu saw lu their depth a light be bad
feared would never be there for him.
That night Mis Westley wrote a let
ter to ber father In Nevada: j
Dear Old Pad I am xotna; to marry a
"lendwfoot." but he wilt t a crsdtt to
the Clrcl- X. 1 mlit aa well tell you the
woret-h Is an automoblllat. But I lova
him! 1 . EDITH.
Tfc Qarterar.
The term qnartermaatcr as used In
both the army and - navy appears to
lie confusing and anomalous. In the
army it la the title of a commissioned
officer who performs Important and
reeiiousibla duties. In the navy be
Is simply warrant officer, directing
Hiibnnluiiitc duties. In old ships and
under former arrangement his posi
tion was a more Important one, so
much so that he was coniklered to be
the fourth part of the master; hence
the term quartermaster, being prin
cipally engaged lu usslstiug hlin In the
navigation of the ship. Even at the
present d.iy h has chance of the
steering gear aud the men at the
wheel. Other term accentuate tho
fact of the original military predom
inance ou board our w arships in early
d.iys. One of these still exist nnder
th titlo of cuptaiu. There are captain
of tbe quarter Uvk, forecastle, forctop,
njrttntnnat. mi'zcnmast.fuisxeutop, etc.
l lie ship cook was once a great man
ou board ship, aad. there are instance
on record of bra liclng- promoted for
ancient preparation oojJoLondon
professor of physic daring the
rdtatka,af frehrea-clas in natu
P""opUy oTAerVed If TklL Unky
rou ta Uu rear va.LU.head la a
rcuiMbaTiortron.lTbodr1n a larf
gutd pose, bis eye half rioted, and wis
hjCLWc4Jei:Xlr ouLiiOaiLjidJaceni
aisle. He waa either asleep or about
10 lose consciousness.
"My.TraxfC jaWiha'ireat eclent
Hie freshman oiened hi ere alowH.
He did not cliauge his aouinolent poke.
r:v Vrif rin whAt Is workr
"Everything u worki. WM th &ni
PT,'tVr)'t."?xc,"lnieJ tb Professor, r"
uiemier imi you ar no longer In a
'parltibry school! Do you mean to
tell me that Is a reasonable answer to
ftiy question V
(5 er W'JJ
Wtrnn Ltakjs tjfa uril Ilka m
nrU$ claM-lo belter tLat tbJa dest
la workT
; "Te, air,, replied tha youth wearily,
that deak la woodwork.4 '
Chsdp PripGo
ChSna Crcc!icry
Dolls Ghwvcro
Holiday Goods
See Our Tempting Prices
Great imericia Import! Tet Co.
571 Commercial Street, Astoria.
Far Including berth and meat, $15,
Reund-trip, 825.
Stumer Leaves Astoria for SaJ
I .Francisco Every 5 Days.
Connects at SanFranciMo-wUb-Raij
and Steamer Lines for South,
era California.
G. W. ROBERTS, Agent,
Astoria, Oregon.
fieri Pa. Agent
iva. Francisco, Cal
!:: '. t).l.i:.i,I
'ywi .l- J.l.--Tll.
.1. ;
nL.lf your tlcketa read over, the Doa-j
rer ud Rio Grand Baiiroad. thai
. "Scenic I4n of th World."
.rher are, ao many acenic attrao-l
tlon and point of Interest along?
th line between Ogden and Den-4
ver that th trip never bevomeej
ttreome;1' t ; '
If you ar going East writ for tn-J
formatloa and get a pretty book Uuat'
wlU tel jrou aJOunbotrt
4,W. C, MeBrld ,GnrJ Agani.
. 121 Third, Rtreet
PORTLAND. ' 1 - -
. tv t
Th Pioneer Limited- St. Paul t Cki-
eag. ."Shart llae Osaaha u
Chicags, Sottti-Wat LbaltadT-Caiusi
n" uvmjI.
Ko traftti 'la the ervice or kny rafl
road U tha world tliat aquali lh equip.
ment that of tha CbTciro.'ifilwaake t
St Paul Sy.rKTliey' owSlkiicf'bperaM
their own aleeplng and dInJnjf cars o aS
their train and give their nation aa
exeeUenc of service not obiaiaabl ts-
wber. f i'.'. -vi1
Berth1 6ri their1 lleepef ar fengee;
higberand wider than in similar cars on
any other Una. They protect their traiaa
byth Block aateBVai
'1ConlftctionaTOl wfth'sll rrfl-nw-
tlnenUl Jlnaa U Union Depot.
Hf taba Dan! fires 'og Norsk
Else wird dautaek gesprochew.
k w I m
8.8 Friday 2
7.7 Saturday ........ 20
I 9:22 2.8 9:44 -0.4 I
110:14 2.810:26 0.2 I
11:04 18111:46 0.8L
t aturday SOI 4:04
UNDAT M Ill 4:48
H. & Bow. General Agent, Fortlaa4
74 SUNDAT 811