The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 10, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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1 1 nut on sale it a big discount This
! piano contains that peerWa action,
the Weel, Nickel A Cross, giving it
I an exceedingly re-ptmiv touch, and
the ton i avinpatheric. No won-
jder thia plan ia tit artist's delight.
A piano that has been on the market
(ever einc 1847, a the Schumann has
Ineeda no introduction. It ia a piano
tSat ha atood the tet of years and if
it waa good enough for our grand-
mother, it is good emnigh for ua Bow.
I You will find modern sample of thia
I high-grade piano in choicest mahogany
' I wood included in thin sale.
I The Kimball piano i always a win
iTtry Kan a Triumph of the Piano- ner ,nd K ln u lh most uUt
maker" Art-Case Plain and Fancy, pUno Xhu fxpuins the reason
ia AH the Choica WoodsAn to B wh our wouM.itf. competitor all
lcwb& Clark Exhibition Pianos.
to Be Sold In Aitoria.
Cloaed Oat at Seduced Price.
have thoir hammer out to knock thia
I high-grade piano. We have one on ex
hibit in thia sale in finest, quarter-saw-
ed oak, a new style and built especially
Every part of the country seems to to withstand the dampne of thia We4-
lave suffered thia year at the hand of era climaU
railroads from car-shortage. In the Ut- There are other standard and high-
let part of November we received grade make offered In this lale, luch
pianoa designed to have been a part 'as the Crown, the many-toned wonder; rived in the city yeterday noon, to at
of our splendid down town exhibit in the Marshall A Wendell, established tend the dedication aervicea of the new
Portland of the great Lewis and Clark in 15.1; the Victor, new style, upright Presbyterian church in Alderbrook to-
Mrs. H. C. Lacey of Portland I in
the city thia week Tisiting friend.
Theodore Chris liana of the Walluskt,
pe.nt a brief time ia town yesterday.
Han-boa .Allen left for Ilillsboro yes
terday, where he will attend court.
Ben Young of this city returned yes
terday morning from a brief trip to
J. C Dunken came in yesterday from
his CHney ranch to tranact soma busi
ness. Andrew Johnson ami Gua Adolf of
Tucker Creek were visit or in the city
K. S. Steam and S. F. Bud, resi
dent of Cwmopolis, spent yesterday in
town attending to bunises interests
Rev, J. V. Milligan, traveling Sunday
school missionary, and Kev.-W. 8. Holt
Presbyterian aynodical missionary, ar-
Reflections on Plans and Pcopl
Election of T. F. Lauria a Menace-
Republicans Fully Alive to Oppoa
entta Game "Sav City' Financial
Credit at Expense of Moral Standing'
Fair season. And as ;we still have a grand; the Krell-French; the Clarcn
few of the more costly of the pianos don; the Hubert M. Cable, et cetera.
ued in the various state biuldings and Kemetuber, there is not a second-hand
private exhibits 00 hand we are putting piano in the lot. This is a bona fide
the whole choica lot on special sale at W of new pianos at popular prices. It
cut prices. " , is a grand opportunity for you to s-
This ia no second hand piano-sale, but M the Christmas pre-ent of all.
is a bona-fide reduction of from 30 : 0rSxns ! ln PrtM
to 60 per cent on the actual (not im- wiB to H y"r attention to, and it's
aginary) retail prices of new-pianos. new OM too. The Eety will be sold for
Wo invite you to investigate and prove about half th Pri' "l'd b? hMr
to Tour own aatisfaction the truth of .dealers. Another, the original J. C.
, 1 . ..
our assertion that we sell high grade
pianos at prices asked by other piano
concern for their cheap pianos. Fur
thermore, we are the only one-priced
piano dealers in Astoria. Here ia where
you get a "fair, square deal"
But about these pianos now offered,
listen: There ia the world-famous and
time-hortored Chicked rig1, exhibited in!
the Massachusetts building. The first
Chiokering was commenced in 1819 and
completed in 1823 by Jonas Chickering,
tritely called. The Father of the
American Tiano-forte."
That new high-grade piano, the Had
dorff, was used in the Illinois State
Building, and you will find this choice
instrument in a plain but singularly
attractive case of fancy, figured wal-
EarhotT, large, fancy top, taken in ex
change for a Kimball piano; you caa
have it for $55. . Don't forget the old,
reliable Farrand A Votey organ is of
fered here, too. This is a large sized
very fancy one in six (C) octaves; terms
to suit.
Your friends and neighbors have al
ready bought or are buying from Fil
er Piano House. We merit your con
fidence, and therefore this is the natur
al place for you to buy. We are per
manently established in Astoria, and
have maintained a store here ever since
January, 1901. We lead in lowest prices
and fairest terms. If you see it in our
"ad" it's so; no misrepresentation here.
422-425 Commercial St.
The Bunker hill football team will
nitvt the Owapunpuns at the A. F. C.
grounds in thia city this afternoon and
an interesting game i expected. The
Bunker Hill' have quite a winning rec
ord and expert to lay it all over the
Owapunpuns. The lineup is as ollows:
Bunker Hill , Owapunpun.
Daly C Kimball
Klnpp R.O Johansen
Taylor LO Owens
Jackson R.T. Wright
Byrne L.T Johatisen
Mensing L.E. ... . .Ansiadt
Thome R.E, Olsen
Coovert.. ....Q ..' Young
Polemus L.H Lawn
Coper I....R.IL Hughes
Stiver F.B Andricb
Good advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, clear skin
bright eyes, red lips, god health, take
nollWer'a Rocky ountain Tea. There
is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or
Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart.
Thb Last Call Fori
If anything were needed to pruvt how
conclusively the Democrat have swung
the "Citizens" and thia campaign Into
the Democratic camp for purely Demo
cartic purposes, a glance at the preson
nel of the alleged Citiaens ticket, with
Eight Democratic candklates out of
the twelve named, would furnUh the
conviction: Here Oiey are:T. F. Laur-
in, police commissioner; J. H. Hansen,
police commissloneri Thomas Dealy,
treasurer; Olaf Anderson, auditor;
Thus. Campbell, street superintendent;
George Kaboth, Dr. W. C. Igan and
WilliHin 'Bell, all for tha council. Of
the other four, none are Democrats, all
are Republicans, a concession made to
avoid the very charge here pointed out,
and to placate a small contingent of
the faction they have hypnotised, ex
cept in the ea of Mr. Martin Foard,
for the police commission, whose name
they are using gratuitously, since he
refused poiut-lank, to accept a nomi
nation at their hands, and who is a
rock-ribbed Republican and will bo vot
ed for aa such without being on either
ticket: 1 this is not a contest between
straight Republicans and Democrats, it
isn't because the Democrat have lost
any of their nerve in working their
famous "catspaw" politics.
Millinery Purchasers
Buys You Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Ladies' Tailored Street or Dress Hat
Now In 3tock. Values Range From $2.50 to $7.00.
he ifm a mm c
Where the New Things Make Their Debut.
Chief of Police Hallock is getting
busy again. His force is out, day and
night, under orders direct and unmis
takable, to round up rotes and voters
for the Dcmo-Dcmi-Semi-Tkket, and
thy are dbeying orders. The chief
hopes to sare his official bacon by -this
show of zeal and interest and to hold
down the office the least of his force
would fill with more tact and success
than he: All right, until its all wrong;
and the day is near at hand for a final
With their ringing slogan of a "Wide
Open Town" and their avowed purpose
to make good on it in July next, what
wonder the Democrats are so frantical
ly anxious for the election of T. F.
Laurin, as police commbwionerf Who
will do more, or do it quicker or with
mora style and aphanbt Of couije
Mr. Hansen will be as wax in the hands
of the popular and sporty T. F."
Don't run away with the notion that
the Astoria Republicans are in the po
litiosl market this year. They have
nothing to trade, or give or swap or
deal with, among their candidates,
They are a clean, competent and well
balanced lot, and none o them can be
spared: The Democratic "pot pourri'
has nothing whatever of value to induce
even the bare consideration of a swsp.
The Republicans need every man they
have put up, they were put up with a
purpose and that purpose ia their elec
tion for the common good of Astoria.
That purpose accomplished, the Demo
crats will be out of the market.
Think a moment of tha newly con
stituted police cetnmission; with John
W. BaUidge, Martin Foard and W. C.
Laws responsible for the new chief of
police and the working force under him.
It meana something to every man in
the city. It means less time spent in
saloons at night and more patrol duty;
and districts and rules that shall keep
tha men busy and thclty guarded. An
Indifferent chief beget an indifferent
force and makes dead-letters of ordi
nances that should be of deterrent force
and effect. It meana anything but a
"wide open town" and for this one,
last reason, the Democrats are moving
eternally to defeat these men. WelL
the people know these things, and it
the people' turn next.
The crowning shame of Astoria is,
and has been, that with a charter full
of sensible, available and competent or
dinances, she ha meen powerless against
her vicious elements .because of a city
attorney that would not invoke them
and a police chief that waa mighty glad
of it. What are these men paid for?
It smack of something vicious when
an administration carries the munici
pal credit to the breaking point and
imperil tha city' good name, before
warning the people of th danger or
devUintf meaii to avert and rd!t
th dangeroua atrain, and, when It Is
brought to it sense of duty, has nothing
better to offer, than a resumption of th
"wide open town" policy, wherewith to
bolster the crippled tieasuryT Have a
care, you tax-paying clt liens. The cltl
ten' fare as it is being played Just
now, may resolve itself Into a serious
drama of "dollar and cent" actualities
before you get through with it.
The Democratic gerrymander for the
capture of the rlty and county I an
open secret now, and is being sharply,
but quietly resented along other than
Republican lines. The Democrats are
famous "wool puller" but the dsrnetl
wool ain't half long enough. Their
trick was 'hold enough to mesmerise
the "Citlscns," hut the sl.-it Itcpbll
can ia not such a political sucker, and
now that the "lid is off the leaders
sre getting anxious. They are begin
ning to doubt if even the minimised
vote of the dive-puh can do them any
(JhkI. They can comfort themselves
with the unavoidable reflection that
some of the most valuable lesaons in
political life are wrought and taught
by sheer defeat.
J. R. Clinton and wife to Sarah J.
Clinton, kits 3 and 4, block 04, Mo
Clurea, II.
Charles P. Maginnl and wife to J.
J. Rupps lost S and 10, section 12, T.
4 N, It 8 W, .
B. J. Sloop ami w ife to John J. Jeff-
ers; lot 5, block 110, MeClures, f,wo.
IVninsulsr I-aml A Trust Co., to
Jscob' Meritaine; lot 43 and 4 A, block
4, Taylor's, 350.
Rcjestrition Figures Riach High
larffit Number f B(ltr4 Yottrt
for City Election Ever Befort Record
ed Tw Hundred and Sevtaty Mora
Than Two Yttri Ago.
0a th fifteenth of Novtmber, th n-
tir stock of good at tha Little Hook
Store, will be put oa sale at cost. ChrUt
maa bargains in books, tatlomsry nov
elties, to. 174 Tnth street.
Will be given at Kuoml hall on Hat-
unlay, December lth at 8 o'clock by
Kateva Ilrass Hand. Admission, mask.
ers, 75c, spectators, fiOc, A grand good
time Is guaranteed. Kveryone InvltoU.
The largest tiiimhrr of rryUtrationa
In the history of Astoria for a city
election, was recorded yesti-nlsy after-
noon at 4 o'clock, whn CUy Auditor
Anderson chmed the books, and a count
showed that exactly 1700 persona had
Friday evening when the book were
closed and 1007 person had rsgitnrd,
it waa predicted that the registration
would reach 1700 by Haturday Bight,
and that the foresast was lust right.
is something of a coincident, ' TIW
kighe reglslmtsotl hitherto recorded)
waa two year ago, when 1430 name
were regUtered for the elect li. Th
inrivai this year is 270 orr that of
100.1, which is a fairly A hvrease.
Judge Anderson said that f rgitra
tion would probably have en much
more, had th foreign ctrmaat regist
ered a tlicy should.
Ninety-three was the total vote rnt
yesterday. It waa a tig dsy's work
for Auditor Anderson and hi assist
ants, and nearly every minute throagh
out the day until closing time, a stream
of men could be iwrn in line, wsltlng
their turn.
From the present indication, it look
as if Tuesday would sea every regUter
ed voter at the polls. The total vote
rat In th six precinH during tka
past three years la as folios t
: ' -
r n ii rn iiv 5
SW I3j 247
2(V1) IDHj 305
3in tl'i; 314
3I.1J 2SI! 3A4
mj Ifr 134
lt4' 7
Totals - ...jltlOjlnwi 170ft
Cuxhion top; Back and
fronts, floral designs 23c
Heavy Galatea doth 38c
Satin covered pin cushion
10c to 33c
Trimmed pin cushions 33o to 1.23
Stamped doiliea .... ,.lo to 23o
Children hand bug ..25c to 60c
Indies fancy bags 23c to 40c
Latent designs in men neck
wear 2.k and 60c
Furs, Furs, elegant furs at
remarkable low prices ....
I .43 to 24
Still time to buy an elegant
eravanctte at a great re
duction 20 ft 117.60
118 at 113.60
All ladies wool shirt waist
reduced 13.23 to 12.73
12.73 to 12.23
Our Holiday
Goods at the
New Store are
Being Very
Freely Patronized
Indigestion, consilpstion, dyipepsl
kidney and liver diordeis and all sooi
tche troubles positively cured by uitj?
llollister's Hockey Mountain Tea. 35
Uauts, Tea or Tablets. Hold and recom
mended by Frank Hart
this week w will display in our wlrf
dow 108 different style of Xmsi botess
of stationery. A floe lot of Innpeo
ilvo calendars. Two di-playi of nor
cities and In addition w will shew in
th window on tuning only, Una Jap
ne and Chines Itrushe and Fsnry
metal and glswars.
J. N. Griffin
That' what Ut'
The Ball Band Brand
goods ar mad from j and w carry a
complete line, too, Abo th bsst ia
ladies, mea and children' hoe; . ,'
5. A. GIMRE,
J43oo4 Street 0pp. Soa Higiiu A Co.