The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, DICZMBZS j, 1905.
Indian! Man Resented Forclosure
of His Home.
When Told of the Foreclosure lie Said
Warm Welcome Awaited Those!
who Would Intor House, and Only
by Intaltloo Officers Escape Injury.
Chicago, IW. 8.-KUrtling evrnt.
wblth have followed tht niyt-rlcu tli
ppraritnitt of John A. Thmi.on, a
wealthy but ecrentrin Nwerir-, Iuivk nr
hiw the vlllie of Ilitlwrt, In.l., to
a kUt of high rxJctiinfiit. W'lirn
MaHial Fred Rue ami Tru.lee Al viti
WiMe yesterday went U 1 Ikmhi.m.h'.
Uu-h-kr houe on the nuUklrN of lake
station, they had narrow em-ape from
Mr.g Mown up by dynamite.
A woman named UrU-n FriMiie, held
a inortgaga on the. Tlionipnon hmr,
whi.-h U declined to aatUfy. Ut
wink lie determined to forerlam and
notified hr arent, Charle Zydrl.
Zydl met Tbmnpaon in ItoUrt and
told him of Mr. Frllrhle's Unlet miiia
lion. TltompKon remarked:
"Writ, there will be a hot welcome
for vou when you rome,"
rr er a eek ThompMm had not
been Mrn and hi limur wa -liel ami
tit Mind drawn.
Wltdn and Miilial Ku wrnt to
thi farmhou to lnvmliKU. Itoth
liit. ne of III opinion tlml
J liotn.-m hml killed himx-lf. I!n..
w iiUmt to l.rk in tin front dour,
wlirn hi ay lie urird with an in
tuition to Kt away from the door.
ing a iU window tlit niri
ctimbrd into tit houe. They were
iiimhlr to find a traw of Thoinmoii but
in the hall trading Ui the front door
wa fmind a pita of dynamite of
wbirh there waa srveral ound.
It waa connected with the front dior
by a wire fue to an electric battery
m that thr intruder would have n-
plmlnl the Ilia of eplimle.
Mark powdrr waa atrewn in rery
dimtion orr ecry door in the
room of t,V loue and aire M from
tlif Iront Jour to the Mphniktu in all
otil-ail arte upcndl heavy -ij,'!iN
denned to fall if l!ie dNr were
New Yoik, Dee. 2 The very aHive
M(iihilion of the early part of the
wr.k bi Wall liM-t iiliowed lj(ri of
riimiihji in ei in Wk. Thi
led to Mime icuiMoii of whliini-rit. He-in-wed
lurjje demand for currency from
interior (NdiiU, ahlpment of gold to
Mexlxo, Udieved to k- tor purrhaaa of
-ilver and the ri:uimncnt of the Iu-
.Mitx-r M tth niint. ran up eall money
ruti aain later in the w k and put
ome rotiotralnt on tha nNH'ulation. The
iit ui lied condition in Huxnia and the
tlnumiul linnet lliiiiint riiilling found
Mitue reflactlon In the New York mar
ket. The latter reaction considerably
Impain-d the eaily K"ln n'l eitrriwl
mhiiu ktork back to lelow htut week.
IMHawa, (hit.. I lee. 2, The Ontario
( iir Kerry t'o., waa iiutrrporatrd y-
,terday with a capital atock of .')00,000.
,The iiii-orporator are: V. M. Haya, K.
jS. Hlahui. ami J. W. Ixuld, of the
I. rami Trunk railway, Montreal, and R.
V. Vate. T. K. NiKman, and R. W.
Iu i- of the Kulfalo, RocheaUr A Pitta
luirjf. 'Die cotnany will atahlih a
i-ar aitvieej bHIjweenJ "Canadian
and American Mirt,M iuwrdiii to the
paper filed here.
Now York, I)e.. g.-Waiiara ft. U-eda,
fonrnvly Hi preklent of the Ameri
can Tin llaUi Company and more re
cently president of th Chicago, Rock A l'acific railway, i lyitiff In
hi Fifths avenua home, having been
stricken with a !lKht attack of paraly
aay the lb-raid. Ilia entire left
'Me i affected. It waa aaid lat nilit
that tlie attack wan not aerioii, and
that hi phykiana held out he for
a wxdj reoorery.
Of Intertit to Clerfy.
The A.torla A Columbia River Rail
road Co., having been granted member
ship In tha Trani ConUnc ntal Clergy
Bureau, the name of that company will
appear In tha clergy application blank
and clergy certificate lued by the
bureau for I1HMI, and commencing Janu
ary lit, of the coming year. Tbete
permit will be honored by all agent
of tha A. A C R. R., thua eliminating
the individual half-fare permit itiued
by that company in former year. Re
queita for official application blank
hould be made to J. C Mayo, general
paaaonger agent, Actoria.
Are you lacking in itrrngth and vig
or? Are you weakt Are you in pain!
1V you feel all nin down! The bleuing
of he I tii and trength come to all who
ue MollUter'a Rocky Mountain Tea.
33 cent. Kohl by Frank Hart.
Thunkfivliig w-ek unmllv uher in
the holiday jraiety ami the pat wii-k
ha been no envption. Society folk
baM be-n enU-rtained by numeroiu
curd partiea. eociul XMthrrinjfH and
lUiuets Quite, a few collegiaua and
other abent from home returned for
t.lioe fumily reunion around the fen
lite board which really make Thank-V-ivinj;.
Tin St, Aj;n (iuild gave a very
artilttiiltln and enjoyable eiiteitiiininent
at Drai-e church Monduy evening. An
cKiit1oiyly tlnei Juttrinm hml Imi
jiHmiiivI and whh well executed. The
fiilcrtiiinmoiit clHM-d with a out ad
ilny entitled "The Woman' Sorirty"
vhich wa ery lniiKluihle. The a(Tnir
entirely Hiin-sful ind n neat Mini
reiilie.l beiie friviii(r an evcniiif of
jilcuire to the many w.'io witnc-M-d it.
The Thanksgiving dunce nt Konrd A
Hokea hall given by the "OuU" was
a di-dinct miccc. Tlie larga hull wa
tantefulty decorated with fillers hiu!
fern interwoven among numerous el
trii lifhU which gave a very pretty
effect. The. large- numlier of ma-lcty
folk prexent atteatcd the ppopulurity of
the "l)wlH and it i hoped that their
Inaugural dance, will be followed ohortly
by another auch enjoyable affair.
M. and Mra. D. M. Stuart charming
ly entertained about fifty of their
friend with a Thaiskfiving dinner and
ruchr p.irty. After the game waa fin
ished ami prize awarded, the room
were cleared ami the 'Old Virginia Red'
brought to a c)oe a most enjoyable ev
ening. Mi Annette Morton waa down from
(TaUkanio to pend Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mr. Simpou Morton.
Her many friend are glad to aec
Mia tirace Stoke who I home from
Berkeley for the holiday.
The Mise Vanducn were down
from St. Helen' hall to upend Thank
giving with their parent and to attnnd
the dunce of the Owb."
Mi Nta Drain wa down from
Port hind where he la attending college
to spend the Thanksgiving holiday
wit,i her iiU'T, Mr. A. M. Smith and
to attend the "OwU" dance.
The I'ttMtiinc Club were delightfully
entertained by Mr. and Mr. Robt. (a-
ruthem Friday evening. Six hand euch
re was the gunie played, and the fortu
nate prize, winner were Mr. Jay
Tut tie. Dr. Itnwdwatcr, and Mr. and
Mr. D. M. Stuart,
The Every Fortnight Kuchre Club
will 1h cutcrtainiil by Mr. Mary Me
Kciisie and Mia Udell Dickinson Mon
day evening.
The Thursday Club did not meet thi
week on account of Thanksgiving, but
will le entertained by Mr. Ric.'iard
Caruther next Thurnday.
A rare trwt in in More for thoe who
are n fortunate a to be invited to the
Klk'a Memorial, in the Odd Fellow' hall
thi afternoon. An excepthnally fine
program will be rendered and the cenv
monie of the "Iodge of Sorrow" are
alwaya beautiful and impreaive.
The weddjng on Thanksgiving day, of
Mis Allice Scott of Uil city and Mr.
Tho. Oaleen, at St. Mary' Cathedral
in Portland .take from Astoria a
well known and popular young lady,
the foeter-daughter of Mr. and Mr.
Spellmier of Ninth atreeU Tha young
p-ople will return to Portland when
they will remain for" a fear month, re
turning to Astoria later, to occupy
one of the Tru linger cottagea now in
course of construction a their future
and permanent bom. ,
The Astoria Klg, Jn wmitiion with
their brethren the world over, will to
day convene in memorial assembly ami
indulge, the beautiful ceremonial of the
Inler Incident thereto. The Ixidge of
Sorrow will oiien at 2:31 o'clock tbi
afterniKin, at the Klk'a hall, tinder the
leadership of Kxaltcd ltul( ' Mahlin
Itarger and hi itaff of official.
J. 1'. Kavanagh, art able and eloquent
Filk, of Portland wilt deliver the mem
orial addrt, ami if lie bear out the
traditions of tha order bU contribution
should afford pleaaure and in tr rent to
the big audience certain to be on hand.
John C. McCue, tha well known orator
of the city, ha been called to Port
land to deliver tha tame manner of
addre to the metropolitan Klka, and
it l certain he will leave nothing to be
deired in hi effort.
Following ia tha full program put
forth in behalf of this annual observ
ance today.t
rfcer of Ererctsea
i. Processional "Chopin's Funeral March"
a. Pilgrim Chorus from "I'lombardi"
3. Address - -
Exalted Rnler
4. Schubert's Serenade
5. Ritualistic Exercises
OPENING OCX-Air, "Avid LaagSrse"
Orrat Rater ol the Uaiverae,
AU seeing aad bcolga,
Look dowa npoa sad bless oar work
Aad tx all glory Tblaet
Ob, bear our prtycrsforoar bosored dead,
While bearing la our salads
Tb mrmortrs graves ea esch brart.
For A old Lsag tjrs.
Invocation, ending with chant, "The Lord's Prayer"
Bro. S. C. Morton
6. Solo "Calvary" .... Paul Rodney
Mr. Frank Carnaban
7. Appear, Thou Light Divine C. P. Morrison
1. Evening Star "from Tsnnhauscr" R. Wagner
2. Solo-Ave Maria" - II. Millard
Mrs. G. C. Watkins
3. Address ........
Bro. J. P. Kavanaugh
4. Lead Kindly Light - J. A. Parks
Ladies Quartet
Mrs. A. A. Finch Mrs. C. Callender
Miss M. Busey Miss McCann
5. Recitation "Thanatopsis" .....
Bro. N. D. Johnson
6. Solo "Oh, Rest in the Lord !" Oratory of Elijah
Miss Laurie McCann
7. Intermezzo Sinfonico from "Cavalleria Rnsticana"
Tbeo. Moses
8. Trio "Ave Verum" - Kreutxcr
Mrs. Watkins Mr. Johnson Mr. Carnahan
9. Gloria in Excelsis from "Twelfth Maw" Moxtrt
For the
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the BEST CARRIER SYS
TEM in the country.
The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest
Telegraph News
Shipping loteligence.
Condensed Local News.
Portland Market Reports.
Real Estate Transactions,
Society Hews,
Railroad News
Sporting News.
County Official News.
Complete Want Colnccs
And in fact all of the News of the Country
Watch for the Big Colored
mic Section
li you are not a subscriber let us show you
our proposition and we will convince you that its
the best ever made by any newspaper.
Telephone Main 661 for our plan, or if you
live out of town write a postal and we'll do the
rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager.
The Morning Astorian
lOth and Commercial
to. Closing Exercises, ...
Benediction by Chaplain
Conductress, Mrs. Chas. L. Houston
Pianist, Mrs. Otto Ileilborn
In flDemoriam
chas. Mcdonald
ericr johnson
Remarkable Cure.
"I wa afTlirtfd with wibtlea." writes
Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co.,
Kan., going .bout on rrutohos and Buf
fering a deal of pain. I waa induced
to try IWllard't Snow Liniment, which
relieved me, ,
I ued three 50c bottlea. It is the
greatest liniment I ever ued; have
recommended it to a number of perwona;
all eTpreei themnelvee aa being benefit-
by it I now walk without crutchea,
able to perform a treat deal of light
labor on the farnT 25e, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by Hart's drug store.
Morning Axtorian, 73 centa a month.
Washington, Dec. 2. Vice President
and Mrs. Fairbanks have iMued invita
tion to a dinner in honor of President
and Mr. Roosevelt on December 22.
The same aorta will also entertain
mall dinner comps tiles on Monday, De
cember 18, and Tuesday, December 19
t their new borne on Farrsgut square.
Good advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, clear akin,
bright eyes, red lips, good health, take
Ilollinter! Rocky Mountain Tea, There
U nothing like it 33 centa, Tea or
Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart.
Let Me Tell
You Something
Traveler to the East, I have a word for you :
There are through Pullman sleepers, both
Standard and Tourist, going East from the
Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes
they travel via Rock Island System for a good
share of the distance.
You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and
Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco,
Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island
will land you in Kansas City, St. Louis or Chi.
cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at
all three cities for all important points in the
East and South.
Or the traveler via Northern route can take
the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St Paul
to Chicago.
Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies
best meals on wheels.
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third St, Portland, Ore.
Astoria's Best Newspaper
San Francisco, Dec. 2. The sohooner
John D. Spralles, which left here on
October 24, on a codfUhing cruise in the
northern seas, returned to port yester
day. She encountered a continuous suc-cev-iou
of gales on her way north and
suffered! so severely tint she finally
had to put back, with sprang par, her
bowsprit carried away, her copper
sheating in ribbons and leaking like a
Cored Paralysis.
W. F. Bailey, P. 0. True, Texaa,
write : "My wife had been suffering
fiva years with paralysis in her arm,
when I waa persuaded to use BallardV
Snow liniment, wiaon cured her all'
right. I hare afco ueed It for old sores.
froetbitee and akin eroptiona. It eW
the work." Sold bp Harts drug store.
j Morning Astorian, 73 canta a moalh.