THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER t, iv)Qj. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1873. Published Daily by TEX J. S. DELUXGEX COJtPAJY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. 87 mail, per year 17X10 By nail, per month .00 By carrier, per month.. .75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in adTanct..$1.00 Kntered aa weond-rlasa matter June , lfcft, at the poffl at Antorta. ore on, under Uis act of Conn ol March S, 0Mnbn for the dtlwnnf of Tat Moss nw umoaux to eitixw mtideoce or place ol IiimIi- oey be aiads by poaul card or through tote boo. Any Imjrularity In de livery ibonld be 'BUMdiately reported to ths office otpabboaUoa. TEIEPBOirX MAEf Mi. WEATHER REPORT. Portland, Dec. 1. Oregon and Washington: Light rain or snow westerly wind. SECULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR MAYOR J. W. SuprenanL FOR AUDITOR AND POLICE JUDGE A. B. Dalgity. . FOR TREASURER John Nordstrom. FOR POLICE COMMISSIONERS John W. Babbidge, six year term. W. C Laws, two year term. FOR SURVEYOR Alfred 8. Tee, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS James F. Kearney. FOR COUNCILMAN FIRST WARD Karl Knobloclc FOR COUNCTLMEN SECOND WARD James J. Robinson. R. M. Leathers. FOR COUNCILMAN THIRD WARD C. A. Lemenweber. COUNCIL AND COMMISSION. There are two rmnts of local gov eminent that require tlie bent and mottt deliberate consideration of tlie Repub lican and Mich citizen as are allied to the present high purpose of that party, and they are the Common Coun cH and tJie Police CbinrnMon. Nol that they are to be considered pre eminent and beyond the rest of the ticket the Republican have put out, but tat they are eential to tlie working out of that purpose and must be confirmed by a majority at the polls that will show the real trend of popn lar feeling in the present premise. Every man miixt be eta.-ted on that ticket, but there must be no half hearted expression n to council and comrni-ion nominee. To tlKte two branches of municipal government the people mir4 turn for financial and moral safety; tfiey are tiie authorita tive sources of control onil their paUnt of authority from the people of thin city murtt le of a certain and inexorable kind that cannot 1 miundentood by any one be he Republican, Deinociat Citizen, Independent. SelWr-Out or Trailer Tlie idea of putting a man on the1 council or the police commission who known antecedent, predilection. moral tendencies, nnl natnial loaning are with tlie gambler, the dance-hall iivin and tiie glitter xirt male and fe male, in Romething a little too serious for contemplation and will be fought to a bitter conclui-ion by the Republican and deivnt citizenry to the liu-t elective ditch. Both bodies nniht be clean and free from reproach of this sort m that what Uiey shall do will, at leat, never be attributed to the predisposition of any of ita members to the lower order of nxnety or U .We that minister to, or patronise them. John W. lVibbidge and V. C. Law may be trusted to up hold the letter of the police law. and Karl KnobkN-k, James J. Robinson, R. M. Ijeatner, and C. -V. Uim-nvneber. with their Kepublknn colleague on the council, will attend to the csmervtive financing of the city ami the ordaining of newsssary law for the moral safe guarding of the people, hile Mayor Suprcncnt. and A. B. Dalgity a Auditor and Polk Judge; Jolm Nordstrom, a Treasurer; A. S. Tee, a Survey, and James K. Kearney a Stivet Superin tendent, will we to the due and hmet administration of m-h edicts as shrill he put forth for the mvurity and defence of tlie populace at large. o YOU ARE NO REPUBLICAN. You are no Republnaa if you fail to register, and if, having registered, you fail to vote the party ticket from May or to the lat Councilman named, you are still no Republican: And the ni aoa will not be wanting for tlie charge. There never t a perid in the JiiMory of this city hen it wan io imperative for party allegiance a at this moment. Tlie community U menaced with a re vulsion to okl-time licence and broad cast immorality and the minority ptrty w forcing itself tV tlie- fifmt ois a dangerous platform of subversion and treachery, and tlie Republican that will stand idly by and ee the thing done, without putting himself in position to fight and down the gang and it rot ten strategem, is no sort of a Republican and not any too goiid a citizen. The warning ha leen sounded daily in the columns and by every loyal Astorian that ha had knowledge of the situation and nerve enough to utter his sentiments; the Democrat- and their barnacle have never denied the accusation either by word of mouth nor by any public utter ance in the pre, and they cannot, if Miey would. You know your duty. 0 INDICATIONS COMFORTING. Public sentiment anent the city cam paign is comforting for the Republican!. so far as it can be ascertained on the streets. There U no newspaper talk ex cept what U put up by this paper, and that indication is one of the strongest at hand, for if the Democrat had any tiling to fight for, that they dared get into the fWVl with, openly and candidly. they would have been there long ago; but tliey are estopped from making a square fight for a "wide open town" by the very nature of the cause itself; what scrap they are putting up i done unl cover, and the evidence tlt)il ooze to tlie surface are few and vague and indeterminable. Public expression on all sides is with the Republican tick- et and program and it comes Trm no vestpocket contingent, either. Stand pat ami tlie day U ours. Don't scratch the tickft at any point, for any reason; The Demo-Demi-Semi fragmentation i on the slide to defeat ami no cushion at the bottom. GIVEN THEM A STATUS. One of the first duties for Congre- to attend to after assembling i passing an act defining the legal f-tatus of the Porto Iiican. They are not aliens and cannot lx natoralizvd, yet the court have decided ttat tliey sre not citizens of the United State, and hence cannot vote. Natives of I'orto Rico can vote at local elections held in the island, but in the United States a I'orto Rican occu pies an anomalous position, being neith er citizen nor alien, but merely a chat tel of the fiovernment. Nor is there any provision in tlie lnw which will permit him to extricate hints If from political dependence on a political dependency. 0 INITIAL SERVICE FINE. General Creely pronounce-, the recent stories about telegraphic communication between Sitka and Seattle a "mass of fiil-ehoods." He says that only two trilling defect in the government cable wt) oWrvcrj, arjl tut these were promptly remedied. The country has at least two reasons for rejoicing over this eiareckion of the missthiementi which have been current. It would be unfortunate to have any serious inter ruption of this service, and tfie cable in question is one of the first of its kind that has ever been manufactured in the United States. HEIRLOOM OF BLOOD. It is proi'iesicd that on the death of he queen the littp state of Holland till give over the vanities of royalty ind liecome a republic . Tlie prestige of the Netherlands passed with tlie achie vements of lilierty. It was the courage, tlie heroism developed in that war against overwhelming odds that made every Hollander a Hercules, and Uiat caused the nations to stand apart in wonder. lVphe the atrocities of Spain, the execution, the holocaust, the mas sacre; in which were destroyed what tlie pererutr! believed to be the let lives of the country, the people seem d to gain fresh inspiration under every outrage and tliey triunivhcd St last, not merely for themselves, but for tlie world for they were fighting for civil and re NgHHis liberty, and tlte principle they declared am thossi which rule tmlay wherever civilisation i confessed. MATCHLESS FOR NUMBERS. Tlie manufacture of matches Is one of the great industries of tlie world. Be fore t.'ie uncivil war there wa not a railroad in the United Stale that would carry them, cither a freight or cNpress. as they were considered too dungerou. They had to be transported by wagon vr canal. But all this has been revolution ized, -lust now the output of the match trust each day in tlie year i 2(M.SI par or straw board boxes, containing from Hi to .VN) matcta each. Tlie an nual product quickly run into billions. The biggest factory in the world i iu Kngland. and belongs to the American corjioration controlling W per cent of our home industry. We also import bil lions of matche from Sweden, Italy slid other Kuroean countries. Japan make nearly all the matches ued in Chin sod their) chapnos and gtssl quality would stagger humanity. 0 UP TO DATE. Sleeping can were introduced on in lerurlmn tndley line in Imliana. thn-e or four years ago, and a buffet tar is now in service on the electric railway which take sightseers from Washing ton to Mmnt Vermm. Inasmuch a smoking H already tolerated in open can during the greater part of tlie year there is little opportunity now left for imitating tiie example of the steam road in provisions for tlie comfort of the passenger. n About this time, a the old almanac used to say, look out for a yielding of Sublime Iirte to the concert of the power. Tlie Turk may make the allied fleet steam right up to the point of beginning business, but in the end he will surrender ti Kismet. 0 Uncle Andrew Carnegie says lamest poverty bhould not be abolished, but up to date efforts to abolish honesty have not been tending in just that di rection. 0 With the advent of the wireless tele graphy some of the old-time trick play ed upon sea captain seem likely to be rendered nugatory. A stowaway from Porto RiiD, for instance who wa caught on a ship bound for these 4'iorcs was returned on a ship lioiind for that in land, by the u of thi new mean of communication. o Water Cure for Constipation. Half a pint of hot water taken half an hour before breakfa-t will usually keep the bowel regular. Harsh ca thartic should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamber lain's stomach and liver tablets. They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by Frank Hart and leading drug-gist. In the near future the Democratic question will lie: "Ate Mr. Bryan, Mr. Hearst ami Mr. Tom Johnson present!" If the answer is ',n the affirmative, the chairman will remark: "Then let the campaign prof-eed." Silver Nickel I !r7 Enamel r watches rnrr Given illLL Teas, Coffees Spices Come H&iht olontf and let us show you how quick and easy you can tfet a beautiful Guaranteed Watch FREE Great imerlcu Importing Tei Co. 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. 1 Firs National M RElORT OF THE CONDITION Or I'llK I At Astoria, la ths State of Oregon, at the clo of business, November 9, 1903. RESOURCES. Loan and discount $319,730.03 Overdrafts, secured anu un secured . 1,144.34 U. 8. Bonds to secure clrcula tlou 12.300 00 llonds, securities, eto 73.30 00 Other real tstaU owned.... 0,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) ...... 13,733.31 Due from State Danks and lUnkers 7(1,837.80 Due from approved reserve agents 210,401.40 Checks and other rash items 493.30 Notes of other National . llanka 403.00 Nickels and cents 00.80 Lawful money reserve in bank vis: Specie $133,500 Legal-tender notes ... 133 133.SA3.00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent circu lation 623 00 Total $832,903.74 LIABILITIES. CapiUl stock paid in ....1 60,000 00 Surplus fund 60.000 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 41,944.30 National Bank notes out standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check .. ..$330,D(W.33 Demand certificates of de posit Ifl7.40fl.ll Certified checks 147.00 808,621.44 Total $S32jC5.74 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop,! I, 8. 8. Gordon cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to ths best of my knowledge and belief. S. 8. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ms this 15th day of November, 1003. C A. COOUDGE Notary Public. Correct A West 1 w. f. McGregor, 0. C. FLAVEL, JACOB KAilM, Directors. REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION OF THE Astoria NationalBaiiK At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, st ths close of business. November 9, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discount $208,334.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 6,194.63 U. 8. Bond to secure circula tion 12.600.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds . . . 760.00 Bonds, securities, etc 46307.98 Banking house, furniture and fixture MUX) Other real estate owned 29,373.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 13,943.49 Due from Stats Banks and Bankers 8,347.17 Due from approved reserve Scent 133.740.41) Checks and other cash items. , 3,450.77 Notes of other National Banks 800.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 1,417-71 Lawful money reserve in bank vixi Specie $01,486.50 Legal tender notes M26.00 63,012.60 Redemption fund with U. o. Treasurer (5 p r cent of cir culation 625.00 Total $ff,4i)3.1.M LIABILITIES. Oapital stock paid in $ 60,000.00 Surplus fund iu.uixmw Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ... 30333.59 National Bank notes out standing 0,700.00 Individual deposits subject to check ....$265,749.05 Demand certificates of de ceit $ 35,016.30 Time certificates of de posit 217,632.30 8189855 Total $024,933.84 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I, J. E. Higgins, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to ths best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. lUlKJINH, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1906. B. Z. FEKUUBON, Notary Public (Seal) Correct Attest 1 GEO. n. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, L. MANSUR, Directors. Accordion. Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. No Burning of Good. Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marqnam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Towa Orders. V Sherman Transfer Co. UENUY B1IERMAN, Manage Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur niture Wagoni Pianos Moved, Huxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President.' FRANK PATTON, Cashier. 0. L PETERSON, Vice PresiJent J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank Capital raid la UW,00(1. surplus and rtullvMsd Proflu MMM0. t tranaaela a General Banking tludnsas. Intrrttl rld on Time Deposits 6S Tenth Street, AITORIA, OREGON. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. r.8TAiiLisin:i lttm Capital and Surplus $100,000 The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper AN A5T0R1A PRODUCT Tale Bohemian ttwrt Iu Tlie Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. 75C PER MONTH For the ORG ASTORA Delivered riht at your door every morning before breakfast by the UEST CARRIER SYS TEM in the country. The Morning Astorian Contains the Latest Telegraph News. Shipping Inteligence, Condensed Local News. Portland Market Reports Real Estate Transactions, Society News, Railroad News, Sporting News. County Official News. Complete Want Columns And in fact all of the News of the Country Watch for the Big Colored taniG Section It you are not a subscriber let us show you our proposition and we will convince you that its the best ever made by any newspaper. Telephone Main CGI for our plan, or if you live out of town write a postal and we'll do the rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager. The Morning Astorian lOth and Commercial i