THE MOUSING ASTORIAX. ASTORIA. OREGON'. FRIDAY, DECEMBER I, ijoj. Another Shipment of Sweet Apple Cider Received today flW ItAVAL ORANGES AND ALL ENDS OF FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 4ST0IUAGR0CEUY i CwmmnIiI 8U Phone Main Ml Voit! Hatch! Fcr tb: tA el A. V. Allen's Crockery Bait wQI hare tie largest and most wapittt liae of chin, crockery, laat ware, bric-a-brae, est il, bar geed, citkry and aQrcnrart cTtr brought to tkk city. Opening 4a U to be announced later. VCilAI SHALL III BE? That Xnia" present problem i bother ing aoany mind just now and to help in the notation we will publish next week lists of present for "Gentlemen," Ladies," 'Boys" and "Girls," present that can b selected from our unusually luge stock. Some of the will be a display in our window this week. Leather good, Xmas cards and Jovel tin. p; ; . ' . :; J.N. Griffin nnr STATIONERY MUSIC NOR MS HISTORY Pertinent Record of the Re-Organ- ized Kingdom. FROM VIKING TO MODERN How the Anglo-Saxon Was Evolved Modern Ruler Differs from Hia Early Progenitor in Physique, Culture, Aima and Governmental Relation to People. Sella More of Chamberlaln'a Couth Remedy Than of All Others Put Together. Mr. Thoa. ueorge, a merchant at Mt. IJgin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Xemedy ever aince it was introduced in to Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do all other linea I have on my shelves put together. Of the many doins sold nder guarantee, I have not bad one bottle returned. I can personally recom nend this medicine aa I have used it yself and given it to my children and adwaye with the best results." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. SOFTNESS OF SEALSKIN. . r... i. Hair Where MM MirmV -" D"raf la Eradicated. M..t.kin la admired the world over for Hs softnese and glossiness; and yet the human hair la equally aa son an iu7 -iu ki.t... .mi the radical cause of all fcalr trouble la dandruff, which la caused t a peeWeroue parasite tnat saps ins -um nf tha hair at its root. Newbro'S Herpfclde la the only preparation that Is fatal to the aanaruil term, wnowi A,vtr thra la no falllna hair, but a lux wtant growth of (lotsy. soft hair Is cer tain. Scouring the scalp won't cure dan druff. Kill the dandruff a-arm. Thous ands of women owe their bwiutlful aults mt hair to Newbro's Hrnkl3e. Sold by laadlna drurglsts. Snd 10c. In stamps a The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St, T. F. Uuria, Prop. "Special Agent" The following unique kit of history lately put out by tha 1 lucago Chronicle is Maid to be authentic a any epitome of the sort can be, and the Atorian reproducer it for the benefit of such citizens a have an inhecent interest the country under con-edenatkin, and for such others as admire such rv-orJ aa lovers of good history. The article in question reads aa follows: The authorities and people of Nor way fixed upon the 25th of November to receive thai ix-w kinlr tliey hare) rhofn to reign, but .hardly to rule over them. He was received with notable pomp and ceremony, largely of a mari time character, which i an altogether appropriate thing. since the Danish prim who i to be the king ha had hi chief training in the l)uiih navy. while Norway ;.- and successful ly conduct a commercial marine' larger in proiartion to it population than any otlier country in the worst. "Norway has hail a curious history. I'ntil about the opening of the seventh century we know nothing of it, save onlv that tht-re www savage pph- there, with small territorittl chieftains, alio called themselves kings or earls. During alamt year, ending in the latter half of the ninth century, there are vague glimpse of the country gath ered from the beginning of the tend ency toward consolidation of small chieftaincies. There was a Finnish ad venturer wiio welded several of them together a arly as the fourth century, but such movements grew only slowly in number and did not endure, until Harold the Fair-Haired, early in the second half of the ninth century, con quered all tlie petty eurk and Norway for the firvt time emerged into authen tic history. .'Harkl's consolidation was one of the world-shtiping event, one) of thoatf which greatly influem-ed vhe now of his tory. Without it there could liave bee no such Great Britain and North Ameri ... i i i. ......... ca a the world na Known ana nn, Many chief who could not know Har olds power would not submit, ami niong such followers u udhrt-ed to him, tbev set out. each for himelf, lie- coming the formidable -ea king, who harried the eoat even to Constanti nople, overran Spain and Fraiu-e and Italy, built up an empire in the Med itHrraneiiiUi region. conquered Iceland, discovered Greenland ami prolaibly our continent, though they left no lasting trai here. "But though they abandoned America, tho- of them who willed down in Normandy luid there the foundation on which expanded the colossal dominion of the Knglish-pcaking race tislay, a governing jieojile, that could never luive b"-n at sill without the mfiiMon of Xore ldoo.1, that nUmdoiiwl it own ciin1rv ratiier than Mibmit to a con- iiieror even of its own rme. Tlii kingiloin carved out by liar-1 oU" pword lated for aUmt .M year-, then it king married a Danih princc-t and their lai-ume king of Denmark la-fore hi- fatlier died, and at the fath er's death the king'hun of Norway. trangely enough, followed the man who thould liave la-en it. king had he not already la-en. by, virtue of hi inoth.r, king of Denmark, of which Norway he- a . came a wt oi niipennage. "Kr more than 4 year, the country reiiiaimil in tlii itualion, lamnd to a kingdom smaller than itself, till the Napoleonic convul-ion tore it liae and cat it into t!ie anna of Sweden, where it has never laf-u content. Now, after ." years of semirvi- tude, it M-ts up for itelf again and ila-es at it ceremonial head a descend ant of the DaiiMi king. wiK were them- m-lve oflicial sticeeirs in Denmark of tta- Norwegian kings during four cen tini'. It i-eems a queer notion that this new kin: -hould take tla? name of the next Micceive nuinla-r of the king of Norwav who married thu DanWi princes (giving king to Denmark) and died in l1, and whon- inndson was deM-d from the Dani-h t'irone in 1 4:19 as if siiis-ewion to thu crown by elec tion were equivalent to ilynatie sue etvnion bv blood. ( harlcs of Denmark, now of Norway is to be called Haakon VII or Hago. as it was formerly called as if succes star by inheritance to llago VI, the king who married the wrong woman, for Nor way, and then Uveal t" bug. If he had but died More hi little ly be- sine king of Denmark how different might have been the fate of Norway. The trim, mild-looking, average ap- leuiiiig llag VII who lsks in his por traits a if he might be a pro-porou tradcMiiiin, i a widely different figure from Unwe of the stein, wariior Norse i hi i tains and Mng of a thou-aml ywir agt. clad in mail, divadod fivm Dublin to t'onstantiiHph and fnun the Italtic to mid Africa, wlio poiirl into the vein of Kunqs a ticiiH-tuUms en ergy that diMiiint both Kinvie and America today. He doe not trike one as of the same heroic race, but he may make a god king eiHHigh. ami Americami will wlh him the cUir eye to se that he ha nsMimed the seepler over a democracy by bloihl and tradition, which yet wa the arciit of "Uie haughty Norman who ha never yet voluntarily laid down either sword or scepter." THIEVES GET DRUGS Steal From New York Wholesale Chemists. HOLD UNION SERVICE ( Astoria Churches Meet at First M.E. Building. REV. MAHONE IN THE PULPIT Pleasant Tbankijivinj Gathering at the Popular Church Very Many Piesent Interesting Discourse on Modern Christian Subjects Local Allusions. EMPLOYEES ARE SUSPECTED Telephone Operator Confeasea to Com plicity in Affair He Was Induced to Take Drugs by Others, from Whom He Received a Small Consideration. New York, Nov. ). Drugs worth from 25,0110 to 430.MI0 have been stol en from wholesale chemist in New York during the Iat few months, ac cording to detectives who arrested two men on the confection of a third, accus ing one of having aitcd in riddling a brunch lanise here of the Mallinckrodt Cliemical Company of St Loui. In court yesterday tlie prisoners de- v-ribed thenrelvea a lxiuis (iears and Fllward Smith. From James Hogun a confessMKi is alleged to have lieen ob tained. The latter wa hekl as a wit nes. Hogun wa oieratir of a telejilMine switchboard in the ollice of the Mal linckrodt Chemical Company. The ot li ar sap they are drug clerks. According to detective. Hogan it said to liave thvlared that his frienl Gear and Smith induced him to enter tlie store room of the company by which he wa employed and aWrai-t two mes of cood. one containing cocaine and the other italiw. The plunder netted Hogan, according to his confession anl the giaajs were transferred by Smith to Geur for a consideration of fHO. Detectives .have la-en after drug thiev es for several months. An immewe amount of stolen drug probity hste Is-en ili.Hst-d of. so they di-clarc. to retail druggist. LAKE STEAMER MISSING. Butte, Nov. .'10. - A'peciitl from Sand Point tac that Harvtv McMurray ami hi lake steamer Idaho, nre rejairt ed lt on Ijike I'end D'Oicilln McMiir ray left Iloe Sunday with a cargo of freight for mints up the river. A search of tla hike is so far without reult, ii ml it is sniiiifri-d the bout tilled with water and k during the Morn. Sun- jv- l-arning. but whether h- da v. Berlin, One., Nov. :. -At yesterday's ion of the tiirilf ctimmission a maun- facturer of u-'iIer akel that the raw material la- placed on a ten per cent laiJti and a snccifie fluty of .VI cent a pair la- placed on the manufac- .illicit-. TARIFF ON SUSPENDERS. The union church servkv at tlx Kirt M. K. oliiirch. yesterday morning wa thoitiiighlv well ailciuhsl by people from all over the city, and tla work of the morning wa enjoyed by all preent. The Thankgiving aennon wu preached bv Hev. I .ut lie r . Mahoiic, and wa a leading feature' of the occasion. Among other thing treated by Mr. Mahone, were tlie Mlowing pertinent points. "T'wnk-gtving i a raon of liappy i-lieer which should he made a hollthiy a. well a a hiditkiy. Thr man who i not found in tlie htu- of the lrd, at h-ast one on this day, or who doe not render to Him the gratitude that belongs a Wh- giver of every gl gift. must have a queer ilea of hi relation to the universe and to the Uo dthat ha showrrn) tlit- hlsiiis uisitl Ii till ft tlie past twelve months. This Thanks giving day. will, however. Iw.niaiked by imiiiy tiilTt-rt-tit forms of expressing our thank-. To a great many -ade (1m featuie of the day will la- the. gathering of tla- family clans alamt tla griHining Umrd, whih to other tlx-y will till the day a the circumstance of ahich tJa-y are iait will permit. "Over and alaive any of these male rial expression Thauksit iug i prop erly u time of pmis and gl feeling, a time of ch-r dcpcndeniv iikmi Gial and the ekim-r knitting of the human tie among friend and families. Opti mism should liave tla- right of way, Hot that blind optimism which recognize lfie fact tlmt evil dj exist but doe nothing to extri initiate it ''How unlike tla optimitic ailinl- are many of the sile of tialay. Bene lit far suraing thoe of lias llehrrw lat are their but how oorly Ihw remember them. Not that tlie power of recollection i goa-, but on memory' row of hiMtks, tla-y hang up nothing but grudges, alight. orrow, disapaiint- mrsit ami the many disagreeable thing of life. Folk who hive tla-ir Gial with all their minds show la tter cn-e in what they hang hi memory's hiaik. The a-aker ake of tlu numerous tiling for which we slaiuld la- tlaiukful ami esjiecially emphasixisl tlie high eth ical standard of tla- people in the vari ous part of the country along tla- re. form line. He commendi-d the action of tla- Sherilf of ( luUop County in the closing of the ilame lialU, puhlic gamb ling, etc. He urged ti'iat the aide not la satisfied even with thes but to push forward the giaal work in the future. "In referent- to tla- world movement he said: "In this great coiillid let Kng laud stand for diplomacy , Buria for Miuer, Germany for learning, Italy for art. Frani-e fia culture, and China for numla-i's. But ht us nun-iiila-r that bigties is ii it gre;Lii-., that bulk i not hoina-, that pifcev is nut villue, that wealth is not world. I lu r. imc, let AiiM-ricii ta ml lor power, wealth. land for these or not, let iter l Hid lii'st ami fore mot for character, for international and ii-tMilitiriil justice, for the love of mercy, and fir the nearer dominion of the 1'iincn of I'eai-c." One Number with every $2.50 you buy Our Piano Contest All in Need of Suits Overcoats.Underwcar, Hats, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, etc., Will Do Well ;to Trade with Wise. WHETHER YOU GET THE PIANO OR NOT, YOU ARE SURE TO GET "GOOD C00DS" AND SQUARE TREATMENT. ASTORIA'S REMAHM. CLOTHIER The Benefits of Modern Plumbing:. Tbj One of the mott generally , approv d ideal of modern Dlumbint W that of imtallint one-piece lavatories supplied with hot and raid mnnins u-aier In the slemin. snJ a 1 r roenti and dreiiing chambcri of the indi vidual rncmbcri of the household". The benefits derived from this arrange ment will not only be found neceuary to modern living, but also prove source of convenience and comfort to the occupinti. Send for a copy of booklet Modern Lavatories' which show the complete line of Sta4e4 One-piece f a u e star it a tatifW air narv wm si raw wis-s in '4 f a f akafll t ai bsa v m v I I v ! sss wvuaut J. A. Montgomery, Astoria Hiart Fluttering. I'lldigeslisl fiaal and ga in Hie stom ach, located just la-low t'ie heart, ureses iiuaitist it and cau-ss lien it DS'ier rfuest4 madCj'palpitatioiL U'lien your h art trouble! you in that way take llerluiie for a few-1 lavs. You w il mam lie all riitht 5(h- I a liotLlo. N'l'l ly I lux oiiig "lore. lined were: A live a-r int increase in llie duty on wiaalworking mai-hiia-ry and metal working tialj a ten per i-nt in crease in the duty on chaks and the removal of the duty on certain parts of clock not mane in lanaua; an incrcasr of ten per cent on stove ami laait polish es, and a 15 ia-r i-nt increase on ink. Beet sugar growers and manufacturers again ak for an Increased but unpeci Ced protection. Good tea, good coffee, best baking-powder, best flavoring extracts, best spices, pure soda, tt fair prices and moneyback. bchilhngs best, at you rocer's. CHANGE OF TIMS The Baltimore k Ohio Railroad Commencing Sunday, November 1!), train No. 6, the Royal Blue Limited, will leave Grand Central passenger station, Chicago at 5 p. m., instead of 3:30 p. m. end will arrive in Pittsburg at (1:33 a. m., Washington at 4:40 p. m., Baltimore 5:50 p. m. Philadelphia, 8:19 p. m. New York 10:40 p. m. the same aa with the old schedule, thus reducing the time one hour and thirty minutes. No excess fare will be charged on this fast limited train. All other trains will arrive and depart the same as formerly. Stop-over is allowed at Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, not to exceed ten days, at each place, on all find class through tickets. Our Great Removal Sale of High Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are selling wall paper at prices lower than you have ever seen it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. B. F. Allen Son, c,mmtuis.. V Y Cll II I CM Z3 Uccr. ASTORIA IRON WORKS A. 1 FOX. Vice Tree. ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK.Treal JOHN FOX, Pres. and Huyt. F L BISHOP. Secretary Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOlXITEO. Foot of Koun Met