The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 01, 1905, Image 1

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    Mmmm fc &toriwt;:;i
- '"'' ' ' ' yOKJr WOVS THC MORNINa rilLO ON Tell LOWth COLUMBIA
T7 TH IiiiiTTr nnmi pinrn nirill"5 t"
S K HhNKY AS! ,,,,., . W N HH'JN hVhN
New Liberal Government
May Follow Meeting.
Sum Vmmi, Nov. M.-The ce of
Captain W. V. lUrU of tli United
State Engineer Corp. rllng from hi
fllillllf 111 llcUle lllltUlll glSxl, aliieh
lie ImmikIiI fx Orient on ft trim-
M.., Iih I!! Willed. At III" time
Hull' uU were confiscated and he
w fined three limes their value, or
nearly '2om. T.'iU w done by order
of the circuit court. The was !
is-alcd to thf United Stele Supreme
Court, wrldi upheld the deol-lon. Col
lector of iiMi.iii. Stratum he now re
ceived ti order from Ui TYanury !"
hi rt unlit to urn to Hart fl-'ITO of
hi fine end the god-. Their value of
IU57, U to l retained.
Understood (ha Premier So Wish
es and Invites Concurrence
of Colleagues.
In Spit of Statement that Sir Henry
WJ1 Ret Tak Offlc at Thli June
tore, Balfour! RoUrement and HU
Acceptance ta Considered Probabla.
Alpena. Nov. 30. The steamer Ferdl
luiiid Schlesing mil ahre at Fele
Picsiiic, during the storm lt night.
The Umt U resting eay ami th hull U
in j(ood condition.
Cornell Plays Better Game But
is Defeated.
Continuation of the Present Conditions Would Mean
Nothing Less Than the Industrial Death ot
the Russian Nation.
Jlonatei Matting Bell la Carnejit Hall
in Hew York.
Xew York, Nov. 30. In ck-bratin
of the 2-"jOth anniversary of the landing
of the Jew in America, a noting wa
held in Carnegie .hall today, at which
addres.w were delivered by ex-President
Cleveland i.v. Higgins, Mayor Mc
Clellan, Bi-oop (Irwr of the Episcopal
church, Mayor Suliberg and Rev. Dr.
IVesidcnt Roosevelt who m unable
to attend, ent a significant letter. Vice
President Fairbanks teVgrai4ied hi re
gret and appreciation of Jewish char-
iter. Jacob SchifT presided and Dr.
Frank Damrosch wa in charge of the
muical progrMn.
Addre were in congratulatory
vein and reference were made of the
reex-nt atrocities in Ruwia, a one of
the UiK which have beset the Jewish
people, but which had not daunted their
spirit nor stopped their march to ue-
crw. where political condition permit
Powers Abandon Hope of
His So Doing.
Undon, Friday. !w. l.-Notwltli
Standing the repeated assertion of the
Ufo-raS, that Kir Henry Cainpliell, of
Ikmimi. will wt take oflli
at tM Juncture, it U mw p-nerally
IflirvrU t)i rult of tJie Cabinet meet
ing ti n lield UUy, will e Uie herald
ing of tb liberal (k.vernmrnt, with Sir
Henry a Premier.
The ndli-tal aiiiMHinreuient of Uie re-
Milt of tiiday'a meeting, will likely I
ilelayed for a few day, but the Aoci
tcd l're iinder-tand that llalfour, In
tlmaled to hi pollepie. dcire to
leave the. oltire ami invite tliclr con
TU proble re-dgnaUon U the !ov
rtnimnt. will be announced Wedne-day
by te King, aftw a rweting of the
llivv lVumil Tueday. Sir Henry ac
.epton. of the Uk I regarded
fmfpme concluNio.
Dulutii, Nov. 30. Three men lot
their live in the acow, (leorge HrlMr1,
which ran ahore at Two Iland. The
otln-r two men www eaved.
Fa.erlv Seized the OooortunitT to Spread Report and Wild
Rumori that tb Mutineer! Were C omplet. Victorioua Amorfc Soldietf,
and Sailori at the Capital and W hen the Government Realiied the Mit
take of Suppretainj the !lewoM it Wa Too Late to Rectify Error.
Boat Containing Men Crushed
in Ice.
Multnomah Victorioat Over the Oreton
Unlvereity Eleven Orf,on Airlatl
tural CoUeto Team Too Strong for
Waihinfton Univeraity Other Camea
Philadelphia. Nov. 30.-Penmylvania
hnbiy defeaUil lmell, in the annual
fiHttlmll game by a Mire of 6 to 9, the
mirrow margin of th goal deckling the
coiitet. It ii only afUr Cornell,
weakml bv the nulxtitution of plac
er", that Pennaylvania wa able to rroH
the Ithacian'a goal.
After an hour of play, during which
time the vWltor held Pennoylvania In
clMvk, ami really outplayed them, on a
change of gaU after touchdown,
Ytinylvania aided by a atifT wind,
gradually forced the ball down the field
for a touehiktwn. Hotli rea were
nuule in the aeoful half. Pennsylvania
did lMt play with fche acruntumad dfcth,
while Cornell wa in miNrb condition.
AhAilk X. C, Xov. 30.-Chan
flWn defeated Jamea Parr, middle
weight, at wTctling tonight, for the
chunipioiiHlilp of liio world and a M
of ltHHl.
Honolulu. Nov. :I0.-A. C. I.. Alkln
ami, Mwtary of the territory of Ha
waii, now In WaxhingUm, say that un
der tlm ruling mitle by Pre'ulent Hoo--vilt.
CommiiMtiom'r General of Immlgra
linn Sargent wid allow the teiritiiry of
Hawaii tn Import aited Immigrant
except Chiiu. Thi ruling will rewilt
in tiie organwition of a territorial board
of ImmtxrratloB. ' '
Tlie augar plantationa will pay the
exiene of tlie lniMrtation of immi
It in rented tliat Mr. Atklnn will
renign aa secretary of the territeay and
that he will lie ent U Europe a agnt
for the new board of Immigration. Hal
Ian are most diacuaed here M de
alrable rla of Immlgranta.
Chicago Beeti Michifan.
Chintgo. Nov. .H). Chh'ago, 2', Mich
igan, 0. I'ndiMputed honor of the West
ern fiaitliall chauipioihip wan earned
today by Chicago, by the cloe M-ore of
two pointa, earml on a safety touch
down iu the ieeoiiil tialf. by the splendid
work of (aptain Catlin, of (liicngo, but
alo on account of the poor judgment
of Chidk, of Michigan. In trying to run
buck of a punt of Krker-nir, which
Uui ly reached the Michignn goal line.
fie wa thrown against the line by
Catlin, after throwing on two of Chi
cago's tackier, ami two point, tla
safety touchdown, was recorded for
(Tiiingo. The ganiw wa devoid of smv-tiM-ulnr
Multnomah Beats Oregon.
Portland, Nov. 30. The Multnomah
Club eleven made a touchdown againet
the rniversity of mvpm team Uslaj-,
after seven minute of almost perfect
playing. Oregon was wholly unprepared
for the whirlwind trick play and line
buck of the clubmen. Multnomah
kicked the goal, making the score 8 to
0, which stood to the end. AfUr the
first onskwight Multnomah' play aeem
ed U lose steam, ami Uie lino wa
St, Petersburg, Friday, I-e. 1. The
ollicial dipatchea announcing the crush
ing of the mutiny at Hebaatopol ha
raised a great load fnan the lumrt of
Wilte and hi atsociatew.
Yesterday the Cabinet considered an
even greati-r problem, the general strike
of the teb-graphers whWi ha complet
ely jatralyited the Intertor-nimmunlca,-tioii
of Hh" empire, and which if con-
Hiiiieil, will mean nothing else than the
industrial death of Ruwia.
Runrors are thick tonight that W'itte
ha decided to sacrifice M. Durnovo, Uie
acting minister of Uio interior, whose ac
tion in discharging tha leader of the
employee, brought on the strike. It i
la-lieved, however, Durnovo will be giv
en a final opixwtunity to m tify the er
ror. The situation at St. Petersburg
was extremely tense yesterday.
In the absence of definite information
from Scbmdopol, ,,,f 'W't runior are
in circulation The revolutionist eag
erly eid the opportunity to spread
report that the mutineer were com-
ph4nly vk"trimis among th soldier.
ami sailor here.
When th (iovernment reoogniaed the
tactk-al mistake that had been made, in
holding up the new of the vk'tory at
KcWtnpol, it wa too late to undo the
shot wi!n she displayed a white flag.
Following this she caught on fire and
is still burning. Schmidt waa captured
Kaullstr telegraphed during the night
that 1300 mutineer had surrendered to
the Brest regiment, and that the bar-
track were occupied by troop.
Other Nations are Evidently
Waiting for English
England Does Mot Believe Other Powers
Mean Bcaineaa, and for Thia Staso
It Sa Quito Probabla Demonstration.
May Proceed Somewhat Indefinitely.
Mutineer Leader. Capturtad After thej
OtchakoO Surrenders.
St. Petersburg. Dec. 1. The admiralty
announces ihaving reeeivel a telegram
from Cem-cal Kaullau, containing a
dispatch from Admiral Chonuknin, at
ScbastojMd. which state that after tol
erating the seixure of four torpedo
iMmts and small craft alM.ut the harbor,
by the mutineer, and the rapture of
tlie ollii-er) of the battWiip Pantelci
mon, it wa resolved to adopt ener
getic measure ami prevent the situation
from being worse.
At 3:30 Wednesday afternoon the
Held artillery opened on toe cruiser Ot-
chnkotT. commanded by Lieutenant
Schmidt., and on which were the cap
tnml oftWr of the Pimteleimon, which
Schmidt threatened to baisg, if he wa
fired on. The OWhaVofT fired barely ix
Commuaicatioa Shut 08.
St. IVterdiiinr, Nov. 30. Oommunioa
tioii aith the outile world ceased thia
aftermion, when a strike waa called at
tlie general telegraph office. By a ruse,
however, the management succeeded in
re-opening the cable, shortly after 6
o'clock. When the strike went into op
eration, many of the Rutan operator
were reluctant to leave but a walking
oVlecato smashed hot Die of hydro
chloric acid on the floor, and the fumes
soon drove 'the men from the key.
Close to Million Mark.
New York. Nov. 30. Thanksgiving1
contribution to the amount of over
fctf.OOO, were made today to the Russian
relief fund. The total to date amounts
to $970,000.
Commander Sinks Ship.
Sebastopol, Vk Warsaw, Xov. 30.
During the battle between tlie rebel
and loyal vessels of the Black Sea fleet
a mining hip, carrying 200 Whitehead
'torpedoes and other explosive, waa sunk
by ber commander, who feared he would
be struck bv a tlll. Some regiment
with artillery have arrived from Odessa
and other place.
Emperor Not Attacked.
St. Petersburg. Nov. 30. Wild ru
mors to tlie effect that the emperor ha
i been attacked ami one of the grand
duke wounded, i in circulation today.
The Associated Pre, on tlie authority
of a memlwr of ilti majesty's entour
age, U enabled to deny the rumor.
Lock-Out at St. Petersburg.
Rt Petersburg, Nov. 30. It is esti
mated that 100,000 workmen are locked
out In St, Peterburg. The Cabinet ha
definitely re-olved to raise the state
of martial law in Poland. ThU will
probably be announced tonight
One Man Left Boat and Crawled on a
Large Piece of let and a Moment
Later the Craft Was Struck and Sank
the Man Shortly Disappearing 7-
Vnncouver, Xov. 300.-Eight men
were caught in the ice at a jam at Coal
Greek, below Forty Mile, October 28 and
drowned. The men left Dawson, Oc
tober 25 in a scow for Circle City,
whence they intended to go overland to
Fairbanks A person wiho arrived ot
Dawson yeterday, reported the boat wa
seen to strike a jam about noon, October
228. Tha ice waa heavy at the time
and the iam piled up. One man got out
of the eoow and started to crawl over
the ice toward the shore, A moment
later the acow was crushed and the man
on the ke disappeared. The party lost
waa composed of B. F. Sinclair, Jamea
W. Sullivan, John Lund, C. Johnson,
and four others whose names are un
known, but one of whom is thought to
be Alexander McLean, a former oars
man of this city.
Vienna, Nov. 20. Xeue Frie Press
savs tlie mutineer at Batouin, have
smed the Austrian Lloyd steamer and
are holding it for ransom. Count Gol-
luchowkl ha protested to the Russian
London, Xov. 30. While not officially
admitted, the powers do not expect Uie
Sultan to yield a the result of the oc
cupation, of Mitylene, it wa stated tha
plana for the next step are not arrang
ed, the other power waiting forEnglish
proposal. ' i' . .
The foreign office informed the As
sociated Press though the British Gov-
eminent did not know exactly what
length the other power were willing
to go, it U certain none of the powers
wer willing to resort to actual warfare.
ThU view make it quite possible the
demonstration may proceed somewhat
indefinitely. The Government received
information from Sofia, through official
source, that the Macedonian committee
haa Lued practically an ultimatum,
that unlesa the derooaatratioa of too
power can be carried to a successful
oonsclusion, th revolutionaries art pre
pared to creat a situation certain to re
sult in war( between Turkey and Bul
Eureka, Xov. 30The crippled steam
er Roaknoke i making alow progre
toward Sail Francisco, but presumably
will arrive there tomorrow. Great dif
ficulty i being experienced by the crew,
in rigging a jury rudder to replace the
rudded and tern pot. hl n t,,ft storm.
held through tlie re't'of the game by
tlie University, . - '4
- ,
, ,Jl gon Farmers Too Strong.
Seattle, Nov. 30. The football team
of tl Oregon Agricultural College de
feated the University of WaHliington,
by a scor of 15 to 0, one goal by straight
line bucking being made in the first
jhalf ami two in the second. Oregon
team wa too much for the Washington
line. Washington excelled in kkking,
but in every other department, Oregon
Another Football Victim.
Bridgeport, Nov. 30. During a masa
piny in the game of football between the
local football teams, Leo McXamy had
hi spine fractured and i not expected
to live. I
. -w j
Yesterday's Results on the Gridiron.
At Portland Multnomah, 8; Oregim,
At Chicago Chicago, 2; Michignn, 0.
At Seattle Oregon Agricultural, 15;
Wahington, 0.
At Salem Willamette, 18; Chcmawa.
Baseball Scores Yesterday.
Ix Angeles Low Angelee, 5; Tacoma,
San Francisco San Francisco, 0; Se
attle, 1.
Bakersfield-Portland, I; Oakland, 2.
Annapolii Xov. 30. Except for the
announcement of Uie verdict after it
has been passed on by the Secretary of
the Xavy, the Meriwether trial, in-o-far
a the public is concerned, is at an end.
Today will be given over almost wholly
to the arsnnnent of the counsel. James
M. Munroe and Lieutenant Commander
J. K. Robinon, i-poke in the defense of
the accused, and Jialge Advocate Marx
and United States District Attorney
Rose, for the prosecution. At tlie con
clusion of Rose' addTes the court wa
cleared and the consideration of the
verdict began. 1
St. Petersburg, Nov. 30. Th most al
arming indkation of the spread of dis
affection In the army is given in the
arret today at TVaifff Selo, of a
number of soldiers belonging to the Yel
low Cuirrasieurs, Huzzars, and Life
GualrtL-i for pre.-ntirg ption in
cluding one against the use of troop
for police purpoe. The regiment are
those selected by Trepoff for th guard
of the emjieror and family, and counted
loyal, even to willingnesa to be torn
to piece in defense of hU majesty.
Misoula, Mint, Xov. 30. Lost in th
Mission mountain, hemmed in presum
ably by deep snow, with little hope
.held out ft hi recovery, if he is atill
alive. L Uie; present perdicamenV of
John Corron, one of the bet known
young men of Missoula County. Five
day ago he started out on a hunting
expedition with some friend. While
after game he became lost in th hilla
and he not been heard of. A poss
left this morning to scour the noun
the mountains.
Philadelphia, Xov. 30. The Central
railroad of New Jersey ' Xew York
flyer wa wrecked at Stony Creek
near Mauch Chunk, last evening. The
hitest information received by th As
sociated Press i thnt the engineer and
fireman were killd ami about a doe
of Uie passenger injured.