The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 30, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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t4-tM4tM4-t 144444 Mi 44 4t44H444l4444444444-tt :
By Epe W. Sargent, Copyrl(h t, 1905, by Epei W. Sargent.
I I M44-H t mH H t l 44 1 11444 M B4-V44M 44444144 144
i.ina In Hatl.1 TImisiiI f'aatlnll ft
WIIIW Ma 11a as ft . mm ' -
Hitli rmbimiiMHl "You Mm. the tilnco
Isn't flioj up very well, tut I nan-n't
had any on to attend to thin for a
"Help la bard to g-t," admitted (Irac
"Hut I'm yery lucky," ruunui'iitml
Jtuiiiilc, n-Kiirdiiig tlm I'Muit liulr Unit
jmi-mi iiii(It the dainty hat. al
ways lutil liked brown.
"Now, atHiut my lu.f,M mil J lu girl
IrNkly. "How mut ti tto yoti ayT"
"1'our dollara a wevk," mild Jlinrnte
)roui)tly. "I pay yon a certain sum
for e iMuaa, aud you llnd all material.
It'a Wtttr that way tlmii having to
couie to me all the tlm for iiiumy."
"Hut lau't tuiit very little, evt'U for a
bea-tuner?' ah asked.
"Tbat'B the regular price," assured
jlmmle. "Four dollara a we and f 10
for auppllee."
"I iiertr would use all thnl." an
(asi4. "I don't auppo1 you will need
more than a couple of dollara a wwk."
"Oh. yea, you will," declared Jlio
Bile. "Tn laat girl couldn't art along
"with that. en. Hue uaed to touch me
for mora a?ry Friday regularly; ncrer
could Imaglna what ahe ImugUt with
"8he muat hara ben very hard on rlb-
bona," auggoatM Mlaa Uorham. "Roma
tlrla art. Krtn at that, abo abouldn't
up $10 worth."
"What have tha rlbhona t do with
the ?iprhNr asked Jltuuila rurloualy.
"Hli' rvuldn't spend It for paper." e
plained Mlaa Oorhotu. "You could not
possibly use mure than a lx a wwk.
The rlbbona are about all else aha had
tO get "
"Oh. no." ha Interrupt!. "8h had
to get aud meat aud thing like
Mim (j-irhnm roae. her face a bright
crimson. "I did not cyme here to ba
ioaultml," she said Irlly.
"You came to see about a place," he
"A atfnographrr" "he finished.
"Aa cook." Insisted Jlmmle Bnnly.
"I distinctly told them to Bend up a
Tli hall boy anld It waa tare
flights up," ahe weut on.
"What bua thi ball boy to do with
Itr he anted curiously. "I never told
him I wanted anybody."
For unawcr. alie drew a clipping from
her iHxkeibook. It wna an advertlao
nient for a stenographer and gave the
bonne nddreaa, but no name,
Jlmmle Immediately Itecnme con
arlmi of hla droning gown. It waa
all right to tnlk to cook In drpaainjr
gowns, but a Htef.oKrophpr-and "W"
a pretty one!
I'm Korry." lie mikl humbly, "but
It'a the fault of t'nt blame boy. H'
meant MImh Curt wriglit acrosa the hell.
I believe ahe write."
He showed her in the door, but to
aurprlup nh started down Uae
of meeting him before. Jlmmle'a data
became a atupor, from which only the
announcement of dinner roused him,
aud he waa half way to the dining
room before he really realised that the
vInIoii of the morning waa leslde hi in
ami wua aaylng aometblng to hltn.
Ashamed to acknowledge that lie had
not beard, he anawered. "Yea" at ran
dom, and Immediately beeia aware
that be bad an Id the wrong
They were removing the nh platea
In-fore he had the courage to ai-ek to
peuotrote the Icy air of rewrve
w hich ahe had wrapped beraeir.
"What wna It you naked me when
auld 'Year " he ake leaHM-ateiy.
"Didn't you underatandT ahe coun
ter qtieatloned. uiiliendlng a trifle.
To be perfectly frank." bo aald hon
rally, "I never heard a word. I waa bo
aurprUed to find you here that my
head was In a whirl."
"My rather baa a theory that bla
daughter ahould be capable of her aelf
auport I am to have the old home on
Madlaon avenue If I can get and hold
a iMmltlon for three month. This morn
ing waa my flint application."
"Hut what was It you aakedT be
"I aakud you If you really thought I
looked like a cook," aha aald, with a
little laugh.
"And I aald 'Tea,' " be cried contrite
ly. "What a fool you muat have taken
ma forr
Then you admit your mlatakef' aha
aked amlllngly.
What JUumle artawered waa not to
the point and wholly unworthy of re
rltal. There are tlmea when even a
confirmed bachelor may grow suddenly
f.wiuh atiil through that dinner Jlmmle
would hava rivalled even a college lad
milking love to hta flrat widow.
a Imoortant converaotlon. and
one more worthy of record, waa held a
few weeks later In the Goruatu U
"You aee. I am at aca again on the
servant UfNtion. The girl drank ev
rrj thing In the houae that was bottled
ven the cooking sherry."
"tt'hv don't rou go and live at 1
boteir she aald. "Now that you have
roma Into all that money through the
sale of your western proerty, you do
nnt need to keen bacnetor nan on
dnitsrs a weuk for all material,'" aha
I've a better Idea than that " he de
c-hired Berlmialy; "on my aunt gava
me. I think I' hire a houaeKeeper
"What will rou Day bcrr Bbe de
manded, her eves twinkling at the
memory of Jlmmle'a aerloua parody on
"liiive and affection aud other valu
t,ln roiisldcratlona. aa tha legal docu
menu aay," be answered promptly.
Ami aa vou were an applicant for a
place yon ehall have flrat chance will
you, dearf He had dropped bla ban
ter and bla voire had become danger
niiatv tender.
"I think I'll have to." she anawerefl
shvlv. Then with I sudden flash of
humor, "If only because yon look ao
forlorn when your room a hava been
servantleaa for a week."
"The bleaatnga of Cupid ba upon the
mistake." aald Jlmmle aomy. "I minn
I'll a-lve that hall boy t'. because I
kicked him for making yon nncomrort
able that morning." Which waa an
eminently nrartlcal termination to a
proposal by aa oddity like Jlmmle.
f('iTTil-n to anea mood, and as ton
the aword waa Inhibited this raltfit
have lnen thought autnclent to keei
them from the ItattleOeld. Hut i'ot bo.
They adopted the mace. Though they
could not cut a man'a throat, yet nngiit
they break bla bead. Ho Blabop Otho,
half brother of William, fought along
alde of the conqueror at the bitter bat
tle of Ilaatlnga with great effect, the
brotbera lelng. aa you may aay. "a pair
of nutcra kera."-Notea and Querlea.
Kim Fiam-l-ei. Nv. 2.- An explosion
wliidi det roved a building at 10 rt.
Clisrh-s plai-e, off I'acille t-rurre4 early
llil. morning siul nmrly sjierifleed the
lives of forty im-oi1 who er? in the
lion-. lalor Sellinp-r and his v.ife,
Aiiifii-ta. Helliii-r, were bwlly mingled
snd are being treated at the Kinergency
hospital. What caused expIot-Km
is a mvstery. The is.lii are inclined
t think it wa due Ui dnmniite tired
in the prenii--.
Son Lost Mother.
"ConaampUon ruts in our family,
and through it I lost my mother," writes
K. B. Reid, of Ilarmony, Ma. "For the
oait five years however, on tha alight
t sign of a cough of cold I hava taken
Dr. King's Ne,w Discowery for Con
sumption which has saved ma from
serious lung trouble." Bis mother's
death waa a sad lose to Vt. Ried, but ha
Uarned that lung trouble must not be
nealected. and how to cure it. Quickest
relief and cure for eoughta and eolda
Price 60c and $1.00; guaranteed at
Ctarlea Rogers' drug store. Trial bottle
Tim great J Urn urn circus will cro
the Rockies shortly the first time in
its history.
A cynii-al Kansas editor remarks that
some engagement end iiappny ana
some in marriage.
Misa furtwrlaht la Junt across the
ball-on this landing." be called after
l-I don't think I want the place,"
ahe cried, struggling to keep back tJj
team. "I don't wuit to worg Iiere
And ahe went her wny coiihcIouh. even
In her onger. that ahe wna rotner sorry
tlint Jlmmle bud not wanted a atenog
riphcr. Kven In a dressing gown Jim
tnle was an attractive fellow.
Aa for Jlmmle hlmaclf. he kept think
Ing alKiut the pretty typewriter all the
mirn!n and even tne arrival or a wen
recommended cook brought no aolaca
tn hla mind
v.ven a telephone aummons to dine
with bla favorite aunt did not give the
..I.....,- it usnallv brought even wnen
that kindly lady admonlahed him to bo
nenmnt. aa she bad invuea a parucn
i.ri sttrsrtlve young woman on hla
account "Better get ber to run the
bouse for you," ahe laughed, Juat aa aba
hung up ber receiver, "you nave aunn
trouble with aerranta."
vnr a moment Jlmmle did not recog'
nlte her In her fllmy dinner dresa. He
was merely conscious of a rlslon of
loveliness to aomethlag aoft and green
.. i.i it miirht have been blue.
VI " - .
Then a cool, aelf poisessed tolca re-
IttMrtlif OaAUate.
Aa a aoeclmen of what candldatea for
parliamentary honors In England nave
occasionally to put op wiin rrom ueir
auniMirtera the following little Incident
la worth recording:
Vlaltlng a uorth country colliery aur
Ino- the men'a dinner hour, a certain
candidate wus advlaed by hla agent to
ask "old Hen." a aupportcr who hap
pened to work at the pit, to aay a few
words to bis mates.
After aome llttlo persuasion tha old
man agreed to addreaa bis fellow work
men on the candidate a behalf, and this
ta whnt he aald:
"Weel, mates. I ain't a goln ter tell
ve aa we've gotten a real straight, fair
honest candidate. You knows as well
as I does na thecr ain't no slob thing a
an honest politician breathlu'. How-
mimever. I've heard both candidates,
and I've nicked out wot I think la the
best of a sorry pair! Ye'd better vote
for him, chaps! This," Indicating the
by no menus comfortable condldate-
"thls la Mmr
That waa all.
The Soft Asintr,
Rneaklnff of bad handwriting, a Lon
don bank cannier told tbla story of bis
encounter with a clergyman wno came
tn a furr to comn lain that bis written
Instructlona had leen Ignored, says the
London Chronicle. "Really, eir, your
hieroglyphics completely baffle" be
gan the caBhler. -liierogiypnicsi
ahouted the clergyman. "Blcsa my
heart!" (he was a cautious apeaker).
"I won't hava my writing queatloned
Rend for mv nnss book. I'll close my
account." Then from tha cashier came
the Boft answer, "But between acholara
the hleroglyphlca ahould be a compll
mpnt." The clcrcrman reflected, laugh
ed. "All right," he said. "I don't want
that pass book." For he had reracm
ha "hlnrnfftWitea" denote aim
in 1 1 11
ply the hnndwTrfffla: of priests the
scholarly caste.
Aaelest t's at the Msce.
The ancleut use of the mm Intro-
. A- I. al.ln liislaitflU
mm Dcttcr a
e single
cup of
Chapped Hanfla.
Wash your handa with warm water,
dry with a towel and apply Chamber
Iain's Salva juat be for going to bed,
snd a anecdy cure ia certain. This
,lva ia also unequalled for skin dis
sse. For aala bv Frank Hart ana
leading druggista.
Vak-ntine Tarpley, a citiisen of Uuis-
iana. Mo., HO year old, claims to have
lie longest whiskers in hhc world. They
meaoure eleven feet, ami the old gentle
man is very proud of them. For many
ycara he ha kept hi beard plaited and
when he die ho want it to be left in
it elongated beauty. A dime museum
manairw once offered him a large sal
ary to go on exhibition, but he refused.
Golden Gate
than a whole pot
of bitterness.
Sold only in aroma-tight tins.
San rranclo
frrfcxirn'c nnrnA MnTTQTT 1
IL L. E- Seli Lessee and Manager
'0 SPICES, o
UMhttPiiVr. flMilflwr,
"The Power of Love "
A carload of scenery, furniture, etc
New Specialties
Price! Reserved Seats, 60c; Gallery, 25c
Seat sale opens Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at Hoefler'a Candy Store.
Are you lac-king in strength and vig
or 1 Are you weak? Are you in paint
Do you feel all run down 7 The blessing
of he J tii and strength come to all who
im nollister Rocky Mountain Tea.
35 cent. Sold by Frank Hart.
Ciood advice to women. If you want
beautiful complexion, clear akin,
bright eye, red lips, good health, take
Holliater'a Rocky Mountain Tea. There
is nothing like it. 35 cent, lea, of
Tablet. Sold by Frank Hart.
Our inoomea are like our hoei; if
too email. Uiey isJl and pinch ua; If
too large, they cause us to atumble and
to trip.
The main walla of many of the boua
, in Mexico are from three to six feet
thick, to withstand earthquake shocke.
Man's Unreasonableness.
la often as treat aa woman's. But Thoa.
Austin. Mr. of the "Reublican- oi
Lovenworth. Ind., waa not unreason
able, when he refused to allow the doe-
tors to operate on his wife, for female
trouble. "Instead," he says, "we con
cluded to try Electrio Bitters. My wife
wss then so sick she could hardly leave
her bed, and five (5) physiciane had
failed to relieve her. After taking Elec
trio Bittera, ahe was perfectly cured,
rl can now perform all her household
, ties." Guaranteed by Charles Rogers,
druggist, price 60c.
Dan 1'aU-h will never again meet an
other hone in a content, so hi owner
A Disastrous Calamity.
It is a disssterous calamity, when yon
lose your health, Hoauso indigeetion
and consumption hava snipped it away.
Prompt relief can ba had in Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They build up your di
gestive organs, and cur headcahe, dix-
ilntM, eolio, constipation, etc Guaran
teed at Charles Rogers' Drug store j Z5e.
rest to the oaat and Boutb. Making
do connections with trains oi ail
transcontinental Ilnea, passenger are
given thtr cholct of route to Chloao,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleana
and through the yolnta to the fai
Prospective travelers desiring Infor
mation aa to th lowaat rates and beat
route ar Invited to correspond with
tha following representative:
B. H. TRUMBULL Commercial Agent
141 Third St, Portland. Or
tern Kldnev
i Cures In
I m a s S..
Has), ,.ir wngure
rBar th asM7'Uraj
Let Me Tell
You Something
Traveler to the East, I have a word for you:
There are through Pullman sleepers, both
Standard and Tourist, going East from the
Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes
they travel via Rock Island System for a good
share of the distance.
You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and
Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco,
Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island
will land you in Kansas City, St Louis or Chi
cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at
all three cities for all important points in the
East and South.
Or the traveler via Northern route can take
the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St Paul
to Chicago.
Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies
best meals on wheels.
a. h. Mcdonald,
General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third St, Portland, Or.
tf g OS
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art . . .
Wc take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
Wc take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
Library. .
The J. S. Dellinger Co.,
Makers of All Kinds of Books
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street
I ttUni)srailematiB3sttM;aiatt se