WID1TESDAY, NOVEMBER g, 1903. THE MORNING ASTOMAtf. ASTOMA. OREGON. HIS HUNTING TRIP By Troy Allison, Copyright, 1 905, by Troy Allison. The eligible bachelor braced hlmsolf pffaluat Uit shock aud stood It Ilk a Hian. II bad been wanderlnjr. along the country road fur lislf an hour looking fur a fluid that mta-tit rov ilia liMIng place of uiany rabblM Ik.mi thing omirrnl. Krvtn liohlnd a lilnpMn.il nl utono fewe that Ki'pnriiliHl tin Held from tin Adjoining wimmI a girl i-aim running iH'lluii ll dlnt-tly lulu tit vlitfUtl bud. elor'a arum. lit got one glimpse of a frlgtitfiiod tutv before she hurlid It In tbe rough ness of bis bunting coat and clung to bJm frantically. "lie's aftw met" alx (naped. Tbi man's face grew atrrn, be brought bla gun Into a more available position and fixed bla eyee on the cor liar of tbe four wbere tb- girl bad flrat appeared. There waa a rattling of A tHirVL TBAaidHU CAI.P STOOD DUTOItt MM. dead Icavfa-more notse, be thought, than on tnan'a fnt could posnlbly pro due lit ellgllila bachelor bad never before had an opportunity to play sVilgtit errant, but he suddenly fell blmai-lf longing to kill tbe econndrW wlto had frightened thla girl. There waa another acurry of leaves, anf, then -a playfol yearling calf atood before hint, prancing In Uie awkward way peculiar to aportlng calves, with an eipreealon In Ita eyea thnt aeemed to wink at the ninn and aak If be dldc". see the point of the Joke. Th eligible bachelor stared, then let hla gun fall to the ground. "Oood Lordl" be bowled. "Waa that what frightened youT The girl hnd wriggled out of bla arma and atood behind him, peering around blm for a aafe gllmpaa of the enemy 11 ne naa already knocked yon aown once and waa trying to do l fain I don't auppoeo It would he so funny to you," she aald resentfully, ev Mently not appreciating hla ecstasy of inirtn. He sent the calf down the road wltfc few warlike gestures and turned to look at her. amusement still lurking In bis ryes. - Mie find aentcd berself on a atons and wna pinning up a torn place Id Der skirt. "Home people ran laugh at nothing. ahe suld Idly, fitting the elgea of tbs torn place together. The mnn looked at the amall face, rosy from the frosty morning air, an noticed the short brown hair that made little curls around her forehead "I'm a brute to Isugh," he aald pen ljently, "but It wna so-or-sudden. Ho was lu ilnnirer of offending again. He took his hnndkerchlcf to brush the mud from her dress. "You are evidently not accustomed to the n V" lie queried, smiling. 'I Imve never bud such close, ae qunliitnnee with one before," alio said "I live In the city and am down bcM to g' t at ring. I urn boarding at the fnrrtihoimp Just nbovo here." "I'm down here on a little bunting trip," he mild, not adding that bo eras also taking a rest from being hooted during tlio season by tunncurerlDg CiaruinuM. "I wonder If (!iey would jive ine dinner at your furmhoriseY" "I'tii sure they would." Phe ex tended the hospitality of a fao-ipltnble country. "It's the first bouse you come to, and they' are named Jonet you can't forget It If your memory It any good at all. I'll tell them you are coming to the 1 o'clock dinner." She had repaired the damage to ber skirt as best she could and atood up to go. "I will bring some rabbit If X can they arc good for Invalid," letting bit eye rest again on the Iktle, short, boy Isb curia that made him wonder 1 se were alxteen or twenty. "Maybe yu will accept them as a peace offering and forgive me for laughing." A hint of shyness In ber eyea iradt him understand that her resentment waa really a reaction from tbe embar rassment of having rushed Into hla arma, now that her fright waa over and the cause at a distance teemed to trivial. She gure a regretful look at the torn place In her skirt "I uever ahaJl be able to mend It ao It woa't show," ahe aald at tbe left blm. Tns eligible bachelor was nsdita- tire aa he climbed the etoae wall wage war on the rabbits. Now, I wonder," he mused, "If that Utile girl la ao poor that a torn placa In a blue terge skirt can worry her! It's a shame!" lie strode through the tangle of briers and dead weeds thoughtfully. Next day the eligible bachelor's valet went back to town, and bla waster e tubllshed himself as a boarder at tht Jones farm, with only guu and ault rase for bsggnge. The gun wss In small demand. There seemed much more pleasure In Jogging along country roads mounted on clutn sy farm bontea and helping a girl re gnln her strength. Hhe I nUd mo tin) and dainty perched u; imi the bit: h rt that the eligible bachelor vowed U himself that be bnd never seen au equestrienne In Central park that com pared with bur. "Wouldn't It be Just lovely," ahe he gan one day when they bad stopped to regnln their breath after a bounc ing race on their largo limbed steeds. "If one didn't have to work for a II v Ingr Ills mind flew to hla bank account, enough to laat several generations if a man could only get hla threescore and ten extended that long. "lo you find teaching ao terrible T "It s not the work." She grew con fidential. "It's that I want to man; things-pretty things like tome women have." "Might a mere man ask what these things may bo aa applied to your own desires r "Ob, a sable neck piece and a muff, a lovely brass bedstead to sleep on some long, wrinkly gloves and some soft, trslly dremes; lots of violet wster, manicured nalU, a French maid" "Hadn't you better wait till I call a atenographer?" be Interrupted. "Hut wouldn't It be blissful to have them?" she sighed. "I wonld give my torn walking skirt to thu deserving poor and not bother about It any more," ahe wound up ruefully. He let bla face assume Its most dole ful eapeet. "I wlh I hnd all these things to of fer you." He broke a twig from th hedge with a vigorous cut from bis rid Ing whip. She sst suddenly erect on ber borse, and be watrhed ber from tbe corner of bla averted eye. "A poor dog of a man feels that bt has nothing to offer a girl," he con tlnued morosely. Fhe looked at blm hesitatingly. "I don't want all those things so dread fully much," ahe aald abyly. one'worn'by ETtySen 800 yean ago. It of pure gold and weight nine marka tlx ounces (focrteen pounds) and It adorned with 63 sapphires, 00 rubles, 1 emerald and 838 pearls. The crown of the king of francs la a circle enameled, adorned with precious atones and heightened up with eight arched diadems, rising from ae many fleurs-de-lis, that conjoin at the top under a doable floor ds-lla, all of aoll Chambers Journal. WkiTW Lebelee Teraa Red. Tersona living at a remote distance from the natural home of tbe lobster think that red Is the original color of that species of rruxtaceau. The natu ral hue, bowevr. Is green, the beauti ful bright brick color being the result of boiling to which such creatures are subjected. Two explanations for this change. In color are given, either of which appears to be tenable: Their shells contain a large imr cent of Iron, and the boiling process oxldlzea that mineral, the change belug almost ex actly the same aa that brought about In burning a brick. Huch a chunge In the color of a lobster's shell can be brought about by the snn's action, but never while tbe lobster la living. As a rule, however, the sun's bleaching Influeuce consumes the oxide almost as fast aa It Is formed, leaving tbe ahell pure white. The second expls nation Is tbst the original green color is due to the blue and red pigments, the blue being aol uble and the red luaoluble lu boiling water. When the lobster la boiled, tbe blue pigment la dltnolvcd, leaving the red to color the creature's shell. rsreleee Abaci Moat?. An eccentric character of pioneer daya In California waa a lawyer named Lawrence, an attorney for the firm of rainier, Cooke & Co. "After a night of drluktng aud gambling Lawrence one afternoon called upon Palmer at tbe bank," aaya Thomas B. Fartab's "Gold Iluntera of California." "ne waa dressed In a gray flannel atrirt and overalls, a broad brimmed hat with a belt containing two alx-shootsrs and a bowle knife arouud hla walat He In formed Palmer that he Intended to leave on the afternoon boat for Bacra mento and the mlnea. "Why do you do thatr Inquired Palmer. 'Because I have spent all my money and must earn more,' aald Lawrence, who never kept any account of how he stood at the bank. 'Why,' aald Palmer, ou have not spent all of your money, euro ly. It me tee.' And, turning to the book of dally accounts, be continued, Tou have a credit here of $3,000.' 'Have If asked Lawrence Incredu loualy. 'Yes, ao the books show.' 'Well, then. I will uot go decided Lawrence, who returned to bis office and his prac Oce of law." 0e View o Jo J0roa. Of one phase of Joe Jefferson's char actcr a writer In tbe Outlook says: Ho was IntcrcMted In the lighter phi loHophlca. The work of Prentice Mul ford greatly attracted him at one time. He had bad remarkable communica tions, as be believed, from the. other world-enough, at any rate, to convince blm thnt there was another world and to make him confident that ho should see again those he loved. He was a wonderful optimist, always cheerful always looking for the brightness of life. He once told the Spectator that In all bla thousands of miles of travel he had never been In a railway or atenmshlp accident or seen one. The last letter which tbe Spectator received from Mr. Jefferson was reminiscent of their earlier friendship and closed with these words: Itow time ffota on. so heedleas of us all! What a abort lived creature Is man (my salt exceptrd-by ths byt, aeventy-flve nsxt birthday)! In a few years w shall bt sweat little angels, wines and all, and, as the old gambler said on his deathbed. "If ws meat. I'll fly you for Till then, sincerely yours. J. JEFFERSON. tome Crswaa. When Emperor Napoleon I. was crowned king of Italy at Milan, May 23, 1805, he placed the Iron crown of Loiubardy upon hla head with hla own tands, exclaiming, "DIeu me I's donno; gnre a qui la touche" (God hat given It to me; beware who touches It), which was the haughty motto attached to It by Its ancient owners. Tbe Tlungarlan crown, worn at their accession by the emperors of Austria 1 kins of Uncgary. Is the identical The BsrUI of th Llvls. From evidence difficult to dlxpute, It tppears that lu the O-lcxtlul empire old, Incurably dltcuHed and hopelessly depraved persons are frequently burled alive to rid the community of the bur tittu ana repotiNiulllty of tbelr care- taking. This arrangement Is the re sult of a tiuittisl uu lerstaudlng, tbe victims nwutlni; to and ut times as slHtlug lu the prellmlu.iry ceremonies. Tbe uimse seem to lis re been rec ognized by the hlKhext authorities, and thu burials have certaluly been con ducted with the Huuclhu of tbe ruling powers. Creat preparations are made, and there Is much ado and sometimes a r-how of grief, but a great deal of the lutter U evidently perfuuetory, aa there Is an all around fveling of sat isfaction on the part of the spectators and more or Icoa complaceucy on ths mind of the victim, who Is comforted by the assurance that he la fulfilling a tradition and will earn tbe respect of Is ancestors and gone tiefores. r n p8 CURED) DY FOLEY'S HONEY AUD TAR Obttlnats, racking Coughs that maka four bead ache, your throat and lungs ton and Inflamed, that rob pa of sleep untO jour system becomes ao ma down thai you ara In grave danger of Pneumonia or Consumption, are quickly cared by Foley's Honty and Tsr FOLEY'S HOnEYMDTIR soothes and heals the Inflamed air pan asgea, allays ths fereiish conditions, stopa ths cough and prevents ssrioui results from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR la ths only prominent cough medldne oa ths market that does not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and on this account is safest for children. It It unexcelled for Croup and Whoop Ing Cough and will quickly curs ths racking cough which follows measles and leaves so many children with weak lungs unless properly treated. Remember ths name Foley! Honey and Tar and refuse substi tutes that cost you the tame as tht genuine. Do not take chances with sons unknown preparation. C8as6&s?t!&o Tbrittiaii C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champtaga, IH., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought 1 had consumption. I tried a great many rsmedlet and I waa ander ths cars of physicians for several months. I used an bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar; It cured me, and I have not been troa bled since," Three i!set-25c, 50c, $1.00. Ths 50 cent site contains two and one-half times aa much as ths small tlss and ths $1.00 bonis aim t sis times as naJu SOLO H3 EECSMMEIOEO BY CHARLES ROGERS, Druggist, Constipation, Health is absolutely taposslblt, if eoneUpatlon be present - Many serious eases of liver snd kidney complaint bava sprung from neglected constipation. Such a deplorable condition is unneces sary. There Is a euro for it. Uerbine will speedily remedy matters. C A. IJndaay, P. M., Bronson, Fla. writes, Feb. 12. 1802: "Having used Herbine, I find it a line medicine for constipa tion. Sold by Frank Hart TKis is ih,e, kind of Sioi$ for wkickiKe MTIONAL MAGAZjNE is paying $10,000 TIQHFD'Q ADDIA XI A f TCI? 1 ii L, E. Se!i& Lessee and Manager MISS GEORGIA HARPER COMPANY OF 18 PLAYERS ONE WEEK COMMENCING TUESDAYNOVEMBER 28 TONIGHT. too DimcciT ' I la a rKnWula w Mm u Prl4ti I HUH ow iatrc Mr av4iMtin. a Taaf antra. Kit n tt laimrtkH twmiy. om fan nctnt awa aM ftoJaUaa at ar, Tlw ; old Mr at ktr V n tab ltl.. ir nr t . w la L OMUlBi-W.UfMt Tint h mri v."; ,.14 rt (W. t'""i "T'i I vm mA m r) pW4 u (by wll. Do (y&iz, know of abetter oste Wa want little itorie. anetdotH. b:t of iy cliyiii nuuuia or buuk Uut tuu nude uu rw any c upturn IU40 a n ThinK, Laih cr Cry Boprli!l ba girnt (or tl;? t wlc tiuna. in plrt o4 ailwr d .lUii at high at the lir.t tui auucuJul comit.tura att tl dm awardv Tht only condition for etitcruig thitcom fjetition 1 thit )ou wnd nh joiir clipping joc. tor a i itKiri'hV trial nuuimpunn to tl.a Natloawl Magazine Aadresa, JOE QIAPPLE, Editor OORCHCSTE8 AVENUE. GAY PARESIAN A carload of scenery, furniture, etc. New Specialties Prices: Reserved Seats, 60c; Gallery, 25c. Seat sale opens Saturday rooming at 9 o'clock at Hoefler'a Candy Store. Let Me Tell You Something Traveler to the East, I have a word for yon : There are through Pullman sleepers, both Standard and Tourist, going East from the Coast at frequent intervals. Over two routes they travel via Rock Island System for a good share of the distance. You can go by way of Ogden, Salt Lake and Colorado, or you can go by way of San Francisco, Los Angeles and El Paso, and the Rock Island will land you in Kansas City, St Louis or Chi. cago. Direct connection in Union Stations at all three cities for all important points in the East and South. Or the traveler via Northern route can take the Rock Island from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. Rock Island service is the kind that gratifies best meals on wheels. a. h. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, xso Third St., Portland, Ore. JUST A MOMENT! V V V We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING VVc do it in AH the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . . Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. Wc take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and return to you good as any new book Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library The J. S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building Corner Commercial and 10th Street