THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1903. THE MORMG ASTORIAN' Established 1I7J. Published Daily by TSX J. S. DELLUTGE2 tOMPAHT. suBscsipnon sates. By mail, per year .... By mail, per month... By carrier, per month. $7.00 .80 .75 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in ad ranee. .$1.00 Entered m Mon4claM matter Juo II. Iftft, at the poatofflce at AMorts, or- rrai, nnaer toe act 01 congress 01 juarra , VOntars for tit Mwim of TBI Moax im urroaiAH to ettimr rrmwmoe or place uf Imm oar be mad by postal card or through tela boa. Any IrTrjrularUy In de (tar should be maioliatetj reported to tbe offloe of publkarioa. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. your beet conxiJeratiua and promptest actum, as loyal citina and partisan. WEATHER REPORT. Portland, Nov. 2$. Western Oregon and Western Washington Wednesday, rain or snow. Eastern Washington and Rut era Oregons Snow, poiul part rain. REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR MAYOR J. W. SupresanL FOR AUDITOR AND POLICE JUDGE A. B. Dalgity. FOR TREASURER John Nordstrom. FOR POLICE COMMISSIONERS John W. Babbidge, aix year term. W. C laws, two year term. FOR SURVEYOR Alfred S. Tee. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS James F. Kearney. FOR COUNCILMAN FIRST WARD Karl Knoblock. AST0RIA1TS EVERYDAY HINT. Have you registered this nun-ninj;! (r any other morning? If ut, you are re' mi in your duty to the ' Republican party. There- mut 1 no delinquen t's on the part of any of the member of tbt party at tbi election. There i too much at stake. The IVtnocrat and their attached fragments, are not to be given all tV leeway in the coming eon tet. There work for every Repub lican in the citv, and he mut be in position to do it. promptly and trior mghlv. llon't av vou he mt Iwn warned; this paper tun done it duty in forcing t hi matter on your attention una any failure on your jMtit, 1, purely and simply, your own Incite, and rour the re-WHniliiIitv and the hs, IVpster now, while the matter warm in your mind. 0 SAME OLD DAGO WAY. IS FOR COUNCILMEN-SECON'D James J. Robinson. R, M. Leathers. WARD FOR COUNCILMAN THIRD WARD C A. Leinenweber. AN IMPORTANT DATE. . ' December 13th, next, Is an important date in Astoria. It U the date upon which will be decided the result of the City election, and also the result of the June election. If the Democrat and their adjuncts capture the poll next month, they are in a very definite position to control the cards in June. There in much in what is known an the "elemental effect" of elections: Give them control of the city, and they pos sess the leverage with which to over turn the Republican status in June. Your Democrat is no political fool; he knows the value of the smallest pres tige and uses it to perfection. He has taken charge of this municipal contest not so much for the local advantage to be derived from it in the way of of fices and officer, as for t!ie necessary and weighty, influence it will give him in June. With the municipal dub in his adroit hand, he will make himself invincible next summer, when he shall go before the people and say fie Re publican have relinquished their alleg iance to the vital doctrine of municipal government und have pus-cd up the ftituation to more lileial himN. Look to St vnn Pplillliliimw W illi' m iilt' Vdlll' selves on the cleanliness of your admin istrative platform and the wholesome wmmen of your politics. The Demo crat? are hot on your , trail and will seize, with skill and avidity, upon the slightest blunder you make. This is no small, by-election of little or no im portance; it is a real, auspicious, genu ine affair of public concern and demands President Catn h ehnnsvj hi mild. Instead of continuing his refusal to pay France the second installment of the Plunder award, he now savs he was ready and anxious to pay all the time, but President ixxihet failed to end around on collection day for the cash. Hence he has Wn in a terribly embarrassing position. The money was just burning hole in his pocket and he couldn't sleep o'nijzht for fear that someone might think he was trying to get out of paying hi just debt. Then those French warships in Veneuelan water looked so naty. To relieve his mind, the good and great Castro ask American Minister Rusell to please be so kind a to take the money and turn it over to France. Thus endcth the second chapter. 0 SAILORS ARE SAILORS. Score of British tars were missing when Prince Louis' fleet sailed away from New York lad week. The depar ture was delayed for a day or two in order that the delinquents might be rounded up by the police, and about a thousand were thus reclaimed from the attractions of the Bowery and other places not so well lighted. But when the last moment came, many were still unaccounted for, and tlie prince left them behind to suffer the hardships of deserters. Some of them will doubt less become American citizens and a few will drift into our navy. Other jackies beside our own are given to de sertion, ill thus appear. Salior do not take their duty so seriously as they once did. 0 WHOSE GOT OUR SHARE? The stock of gold in use as money throughout the world on January 1, l'JOo, according to Director Rolxrt of the United States mint, was approxi mately $5,000,000,0(10. The amount held by banks wa 3,H4.tiOO,fH0. The Sta tistical Abstract gives a table compiled by experts and approved by the mint authorities showing that the total pro duction of gold in tlie world from 1493 to 1!K)4 was nearly 111,700,000,000. It is probable that the gold in circulation at the date of the discovery of America amounted to more than a billion. Thus it appears that upwards of 60 per cent of the world's supply during the last four centuries has been consumed in the arts or lost through trade. King Edward wa hurt while hunting, but it was only a sprained ankle. 1 this country we do things more thor oughly. He might have got a bullet through hint had lie been hunting here. 0 There i Tat making anti Philippines tariff speeche in the West, Just as if tho Republican attitude oa the tariff wa not irrevocably in the custody of the lVuitK-niU of Massachusetts. 0 Pipnocirjjo CVaigrmsnic! are) indig nant at the suggestion that their coin Inittee aalignment lie rut down, but it look as if the voters and not Speak er Cannon, would be to lhtmr. 0 The Southern evangelist's posit iv .statement that Boston is hell will hsv to wait for confirmation till it is seen whether he is able to come away or noi There is a chance also for the Senate Commerce Committee to deliltrrately misrepresent lYesident Rooscvlt on rail road rates, if it is deliberate enough. 0 MAY CALL BLISS Committee Would Like to Know About Contributions. Ncsv York, Nov. 2!t. Cornelius N ItlLss, treasurer of the Reupbtican Ne tional Committee, i likely, it in alleged to lw called bv tlie Insurance Investiirat ing Committee, to testify regarding th campaign contributions, by the big com panic. Tlie investigating committee ha not lecided just alien to call Mr. Bliss, but mot of the member are said to feel that he should be asked to tell what moneys he received from insurance companies, hollowing tlie declaration of Senator I'latt that these contrihu tiou. were made, the committee ha heard from all quarter demands that the question bn probed to the bottom Mr. BlLs would make no statement last night regarding his receiving money from tlie insurance companies for the campaign committee or his testifying before the investigators. The investigators will continue their examination of New York Life officials t the morning session. The Mutual reserve may be taken up in the afternoon. The committee will continue it ses sion until the last Friday in December. Then it will take a recesA for the own ing of the Legislature, after which it will return to this city and spend two or three weeks getting the report in shape for pre-entation about February 1. USEFULFACTS About Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Troubles, Given to the People of At toria by Our Draggist, Charles Rogers. RIGHT IN SOME CASES. James J. Corltt, "Ontleinan Jim," is also out for football reform. He says he never had the courage to play the game, and that, compared to it, a prize fight "is a mere Quaker meeting." "We pugilists," he adds, "go through battle after battle without getting seriously hurt," As to himself, he "has only one star," and that is where he was vaccin abed. And when he declares it is a cleaner game to fight with fists than with feet, what he evidently means is that, under the rules, a prize fight is fairer than a football game played with foul blows. 0 YOU KNOW THE BREED. A St. Petersburg correspondent says that Professor Milyoukov, who is run ning the Moscow Zemstvo Congress, and lremire Witte, who is running the country, both acknowledge that they learned politics in America. Profesor Milyoukov served hi apprenticeship 111 Chicago. "In conducting a large drug busine-s we naturally mee4 a great many people ut this seawn of the year who suffer from coughs, colds and bronchial troub les. "A these troubles are easily con trolled if the right mean is taken we want to say to the people of Astoria that we guarantee our end liver oil pre paration, Vinol, will cure hanging on colds, stubborn coughs, bronchial and lung troubles, quicker than any pre paration of cisl liver oil ever compound ed. It contains no oil or grease to ting tlie system and upset the stomach, yet it doc contain every one of tne fifty odd medicinal elements actually taken from freh cods' livers iu a highly con centrated form, and is therefore the best cod liver preparation obtainable. Vinol is not a patent medicine; every thing in it is named on the back label of the bottle and you know what you are taking so without reservation we indorse and guarantee Vinol to strengthen every organ in the body to do its work as nature intended to cure coughs, odds, brondiial brifiihUf, in crease the appetite, build up the run down, tired and debilitated, and cTeate strength and renewed vitality for the aged. If Vinol fails to do what we say we will refund every dollar paid for it You know us and know we will do as we agree." Charles Roger, druggist. RE10RT OF THE CONDITION O TIIK First MM Bait At Astoria, ia the State of Oregon, at tc$, CarrUgci Baggage Chcckrtl and Transferred Trucks and Fur) Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN. Manager the dose of business, November 9, 1903. RESOURCES, Loaaa and discounts $319,730,061 Overdraft, secured anu un secured 1.144.34 U- 8. Bonds to secure circula. tiou 12.500 00 Bonds, securities, eta 73.3H0 00 Other real estate owned.... 6,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 13,733.31 Due from Mate Banks and Hanker 7fl.837.S0 Due from approved reserve agenta 210.40l.4fl Check and other cash items 493.30 Notes of other National Banka 405.00 1 Nickels and cent 00.06 1 Lawful money reserve in bank vut Specie $133.54)0 Ugal-tendcr notes ... 1.15 135,653.00 Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer (a per cent circu lation 625 00 niturc Wagons Piano Moved, lloxctl and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. O. L TETERSOXV Vice-President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. -Astoria Savings Bank rar'tal FaM In llflO.000. Surplus and t'ndlvlded Profits U&.0MB. TranwrU a Ueueral Banking llunluraa. I ntermit I'ald oa Tims pepnslte 168 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. Total ltf52.SW5.74 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ... 50,000 00 Surplus fund 60,000 00 I ndivided profits, Iea expen ses and taxes pa;d 41.044.30 National Bank note out standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check .. ..$530,968.33 Demand certificates of de posit 167.406.11 Certified checks 147.00 693.521.44 First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. I'STAIH-ISIII I) IKMU. Capital and Surplus $100,000 The MORNING ASTORIAN Total $S52JW5.74 State of Oregon, County of; I, S. S. Cordon cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Aunscrined and sworn to before me this 15th day of November, 1903. C. A. COOUDOE Notary Public. Correct Attest: w. f. McGregor, Q. C. FLA V EL, JACOB KAMM, Directors. 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIE Astoria National Bauk At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business. November 9, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and dicount $208,334.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 0,194.55 . S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.300.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds ... 750.00 Bonds, securities, etc 46.807.0.8 Banking house, furniture and fixture 4.4H5.2.') Other real estate owned 29,375.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 15,943.40 Due from Stat Bank and Banker 8447.17 Due from approved reserve agents 133,740.40 Checks and other cash items. . 3.450.77 Notes of other National Banks 800.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 1,417.71 Lawful money reserve In bank viz: Specie $01,486 50 Legal tender notes 1,520.00 63,012.50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation 625.00 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Tale Bohemian iWr Utut In The Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. r Total $R4.033.8 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .......$ 60 ,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ... 30,835.511 National Bank notes out standing 0.700.00 Individual deposits subject to check ....$205,740.65 Demand certificates of do- osit $ 35,016.30 Time certificates of de posit 217,632.30 518,398.23 Total $024,933.84 Best Liniment oa Earth. Ilenry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water Work, Shullsburg, Wis. writes: "I have tried many kinds of lini ent, but I have never received much The correspondent does not j benefit until I used Ballard's Snow Uni say where Witte got his training, but the American newspaper reporters who were at Portsmouth last dimmer know. Chicago's n"W poMoflictt building ex cites universal admiration for the gen ius of the architect whi' li enabled him to devise a structure marvelously adapted in every detail to any other purpose than that of a postofflcc. ment for rheumatism and pains. I think it the best liniment on earth." 25c, 60c, and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take llollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Ilart. Good advice to women. If you want State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, sit I, J. E. niggins, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. E. niGGINS. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1905. E. Z. FERGUSON, Notary Public. (Seal) Correct Attest: GEO. n. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, L, MANSUR, Directors. Accordion, bonburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. Ho Hot Iron. If o Burnlnj of Goods. Miss O. Gould Eights Floor, Harquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Gives to all Ont-of-Tows Order. 75C PER MONTH For the MUG ASTORIAN Delivered right at your door every riiorning before breakfast by the Li EST CARRIER SYS TEM in the country. The Morning Astorlan Contains the Latest Telegraph News. Shipping Heligence, Condensed Local News. Portland Market Reports. Real Estate Transactions, Society News, Railroad News, Storting News. County Official News. Complete Want Columns And In fact all of the News of the Country Watch for the Big Colored Comic Section Ii you are sot a subscriber let us show you our proposition and we will convince you that its the best ever made by any newspaper. Telephone Main CGI for our plan, or if you live out of town write a postal and we'll do the rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager. The Morning Astorlan lOth and Commercial