Ill' OOVIR THK M0RNIN9 PIILO ON THE LOWI OOLUMIIA UBUtHCt FULL AttOOIATIO PRIM 0T VOLUME LX no. mrrrux ASTORIA, OREGON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 1905 1 " ' f ' , r.- , . " " I - - a A M .44444444444444444 ' 1 H v I I II I " A nv nv I il u i t u ; LHOI UHI U STORM SWEEPS THE LAKES Many Vessels Wrecked With Loss of Life. LOSS IS A MILLION "IfetODINTS SUSPENDED AND fa 4 I I f i Club ROUS CLOatu. Twrnty-fWe'Jsrtudent of the Mt. Uwin University, Wt Canton susliended ,W th ftuty fif . Canton yUurday, having lw ted M. . 4 , j.ariicipetfiig'Jn lli recent di- 4 4 turbtm. Thl prsctlially wipes wit th fb-U Fraternity of the 4 University, nrty 11 the u- 4 pewknl student being Member ml tb faculty ha ordered tin ilul house closed. Mitufi Oocs Ashore on Lake Superior aod Crew is Frozen to Death. FIVE DROWNED FROM HERBERT Worst Stora la Yuri Sweeps Over the Great lakea Ml Adjacent Country- Shipping Wricked or Forced lato Har bor Terrific Gale, Biting Cold. GRACE 11 EIP 1 MUTINEERS FORCE GOVERNMENT TO SHOW HAND lhihitii, Nor. Thrr big steamers the Madura, the R. W. Kngland, and the Crescent .City, were driven inhere durinir a terrific gl todsy, In sight of th lltrhtiiou at Om Duluth cutanea to the harbor, a im! some of the 27 men on the Mstaafa are believed to be lot The ship U a total Iom. Ilfr anidi-nt U the roo-t un(ortunUi of any of the three. tJb W airwind ut north of the jlef of th harbor entmnr. whera ihn were weif-ln oMiiplotery u-T her. 1h ( rrnt City, a Uw flrt to Kn e;roiind. 8h went on the rwk At, and the cr evH vitlMit Injury. The teanMT i a total iwlc. TIm IjigUnd U lying on the ml lr I Minnesota Point, four mile eouth of ht bux entrance. He w U "'e. TH revet U lylnT In Uie end and in danp r of going to ple"r. Caablt t S etc in Crew. HiUiiukee, Nov. M.-A dpatrh from Sujierkir, Wlecoooin, eUtee that the life Mvrnt or unabte to gH th crew off the m-kel eteamer MaUaia which went Mhir thenp todey. The boat ha brok en in two, but th dr-ke are rfill out of th witer. It y ttwught that SS men are fnwa to WUi aa there U no ilne of lifn tn board. Million Dollars Damago. 8t. I'aul, Nov. 2H.-A apexial from Pu rial ti ay thej mow (imtfKV Hejiiert. va oiink off Two ixUniU on, the north hurt, ami it U ri-ixrted that five are driwii.'.L The Hteel Corporation' KtniiH-r MuripoNi l eaid U bo aehore on Split Hock. The dnmnge of the etorm h climats at a million dollam. FIRST SETTLE SUPREMACY THE PUT OUt THK FIRE Chicago Suburb Bat Two Department ad Rivalry Between New Organ itatioo and "Old Timers" (aaaaaat Chli-aso, Nov. 2H.-If a fire nhould break out in Clenooe, a auburb of Clil- mim. tbn auction of aupremary of two rival faction, eaoh claiming to tie the uthorU'd fire departmetit of th vib lajje. wouM have to be deeiuVd U-fore Hie Are roulil be put out. The old fin department orjoinization hn Invd in eltenc for ten yeare. A new one w fornwd recently but the old tiiiim" rrfue to le dUpbwwl and detkre lluy will "get to" the fir ep- paratu flmt in ra of fire. The new appoints eay the nu-mber of th old ilepartment are Inrompet and tliat the new aplK.intem by virtu of their ennlt from Uie vlllajf board, havo tb oh riht to Unlit fire in Olenco. Uv the avtem In (ilenoo each mem ber of th department U notified by Ulphon of tli Br by the operator, at the Gb-neo eehanjfe. Kach organiia- tin hi (ive th ojrator ordrn not U call up the other ib-jMirtment in can f fire. Rebellious Sailors Have Full Confidence That Guns of Fleet Will Not Be Turned Against Them and Play a Waiting Game DOUBLE TRAGEDY EH ACTED IK TENNESSEE SALOON . Knoxvilk, Tenn., Xov. 2S. A double tragedy occurred late ' butt ntht in a Mhioa here. Two ' white men. J. G. Kdwarda and JL ' Lutbrell, ' who had previous ' 4 trouble, met at the bar, Edwarde with an knife in one band ' 4 advanced on Luttrrll and before ' 4 Uie bitter could aboot, had Inflict-) 4 cd nix wrioua wound on Luttrell ' After th eecond hot Edwarda' fill dead. I-utUfll will alo die. ' V1LVAUKEE 10 Official Announcement Is Made of Extension. OFFICIALS HESITATE TO ORDER TROOPS TO FIRE ON COMRADES UNCLE SAY SAYS NO hie of Pines Betonis to Cuba and She Will Not Interfere. Yet tht Starving Out Process Would B a Long and Difficult Ona and tb Government Is 1 a Dilamnu Tslepaphers Inaugurate 5U1M at awscow and Meeting of labor Leaders Is CalW to Consider AdvsabiUty of Making tb Strike General Has Already Spread to Other Cities. SWtCT TO CUBAN LAWS Secretary Root WriUs Latter to U President of Aawricat Club, la Wbiek Ho Sutes that Teas Who Disregard the Law Ar liable to Puntahjnent. MANY SHIPS WRECKED Terrific Storm Rages Over All of the Lakes. IVIroit, Nov. 2.-Uke SiiH-rior from Duluth to the Nio, the upper end of tlie pcniiiHula of Mk-liigan, the upper en.U of Uke liiuroea and Michigan and the lower emintiea of Iwer Michigan were awept Uutt night and today by a tr rifle ittorm and a number of whipping ac cident are reported. The bllxMird raged la velocity of from forty to dxty mlW an hour, and Uie harbor ar filled with shipping which (Continued on pago 8.) VEIN SEVERED AND NECX 4 BROKEN. . . 1 4, Micb' 'or. 28. Tils 4 Juglar vein eevertd and hi neck 4 broken the dead body of Frank 4 !V. Noetael, aged 2, waa dls,- 4 covered early today lying near a 4 4 railroad cronning. Noetael, bad 4 4 gone out bit in th evening, to 4 4 polWt bill amounting to I20U. 4 4444tt""" Va4dngUn, Xov. 2.-Th admlnU- ration ha (bodied tlie hope of the little band of American eIonlU on the lIe of line, who are working for wparation from Cuba and luclukm in the United State. Secretary Hoot Unlay made pub lic a, b'tter U Charlea Maynard, preei dent of the Amerkn Club of the Ile of Tim', stating that there wa no pro cedure by which Maynard and bU MK'iate wiild entahli.h territorial guv- eminent. The ecretury ntalc tW Uie Im law fully a pert of Culm and Maynard ami aamiclatfit mere Iwund to oliey th laws of that country a long a they remain in the Wand. The secretary udmonMie Maynard that if tliey fail in that obedi ejuv, they are liable to prueecutlon in th Culmn court ami punishment Th aecretary add, in hi Judgment, th I'niW State ha no claim to the Uie. and conclude by saying that it la certain Cuba, would never consent to giv up the He, and th United Btate would never try to compel ber to, againet her will. PRESIDENT WILL ENDORSE. Promibes to Recommend Measurt ,to Secure Funds for Jetty. Portland, Nov. 2fW.-In a mewag to Secretary J. B. Ialr, of the Board of Trade, Judge C. H. Carey, who i at Wahington aiting Senator Fulton to mtr fundi for the jetty, aaks that a memorial of th project b sent at once. Hi meflge renil: "Prepare and tend to Senator Fulton memorial relating to jetty. Treident agreea to indort and gt. Petomburg, Nov. 28.-Tbe laat day of grace) aooordod the mutineer at Be- bjtool expired at mhlnlght and there an no lun of surrender on the part of th men. Tim rebellion sailor are pbjylng a waiting game, and apparently thev have full confidence that th gun of the fleet will not be turned against tbem. If. they have, not actually dis regarded Uie summon to haul .do w Uie red flag, they aeem determined, least, to make the authoritie ahow their hand. Officials la Dilemma. Whether C.enoral Nepluff, command- int- the fortrew will dar to accept the challenge and atak tb discipline and lovaMv. not only of th troop at hi dipoal, but of the whc4 anny, U, however, dobutful. Dispatch Irora a core of garriona in Rumti show the land force of the emprr in a state of diontnt, s ml any order to th troops to fire udoo their comrade Wight poa- aiblp precipitate a general and wide spread mutiny. On th other nana u would b difficult to atarv oui w sailor by a regular aeige. Th report that the whole fleet had gone ovr to Ui muUneer under the leaderilp of th Otchakoff, l inoor rect, though th officer of the eJiipa, during Admiral Kruger'a demonstration galnt Uie mutineer of the Knias Po temkine. at Odessa, were probably un- VU trt ohtain obedience from their men1, for tamirwr out any measure against their comrade. The staff quarter at Rebatopol are guarded by Uie Cosack and officer in the street are accompanied by escort of Cowtack, the only branch of th aer vir of which Uie fidelity U absolutely unuestoned. Een members of the guard of rrgmenU, treated wdl and comparatively wvll paid, ar joining In ilm revolutionary aiovenMot It i un Iderstood th sold lew and equipage from which crew of the imperial yacht are 'drawn will be withdrawn to S. Pet 'en.burg on account of disaffection among theui. j Strike Is Dibcusaed. J Tlie council for national defer held a nrotracted seion yesterday at which time the etrik question wa dicud. The Tost and telegraphic official at Moscow have already gone out, and th 1 strike haa spread to twelve other cities 1 Th Deneral workmen council wu I o summoned to a corJerenoe of th lead k ami nhAll CIB fc4il l-'W aw ...-. . (Thursday) to dUrusa the poeeibility of a national strike in sympathy wita ine locked out workmen at St Petersburg. Tber is a atrong feeling againt auch strike, however, not only on account of tb poverty of th workmen, but also because it will interfere with the great atrik planned for January. SUPERSTITIOUS CELESTIALS MAY ABANDON THE BOYCOTT Change f Heart Brought About by th Destruction, by Water, of Ameri cas Goods in Basements. San Fraocieo, Xov. 28. Fearing that the wrath of the ' (Jod of Water" would h vbitdd or them, the Chii Of Shanghai and iU vicinity have, it fe said, given up Uie boycotting of Ameri can good. ' TliU change of sentiment wa caused by Uie destruction by water, of a Urge quantity of good whkA WTre stored in the basements of the buaine house of the Chinee port. They had been pU-ed there by the Chinese merchant alien the boycott wa .firt institutad. This occurred during th inundation of that portion of tU Chinese coast during a typhoon, and tidal wav of a month go- ' The newa of the lifting of. the boy cott and Uie unuual means which brought it about came here on , th steamer Doric yesterday. It U stated that th American bad UtU4 ItH against the boycott, but it waa du en tirely to the. superstition of th Chin ese, that Uie boycott wa stopped. TO COST SIXTY liULLION Work Will Be Commenced at at Once at Both Ends of the Line. EARUNG MAKES STATEMENT Seattle Will Be tb Terminal Point Bat Portland and Tacoma to Be Reached Rout Extends West from Evarts, South Dakota, via Butt to WaHula. HAD A SMOOTH GAL1E Chicago Bunct Man Bought Cot ton and Hulls. deliver, with recommendation, to Clialr- man Burton. Stat treat k will be de- stroyed unle promptly filled." The great imwrtance of the menage lie in the fact that at lnnounce au- thorativclv that President Roosevelt ha not only consented to indorse any me morial which may be sent to him by the loard. sett ilia forth the reasons w hy an appropriation should be made for the Columbia River jetty, but ha al Agreed to recommend that such an ap propriation be made The memorial will be prepared at once ami bascd on data furnished by Major Roeaslor SAYS BROTHER WAS NOT INSANE. San Francisco,. Xov. 28.-A coroner's inauect over the remain of Mr. Cath erine Depaoti wa held today, the jury roturninir a verdict that she was lulled by her brother-in-law, Loui Depaoll, who. however, wa not wecifieally ac cuscd of the crime. Anton Depaoli, tb husband of the murdered woman, tU fled he did not believe his brother wa insane when the murder was committed BROKAW IS EN ROUTE. Honolulu.. Nov. 28.-United State Marshal Henry left today for Seattle, " . .t having in custody G. T. Brokaw, lnaiciea in Spoaken for complicity in land frauds STAY GRANTED BY COURT IF OFFICER KEEPS SOBER Binghampton, N. Y, Nov. 28.-Jutice Albert II. Sewell today granted an or der which Is probably without precedent On application of attorney for Record er Wataon . Roberto, he granted a stay restraining the common council from hearing U charges preferred against th recorder, lending an appeal on condition that tlie recorder remain mder until tlie appeal I decided by the apoellat division, and with th under- ... - . . standing that the tay will be revoked if the recorder become intoxicated bo- fore the, case U decided by tb higher court The appeal l taken from Justice Sewoir) recent decieion dkmiaeing a writ of prohibition to restrain tb com mon council from hearing the charge which hav been preferred against the recorder. DREW ATS1GHT ON PURCHASER Each Day th Vtlum sf Bustieta lad Draft War larger, aid tb Cetton Mas. Pocketed tb Difftreac After Recalling Draft f th Day Before Chicago, Nov. 28. Samuel Hoffheimer, nephew of Nelson Morris, the millionaire packer, wa armed tonight charged with having swindled S. W. Strau 4 Co., mortgage banker out of $256,- 000. Being unable to furnish $150, 000 bond, llofTheimer wa aken to jail. Two year ago, it is alleged, he went to Straus Company, and represented that ha waa buying a large quantity of cotton seed and hulls, which he had sold to Nelson Morri 4. Company. It a al leged be represented to Straus A Co., that he needed Urge sum of roony to pay for the need each day, wheh be In duced Straus to farnUh. : Hoffheimer. it U said, would each day pnwent a draft on Nelson Morris A Co., ml secure tb money for the purpose of paying for the eed. The next day he would repeat Uie performance, but for a Urger amount Hoffheimer, it is averted, would then take up th pre vious day' draft on Nelson Morris t Co., before it reached th firm, retain- inr the difference. Hoffbeimer suppos ed sale were constantly increasing until thev amounted to mora than 1jO,000 a day. The discovery by Nelson Morris A Co., of one of their draft in th bank at tb stock yard, it is stated, led to th discovery that the sales were fictitious. HoffheimeT U said to .have confewed to operation which netted $25.000, beside making hi living. He decUre he lost th money , in investments. New York, Nor.' 28. While all tb de tail of Uie route of Uie Chicago, Mil waukee A St Paul Co', new road to the coast U not decided- on, it b known it will run from Evarts, South Dakota, to Butt, thence across Uie Bitter Root mountains, through the Lolo Pa,' ulti mately connect inf at Wallula with th terminus recently incorporated by IM Pacific railroad. 'which run from that point to Seattle. The St Paul aUo seek sa outlet at Tacoma and wiu touch at Helena, Spokane) and Pbrttaaai. Tb work of construction will begin simul taneously at Seattle and Evarto. It U probable that branch line will be ex tended into the Cow W AJJ POTM7. f . COST SIXTY MILLIONS President EarSng Seada MaaaagO frsaf' " New York. Chteagev Nov. 28. The official aa nouncemeDt wa mad tonight thai tb Ckkago, Milwaukee- 8t Paul wiQ eosa- mence the eonstractioa of th cxteneioa of iU line to the Pacific eoaet at eaea. iThi information wa received ken fas the following telegram from Presides Earting, who ia In New York r ; ' "The board of directors of tb Ctieago, Milwaukee A St. Paul road, at a met ing today, authorized the extensioa of the St Paul road from th Missouri river to Seattle and Tacoma." The extension will cost $60,000,000. ROBBERS SHOOT BARTENDER. Spokane, Nov. 28. Three masked men while holding up a saloon at Hillyard to niffht xhot Thomas Kehoe, th bartend er, twice in the head and beat him over th head with revolvers. It 1 thought he will die. They , also ab'ghtly wound ed another man. Th robbers escaped in a sleigh. V WILL SUE FOR SHRINKAGE. 1 Seattle, Nov. 28. A special fw Fairbanks, Alaska, states that tare banks of that pUce will make claim. airainst the government amounting to $100,000 for shrinkage la gold dust ship- mem, to in ceaiie assay muun. 44444 4-4 444444444 4 4 MURDERES TAKEN FROM 4 4 JAIL FOR PROTECTION. 4 4 4 Mexico, Mo. Nov, 28, Eo V 4 mund J. Bailey, th miner who 4 4 shot and, killed Jaw. La wrier, ec- 4 4 reUry of th Lawder Petoreom 4 4 Coal Co, yeterday,.wa hurried-. 4 4 ly taken from th county jail 4 her lat" night to avoid a mob 4 4 ' which wa rganlsed down town. 4 v ( Trarathai