TUESDAY, NOVEMBER il, 11905. THE MOUSING- ASTOUIAN. ASTORIA. OUEGON. FIX THE HOLIDAYS t A Sec our Thanksgiving Turkeys. Price will long be forgotten and quality will remain fresh in memory, ROSS, HIGGINS (& Co. WE DON'T HANDLE COLD STORAGE TURKEYS. A GOOD WARM Special Mating of Board of School Directors THANKSGIVING - CHRISTMS ftF V J u TERSE TALES OF THE TOWN Thanksgiving Turkeys. Turkeys for th Thmikgling trade are t-tiiin'aiM'f mk to arrive- and the prices quoted are cente per Niuml. Delegate to Immigration Conference. Governor Chamberlain .ha apiMdiiM Herman Colin a a. delegate to tin Na tional ('otifprrniv of Immigration Ut 1 held In New York frmit December 0 to 8 Inclusive, Funtral Services Held Services over the remain of John Lvn were held from St. Mary' Catholic church yepr day, ami the Interment wa In tlrecn wood. Father Waters conductcU Urn aervli-e. LlttW Girt Succumbs Klibcth tila, the five week old daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. A. I'iMila, of CppcrUiwn died Sunday evening. 31i funeral will m Jield from th house today, and the Interment will bp al lira)' livrr. Hai Been Poetponed-Owlng (0 the Thaflkagiving holiday, the. regular monthly meeting of the Astoria teacher which waa to hate mi'iirrrd on Saturday next, ha been potpoiicd until the tlr-t Saturday in U10 next school month. New Cannery Warehouses Paul Slraiigcland haa Iwn awarded the con tract for the comlrtictlon of two new uhuun, on on site of the old Oc cident cannery, ly tin Columbia Itiver Packer' Acialioti, and the other in I'ppcrtown hy the Altoona Parking t o. Select your goods for your Thanksgiving dinner from us, and you will have no need to worry in re gard to quality. JOHNSON BROS., GOOD GOODS lit-i 11 Twelfth Street, Astoria, Social Dance A nocUl dam wan held in the A. O. V. W. hall, lv the member of the Li in-.In Annuity liilon last even Wtit Astoria vs. Ilwsco A game of fiMithall will he played on th Ilwaco ground Thanksgiving day, between the 1rong Ilwm-o tram and Dm West A toriaii. the Ilwaro tram will meet tin Commercial lutr in th m-kwii, Set for Friday The I CS of TIHS dore l.iudi and 0. F. Keller, charged with nialta'ioua il'triiitiin of proierty hae w-t, hy J uljf HMHlmnn for huting at 2 oVWk on Friday afternoon net. lloth mrn are out on bond. MISS HARPER A SUCCESS. Greeted by Large and Pleated Houie Last Nifht. Mi toorgia llitrjx-r and a splendid in.,iiy appeared at Fiher' rrpcra llniiv List night in tin Miiular drama, Krni Finn. Tin i Mi- llaricr' llrt apro-aram in Alona, bin the rcep tion a'vorW hr lat night wa full iniMif that h i already a favorite here, lli-r work savor of Uiai of a lullar and half atar and rarrly Mn in a rirrUir company. She played the part of r'ruu Prou in a manner he III line the hrkt of them, anil all ran con eonirTatiilat Manager I K. Mif on mi curing o (faid an attraction. Mi lntvr' wardrol i the mot Irt-aiiliful M-en here in a long time and the production aa a whole, l one worthy f muh praUn. JoMgly l i)ik a Henri S'urtodi ahoweil hunxlf to ha an actor of merit, and tfie entire nt a one of exivlh nfe. The vaudeville ad wire fin and received nierltd applaii-e. Tnijfht, "The y ParWan" ha hecn chon for the hill. It I a llrt la comedy dovoij of horiH- iiliiy or vulpirity, and one that U new to thi part of the country ; j it haa had iiive fill run In all the lurge eltir and with a numlNY of good ecialtie will prove delightful evening' entertainment. Sivure your rt at lloeller'a. NORWEGIANS TO CELEBRATE. The Norwegian of tlii city will meet al a great iiuwa meeting in Logan lull on 1 hankgiving day at 8 p. m. to cele brate the great event that have jut occurred In Norway, in connection with the nutional Thunkgiving duy. The adiniion i fre and every laaly I in- vited. A giMid program i prepared in cluding addrea'e by )r, Majiotie. Itev. luiaheim, Hev. C. Aug. Petcnw-n, Kev. K. L Nunthriip ami Mr. (I, Thmpon. Sinking by the Noruegian Singing mi eioty, rwitatlon and music. Chapped Handa. Wah your hand with warm water, dry with a towel and apply Chamber lain' Salve jut before going to bed, and a epecdy cure ia certain. Thia aalva ia alo unequalled for akin di eae. For aala by Frank Hart and leading druggita. Ready For Business in Our New Store THE MOST SPACIOUS TLACE OF BUSINESS IN TnE CITY YOU CAN SEE WHAT YOU BUY AND BUY WHAT YOU TLEASE WITH THE GREATEST 00MFOKT, FROM AN ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE GREATER THAN ALL THE STORES COMBINED IN THE CITY AND UNEXCELLED BY NONE IN THE STATE. WE PARTICULARLY INVITE YOU AT TJHS TIME TO CALL AND SEE HOW NICELY WE ARE PREPARED TO" SERVE "YOU. CHAS.HE1LB0RH S CQ Compute nogsi-rvPKisHKRs. Two Vacation Pending for the As toria Teacher, and Children Doori of Several School Houaei to Be Changed to Conform to City Fire Ordinance. The hoaid of Ki-hool director for dis trict Ni, I, tie City of Astoria, met at ":.'$' o'clock lt evening, at tin- oflii-e of School Clerk E. Z. l'erguon, uHin tlw call of the pre.id.-ut, Judge F. J. Taylor, to consider aeveral matter of iniortaiiie; and thwe were prewnt at tlie meeting! DirecUr F. J. Taylor, J. A. Aiken, .1. E. Iliggin. J. W. Welch and Aug. JIoIiiiim, City School Superin tendent A. E. Clark and School Clerk Kergii-un. The board w, calk-d to order by I'le-iil.nt Taylor and I Im- following mat ter Here di-poncd of ill keucm: A reNH't from City SiiierinU-ndent Clark on the matter of the door of Sluvelv and Aldcrhrook tchool and their PMinging inward intead of out ward, and of the In ill confining them. recommending their immediate cor reel ion, w read, and led to general diciiion. Tlie matter wo promptly troated and rculted in an order that tho Pepair Committee pniceed at once with the changing of t.'w doors at Shi vcly, AMcrhrook and the old Adair building to conform to the ordinance of the city. The iuetion of holding M-hoid on next KratUvf the day- aitjr T!.inkiviiig, came rti for dicuwion and retulted ill ruling directing that tlie miIiooI he bl fnan Wednemlay pvenii(g (U- morrow) the city. The preident adw-cd the fixing of he fhr it ma holiiUye, while the Ixmrd wa on the kubject, and after a brief argument it wa ordered by the board that the chooli remain clel from Friday evening, December until V'cliiediiy momiiig January 3. 1PO0 a ieiiol of eleen day. The matter of devWing and Mipplying the variou m-IhmiN with the neceary crr for 11-e by the children wa alo left to the comniittoc on repair. with direction to make provision at oni-e. The um Iter of Mi Lena Fataband' "cnli-e in Ittwm 2, Aldcrhrook, while Mi Smith wa under upen-ion. wa brought up, dicu".ed, and reulted in an award of $1.1.75 for one week' ervice. It wa ordered by the board that the ubtitute teacher now in aervic hould be employed, in all cae where a regu lar teacher, fro many eaue hould fail o take charge of their room, and that in any cne where tlie uhtitute 1 already empioyea in tin ocnniT, uk uH'i intciident hall be immediately no- illcd. he to take prompt and rcipiMte action. It wa ordered by the board, in the h-c ot von mi Km, wiiiio 1 iiomii-on in! Mrignu Heiiilrickooii, now- under iihpcii-ioii from the Aldcrhrook school. or caii-e, and ivjHtrtcil by Prof. Ke- 1 in a tntcmcnt tile il la-1 nilit, that he aiuc be placed on tile. In the mut to of tut ion pupils and their ii!Iciimoii 111 'Uc ot noii-piiynient ot heir t nil ion fee, eeral of whom were -ported hmt night, it ordered by Kie iMiaril, tluit hereafter, all pupile elitcllli'' the m-hooN a tuition pupil, with the puiHic of iiihnetieiit enroll ment 111 the district, HihII pay t lien uitioii fee in advance to the chool h-rk, oiibject to a refund by the board of director, in the event of enrollment. iihii proper showing made by the par ent or legal guardians of the children, in each particular cate; all ttemenU tiled in abatement of the tuition fee, from any caue, mut be backed by tlie worn affidavit covering the circutu-tan-ce pleaded in euch abatement. The board then adjourned. 4iaMM 13 PROBABLY WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT JUST NOW. OF COURSE YOU WANT SOMETHING MORE THAN WARMTH, YOU WANT STYLE. WE OFFER OUR LINE OF L. ADLER, BROS., t CO.'S ROCHESTER MAKE FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. ONE OF THESE WILL COST YOU FROM 15 TO $30. THE MERCHANT TAILOR COULDN'T THINK OF DU PLICATLVQ IT FOR LESS TTBOf FROM $35 TO m C. H. COOPER The Leading House of Astoria HARVEST HOME SOCIAL. A Harvot Home ale and aocial will bo held in the Pmbyterian church thi evening, commencing at eight o'clock, by Y. P. S. C. E. Refreshment will be erved. Following i the progrua oeal Sob, Mr. Will Gratke Vocal SjIo Mr. Frank Carnajian S'h-ctel Reading ....Mr. Warren Morse Via I Selection .. Mis Aleen Adam Cocal Sdo Mr. Larner MAKE NO MISTAKE. In order that the public may be cor rectly informed as to which Ranges re ceived the Highest Award and Gold Med al at the Lewis and Clark fair, we have furnished each of our agents with copies of the letter written by the Committee on Awarls at the Lewis and Clark expo sition granting the first, and highest prize, and gold medal, to the Monarch Range. Monarch Malleable .Range Co., Beaver Dam, Wis,. Note: A copy of the letter mentioned will be found in the advertisement of Charlc Iiciborn A Co in this issue. THANKSGIVING SOCIAL. Tho young people of the Methodit church will initiate their) new aocial room with a Thanksgiving social on next Thursday evening. They especial ly invite the attemkince of stranger who mi their aivutomed gathering at th l neaaon those who would appre ciate a friendly welcome and chance to get aniuniutcd. CinnI advice to women. If you want a iH'iiutiful complexion, char tkin. bright eye, red lip, good health, take llolli.ster'a Rocky Mountain Tea. There i nothing like it. 35 cent-, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the firm heretofore doing btisine- under tlie name of Craig A Sick a 11 and engaged in the harness and saddlery buine. ha thi day and date dkilvcd by mil Uial coi-r-cnt, A. A. Sicknu rijtiriiify All bill against the firm will be paid by A. D. Craig and all aivoiint due are to lie paid to him. A. D. CRAIG. A. A. SICKAU. Dated Astoria, Oregon, Saturday Nov. 25, 19U0.1. TAT00DTG. Prof N. M. Lyons, America's premier tattoo artist, at 4IS Bond street Shoot ing Gallery. HAS CHANGED BANDS. Chas. Hcilbom ft Co., of this dty, have been constituted sole agents la As toria for the Bridge Beach stove and ranges, and they will handle thia su perior line of goods in connection -with their famous "Monarch" ranges. The agency papers passed yesterday. Do you wish to study the piano T Piano harmony and history of music taught at Miss Tawney's studio. 662 Commercial. Fulton building, Thone Black, 2U6. SEWARD. A reward of twenty-Are dollars will bo paid for the recovtery of the body of the late Capt. J. P. Hansen of the Schr. George C Perkins, supposed to have been drowned Nor. 4 th. Temple Lodge No. 7. A F. k A. M. EL C. HOLDEN, Sec HAS SXXOVED. Mrs. McKeaa has removed from tlii Woman's Exchange on I Oth street, sal has opened a store oa 11th street, whsre she will handle crockery, glass wars, tin ware, toys, and fancy needlework. MOVED AND READY. Charles Heilbora ft Co, hare moved into their new store and make the aa nouncement that they are now opea for business and are ready to fill all order promptly. The Little Book Store for sale. Hot drinks and sandwiches at Hoaf- lex's. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a diasterous calamity, when you lose your health, H aune. iruligeation and consumption have snapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King' New Life Pill. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headcahe, dir tiness, colic, constipation, etc Guaran teed at Charles Rogers' Drug store; 25c X. A. Ackerman, East 9th st does all manner of texidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress making a specialty and all work guaranteed. WATER-PROOFING. ' Mrs. A. B Jewett has pleasure in aa nouncing to her friends and patrons thai she la now in possession of a success ful system of water-proofing cloth' materials. She will demonstrate the la teresting process, trpon call, at her rooms No- 154 Ninth street FOR COUGH AND COLD. Nothing is better than syrup tar and wild cherry. 25c and 60c a bottle. 8ol4 by the Owl and Eagle Drug Stores. ( Wood! Wood! Wood! Wood! Wood! For choice dry box-wood, telephone 2064 Black, or leave orders at the As toria Grocery. O. Nelson, "The Wood Man." - . .. j THE OLD CHAIN PURSE IS NO MORE ' We have up to date ladies' and gents' purses'and pock et books. Prices are right. The best place in the city for regular or short order meals is the Palace Res taurant; private dining rooms for ladie and careful attention given to each and every patron. Commercial street, op poaite Page building. NOTICE. The harness and saddlery firm of Craig ft Sickau have dissolved partner ship and all bills of the firm will be set tled by Mr. Craig from the 25th day of November, 1903. Mrs. Tilda Anderson, masssge. 1470 Grand Avenue. Given either at homo or will call. CLOSING OUT SALE. On the fifteenth of November, the en tire stock of goods at the Little Book Store, will be put on sale at cost Christ mas bargains in books, stationery nov elties, etc 174 Tenth street wSvenson's Book vStore, Fourteenth and Commercial Street A Canute Line cf 4 . A-w . leating Stoves Anything In a first class stove eith er Wood cr Coal or Combined, you will find at. 1 111 I 4 470-472 COMMERCIAL STREET