The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Newt of Steamers and Sailors in
and Out of Astoria.
What Mtsten and Crews and Agents
Ait Doing on the Waterfront Ships
That Pass at All Hours Vessels In
ward and Outward Bound, Yesterday.
The five ton life-saving boat "Michi
gan City" belonging to Uncle Sam' big
and important service, was slipped into
th bay yesterday morning from the
A. i C, railroad at a point between the
coal dock and the Flavel pier, where she
was received by Captain Oscar Wicklund
of the Fort Canby life-saving station,
who with, his crew of eight, had came
up for the purpose. She is 36 feet long
and Tery heavy looking. She has
thwarts for ten men and uses 14 foot
ash oars, and is generally well equip
ped. Captain Wicklund could not say
just what he expected of her until he
has drilled his crew with her. She was
Bent out here from the Lake Michigan
service, and will go into immediate use.
The customs steamer patrol towed her
and the crew to the station at 1 o'clock.
He Wasn't Seasick.
They say that G. W. Roberts, the gen
ial agent for the O. R. 4 X. at this
point had occasion to visit the lumber
laden schooner Vriginia. lying at anchor
about 300 fathoms off the company's
pier, yesterday morning, on business,
and went out to her in a small boat
There was a bit of a chop sea playing
up the bay and the frail digny bobbed
around some to the discomfiture of cer
tain of her passengers. It id not known
that Mr. Robert was in any way ef
fected by the motion of the boat or that
he was made dizzy by the glare of day
before yesterday's sun on the water, or
that he is subject to fainting spells on
(i THE
II rt r!-.1- -M J ...:. 4 4.
display in our ready to wear department. Our buyer has just returned
from Portland where he has been to meet representatives of several
eastern manufacturers, while there he ran across the greatest bargain
that ever came our way.
We Purchased at
0aeTMrd Off
The entire sample lines of three
large eastern Coat and Suit
comprising more than two hundred garments on our bargain counter just
as they were bought, at one-third less than the regular price. In the
choosing there's a style and size in all the leading shades. Plenty for all
Dress Coats, Rain
Skirts at
Miss this sale and you're passing up the greatest event within the his
tory of Astoria Merchandising. ,
the tumbling waters of this harbor, but
it is reported that when he came ashore
he waa pallid and weak and evidently
tickled to death to get in his office ciwir
once more. There are those who say
he was seasick but they are only making
a wild and wooly gues.
Her Luck Stays With Her.
San Francisco, Nov. 27. While enter
ing the harbor yesterday afternoon in
charge of Pilot Tyson, the Reamer
Olympia, loaded with passengers and
freight ran on Tonquin Shoal. WT Black
Point. Though uninjured and resting
on an eveu keel, the steamer Muck in
the mud until night, when she was fin
ally floated with the assistance of tow
The steamer Nome City i due to
leave the Callender pier at 7:00 o'clock
this mornig for San Francisco,
The steamship Costa Ricia, will be
down from Portland tomorrow morning
on her wav to San Francisco.
The steamer Meteor left out for San
Francisco yesterday, grain laden for the
Ray City.
The steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay
points and Eureka is due down this
morning early, and will leave the Cal
lender pier, outward bound at 9 o'clock.
The steamship Senator will be down
from Portland en route to San Fran
cisco this morning. S!ie will leave the
0. R. 4 X. pier at 11 o'clock precisely.
The barkentine Northwest will load
lumber at the Northern Pacific Mills
and will leave for Fortland on the first
available tow.
The barkentine Mary Winkleman was
the) only square rigger to cross out
over the Columbia bar yesterday. She
got to sea at noon.
The four-masted schooner Alumna, of
Vhe Simpson fleet at Knappton, cleared
at the custom house yesterday, for Val
paraiso, with 600,300 feet of lumber,
valued at $10,000.
.wA ,.n ?- A ilAna nn in
Suits and
The four-masted barkentine Georgina
and the French bark Kdmond Rostand,
left up for the metropolis on Uw haw
sers of the Harvest (Juecn yesterday
The American ship Henry Villard
lum!er laden, came down from Portland
yesterday morning on the tow line of
the Oklahama, and Captain Anderson
cleared from the custom house, for Ma
nila, in the afternoon.
The French ship Rrizeaux arrived
down on the Harvest Queen's lines yes
terday morning and went to an anchor
age in the lower harltor. Slie has clear
ed for Dunkirk, with grain.
Captain Burchell, of tl BritiJi ship
Oweenee, expect to leave up today, on
the Kokasonia, for Portland. She is
next on townig orders, with the O. R.
& X. boat.
The steamers Melvifle, Shamrock,
Mayflower, Lottie and Jordan, took an
other joint pull on the Hammond Com
pany's sea raft in the lower bay yester
day, but without success. It evidently
need the power of two or three big
steamers on a rising Ude ahead of the
flood point to jar her loose. She will
rest on the spit for a while longer,
Captain Jens Jensen has relinquished
the command of the motor schooner
Delia, and Captain Table has taken
charge of the "infant of the Astoria
a-going fleet. He will run her in the
Xestucca service and make trips as regu
larly a weather permits. ,
Report that T. F. laurin Has Failed to
File Acceptance.
At a late hour yesterday it was cur
rently reported about town that T. F.
Laurin, the Democratic candidate for
Police Commissioner had failed pre
mediately, to ftle his acceptance of tlie
nomination for that office, in other
words, that he declined to run, for rea
sons of hi own. There seemed to I
no doubt about the matter, and it was
of enough moment to put a seriew of in
quiries afoot in relation to it.
City Auditor Anderson, upon being
npealed to made the definite and ex
plicit statement that "all acceptance
hud Wn tiled at his office," and this
certainly must include Mr. Laurin's.
Asked again, in explicit terms a to this
particular afcptance the same answer
was given by the judge, towit, that "all
acceptances had been tiled," and so ru
mor is knocked out.
Chairman Ben Selling Writes to L. E.
Selig of Astoria.
The following letter was received yes
terday by Manager I E. Selig, of Fish
er's Opera House, in relation to Astoria's
contributions in sid of the distressed
Russian Hebrews ad tells its own
story of appreciation:
"Portland, Ore., Nov. 20, 1905.
"Mr. I.. E. Selig: Dear Sir:
"Oing to the ppressure of business
and the amount of time taken up with
the collection of the Russian relief fund
have not found time to answer your
letter of 13th in till now.
"I beg of you to extend through me
and for the most sincere thanks
on behalf of those poor persecuted
wretched people in Russia whose only
gleam of hope is in the sympathy and
charity of their American brethren. I
feel certain that the Astoria donation
will help lighten some, of the burdnes
of our distressed brethren.
Sincerely yours,
Son Lost Mother.
"Consumption ruts in our fsmily,
and through it I lost my mother," writes
E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the
past five years however, on the slight
est sign of a cough of cold I have taken
Dr. King's Ne,w Discovery for Con
sumption which has saved me from
serious lung trouble." His mother's
death was a sad loss to Mr. Ried, but he
learned that lung trouble must not be
neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest
relief and cure for coughts and colds
Price 60c and (LOO; guaranteed at
Charles Rogers' drug store. Trial bottle
Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid poi
son, are result of kidney trouble. Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea goes direct
ly to the seat of the disease and cures
when sll el fail. 33 cents. Sold by
Frank Hart.
A reliable medicine and one that
thould always be kept in the home for
immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will prevent the attack if
given as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after the croupy cough
sppears. For sale by Frank Hart and
leading druggists.
Suggestions of a Modified Form
of County Building
Ideas that May Meet With Approval of
Taxpayers and Result in Completion
of New Structure Anything to Awak
en Interest in Big Utility.
A uumher of citizens have lcn talk
ing over the matter of the completion
of the Court House, and after seeing
mimic architects, think that changes
could be made in the materials and the
manner of finishing, so as U reduce the
cost of completion at )cat forty thou
sand dollars; and that the UHslilication
would not change the general plan of
the building.
Tlie plan as contracted on, call for
brick walls above the present structure,
faced with pressed brick from New
berg. Trimmed outside with ornament
al terra eotta from the Inside
floors to bo tiled, stair scp to be of
tumble, and wainscoting of marble and
hard woods, all teed with a copper
dome. The contract price exclusive of
heating and wiring, to I $ 1 04 .000. Heat
ing to cost $3000.
The ornamental terra eotta will cost
WtJ.uOO; the dome (6300; the marble
and tiling, 12, 000, (figures are given in
round numbers) and all of these last
iU nw could be dispensed with, bringing
the cost to complete the structure to
alsMit sixty thousand dollars. Tlie
building ha already coat (43,000, so
the total outlay would be about (100,000
without lighting or furniture.
Perhaps the architects could loii)t out
further changes that would still further
lessen the cost. For instance Salem has
just let a contract for a high m-ImsiI
building, HOxlltO feet, two stories above
the basement, to be built of New berg
brick, and to conUiin sixteen rooms und
Ian asembly hall OOxHO feet The con-
Our StocR of Furs
Is Still Complete
Wluit is more acceptable for a pre
ent to a lady than a handsome fur!
Our prices on furs are lower than
ever, because they .have le-cii ls-ttcr
bargains for us. Iok tliein over at
leant Ladies cruvencttes still
duced in prices.
Selling out all hat, every one
must go at a price. Street ami
trimmed hats. Our trimming season
is nearly at an end. We will not
carry over a hat.
Children and misses street hats
J$ tjhe iy-L
J.) t5he
Admission .Deluding Grand
tract price, evluslve of tha healing
plant is $44,000 in round numbers. This
Is a larger building tlti lw cotirt
house, projected for Clatsop County,
The dom would need to lie construct
ed, ultimately, to set olT the building,
hut that item can 1 deferred till the
county shall be in funds. The dome of
the state capital was not completed un
til 13 years after the building had lccii
To the Astorian, and to many cltiwn
it seems that economy should be ob
served in the building of the court!
house. Not to be stingy or close, but
after security for the records ami the
convenience of doing tlie work of the
county are provided for, that then noth
ing Iteyoud neatness and ordinary dura
bility should be sought. Adding ex
pense to the buihlnlg for look will not
bring dividend nor profit to the public
or the taxpayer. There, is not a court
house in the state that iimres in
elegance and cost with the t'laUop Coun
ty court house as planned, and yet
Clatsop County is one of the poore-st :
The state house at Salem is con
structwl of common brick cemented on
the) outiide, as is the Odd Fiflows
building in Astoria. It has brick col
umn at the entrain, cemented. Ce
ment step, and galvanised comii-e. The
court house in Multnomah County, tiie
richest county in the state, has brick
wall, cemented.
The plans for the Clatsop building
llrst called for oak stairstep and for
wainscoting, and llrs of Oregon lutti-ls-r,
mid the dome was ommitted, and
the contract wa o let, then the
change wa made to marble, tiling ami
the erection of the dome.
Itoads in Mi county are very much
needed and cost much to make, and
maintain, but every rod of gissl road
add to the wealth of the county and
the convenience auid business of tho
citizen. The taxable property of tlie
county is t.72I.K":i; of that l,fc!,H0H
is in the city of Astoiiu, or nearly out)
The city is already in debt. tism
and aside from a water debt of 2".",
0000, ulil the city has expenses to keep
up. The school ditrict of the city is
also in debt, and has six schid build
ing and a corps of thirty-five teacher
to maintain; street in addition are to
be kept up at sH-einl assessment; so it
seems Unit it stand) Isitli the city and
county in hand to be economciul in pub
lic matter.
The special court house levy amount
to $20,000 per year; and In build oil the
present plans, covering interest at 0
(s-r cent will reiiiire a levy for six
year. Reduce the cost to fifty thou
sand dollar nd the money can be
reaWicd in time years and with one
half of the intercut charge.
These- are merely suggestions along
the line of popular conjecture on a
popular subject, and t inspire new
thought and public expression on an
important public measure, that must
be treated with more or lcs dispatch
in justice to the taxpayer who has paid
for what hits been done and who must
pay for the doing of the rest of the
In Time of Peace.
In the first months of the Russian
Japanese war we had a striking ex
ample of the necessity for preparation
and the early advantage of those who, so
to speak, "have shingled their roofs in
dry weather." The virtue of prepara
tion has made history and given to us
our greatest men. The individual as
well as the nation should be prepared
to successfully combat the first cold
you take? A cold ran be cured much
more quickly when treated as soon as
it has been contracted and before it
has become settled in the system.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous
for its cures of colds and it should be
kept at hand ready for instant use. For
sale by Frank Hart and loading drug-gtats.
Stand 50cj Children 25c
Are you lacking In strength and vig
or! Are you weakl Are you in paint
K you feel all run downf Th blessing
of health and strength come to all who
iHsn Hollister'4 Rocky Mountain Tea.
.'; cent. Sold by Frank Hart.
J. -i
Wat Free Iaa4r, II Orews
ltalr preparations and dandruff cures,
aa a rule, era at irk y or Irriutins affaire
that do no earthly good. Hair, when not
dlawuied. grows naturally, luxuriantly.
Dandruff Is ths cause or nlna-tantha of
all hair trouble, and dandruff Is eaus4
by a form. Tha only way to curs dand
ruff la to kill tha germ; and, so far, the
only haJr preparation that will positively
dsatroy ths germ la Ntwhro'a llsrplclds
absolutely harmleM, frea from grase,
eulraot, dys roatur or dangerous drui.
it atlaya Itching Instantly; maksshair
glossy and soft as alik. "Daatmy tbe
i-au. you remove th effect" S-ld by
Issuing druggists. Ro4 te. In stamp for
ssmpl to Th Utrptcld Co., Detroit,
Sagl Drug Stor. Ml 3flJ Bond fit,
Owl Drug Store, 640 Cva. St., T. F.
Uurin, Prop. "Spedel Agent"
A greater assortment for Xtna 'OS
than ever before. In order to show
them all in the limited time, we change
our window displays twice a week. This
week stationery, sthbtlo good and
Hk il$ and 33 cent series) will be
shown. It will pay you to watch our
window merely for the suggestion
they offer.
J. N. Griffin
Thst's what th
The Ball Band Brand
goods are made from; and we carry a
complete line, too. Also the bet In
ladies, men end children's shoes.
543 Bond Street 0pp. Ross Hlggina & Co.
A Fine Display of
Cloisone Vases
Ranging in price from
$1.25 to 2.00
can be seen at the
Yokohama Bazar
sarCoramerclal Street, A stor!