TUESDAY, HOVEMBI ft, iJ. THE MORNING ASTOIUAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established il7V Published Dailj fcj THE J. S. DELIINGEK COMPAflY. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. 87 mail, per year 17.00 By mail, per month 60 By carrier, per month .73 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per year, in advance.. $100 Entered m aecond-class matter June JS 1Mb, at the poUim at Asttwia. or, iron, under Uie act o( Congress of March 3, ISTs. V Orders for the doUvmnx of Taa Mobs" Ilia inoiuii to either rwrtdeoos or plac of tnaliieas nay t made br pcwtal card or through tete bone. Any trrnrularity in de livery ahould be inuaediately reported to the office of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN 661. WEATHER REPORT. . 4 Portland. Nov. 27. Western Oregon: Tuesday, snow flurries followed by fair and colder weather. Western Washington: Fair and continued cold. Eastern Wahington: Snow, fol- lowed by fair and colder weather REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR MAYOR J. W. Suprenant FOR AUDITOR AND POLICE JUDGE A. B. Dalgity. FOR TREASURER John Nordstrom. FOR POLICE COMMISSIONERS John W. Babbidge, six year term. W. C. Laws, two year term. FOR SURVEYOR Alfred S. Tee. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS James F. Kearney. FOR COUNCILMAN FIRST WARD Karl Knoblock. FOR OOUNCTLMEN SECOND WARD James J. Robinson. R. M. Leathers. FOR COUNCrLSLAN THIRD WARD C. A. Leinenweber. . 0- : .DEMOCRATIC CONSISTANCY. . present incumbent held over under the term of the Charter. This fan is on a par with all the rest of the Democrat ic procedure and should meet with the treatment it' deserves at the hand of th intelligent voter on 13th day of lVc. cemWr. There are not lawyer enough in town, nor hTd lore enough in the ImhJca, to keep a Democrat from working a political trick, if lie ha. the (.lightest hope of it uw. Law anil precedent are a nothing to them when it coiihh to winning out at the poll, lint this one time they are going to lie fooled. The consumate ease with which th Democratic politician can lay down hia boastefl predilection, his avowed eon clu&iona and pre-determlned confirma tion on any given subject, for the sake of hia political success, has a trenchant exhibition in the reversal of the Com mon Council in the matter of the Po lios CommiKbion. When it became known that the- Republicans vf going to nominate two police commissioners, and the demand was made on the City Audi tor to place their names on the pri mary ballot, there wa a big, official pro tent from that officer, bucked by a fine spun opinion from the City Attorney, and triply bolstered by the opin ions of three other Democratic, or quasi Democratic lawyer, rehearsing ih Ham, lot of reasons, all of which th? city will have to pay for and Uu same wa-s duly rertfd to the Coun oil, approved and ordered filed. Then the Republicans wvnt ahead and tnanda- inud the Auditor and had the name of Mr. Laws pktced ujkmi the primary tw-k- et. This was the signal for u i liange of heart in the lVinoeratic '-amp. Kwiy man of them is now a firm udVi. nt to the policy of putting up two candi dates for the Commission and will man damus Judge Anderson to have the name of Jens Hansen put ujwn the general election ballot. This was done in direct opposition to the advice of City Attorney Smith and three other paid lawyers, denying the privilege to BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Of course- there are eleven days In which to register, yet. ami the duty is better done late than never; but the Republican who pa.Mrs it up to the eleventh day is frittering away good time in which to do a good service to his party and the community. The way to do it is to do it now, on the spot, while you think of it. Then when elec tion day rolls round you are not hamp ered for time and with the onerous and annoying task of doing something that should have Iwen done when everything wa. easy and simple. You will get this hint every day, so you can thank your own earelenet if you are up against a denial of your franchise on the 13th of next month. 0 SPINE IS CHILLED. The plain truth lia. been told of tin policy and the projected purpose of the Democrat and their semi, demi. allien, and it lia-s caused a protracted chill to cha.se up and down their in dividual and collective vertebrae. They are out for a "wide open town," and the revulsion of popular feeling in the mut ter has superinduced a bad case of shivers in the heterogenious camp. But the freezing process is deferred fur about thirteeu days yet The cold blast of public disapproval is destined to leave the leaders of the Citizens stiff with chagrin; not with mortification, of 'course, for the Democrat-, are not con versant with any such human mood when it comes to polities. 0 STAND PAT. Let no sort of argument induce you to sacrifice a single name on the Re publican ticket. There is the bet of ex pediency, this year, in holding fast to the uttermost man on that ballot. Any concessions made to the Democrat, is tantamount to an admivion of the wis dom of their "wide open town" policy, and even the breath of such an admis sion is suicidal for the Republicans Every man named by the party of de cency and good order murt be elected by a good majority, if for no other rea.son than is afforded in the unequiv ocal defeat of the nasty program to open up the city again. But there is the first and better reason that they are all clean and capable men that mean tfo preserve tie prenJt satjnfactiory status of municipal moral integrity. Stand pat for tlie ticket from top to bottom and scrap the dirty issue from future consideration by its overwhelm ing route at this election. o The country is being built np with great rapidity. During the month of t Motor in thirty-three of the principal cities of the f nlted States the construc tion of 12,346 new buildings was author ued. involving an estimated cost of $41. tUtl.TtWi. A year ago the new construc tion arranged for in October aggregated M.:tiJ2,lt5. o - President Kipley of the Kant Fe in timates that the Panama canal will not to finished until all of the generations now cumbering the earth have passed away. Mr. Ripley may to wrong, but thre i no doubt judging from his man ner, that he will contribute all in hi power to bring atout the result pre dict ed. o Such a formidable force i to demon strate againt the Sultan that it i thought they will pin him down this time and make him torrow a perfectly exorbitant amount of money. o - There wa no dilly dallying about lawyer Dillon when he put up that $.VHl for Knip. the repeater, nor was there any on Krup's part when he saw the open door. 0 Christian of Denmark ha got another of his relative a fcWutMM) king job. and sees no reason why any insurance presi dent should look down on him. o Mr. Henry M. Whitney takes hi snubs so easily there will be a general demand that the next victim to one of those fellow that kick and squeal. RElORT OF THE CONDITION Or THE DOING THEIR DUTY Scores of Astoria Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To tiller the blood is the kidney's duty When they fail to do this, the kid ney are sick. Backache and many kidney ills fol low; Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all. J. Blake, who place of residence 1 2" Market street, Portland, says: 'i bought several boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and I scarcely think if the first had not proved satisfactory that I would have tried the second and third. I have used almost everything said to be a cure for weakened kidneys and bladder, but nothing ever gave me the satNfae- ion I received from Doan's Kidney ills. Thev are easy to take, have no effect upon the stomach or towels and act directly on the kjdneys. I thor oughly helieve from the remts 1 re eeivetf ami also irom ooservanon inuv Doan's Kidney Pill are one preparation on the market which acts directly a represented." Emphatic endorsement can to hud right here in Asti.ria. Drop into Clias. Roger' drug sture and a-k what custo mers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fo&ter-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y- sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan 1 take no other. LOCKS IT WILL BE. A sea level canal at Panama will take from eight to ten years longer to con struct than a lock canal, and cot from $73;0OO,(XX) to 123,000,)00 more. It would result in ships saving five hours time in passing from the Atlantic to the Pacific and also save the expense of operating the locks. The advantages to to gained appear be trifling com pared to the enormous increase in cost and the Dostoonement for a decade of a the completion of the canal. The ex pense of locking would be a mere baga telle beside the annual interest charge on $100,000,0(30 added investment, tor the average ship, shortening the time of passage through the canal from thir teen to eight hours is not a saving of vast importance. Therefore the argu ment in behalf of a sea level canal lack force, and seems largely in the nature of sjs-ciul pleading for increased cost and year of delay in construction. 0 The navy seems to have a powerful attraction for people with surplus. Two st'rties in a single day atout men of wealth seeking refuge in the marine corps suggest that the Internment ought to cle up its recruiting office ml not. uaRte monev noon them. If Australian heirs to $10,000,000 estate and young Americans withj wads of $:r.0fH in the bank find the corps V their Ute .the ordinary ruck of likely voting fellow without money, trade or job ought to find it alluring. o Speaker Cannon will not cause the ca nal to to delayed by luck of money Canal delays are not needing any par ticular assistance from Speaker Cannon nd Man's Unreasonableness. is often as great as woman's. But Thos. 8. Austin, Mgr. of the "Rcublican" of Levenworth, Ind., was not unreason able, when he refuted to allow the doc tore to operate on bis wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he says, "we con eluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Elec trio Bitters, the was perfectly cured, anl can now perform all her household ties." Guaranteed by Charles Rogers, druggist, price 50c. ANOTHER IROQUOIS VICTIM. Chicago, Nov. 27. A dispatch to the Tribune from Janesville, Wis., sav: Arthur W. Campbell, formerly private secretary of the President of Northwest ern University, died yesterday. He was present at the Iroquois fire in Chicago, December 30, 1003, and rescued many persons. He never recovered from the shock. irst National lilt At Astoria! in the Stat of Oregon, at the close of business, November I, ItfOo. RESOURCES. Iana and discounts $310,730.05 Overdrafts, secured am. un secured 1,144.34 U- & Bonds to secure citvula tioa 12.300 00 llonds, securities, etc 73.3SO 00 Other real estate owned.... 6,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve agent) 13,733.31 Due from State Banks and Bankers ... 7fl.817.50 Due from approved reserve agents 210,401.48 Checks and other cash items 493.30 Notes of other National Banke 405.00 Nickels and cents 60.00 lawful money reserve in bank vii: Speei $135,500 togsl tender notes ... 133 133,053.00 Redemption fund with U. a. Treasurer (5 per cent circu lation 025 00 Total ,.$H52,C5.74 LIABILITIES. Capital stock raid in ....8 50.000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 41.IM4.30 National Bank notes out- Standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check .. ..$530,908.33 Demand certificates of de posit 167,400.11 Certified checks 147.00 098.521.44 Total $852,005.74 State of Oregon, County of Clataop.ss: I. S. S. Gordon cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. H. UOIUXJ.N, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of November. 1005. C. A. UOOI.I IX IK Notary Public. Correct Attest: w. f. McGregor, G. C. FLAVKL, JACOB KAMM. Directors. Our Great Removal Sale of High Grade Wall Paper Is a Phenomenal Success. Now is the best opportunity to secure bargains as we will move to our new location January 1st, and in the meanwhile we arc selliug wall paper at prices lower than you have ever sceu it before. Call and inspect our elegant lines. B. F. Allen Son, US su Weinhard's "-si ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX, Tree, and Ruyt. L BI8UOP. Secretary A. I FOX, Vice Free. AHTOK1A 8AV1NU8 HANK.Trwu Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOliCITEO. Foot of FourtblHtwt REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION OF THE Astoria Nalioual Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business. November 0, 1005. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $203,334.02 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 5,104.55 U. 8. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds ... 750.00 Bonds, securities, etc 40,807.08 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4,4so.zo Other real estate owned 20,375.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 15,043.49 Due from State Banks and Bankers 8,347.17 Due from approved reserve agents 133,i4J.U Checks and other cash items. . 3,450.77 Notes of other National Banks 800.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 1,417.71 Lawful money reserve in bank viz: Snecie $01,486.50 Legal-tender notes 1,520.00 03,012.60 Redemption fund with U. n. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir culation 025.00 Total $824,033.84 LIABILITIES. Oapital atock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ... o,b..ou National Bank notes out standing 0,700.00 Individual deposits subject to cneck . . . .oo,74u.uo Demand certificates of de ceit $ 35,010.30 Tims certificates of de posit 217,032.30 618,303.25 Total $024,033.84 VERY Cheap Prices China Crockery Dolls Glassware Christmas Holiday Goods COME EARLY See Our Tempting Prices Great American Importing Tea Co. 571 Commercial Street, Astoria. State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, ss: I. J. E. nimrin. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. js, xuijuia, , Cashier. KulM-Ihed and sworn to before me this 17th day of November, 1005. . l. fjutuiuau:. Notary Public. (Seal) Correct Attest: GFX). IT. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, L. MANSUR, Directors. Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS, ffo Hot Irons. If 0 Burning of Good. Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Given to all Out-of-Town Orders; The Benefits of Modern Plumbing. One of the moit generally approved ideas of modern plumbing is that of Installing one-piece lavatories mpptied with hot cold running water in the sleeping apart menu and dressing chamberi of the lndl vidua members of the household. The benefits derived from thli arrange ment will not only be fount necessary to modern living, but also prove a source of convenience and comfort to the occupants. Send (or a copy of booklet " Modern Lavatories," w hich shows the complete line nf "fltnljajf One-plcce Lavatories with approximate prices in detail. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria n't I 1 s2 Sherman Transter Co. 1IF.NHY HI I KKMAN, Manager Hacks. Carriages Hapgage Checked ami Transferred Trucks and Fur) niturc Wagons Pianos Moved, Hoxcu and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street, Phone Main 121 J. Q. A. I10WLI1Y, President. FRANK PATTO.V, Cashier. O. I. PKTKRSOy, Vice-President J. W. GARNKR, As-UUnt Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank Capital rvd In IKO.000. Surplus and Undivided I'roflUi MMM0. 1 Traiiwu'Uia limeral banking llunlnw. Inlrrral pld on Tims Drpunlla 168 Tenth Strsst, ASTORIA, OREGON. First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i;STAlL!.Hlli:i 1880. Capital and Surplus $100,000 AN ASTORIA PRODUCT Pale Bohemian Beer Best In The North west North Pacific Brewing Co. j The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper the Republicans and holding that the so far.