FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. WILL SULTAN YIELD International Fleet Preparing All Eyo are on Turkey. MINISTER SENDS FOR SHIPS Austria a Representative Asks that Por tion of Fleet of Powcri Proceed to Tuiklih Wsters, an1 It Will Prob ably Leave Today ai Per Request. I'imlon, Nov, 2n.Tln rMnt at the TurkUli (ioveriiiiiriit Ui ac Tt HuroH-n inntrol uf irvi'inir uf the Vilayets vf Maiwloiiia, ! sImhiI to l'iti lo the putting Into M-rHtiin of tlm thrvut of a navsl ilciiHiimtrsllon, with tl iili-a uf rimH-liiK TtirUfy ' u- tt i- Tht obduracy of the Sultan is appar ently Wod on th twlicf that ha hud thr iMia supHiit nt th (icrinan Kin prror, and Um thi jinloui siippord ti i-t between tht Mwers. In diplomatio circli-, it is even yet tsprt't! he will yield before the Inter national fleet tskes sctlve im-aoiires. It is umliTntiNid the SulUn has ap pealed vainly to Kmperors William, Ni cholas, and r'ratu JoM-ph, agslnst I ho proMe4 demonstration, (in ninny's ah aention from nartlrlwlim in the naval demonstration makes thn situation in rieitis)jly Intereslintf. The fart that the senion of the coun cil of the minister, at whirh time the propiNale of the powers was rejected was stormy, and tlint all the inlnUters except the minuter of wsr favorel yielding, leads to the belief that the Nultan will yield at the first show of determination on the part of the pow ers, alter satisfying his people he is yielding to superior force. Minister Wires for Fleet. Vienna., Nov. 23, Karon VunCelu, the Autrla-IIunj(srisn embassador at ConUntlnojle has trlejfraphed Admiral Von.Iedine, for a portion of the Inter national fleet to salt immediately, pro- rredinK either to Mytllene, Island of Creeian, (belonging to Turkey In Asia) or for the Ilesika llay (near the en trame to Dardanelles). Fleet Ready to Sail. Athens, Nov. 23. It is understood the international fleet will "all tomorrow. The foreign ministers todsy paid visits to the commanders of the warships of their repetle countries. Tbi com manders later held a conference slmani the Ail-Ulan flagship. SAYS PRESIDENT IS SINCERE BUT THINKS HE IS MISTAKEN President Ripley of Santa Fa Expresses Views oa Railroad Rate Legisla tion and the Panama Canal. Angeles, Nov. 23 Tivldcnt 1'ip ley, of the Santa Fe, In awaking about the proposed railroad rate legUlation. fni.l tixluv, that the President's Ideas, In Ms opinion did not dilTer materially from thoe of niot railroad men. Mr. Ripley believes the President sin retire, but says he is as mistaken a he is sincere. Itipley does not think that what the President proMe U a rem edy to the evils the President says ex i-t. He added the Panama rannl would not Interfere seriously with the truffle of the Western roml". He snys It is not worrying him much, as be does not ex pod it to In completed during the pics ent generation. Sella Mora of Chamberlain's Couth Remedy Than of All Others Put Toiethei. Mr. Thoa. iieorge, a merchant at Mt, Elgin, Ontario, say a: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aver since it was introduced In to Canada, and I tell as much of it as I do all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many donns sold under guarantee, I have not had one bottle returned. I can personally recom mend this medicine as I have used it myself and given it to my children and alwaya with the best results." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Nenralgfa Pains. Rheumatism, lumbago and soiatlo pains yield to the penetrating Influ ence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It penetrates to the nerves and bone end being absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some won derful cures. 25c, 60c, and $1.00. Sold fcy Bart's drug store. COURT OVER-RULES Refuses to Quash Indictmen's Against Burton, BROOKS IMPORTANT WITNESS Testifies that the Senator Was Intro duced to Him, and Pointed Out as a "Valuable Man," in View of Investi gation of Poitoflflce Department. St. ImiIs, Nov. 21. In a lengthy ex tempore opinion, I'nited States Circuit Judge VsnDevantcr overruled the mo lion lo diml all the counts in the in dictment agsiiist Senator Durton, charg ed with having accepted from Itlalto (rain and Securities Company, coin en lit inn for acting as attorney before the l'ololllie. Department, which were filed by the defense, following the closa of the (internment's cse today. diaries II. llrooks, an Importsnt wit ness today, said Hurt on had been Intro luce to him on Hie recommendation that he employ the Senator, who, It was tated, would be a valuable man for him in the light of the pending investl gstlon by the Postofflce Department, of the investment concern "f which he was plesjdelit. CASES ARE POSTPONED. Washington, Nov. 23 - The hesrlng of the demurrers In the criminal court, of the Hyde-Dimond I)cnon rases, set for tomorrow, have bwn postponed for two weeks. BALFOURIST HROUGH London Political Circles Agog as Result of Rumo WILL APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE 8utestion from Two Leading Newspa pers that He Resign, Believed to Have Been Instituted by Himself Resig nation of Cabinet May Be Sent King. NATURE SPARES Tkt Strirkta Vrvas Oriel. What a fortunate provision of nature It Is, thst deprives the roe of menial sufferlnc ; for bow poignant would be Its srief lo discover. In the height of Its blooming glory, that a ranker fed at Its heart, and that Ita beauty and fragrance wre doomed forever. Nature alwaya spares the Buffering; she la a veritable store-house of pleasing rewards, for those who seek her aid. In the yeara gone by falling hair and ejraynese have cust a gloom over the Uvea of thousands of young women, but thanka to the In vestigations of scientists the true cause of hair destruction la now known to be a germ or parasite that burrows Into the hair follicles. Newbro'a Ilerplclde absolutely destroy!' thla germ, thus permitting the hair to grow as na ture Intended. Bold by leading drug gists. Bend 10a. In atampa for ssmple to The Ilerplclde Co.. Detroit Mich. Eagle Drug Store, J51-M1 Bond St. Owl Drug Store, M Com. 8t, T. P. Uurln, Prop. "Special Ageat," Imlon, Nov. 23. Tremendous g-tiv ity developed in political circles today, consequent of the circulation of a well founded report that Premier Balfour bad decided to bring his ministry to a close, and directly, or indirectly, appeal to the country. Humors regarding the resignation of of the Cabinet and dissolution of Par liament, have been thick for three months, but when the two leading Gov ernment organs today, almost in the same terms, "suggested" the immediate resignation of the Premier, on account of the unmendable breach in the Union ist party, over the fiscal question, the "suggestion' waa looked upon as having been instigated by Ilalfour himself. Thi waa strengthened by the knowledge that prior to the publication of the edi torials, Ilslfour met certain influential persons. All the present Interest now centers In the Cabinet meeting tomorrow, at which it is understood the situation will lie discussed. Some well informed per sons go so far a to say Balfour will go from the meeting to the King, with the resignations of himself and the Cabinet Sure Balfour Will Resign, 1mdan, Friday, Nor. 24. This morn ing's newspaper are unanimous that the Cabinet meeting today will result in the resignation of Premier Balfour. Cored Consumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater, Karuu, writes t "My husband lay alck for three months. The doctors said that he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. That waa six years ago. Since then we have always kept bottle in the house. We cannot do without it For coughta and colds It has no equal." 25c, SOc, and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. The MORNING ASTORIAN 75 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Your Prescription: Bock Island If you are going East, X would appreciate your consulting me. I will gladly help you plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island service. Just drop me a line consultation free 1 I will show you a Rock Island folder and our publication entitled "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable importance that you select the right route there are many different ways to go. "I'll tell you of the superior points about the Rock Island way. a. H. Mcdonald, General Agent, Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland, Ore Sherman Transter Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Fur niture Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 The Astoria Restaurant, GOOD, CLEAN - MEALS EXCELLENT SERVICE OPtN ALL NIGHT 399 Bond St., cor. Ninth BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, ORE. If you are thinking of attending Business College, you cannot afford to ignore the best one in the North west. Our equipment ia nnsarpaased. The proprietors are teachers. Our graduates are all employed. We will assist you to a position when competent. SEND FOR CATALOGUE fSZI. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE L, E. Sellg, Lessee and Manager A SfJCIETY EVENT MISS GEORGIA HARPER COMPANY OF 18 PLAYERS 0XE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27 opning performance "FROU FROU A carload of scenery, furniture, etc. New Specialties 99 Prices t Reserved Seata, 50ej Gallery, 25c. Seat sale opens Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at Iloefler's Candy Store. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. O. L PETERSON, Vice-President FRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. I A Fine Display of Cloisone Vases Ranging in price from $1.23 to $2.00 can be seen at the Yokohama Bazar eas!OommtaJ Btrset, As tort If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigeetion, constipation Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tee will make you well and keep you well. If it fails, get your money back. That's fair. 35 cents. Sold by Frank Hart. .Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In 1100100. Surplus and CndlTided Profits t&OOB. Transacts a General Banking Business. I Merest Paid on Time Dcposlta 168 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. First National Bank of -Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital and Surplus $100,000 ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. Pre, and RnyU A. L. FOX, Vice Pre. F L BISHOP. Secretary ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK, Trees Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOI iCJTED. Foot of FoorthCStnet JUST A MOMENT! sS sjS sjS sjS We Want to Talk to You ABOUT BOOK BINDING We do it in All the Latest and Best Styles of the Art. . . . tj g Wc take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library. We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rcbind them and return a. J I f io you gooa as any new uook Let us figure with you on fixing up your Library g g g The J. S. Dellinger Co., Makers of All Kinds of Books Astorian Building ... Corner Coim ERCLAtof 10th Street if