THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 190J. 8 Another Shipment of Sweet Apple Cider Received today WTW NAVAL ORANGES AND ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 4ST0IUAGK0CERY 123 Commercial 8k Phone Main SSI Wait ! Votch! Fcr its CinJ ct A. Y.Allen's Crockery Dent- Wa will have the largest and moat eomplete Iin of china, crockery, tUn-' POLITICAL DOINGS Things Being Said and Done and for What Purpose. jmcnt of the "lit Urn" campaign. I1. Well! If the numlsrs, the. celerity, tht javiility ami I lie uniucstioned mh-cs, (with which they took hold of things h! the alleged Ctien meeting on l-t Wed nely night. i any indication of pro prietary leadership, tlH'n tli credit i justly, wholly ami unfailingly theirs. So Ik- it. DEMOCRATS ARE EXPLAINING Odds and Ends of Gossip of Street, Of fice and Public Places How the Lead ers Feel and How the Voters Do Not Feel Indications Plainly Given. Tin lltidgct announce in cold, hl.ik typo tlie Police ('oiiimWMnit i not ie onilde fur Xiuf police. Will it inform :l patient and cm ion-, public, jnt what t lit tIice commission i fur! If till the public nlTene mill offenders itrc to Ik handled ly county officials in tln state court am! the charter provisions a-ain-t all phases f pnlilic itumorality a iv to In read as l.sil letter, the jhi litv had U'tter turn in their badge and ln sworn to ericc a depiitie-sheritT. The evasion sought to lie made i on a par with the ret of the hang-fire, d li the connciliuaii. and .1. F. Kearney, for city superintendent of street. The A-toiiaii deeply regret that any one should fail to understand all it ha to iay in relation to the 'tending cam pwigu ,il Hipk, it ine, its effects, hilt as complaint on this score. In date, have hailed from the iVuiocialic camp only, it hesitate to apologue, lest, in so doing, it -lull contribute proof that the complaining iVmocral can icolW read, a (imc'iin that cotitiaxciios one of the holiest tradition of that pnly. 1' VOLVERTON THE MAN r The camapign goes merrily on, apace. The local leader is doing the talking, Ibious and mi fit propaganda of and the voter i doing the thinking, a Democrat, to date, prerequisite to doing business at the poll. The Budget is in polities again, ad- According to Democratic testimony, duly echoed by the trailer and "non partisan," even-thing municipal i all local campaign. If the Democrat, primarily, and the "Citiren" understudies secondarily, are not working for a "wide open town," via tbe December and June election, why don't they say so in specific terms? Alas! It' too late, besides being too true. Thomas Campbell, Deeocralie nominee for superintendent of streets, is to the forefront of the battle. He is passing but his political card d'visite broadcast, wart, brie-a-brae, rat bar foods, in the simple, old fashioned way. Among others, he "doe not know" just what cutlery and Qrenratt ever brought to this city. Opening data to be announced later. Morning Astorian, 75c per month. ditional and emphatic proof that its I right; the officer are all doing their party is at the head and front of the duty, nothing i ami, the city l safe, the public debt i not increasing, the charter limits are all bring observed, the police communion, the chief, and the force, are doing all the law command them, nothing i wrong, all i right and the devil is asleep. The Republican beg to differ; an audacious and untimely thing to do, of course but if it were not for an occasional "butter-in," life would be so smooth some ieop)e might get to "slipping." With John W. Itabbidge, W. C. Law, and Martin Foard a a police commit- ion, there will he something like over- ight and control of police matter in this city. The chief, and the force, will know more about their relation to the commission than the Budget eem to know, ami there will be control, regula tion, and supervision that controls, reg ulate ami supervise. Yesterday the formal aweptanee .f their respective nominations a candi dates on the Republican ticket were fil ed with Judge Anderson, by A. S. Tee, for city surveyor; John Nordstrom, for city treasurer; C. A. Leinenweber, for the Democratic policies are. The Astorian i in receipt of a sign ed letter complaining of the police, that is some of them, for drinking openly in saloons with dissolute women. The writer mentions no name, dates nor place, and this paper refrain from comment until it i in possession of tan gible fact. The local Democracy is in an uproar because it is credited with the manage (Continued from page 1.) bar at that time. When he wa admit ted to practice before the supreme coint, the late Charles It. Bellinger, who- place he i now appointed to till, wa then clerk of the slate supreme court. May Name Thomas Hailey. Salem. Nov. 21. Governor Chamber lain will appoint Tlmmus ti. Hailey, of l'endleton, to till the vacancy on the Oregon Supreme Court bench, caused by j the appointment of Judge Wolverton a I'nited State Di-trict Judge. The tlov ernor did not say In o many word that he would appoint Hailey, wlu-n aked this morning but left little ground for upHing that any one else would be named. He stated, howeter, he might apoint William itam-s-y, of ! ramie. The tiovernor said he wus not ready to announce whom he wa going to ap "int. and in all prolmhility no positive announcement will be made until alter the resignation of Judg- Wolverton i received and ac ted upon. To make man better, make trade better. To make trade better, make goods better. Schilling's Best: M kSiaf-4 tfkm atwuf Midi mi Your grocer's; moncyback. A PIANO NUMBER WITH EVERY I1.30 SALE. I A 1 ,wu ) A Word sm - j Abot EVERY f WORD j YorK OFOUR ' shire ADS 1 ' Suits Wjs U the only man in A-toiia who has them; a a rule An houM In (ho larget cities carry the clothes. i'ji. h clothier selects hi own name, mni call theirs "The Chs'terflrH," "The Buckingham," I rail mine the "Yorkshire." These clothes art mad by Sturne, Mayer & Co., Chicago; who do not advertise at all, but they are known by all clothing men a the maker of the hlghe.t grad clo thing in the I'nited State. Suits to ell from fcr.'io to (101)0 and there are not a doirn tailor in all of the largest citie who ran euul their work) a big boait but a tme one. Ifflemffl&ftWise ASTORIA'S CLOTHIER TWO GOLD MEDALvS AWARDED THE MO NAM CM At the Lewis and Clark Exposition Two Gold Medals awarded the Monarch at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, the first and only time this range was ever shown at any exposition. No grand prizes were offered, but the Jury on stoves and Ranges voluntarily manifested their high esteem of the Monarch Range by writing the letter leproduced here. Several gold medals were awarded different Range and Stove manu facturers for various things the Monarch received two. But it remains for the Monarch alone to receive the unqualified endorse ment of the Jury, as is evidenced by this letter. 1 m m m Uh Hi-a Km, (ma DIVISION Oe tXMIBlTS M, su. t. t. Koftrs, (Hmt. AoMmi(iiio Bids . Rooms 13 10 li trojiTio Coousst PORTLAND. ORtSOS, Get. 9th, 1005. Hsll.sbls Iron Rani Co".' a Betb, ... Kanufastur BulXdlna, e 4k Ufl Clark fair, rortUna. Car Stri ' . JLZ-inJ:nlpX'9tftr Uxuf "thaaka ana apprMUU? 'la r.mnt th (0la B.daXhtaJiat'aeara)' Meaarsb iallaakl W nfjas SSN.! fit aar plae you u kn, ths'jurr.'a.ard tb U' aoai oa first ballot and baa thr been any hlabar "prls affaraaA . - This Demonstrates beyond the shadow of a doubt the superiority of the Monarch over all others. No other Range or Stove exhibit ed was, in the opinion of the Jury equal to the Monarch. Pages of matter in praise of this Range could not speak as convinc ingly as does this letter, written by men of undisputed judgment and knowledge wmi-m hoi touis rtaialt- baea rsmvae it.. ! aB-aaaass w- t fstsaa tb Monarab tb beat rialab an bt'ntrut 4Rani itb ar spial rtura thaa aor otbar Kant a aaUblU. )urjjm 8t.'an4 aaoisaf Ha "Stay Satlsfactorylaie An examination of the MONARCH Range at our store will prove to any one the justice of this verdict. Chas. Heilborn & Co. Sole Agents. Astor a Oregon tV5Uy SatUfactoryltAftjjt