8 1THE MOKNTNG 4 ASTOIilAN, 'ASTORIA. OREGOxN . MONDAY, ROVtMSBEX so, 1903. Another Shipment of Apple i Received today XEW XAVAL ORANGES -AND ALL , EJITDS OF FRESH FRUIT AlfD ' VEGETABLES. ASTOIUAGROCERY Commercial 8t Phono Main Ml Vcit ! Vatcb! fcr fcs Cizi cf -A.V.Allen's Grocliery Eeot. Vt will bat ti largest and most ' complete line of china, crockery, glass ware, bric-a-brac, cut flats, bar goods, cutlery and silverware erer brought to tbia city. Opening date to be announced later. -- FLEET IS - DOOMED Captain Tuttle Says Ships ? Be Crushed, i .' Will III: SHIPS' 'MUST 1 be deserted Fleet Is Sixty Miles from Banks Land and Five Hundred "Miles from the MacKeniie Can Live Until Sprint, ' But Expedition Would Be Useless. Seattle, Sow 19,-That ih twelve whaling vessel Imprisoned in the ice somewhere in the , Arctic ocean are doomed to destruction and the crews t face terrible hardship is' the belief of Capt Francis Tuttle, former master of the revenue, cutter Bear and one of the greatest living authorities on Are tic lands and waters. Captain Tuttle does not favor rending a relief expedi tion. In bis opinion it would be im possible to reach the fleet s 5 Vben in San Francisco, CapUin Tut tle talked with Capt Bodftsh, of the whaler William Bayliss, who brought the first . direct news of , the perilous portion of the fleet In speaking of the matter. CapUin Tuttle said: "From what I learned from Captain Bod fish do not think there is a possibility of the fleet ever leaving 4 he Arctic. When the Baylies left, the other ves sels they were about sixty miles off Banks land. Banks land is about 500 milet Eeast of the Mackenzie river. The Bayliss bad no sooner left the fleet than the ice started' closing in and they were caught. ; The Bayliss succeeded in keep ing ahead of the moving pack, and with great difficulty and many narrow es capes succeeded in getting out When the ice begins to mill in the spring the vessels will be crushed like eggs. The only thing for the crews to do is to -make for land, taking as much food as possible, and then strike out for the Mackenzie river. "When they finally reach shore their most serious troubles will begin. There is not a single native in or around that country. Neither is there any bunting save a few, and a very few, yaks, a species of oxen. Seal are as scarce ii hens' teeth, and all they can depend on for food is what they take with them from the ships and a few fish they may be able to cath." . "It will be a 500-mile trip to Iler- schel island after leaving their vessels, and this trip will be attended with the grcatet hardships. The two women who are with the whalers,, and who are per sonal acquaintances of mine, will un doubtedly suffer terribly. I doubt they survive. . The only thing to do is to wait till spring and then send the revenue cut ter Bear North to pick up the surviv ors. II the men succeed in getting away from their ships they will undoubtedly make) for HeJf-4iel b-lutil and Uienq hey will be found. "I learned from Captain Bodfish that there will be enough food to last the men all winter by dividing it up. One of the greatest danTs is scurvy. It is bound to break out and deaths are sure to result" Caotain Tuttle was in command of a fie Bear when lie was ynt to the re l-f of the whalers in 1807. He baa just been atcined to command the revenue cutter Perry. Latest Papeterie RICI ' AICD DESCRTPTIOlf OR EYE1Y BOX Cf SHOW WINDOW. CLOSER IHSPECTI01I ON THE COUN TER." J. N. Griffin BOOKS STATIONERY MUSIC Accordion, Sunburst and Knife Pleating To Order STEAM PROCESS. No Hot Irons. - No'Burning of Goods. . Miss O. Gould Eighth Floor, Marquam Building. . PORTLAND. Prompt and Careful Attention Gives - to all Out-of-Town Orders.. Portland Journal of Saturday, it would cent that Captain Reed, the Fox, and the grouch,'are all coming back U As toria: It might be better for all con cerned, if he would leave his grouch lie hind him j it belongs to Tort hind. Tort land has the grouch against .Vtru ami her pilots, and Captain Reed will fare far better if he comes minus a growl. Here is what he saysi "Captain JacC Recti, owner of the temer Fox, says that the Columbia river bar pilots would K've s better service if they did not put in so much of their time soliciting trad for .a private launch they own and inducing hip captains to patronize certain As tot id biiKiness houses from which they wt't a commission. 1T de not accuse all the pilots of engaging in this bu-i ness, but declares that some of them do, Iiefore I rame to Forttand, says Captain Reed, "I was running the Fox between Astoria and the ships which were anchored in the harbor carrying the captains . ashore ami back to the vessels and charging them so much for the service. The pilots bad a controll ing . interest in a gasoline launch they called the Pilot which they ran in op position to me. It was given out that the craft was operated by James Keat ing. but as a matter or fact the pilots were back of the venture. At last they began cutting the rates to suck a low figure that I was forced out of business and came to Portland. 'But I am going back to Astoria with the Fox in a couple of weeks and will show the pilots a thing or two. After left they raised the rates for carry ing ship captains back and forth." "The captain says that be has known the pilots time and time again to re main on the inside of the bar during fine weather when a ship was waiting for them on the outide." CAREY TO GIVE AID Will Work fcr Jetty In Washington. While FRIEND. Of THE PRESIDENT .ft A PIANO NUMBER WITH EVERY S.jo SALE. Will Aid la Obtaining Appropriation by Congress, for Continuance of Work at the Columbia River Will Argue Casea Before the Supremo Court i TOLD THEM TO GET OUT. Portland, Xov, 19. To aid in obtain ing an appropriation by Conifres for the continuance of Work on the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia river, Chae, II. Carey left last night fur Washington, D. 0; The Portland Board of Triftle at a recent meeting pased a resolution re questing ex-juuge I'arey to call upon President Roosevelt and the Secretary of War, and also to talk with tiie I prominent members of Congress and urge them to use their influence as far ..... .... as possible to have an appropriation made and to continue the work on the 1 Jetty. Ex-Judge Carey will remain In Washington for several days, and while there will argue in the United States Supreme Court the suit of the Mead ettate and Meier A Prank Company against the City of Portland to pre vent tlte closing of the eutranco to the lower Morrison street wharf. The closing prevents the ue of the lower - dock. Tbe city won in the state courts but as there is a eoutitutional ques tion involved, it was ptMsihle to carry the case to the United States Supreme Court The plaintiffs are the owners of adjacent proerty. Williams, Wood & Linthicum are counsel with Mr. Carey, and City Attorney L. A. McN'ary rep resents the city. Tbe question at issue is if the property-owners are entitled to damages and whether the city can close the approach to the wharf without compensating the adjacent porperty-owners. Speaking concerning the jetty, ex- There will be no ft 6 . - njj i 3 JVE'LL - v Sod ) Word . ! 1 About j EVERY f ij WORD ! YorK- '070UR shire ' 1 aps 1 y suits I 1 , GREAT BIG GROUCH Captain Jack Reed Coming Back With the Fox, From the following, taken from the SPECIAL, SALE IN MILLINERY t m , Ill I " " B . I J t Street Hats, Turbans, Potent Leather Hats and School Hats. A complete and varied lino of trimmings' to match; all si, colors and styles. Hundreds to choos from. This is the LOGICAL Millinery store for YOU, no matter what class of goods you buy. THE ELITE THE MILLINERY PARLORS THAT LEADS IN STYLE. PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED. 68a COMMERCIAL BALL BUILDING. Ingalls Advised Hyde and Alexander to Retire. Cincinnati, Nov. 10. Melvile E. Ing alls, chairman of the Big Four board, formerly a director in the Equitable In surance Company, said in an lutcrview today that he had begged Hyde and Alexander to get out long before the sensational disclosures hi the Nw York investigation. Hs said: "My predictions have been like holy Judge Carey aid: writ in this Instance. I heraed both river snd harbor bill this year. This Hyde and Alexander to get out and save has been decided by the Secretary of the company from the disgrace of! War. The Government is spending so these disclosures. The Frick report was I much money on the Panama canal, and the fatal gun. It sounded the knell there Is a ehortega In posw receipt. of tho old regime. Now, whsl we should Consequently so effort U beiug made to do is to secure the enactment of laws I curtail expense in every possible di which would put an end to this form of Irection. I am inclined to th opinion, nml.lino in.iir.iu I ran rail it ti I however, that the maintenance. 01 a , - ---- i - no mora oolite name. We mint do IffOod iettr is diflcrent then other work. r... with ramKlinir inaunnee. thclThe falsework J10W COnstrUctCa IS II WU is the only man ta Astoria who has them) as a rule fine bowta In the largest cities carry thr clothes. Each clothier selects hi owa name, some call theirs "The Chesterfield,1 "The Buckingham," I call wins the "Yorkshire." These cloUtei art mada by Sturne, Mayer 4 Co., Chicago; who do not advertise at all, but tbey are known by all clothing men ai the mnkers of tho highest grade clo thing in ths United States. Knits to sell from 3130 to 1 10.00 there are not a down tailors la all of tbe large! cities who can equal their workj a big boast but e true one. MeniamWise ASTORIA'S RELIABLE CLOTHIER away large surplus and stock companies." insurance, tbe quasi mutual ASTORIA IRON WORKS SHIP AFLOAT AGAIN. Rotterdam, Nov. 19. The Holland- American steamer, Phindaai which went agrount in Nieuwe Mas, of Vlaardingen, in the' fog yesterday, was suecuwfully floated today., . . SOI PRESS HUMOR (ontinued from pajp 4.) I able to be ruined by teredos and winter storms. The moneys already expended will be lost unls sufficient money is provided to carry on the work during tbe coming season. I think the matter - ... stands with the Government, just the same as it would with any business man under the same condition. No I buninea man would allow all of his expenditure to be lost entirely simply because be was a little hard up. Ex-Judge Carey is accompanied by his wife on the trip to Washington. JOHN FOX. Free, and Rnyt F L BISHOP. Secretary A. I FOX, Vice Pre. AHTOKIA BAVINOd HANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED And I hand you herewith a copy of another letter written to the said "one R. Alexander" a few days thereafter, namelyi November 0, 1003. My lJcr Mr. Al exander: The other day we invited a few friends and zealous Reiiphlicana to contribute to our exchequer, but having decided not to publixh the proceedings of our conference on account of the ex pense, permit us to intercept your do nation, for the present at leat. lieoides j if tne minutes oi the meeting, the speches should appear, and, judging from manu script received, the pamphlet might con tain 200 pages. ' This' would call for 4 cents' postage, of $1200 for the edition, to eay nothing of paper, composition, presswork and binding. . Let us scatter the seeds of Jcindness handed the con ference by Wallace McCemant in his speech t "Fight for your friends at ihe primaries and our ticket at the polls," and believe me, sir, with perfect respect, your obedient servant, FRANK C. BAKER. The campaign fund story "not less titan "20,000" is a myth, without sny truth whatever. Republicans do aot need such campaign funds to win elec tions in Oregon. - ' """' '. FRANK C. BAKER. . Chairman Republican State Central Committee." A TMuttrnns Calamity. it i. . disasterou. csiamity, when you canning Machinery. Marine Engines and Boilers. lose your health, 14-susa Indigestion j and consumption have snapped it away. tOmplCte Umncry UUlTltSrurniShed. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your di gestive organs, and curs hesdeabe, dls tiness, colic, constipation, etc Guaran teed at Charles Rogers Drug store j 26c. CORRESPONDENCE SOliQTEO. Foot of FourtijJStreet. Beautify your complexion with little cost If you wish a smooth, clear, cream-like comphxion ' rosy cheeks. laughing eyes, take Ilollister's Rocky Mounatin Tea. greatest beau tiller known to cents. Sold by Frank Hart . I Tonka, 'the usual cheat for vanilla, costs one or two cents for a certain amount; Schilling's Best vanilla a dol- One is strong; the other It fine. One is rank ; the other is delicate. Nevertheless four- fifths of "vanilla" is tonka. Tbe 98 cents accounts for it. ' Pale Bohemian Beer Best In Tli Northwest North Pacific Brewing Co. YOUR HAT Xiy Be SrUsft Om, Bat It Kafcee TrevJtW. A man wuaUr buys a bat that "in stria," but the modern hat for men baa lota to answer lor. , Baldheada are rrowln mora numer ous every day. Hats make excellent rweedlnr places for the parasitic ferms which sap the life from the roots of the aaw. When your hair begins to fait out and your scalp is fuu qt jjananiK it is s 1 sure eltw that these countless germs are busily at work. There la but one war to overcome thr trouble and kill the fermatnat way Is to apply Kewbro's Herplclde to the scs!p-lt will kill ths terms snd healthy nair is sure to result. Sold by leadlnsr drurt-ista Send too. in stamps for simple to The Herplclde Co. Detroit Mich. Drug Store, Kl-M Bond St vrl Dru. Store, MB Own. St., T., F "anria. Prop. "Spedal Agent" 1 I The Benefits of Modern Plumbing, One of the moit gem tpprord ideas of modern plumbing '1 that of installing; one-piece lavatories supplied with hot and cold running water In the sleeping apart tnenu and dressing chambers of the lndi. ridutl members of the household. . The benefits derived from this arrange- ment will not onty be found necessary to modern living, but slw prove source of , convenience and comfort to the occupants. , - bend lor a copy of booklet "Modern Lavatories' which shows the complete line of "JtaedatsT One-piece Lavatories with approximate prices in detail. J. A. Montgomery, Astoria