The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 19, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1905.-
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Vait! Watch!
Fcr the Openinj cf
A- V. Allen's
Crockery Dept.
TV mill have tie largest and most
complete line of china, crockery, glass
ware, bric-a-brac, cut glass, bar goods,
cutlery and silverware ever brought to
this city. Opening date to be announced
afUs.-..-. I, i
lis W & lUpa
Beautify your complexion with little
cost If you wwh a smooth, dear,
crmm-lik complexion, roy cheeks,
laughing eyes, Uke Hollister'e Rocky
Mouaatin Tea, greatest beautifier known
36 cent. Sold by Frank Bart
. First Batist
Rapti-t thmvh Sunday vhool at 10
a. in. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Meet
in- of the Young IVojde at 6:30 p. m.
There will be no evening sonic until
1 he return of the repilar pastor.
Presbyterian Church. t
Rev. Charle M. Hay of Portland will
preuoh iu tlte 1VI teriun church to
morrow morning ami evening at the us
ual hour. Sunday schjool at 12:15.
Y. T. S. C. E., at :30. A cordial invita tion
is extended to all.
Sufirag iata to Meet
The Woman Suffrage Association will
meet in tha basement of the Baptist
church, Monday, November 20th at 2:30
p. m. All intereted in the work are
cordially invited to be present
Of Interest to Clergy.
The Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Co., having been granted member
ship in the Trans-Continental Clergy
Bureau, the name of that company will
appear in the clergy application blanks
and clergy certificate issued by the
bureau for 1908, and conimvncing Janu
ary 1st, of the coming year. These
permit will be honored by all agent
of the A. K.B.R, thus eliminating
the Individual half-fare permits Issued
hy that company In former year. Re-
Hitet fr olticial application hlanka
ohoiihl be made to J. C. Mayo, general
nas-cnpr agent, Astoria.
Fust M. X. Church.
We are glad to b able again to in
vite the puMio to our thurch to worship
with . TI10 building has lawn greatly
beaut ilied and improved. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all Ci service.
Class ni'iting at l:3 a. m., followed
at 11 a. in. by preaching, t'ie reception
of meuiliet, and the communion ser
vice. Sunday school at 12: LV Fpworth
Ijragnc iu tln new Vague room at 0:!10
p. in.: Subject ,'The IVuixel of Indul
pence." The servu will I led by Mis
owell and will W intereetlng to all. At
::k p. in. the pator, Kev. W. S. Grim,
will preach a sermon especially to
young men, although everybody l In
vited, on the subject runou IWiv
ing." Kxcellenl music will be rendered
and you will enoy the evening. Come
worship with us.
First Congregational
First Congregational church, preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the
pator, Luther IX Mahone. Morning sub
ject "The Worth of Life." evening, "The
Necessity of progress." Music under the
direction of Mrs. Ceo. C. Watkin. Sun
day school 12:20 p. m. 4
First Lutheran Church.
CuUf E. Rydquit pastor. Service
today a follows: Sunday school at
9:30 a. m. always in English. Morning
Wc arc going to give away $375,
to Astoria Charities. Are you voting?
Besides Our Gift Offering We Are
On Table Linen
For ThanKsgiving'
Come and Look Over Our Stock of
SEirts, Suits
and laclets
The world famou Richardson Linen
is handled exclusively by us and is the
best linen in the world.
dOe values for 4.1e
i'iOc value for 49c
75c values 63c
$1.00 value for . 88c
1.25 (value fur $1.05
1.73 values for 1.63
2.30 value for 213
3.50 value for 3.08
4.00 Talue for 308
4.60 values for 4.03
Interest in the great Charity Fund
ha taken a rapil forward step with the
Grace church heading the list. The vot
ing during the past few days demon
strate that our charity fund ha be
come popular and many worthy organ!
nion are making a struggle for the
first place. You can aid your own In
terest if you will just remember ' and
eat your vote right. Every 25 cent
purchase mean one vote. Read how
the different organization stand:
Grace Church 1C72
St Mary's Hospital 1524
Public Library n0
Presbyterian Church W2
M. E. Church M
Bapti-t Church 2f2
Monday Club
St. Agne Guild 241
Kinnish K. S. I.uth. Church 210
Congregational Church 194
Finnish S. S. Luth. Church 192
Donas Society 1C'
Ladie Guild H
Holy Innocents Guild Wl
Eaxtern Star w'
W .C. T. U 74
Red Men's Lodge
St. Mary's Church 30
Norwegian Evan. Luth. Church .. 22
Ladies of Maceabee 22
Artians 1"
Ladie of Woodcraft 10
Lincoln Annuity Union 10
Charity Lodge D. of II 14
Odd Fellow H
Eagle Lodge 12
M. E. Aid Society 12
Pacific Lodge No. 58 10
l'cnial Mission 1
Security Lodge
K. O. T. M 3
Foresters Lodge. 2
Suits, Skirts &nd Millinery
$4.50 Skirts for ... $2.85
6.50 Skirts for 3.98
An assortment of Jackets in all colors
at just
Our entire etock of LaduV ready to
Hats for 50c oa the Dollar.
ervice at 10:45 in Swedih; Evening
ervice at 7:30. At the evening service
lh pa-tor will apeak on the subject!
Tribulation a s condition for entering
the Kingdom of God." At the morning
erviee on: "forgive ami you nau ue
We ate glad to annouinv to the public
of A-toria that lrof. Gotsliieh of Port
land will lie here for the grand sacred
concert to ge given In collection with our
festivities on Thursday evening, Ji!. 7.
Norwegian -and luiih M. H church.
Ilev. C. Augu-t Pctei-oii. the pator will
preach at II a. m. and p. m. Sunday
ichtsd at 10 a. 111. II. M. Uienlcii. u
eriiitei)dent Younif Penphi's piaviW
mi-etiug at 7 p. in. K'. F L. Nanthrup
The Good Store. Astoria's Foremost Dry Goods, Suit and Cloak House.
How a Reporter Has to Get la and Hus
tit for News.
From a lowering sky and the dubious
donnpoiir of a chilly rain, a reporter
took refuge fr a few minute in the
lloikl street store of W. C. Uws & Co.
yesterday morning. uon the bare
chance, also, of picking up an Item of
news. W. C. Law, hlmelf, was too
busy to talk, but his father, and part
ner, J. X. laws, while he was busy
enough, found Ume to vent hi opinion
of the modern, jlm crow stove that are
reahing this market. Said he: '.Mod
ern tove an a riddle to me; they're
plumb full of buncombe novelties;
they've all got iue new and useless
feature; some of them furnish the
housewife with a. step ladder attach
ment to the oven door and a long hand
led liruh for sweeping cobwebs from
the top of the pipes; others have II. Is
vou can't smah with a sledgehammer
(until you hit 'em just right); and still
otlier fumUh a barometer, or a chro
nometer, or a chs-k, or some other auto
matic mechanism for keeping tab on the
the cook or cooking one and all are
charged with ome highflatitln, experi
mental apiendage that you have to
charge for, and proves worthies a soon
a it ought to go to work in the home
of your customer.
"I've been 27 year in the stove busi-
. ... . a
nes. I m the oldest stove man in As
toria, and am uppced to know a little
about stoves, and I do know them and
all tha catchpenny dido that are palm
ed off with them. They're no good.
There's a Uridge-Ilcach stove. It'a been
ordered. I'll ship it out today. I don't
like them, either, for the simple reason,
when you've sold one to a family you've
got to wait 15 or 20 year before you
an sell 'em another. I've sold lots of
them; most of our customer have got
them in the past 3 or 4 years and we'll
have to wait half a score of years before
they'll even begin to talk stove. Yes,
they're the best stove on the American
market, all right! Why? Well because
tha men that, make the Hridge-Deach
have been at it for 68 year and haven't
learned, yet, how to roodoo a customer.
They build of only prime material and
build on scientiflc rule throughout.
They follow their ore, simple, honest
ivstem, from the metalurgical to the
mechanical, and never vary from it
"They build a stove they can guaran
tee for a generation, and the blamed
thing lats two. How can a man sell
stoves like that? Oh! we sell 'em, yes,
if course; but never a second one to the
same fumily. Tlie averuge. business ca
reer is only 40 years duration, and I
want to we my stove customers more
than once."
The reporter bad gotten warm and
dry by this time and having no special
word of comfort to leave, left.
The Roach Dramatic troupe closed iu
two weeks engagement at Fisher's opera
bouse last night with the sterling drama
"Rip Van Winkle," and made it a thing
to be happily remembered. The bouse
was filled and the company received a
rousing send off, always an intimation
they will be cheerfully welcomed when
they come again. Jam Belcher of
Ross, Higgina k Co., service, won the
handsome sewing machine in the cou
pon gift drawing, which ha been such
a pleasant feature of the Roach en
gagement Manager fiellg announces
that he-is about to close for a week'
bill, with the Georgia Harper HigbAla
Repertoire Company. This fine ftttrao
tion will begin on Monday night, Nov
vember 27th.
A Disastrous Calamity.
It is a disastrous calamity, when you
lose, your health, because Indigestion
and consumption have snapped it away.
Prompt relief can ba bad in Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They build up your di
gestive organs, and euro beadcahe, diz
ainess, colic, constipation, eto. Guaran
teed at Charles Rogers' Drug store; 25c.
Morning Astorian, 75c per month.
I i '
WORD loriv
OF OUR J shire
I A 1 y suits
WUe 1 the only man In Astoria who ha them; as a ruU fine house
In the largest cities carry thee clothe.
Each clothier select his own name, some rail their "The Chestertteld,"
"The Buckingham," I call mine the "Yorkshire." The. clothes as mad
by Stume. Mayer & Co., Chicago; who do not advertl. at all, but they
are known by all clothing men a the maker of the highest grade clo
thing in the Cnited States.
Suit to m-II from fci2.30 to iHMM and ther are nl a down
tailor In all of the largest cities who n equal their oikj a big boast
but a tme one.
JOHN FOX. Prea. and Boyt
r L HISHOP. Secretary
A.L.F0X.VIoa Prea.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boileis
Complete Cannery Outfib.Furnijhcd.
Foot of FourtLJHtrwt
J. Q. A. nOWLBY, President. FRANK PATTON, Cashier.
0. I. PETERSON, Vice-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Caahlar.
Astoria Savings Bank
Capital Paid In 1100.000. Surplus and Undivided Profit t&OOO.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits
I6S Tenth Street
Weinhard's Los?eror.
The Benefits of Modern Plumbing
One of the tnoit
approved idea of
plumbing is that of
one-piece Isvatoriei
cold running water
' menti and dressing chambers of the indi-
, vidual memberi of the household.' -,
The benefit! derived from this arrange
ment will not only be found necesssry to
modern living, but also prove, a source of
convenience and comfort to tha occupsnta,
' 6end for a copy of booklet "Modern
Lavatories;" which shows the complete line of 5teadaf4 One-piece
Lavstorici with approximate prices in detail.
modern vSTlfI
mpplied with hot and V l
a the sleepinf apart- l
i J. A. Montgomery, Astoria J