The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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, Litest Notices to Mariners of the
Pacific Coast.
Melville Breaks Her Propeller Senator
Down Today Raising the Elder Once
More Note and Comment Along the
channel. Willamette river lighthouse
W. 8 8 N' diUnt 2 1-6 miles,
Cray harbor entrance, page TL Out
er buoy, a PS. flirt claa can, found out
of position, November 5, was replaced
the name day.
Wrangle Strait, page W North
ledge buoy Xo, 5, a red second class
nun, reported out of position, October
30, will l replaced as soon a practic
able. By order of the lighthouse board.
U C, Heilner, Commander, t. S. X
lighthouse inspector.
Another Oregon Senator.
The steamship Senator will be down
this) evening en route to San Francisco.
1 May she continue long in the service of
Astoria. She' something to be proud
iof. Her master. II. H. Lloyd, i well
known locally. He ran out of Portland
The following affect the list of light, during the years 18S5 to 1W0 on the
buoys, and daymark. Pacific coast, steamer Idaho and Topeka. Later, in
Washington and Oregon. . 1W", Captain Lloyd was in command of
Columbia river entrance, page 81. the Geo. W. Elder when she made her
Clatsop spit buoy Xo. 8, a red first-class jtwo runs to Alaska during the first gold
nun, sent adrift, October 30, br a shot 'excitement. Since then Captain Lloyd
from Fort Stevens,, Oregon, was 'repine I ha been in the Alaskan mn from Se
ed November 1. On Xovember 6. the attle and has been in command of the
buoy was found out of position ami re-! Senator for the past year.
placed the same day.
Coulmbia river, clmnnel over Van
couver bar, page 63, The following
buoys were established, November 9, as
guides in the recently dredged channel
over Vancouver bar. The channel is
about 1 2-3 miles in length in an east
erly and westerly direction, and runs
. parallel with the northerly side of the
lower end of Hayden island, Oregon.
Vancouver bar buoy No. 1, a black
second class spar, in 20 feet of water,
close to the northerly side of the dredg
ed channel.
Hayden island, westerly end, ESE. Wil
lamette river lighthouse, WNW. 3 4 W.
Hewlett Point, tangent NW. 1-2 XV
Vancouver bar buoy Xo. 2, a red sec
ond class spar, in 20 feet of water, close
to the southerly side of the dredged
channel. Wilamette river lighthouse W
7-8 N, distant 1 3-8 miles.
Vancouver bar buoy No. 3., a black
second class spar, in 20 feet of water,
close to the northerly side of the dredg
ed channel. Wilamette river lighthouse,
W S-8 X, distant 1 3 4 miles.
Vancouver bar buoy No. 4, a red sec
ond class spar, in 20 feet of water, cIo
to the southerly side of the dredged
American Rule Stands.
The customs authorities here yester
day received word from the Washington
headquarter office that the plea of Tay
lor, loung & Co., of Portland, agents
for the French bark Brisseau. for a re
fund of the charges, made here on her
last trip, for certain measurements of
tonnage, which were found to exceed
the tonnage measurements made by the
French government had been refused
and that th Astoria rating and measure
ment of the ship was a correct one
This settle not only the rase of the
Brisseau, but also of the French barks
Jules Gomiues aiid Euro, both of
whose masters and agents have pleaded
against the American scale of space
measurements; as the same rule sp
plies to to American bottoms there is
nothing but justice in the rating made
here on the Frenchmen and the en
dorsement it has neivl from tli
Old, Old Tale.
John II. Peterson, who purchased the
wrecked steamer deo. w. Elder, says
the actual work of raising her will be-
Great Collection
Dainty Made
sin at an early date.' Mr. Peterson's
first plans for the rescue of the vessel
were based on the idea of raising her
by means of barrel shaped pontoons,
which would be sunk and fastened to
the hull of the wreck and then pump
ed out. It was thought that by this
means the Elder could be essily raised,
but it has now been demonstrated that
the cost of the construction of tha
pontoons would be so excessive as to
make the plan impracticable, and that
the method of work ha been aband
oned. The present plan provide for the
raising of the wreck by barges with
the aid of the two pontoon now built.
Biggest Sailer Afloat.
The largest sailing ship in the world
i the German five-masted ship Preus
sen, launched in 1M2. Each of her
five masts i full rigged, and her yards,
which number thirty, a well s her
mast and topmast., even her topgal
lant mast, are of steel. She carries
J."t0 tons of water ballast in her double
bottom. She i 440 feet long, beam 531
feet, depth 33 feet, draft 29 feet, 8500
tons dead weight, capacity, net ry
ister 4S26 tons; displacement when
loaded 11,150 ton. She carries a crew
of 46.
Hill's Une From Scapoose Direct
to This City,
Even the Oregoniaa Cannot Stop It
Lythrt New Ten M'le Diriaion-On
More Enterprise With Astoria for
Sea Terminal
Captain Truebridge, now in command
of the Olympia,' at this port, is said to
be the man who brought Jim Hill's big
MinneiA'oli around the "horn" frin
New Yolk.
The square riggers that were hover
ing off this bar ami port during the
past week, were not on the horizon at
noon yesterday. They are evidently;
taking refuge in the deep blue Pacific
far from a coast made dangerou by
the sou'easter.
Tim Lurline i still busy and still
hugging her schedule as closely a fog
and storm and way business will per
mit She got away for Portland in
fair season last night, carrying well, on
both deck.
The Ca I lender tug Mellville had the
hard link yesterday to break her pro
peller over at Knappton. She was re
paired very promptly and will do bar-
duty today as though nothing had happened.
The O. R. 1 X. towing steamer Okla
homa tame, down' yesterday morning
with the luirketiiies Portland, and Mary
U'iukleuian, on her bows. Both ves
sel are laden with 550,000 feet of lum
ber and both arv congnexl to San
Francisco parties. There's a good chance
for a sea-race if they can get over the
bar together.
The Telegraph came down yeterday
in good time, took on oil and left up
2:30, with a fair business both
Good new come out from Gideon I
A well known promoter ha given
the Astorian unequivocal assurrance
that, in a few davs more, there will be
filed with the Secretary of State, ar
ticle of incorporation, of the solidest
ort, and personnel, providing for the
tori ha a future that mean some
thing more than a beggarly dceiidcnrs
on the metropolis for contingent fav-or.
In tbl relation there is another en
terprls afoot of great moment to A
toria, the text of which w broached
in this olTlee during the past 24 hours,
detail of which are not yet ready for
publicity, but which involve this city
s a terminsl for a line of steamer be
tween the coast of Mexico and Astoria,
for the inter handling of certain pro
duct of both countries upon a basis of
$3,000,000 capital, the whole issue be
ing solely dependent upon a deeper
shipway acros the bar. The Oregon
product in question will reach this
port from the Idaho and Eastern Oregon
and Washington upon barge under tow
age of steamer belonging to the com
pany controlling th output and the
steamer that are to carry it. Two of
the ship are making this port now.
The Atorian regret it limitations
in this behalf. It would like to pub
lish name, sections, ves-vl. and purpos
es, but the amenitiea forbid, let the as
surance may be taken a far a it is
revealed, and patiimoe and a bit of
Don't simply
"get a cake of soap."
Get good soap. Ask
for Pears and you
have pure soap.
Then bathing will
mean more than
mere cleanliness; it
will be luxury at
trifling cost.
Sales increasing since 1780.
" " business foresight and promptitude at
rr ,.., tnv the lMd , w bri rf,
tion strong as proof can make it.
11 if riftwf
W iiW w
engaged with preparing
for Xmas and haven't
the time to devote to the
work of making the chil
dren's clothes will wel-
come tins
BRING along the
girls mothers, we
can fit any size from 6
to J 4 years of age and
fit them with a style
that will please them
at a price that will
please you.
She ha a sore nose, after her
with the Lurline, and it looks
The steamship Columbia is due here
from San Francisco early on Monday
momig next.
The big and handsome Olympia got
down from Portland at 3 o'clock yes
terday' morning. She laid here all day
taking on ItOO tons of freight at the
Cullender dock, and will leave out this
morning if the bar is amenable to travel
at all.
Seventy-two miles -r hour was the
velocity of the wean winds at North
Head yesterday at nmin. The bar wa
breaking heavily. The wind subsided,
but the "moan of the bar" was heard
far enough on the bay side to deter any
of the vessel awaiting departure, to
venture upon it.
The steamer 0. V. Walker, has been
sold by Jacob Kam, to the Northern
Pacific Railway, for use in the construc
tion work of its northshore line down
uper Coumbia.
The Committee on Navigation of the
Astoria, Chamber of Commerce is pre
paring, and will submit, at the meeting,
on Monday night next a set of strong
resolutions on the work on the south
jetty at the Columbia river bar.
Son Lost Mother.
"Consumption rues in our family,
and through it I lost my mother," writes
E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the
past five years however, on the slight
est sign of a cough of cold I bars takes
Dr. King's Xe,w DUcorery for Con
sumption which has saved me from
serious lung trouble." His mother's
death was a sad loss to Mr. Ried, but he
lesrned that lung trouble must not bit
neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest
relief and cure for coughU and colds
Price 60c and $1.00;- guaranteed at
Charles Rogers' drag store. Trial bettle
ha Win valley.
Thi Is Jsmes J. Hill's one feasible
snd valuable route to the sea -gate of
the Columbia. It means much for As
toria, since, from the moment it reaches
within measurable distance of thi city,
the question of deep water on the Co
lumbia bar, i settled forever and a
day, Portland to the contrary, however,
much. It is a Northern Pacific proposi
tion and has the earnest oif genuine pur
pose behind it It augury is made good
by the fact that the term of the rail
way combine that compelled the company
to annul it contract for the construe'
tion of 10 miles of road from Scapjsiose
A - A A 1 A . .
io im-uurg iwo years sgo, or more. yv ,,ck. ii-jj.. foul,
ha about expired, and the way I or , ,pp,UU Wk n
no. ur open ior me projection oi in .,. itomach, ouostlpetionT Hoi lis-
purpose neiu in abeyance iy thai agree'
Mr. Lytle has just closed a deal
Health is absolutely Impossible, If
cons tips tion be present. Msny serious
cases of liver and kidney complaint
have sprung from neglected constipation.
Such a deplorable condition is unneces
sary. There is a cure for it. Ilerblne
will speedily remedy matters. C A.
IJndsay, P. M., Iironson, Ha. writes,
Feb. 12, 1802t "Having used Ilerbloe,
I find it a fine medicine for constipa
tion. Sold by Frank Hart.
A Fine Display of I
I Cloisone Vases I
Ranging in price from
$1.25 to $2.(X)
can be seen at the
I Yokohama Bazar U
I t Commercial Slrwt, Ailort I
whereby there will be constructed, im
mediately, a section of 10 miles of rail
way between Hillsboro and Buxton,
along the route of the Western IV
With both line In Astoria. Portland
may turn it devoted attention in this
direction, a consummation that will
make assurance doubly sure that A1
tor's Rocky Mountain Tea will make
you well and keep y.u well. 35 osnta.
Sold by Frank Hart
J$ Uie
Ssaralgji Palaa.
Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic
palna yield to th penetrating Influ
ence oi Italian! s Know unimenl.
It penetrates to th nerves and bone
snd being absorbed into the blood, Its
healing properties are conveyed to every
part of the body, and effect some won
derful cures. 23c, 60c. and l.00. Sold
by Hart's drug store.
Sale of
Ladies Wool
For This Weeh
All colors. All wool Albatross $3.70
to $3.20.
Alapacas, $3.00 to $2.50
Fancy weaves $2.50 to 2.00
$1.95 to $1.50
Best Liniment oa Earth.
Henry I). Baldwin, Supt. City Water
Works, Shullsburg, Wis. writ's t
"I have tried many klnda of lini
ment, but I have never received much
benefit until I used Ballard's Snow Lini
ment for rheumstism and pains. I think
it the best liniment on eerth." 23o, 50c,
snd $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store.
That's what the
The Ball Band Brand
goods are made from; and we carry a
! complete line, too. Also the bet in
ladic, nin and children's shoe.
54 Bond Street Opp. Bow Higxina fcCo.
W have the "Black Cat Hose", ev
cry boys mauler's friend.
A reduction . of
15 per cent on all
suits and alterations
made without charge
itini- hlu ivrurs
We invite you to a demonstration com
mencing Monday' Nov. 20, at our store. .
nit jn m
innr ini
I. A I w 1 1 I 1
fill II lltai