The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 18, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATRDAY, KOVIMBU il, 1903.'
JamcsOrdfcmembcrcd at George
I (own Unlvenety '
Jamea L. Ord, Superintendent of the
Western Union at Chicago, It Grand
on of the English Monarch, and Will
Demand Eitatt of Five Million.
New York, Nor. l7.That the Ml
lh ligation at YYahington, mld the tu
ition of JOnc Ord, the n-puted m of
King Oorg IV. an-J hi lawful wife,
Mr. FiUhurbertj that lltlll.h oilier.
vUitrd the V'TgfUn L'nlvrrlty
whei b wan trained, ami that the ori
ginal Ord lore a striking rwwmblaiii' to
the EnglUh king, la the gist of a Ut
mcnt made ycdrrduy by IUv. John t'ox,
. .1, preldnt of St. Mr' college,
Jery City.
j "Father Vox w at Owirgrtown til
' verlty fur many yearn and waa Inti
mately acquainted with the Juit aa
tronmer, Father Curley, who knew
Janim Ord. Father Fox Mid:
Father Curley died at the age of Pi
I rvrall dmtim lly hi erpaking of the
Ord inytry, on the llm-ag of young
tud'-nt who he lnw a a lxy at the
university. Qe told me that in thoie
day, th latter part of the eighteenth
century young Ord wa poken of aa
om of royal birth. Fathrr Curley Udd
me particularly that the bllU contended
by young Ord were met by the HritUh
legation and that In .hi time IlritUh
onVer frequently vUlted the Inatltu
tlm to Injure for yotmg Ord. The two
elde.t Mma of thla Ord attended George
town University when Fathrr Curley
vii iUtioned there aa a priest
" "I met Jamee Ord In l&W I did not
Iroach the aubject, but hen be gave
mo hW name I recalled Father ('urleye
"Although bent with age, there waa
a kingly bearing about him."
Jme L Ord, tbe Western Vnlon
Tel'graph uperlntndent In Chh-ago, U
a direct dcendent of the original Ord
and believe hlm-elf the legitimate
grand.n of King George IV., and the
legitimate heir to the lat of Mra.
Mtaheibert said to bf tf.OtlO.OOO.
! t)alar Baalled Ilia Cmpm frwaa
Cleek at ftleht Till 4 la k
HMili-JkMi a kftta T
BJIbbee-Wfcr Ualkrit alU
The moNt hardened tea drinker may
admit that tea drinking ran be and
often la overdone, and yet the beat
known tea topers do uot appear to hare
suffered lu coiMciuenc of tln-Jr exceaa
Ive Indulgence la the cheering cup.
Do Quliicey waa a notable tea toper.
In Ida picture of a winter evening In
hta cottage among the Cumberland
bill be meutloua the tea equipage on a
table beside tbe Ore, and Ulilnd the
tablo a fair tea maker, whose duty It
waa to Hit au nltmmt end hue prores
lull of cupa. In (julnccy de-larea that
he drniik ten from 8 o'clock at ulglit
to 4 In the morning, and clalina tbe In
fualon aa "the farorlta beverage of tbe
Another tea toer waa Ilazlitt, tbe
enylt, who waa not ouly very fond
of tbe bevernge, but aeema to have
drunk It of extraordinary atrength.
We are told on excellent authority that
be uaed two ouix-m for bla breakfaat
and two for bla tea, with cream, and
that for tlila tea-the finest Boorhong
be paid at first 14 ahllllng and after
ward 12 abllllng per pound. Tcrbapa
Ibla extraragnuce and eieeaalve con
aumptlou of tea may account for eom
of the eaylt'e iuarrelaomeuesa.
Cowper, aa we all know, appreciated
to the full tbe cbarui of the fragrant
leaf, but there la hardly euflkicnt evi
dence to abow that be waa guilty of
undue Indulgence. Tbe moat famoue
tea toper waa of couree Dr. Johnson,
whoae feat a with tbe cup which Mra.
Hi rule filled ao aaaldboualy are too well
known to need enlarging upon. Ilia
record appear to have been twenty
fire cupa, which be drank at a alttlng.
but In mitigation of Judgment It abould
be remembered that In all probability
the cupa wcrj much amaller than tbe
teacupa In uae at the preaent time.
Still. Johnson told Mlaa Reynolda in
playful verae:
Thou canal not make th tea ao faat
Aa 1 can rulp it down. 1
And be deacrtbed blmaelf aa a "hard
ened and ahamrleee tea drinker, who
baa for many yean diluted bla meala
ff cu'pef JTcownf If potaf Tnea
there have been other whom it would
be hardly fan to raak aa tea topera,
but wbo tiara abown marked devotloa
to tbe teapot. In recent day Mr. Glad
atone and Dean Stanley would appear
In tbla rlaaa, but Indeed any Ihrt of
entbualaatlc lover In remit time of
what Waller called tbe Dent of herb"
would be of moat Inordinate length.
London Globe. '
aHr trHla.
A young American wbo la atudylng
at Oxford waa atruck by tbe care with
which bla chainWmald cleaned bla
deak without disturbing bla paper.
To reward ber be offered her aome
confection which be bad brought from
"Mary, wouldn't you like aome of tbla
candyr '
"Ho, thank you, air. Tea, air. Cut
bexcuae me, air, tbla ain't candy; Ifa
Then abo proceeded to give blm a lea
ton In the difference between augar
or rnoloaMce candy and bonbona, choc
olate coufectlona and other sweet
meat or "awert."
"Thank you for telling me tbe dif
ference, Mary," auld the atudent, aome
what amuaed. "In America we call ft
all candy."
"Ho, yea, air; In America I fancy Ifa
all tbe same. air. but In ninglnnd wt
av a oyme for beverythlnk.H
A t !! rari4ar.
Tbe awlnglug bridge of wood and
rope era Ming a cbaam In tbe Irtah
dlffa-Carrlck-a-irede and the Larrl-Kan-biKh
above tbe , which breaka
In foam and embroidery along tbe
rocky conat, la unique and unmatched.
It la only ued during the ealmon flab
Ing aeaaoo and connect the mainland
with the huge rock whence the place
derive Ita name. Whether Balling the
aea or coining up 'from tbe mainland,
the bridge aeema but a fragile thing
a floating aldewalk aapported by thin
air and your Imagination.
"iuiu ! r hI Tea.
John Welcy wrote In 1748: "I could
not Imagine what ahould occaaioa tbe
ehaklng of my band till I obaerwed It
waa alway worat after breakfaat, and
that If I Intermitted tea drjpklng for
two or three day It did Vt ahake at
all. I'pon Uofiry I founil tea bad the
aam effectbn Vjaer pevaoaj of my ae
qualntance; (Utd'UierefolfjBHM that thl
waa An nf It- natural fforta aa ar
with only the lnfulon of tbla faaclnat- nhririan- h.-. oftm r-m-rtirf."
Ing plant; wboae ketUe baa acarcely d.n of tea drinking
time to cool; wbo with tea amnaea the f0f .q Jnn w,Iey left ,t
evening, with tea aolacea the midnight ot , ,ffectJ of WlD,uW,ing it
and with tot welcome the morning. ,,, hl. .ITt.tinna -m
It la an amaxtng confeaalon, but w ptrfJftle wmiMatt u M My
hand hi a ateady aa K waa at fifteen,
Kingoton, Ont., Nv. I7.-Wrr.kage
baa been found in the vicinity of the
Oalloup Inland, near 8omlu, by incom
ing vecl. Tbe dencrlption of the
wreckage tall leu with tin build of the
M-booner Marie, coal Uden, bmnl from
Boudua to Napanee, Out., whh h ha not
been reported for ln day. The Marie
ww owned and Bailed by Captain llacon,
of Toronto.
There are daya of dizzineaa;
Spell of headache, aldeache, back
ache; Sometime rheumatic palna;
Often urinary dUordera.
' All tell you plainly the kldrwya are
TWa Kidney rill cur all kidney
J. Carwn, employed at the Tortland
Lumber Co., foot of Lincoln atreet, who
rnldea at 308 Flrat (treet, Portland,
Oregon, aaya: "I wa feeling miserable
with a dcpreaalng lamer' around the
amall of my back all laat eummer. At
flint I did not pay much attention to it,
but It continued to grow wore and fin
ally became ao bad that I thought I
would have to lay oft work. To bend or
move quickly oauaed aem twinge. I
waa often attacked with' dirty spella,
aperka before my eye 'and I had no
ambition or energy. In the morning I
aro aa tirt-d aa Srhen I want to bed. In
fact, I had all ,tbe aymptoma of a very
ever caae of' kidney trouble. When
I waa Buffering the worat I read about
Doan'B Kidney Ml end procured a bo.
I aoon noticed an improvement in my
condition, and th pain and aching
acroa my Vaok dUappeartd. About alx
week ago I waa kid up with a afege
of the grip for two'weakl. BympbJmB
of kidney complaint mada their appear
ance again and I retorted to Doan'a
Kidney Pilla a aeoond time. They juat
a thoroughly freed m of ,th trouble aa
in the former caae. I cannot exprea
what a changw they have made In me. I
aimply feel like a different pron."
' For aal by all dealer. Prlo 80 eenta.
FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. sole
agent for th United 8tate. !
Remember th name-Doaa'a-and
tak no other. ,
Morning Aitoriaai7oo per month. j
First National Bait
At Aatoria, in th Stat of Oregon, at
the cloee of buaineee, November 9, 1905,
are bound to remember that this In
temperaie le oiooer uvea u mm f ajive nn V) (KM) a year."
Of aeventy-flve. paaMaaamaaai
I M.l.aa.nBkai in A mm at aW ! WW
BE 01 BuVC'tbe .n5"or of RE0ET OF THE CONDITION 0 THE
tbe well known "Dilatory of My Own
Time." wbo I reported to have dla-
poaed of twenty-five cup In a morn
Ing. Another man of letter of a very
different type, Nathaniel Hawthorne,
wbo mlRht bare equaled the doctor,
curbed bla tea drinking propensities
early, When he waa a very young
man Hawthorne waa In the babit of
vhtltlng at a bouae where tbe boatee
made excellent tea, and one evening
when the vlattor'a nip waa paaaed to
be refilled abe aald: "Now, Mr. Haw
tboroe, I am going to play Mra. Thrale
to your Jobnaon. I know you are a
alave to my tea." Tbe young man
made no reply, but be bad no Inclina
tion to play the role aanlgned to blm,
and for five year from that night
Hawthorne did not taate a cup of tea
a protest which aeema aa exceaatv In
It way aa the Inclination which bis
boateaa bad attributed to htm.
There have been other heroes of the
teapot not a few. Hartley Coleridge
may fairly claim a place among the
tea topers. Some one la said to have
aaked him once how many cupa be
caually drsuk and to have received the
scornful reply: "Cupa I don't eosjot
A Big
Tea and Coffee
sale. Enormous
Premiums Free
Don't Miss this
sale It will save
you lots of money
1 .'
American Importing Tci Co.
Our loo stores
help us tojhelp
T. 11
ft J a
Loan and discount $319,730.05
Overdraft, aecured anu nn-
ecured 1,144.84
U. S. Bond to secure circula
tion 1200 00
Bond, aecurities, etc 733H0 00
Other real eitate owned.... 8,000 00
Due from National banks
(not reserve agenU)
Due from 8tate Banka and
Due from approved reserve
Check and other canti items
Notes of . other National
Nickel and cent
Lawful money reserve in bank
Specie .. .. ...... .$135,500
Legal-tender note ... 155 135,655.00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treaaurer (5 per cent circu-
latioa 628 00
Total $852,985.74
Capital stock paid in ....$ 60,000 00
Surplua fund 60,000 00
Undivided profit, leu expen
se and taxes paid 41,944.30
National Bank notea out
standing 12,500 00
Individual depoaitB subject
to check $530,908.33
Demand certificate of de- 1
posit 167,408.11
Certified check 147.00 698,521.44
State of Oregon. County of Clatsop.ast
I, 8. 8. Gordon cashier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly awear that th
above atatement ia true to the beat of
my knowledge and belief.
a. a, uukuun,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 15th day of November, 1905.
Notary Public,
Correct Attest 1
w. f. McGregor,
Pale Bohemian Boor
Best In Tbe Northwest
North Pacific Brewing Co.
rti n - . v
J gDLX ' )
care of your stomach, keep the bowels regular and the liver tt work and yon w21 ,
care of your stomach, keep the bowels regular and the liver tt work and yon w21
enjoy good health.
Artificial living makes hard work for Nature, and the rewards assistance with
increased bodily heahh and vigor. The great remedy that assists the vital organs
in a natural way is
BEECH AM'S PILLS are a wonderful stomach medicine, a safe and effectual
laxative and an ideal liver pil1. Any disorder of these organs is quickly relieved by
this standard remedy, the best pill ever compounded for Dyf pepsU, Flatulency,
Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, Biliousness, or Sick Headache).
Don't suffer longer from these evils. Take BEECHAM'S PILLS, and take them
8old Everywhere In Boxes
IOc. and 23c. ' If
Last Seen in Pennsylvania and De
tective are Now oa Trail.
Middletown, N. Y Nov. 17.Charle
Ilenry Rogers, wanted for the triple
murder ot Willia and Fred Olney and
Aline Ingerick near this city on Octob
er 6, has, i ie said, been seen and bis
identity e-.talS.hcd in Kimble, Tike
County, Pennsylvania Defective are
now on Hi trail.
The information aa to Ro;r' where
abouts was furnUhed bv Mia Sadie
Bugiibee, a former Middletown young
woman ,who ha been living at Kimble
for aome time. She w formerly well
Acquainted with Rogers and when he
appeared at her home in Kimble, she
iruttantly recognized him and he her.
Robetrs quickly disappeared and Mia
BugMbee started soon afterward for this
place, where she gave the police inform
ation upon which they are now acting.
Chicago, Nov. 17. A dispatch from
Washington, D. CL, Bays that President
Roosevelt yeaterday accepted tbe resig
nation of Lieutenant Granville R.
F6rteque, Tenth cavalry. Lieutenant
Forteaqne wa named a one of the
several co-respondent in the suit for
divorce brought by Major Taggart, U. S.
A., against his wife, at Wooster, Ohio.
Laat winter he wss on duty at the
White House social functions.
Lo Angeles, Nov. 17. Manager Me
Carey of the Pacific Coast Athletic club)
of Lo Angeles, announced hist night
that Young Erne, the .Eastern light
weight, baa been matched to fight a 20
round go with Eddie Hanlon hi this city
on December 15. Th bout, however, is
conditioned upon Young Erne winning
hi fight from OXeary in Milwaukee.
Money talk. That is why they pnt a
woman's head on the silver dollar.
I .... 3S -.
We Want to Talk to You
Wc do it ia AH the Latest and v
1 :' t ,
Best Styles of the Art . . .
Wei take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make.
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
Wc take your old worn out books with
the covers torn off. rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixmg up your
-' iS 05 5 aiS ' . . ' '
The J. S. Dellinger Go.,
Makers of All Kinds of Boolia
.1 . .. 1 " i !,' ,
. ,..., ,.. '
Astorian Building Corner Commercial and IOtbI Strkst