The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Established 1S73.
through they do now, and tha. U ab
solutely NIL. There is a tbanJant
shortage of water on the bar thev are
most familiar with. They dont want
mora, water. They ana beaten to a
standstill and want something to snarl
about; that's all
PuhUMted Daily by
The trouble with the Site f rw.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I gon, now. and for the past 30 rears i.
1 a if - t
and has been that the railroad are in
-.. .
By mail, per year , 7M IP pontics u the bete noir of
By mail, per month ' .60 1 bus5nw"" Th (WIK,r,tio" Pl ls on th
By earrfcr, per month .73 S "d Uk cHforni"' ,h mwt
""II j. , .. ,
I"""" vu. wiu ao ii, in urae,
and God apeed her realisation, (hint
WEEK1Y ASTORIAN. I the gag is off, there will be thirty feet
By mail, per year, in advanca. .11.00 If of 1r,ter 0,1 tn Columbia river bar;
out not before.
w. , in pouomce at Anton, urp-
dm isRHUAa toeitlMr rasMcaoa or plac of
tkmuvh tale. hontL inv immUiio i-
W"7 i' 11 b 1 miaelitly reported to the I
Fortland, Nov. 18. Western
Washington: Occasional rain.
Eastern Oregon Eastern' Wash-
ingtoa: Cloudy with occasional
Wha about t)ha unfini4ied Coml
11 .. ...
'uwww iot iiatsop County! lias no
one a ti(qte-4ion to make! The Morn
ing Astorian i ready to get behind anv
reasonable, rational. safe proposition for
pushing it to the front, that is, fo com
pletion. Rouse up. gentlemen, and get
your records out of the wet and the
possible fire.
A valuable service is performed bv
the interstate commerce commission in
publishing a quarterly bulletin giving a I
summary and analysis of railway ac
cidents in the United States. These
reports reach back four years, during
which time 1581 passenger and 12,-
877 employes have lost their lives on
American railways. By the latest fig-
ures a slight falling off is shown in
the number of employes killed, but the
rate of mortality among passengers J
has increased from year to vear. In
the three months ended June 30 last
the railroads of this country killed 82
passengers and 804 employes, the
Our Great Removal Sale of
High Grade Wall Paper
Is a Phenomenal Success.
Now is the best opportunity to secure
bargains as We will move to our new location
January 1st, and in the meanwhile we are
selling wall paper at prices lower than you
have ever seen it before. Call and inspect
our elegant lines.
For the
Din u
Delivered right at your door every morning
before breakfast by the BEST CARRIER SYS
TEM in the country.
- L. E. SeU& Lessee and Manager
The. Republican party and those who
tan with it for a clean and decent T "6 nP.oy. u.e
a ciean ami decent worgt quartiy Jet j8ftue(j ,
-v, " wuuug ngni, are not asking the last Government year 305 passen
gers were killed, which is more than
double the total of 1903 or 1002, and
morn than three times the total of i
1901 or 1900. These facts deserve
more, attention than they receive in I
that the letter of the law shall be in
voked against saloons, nor against
other sources of evil; but they are un
equivocally determined that the license
now in vogue shall not be transcended J Congress
no rexpanded into a slough of degener
cy; and if the dives of Astoria are put K'g''J dollars is the price of a
in power, if the "open W card turns . - I ,n
. . ' . I for one year. The question of raising
r r r. , uiru, .UU tbe Uwn8e j0 ,.a8 HU,,miMe1 to
then only, will the drastic force of everf the voters at the recent election, and
statute and charter nrovisinn m nl failed to earrr bv nearly 30110 vnt
1 o 1 ----- . v
instant and rigorous effect. What shall J e strongest influence brought to bear
Roach's Gift Enterprise and
Dramatic Co.
Headed by Amerka'a Greatest and Foremost Comedy Artists
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Prinele
Change of Performance each night.
Prices: Reserred Seats 35c, Gallery 25 Children in gallery 15c.
Seat sale at box office, Opera Houne at 10 a. m. daily.
Gift on exhibition in window of Danziger A Co.
not be conceded on a bonis of common
sense, of common decency, shall be tak
threat of the saloon men to abolUh free
lunches. Jf anything is prized by a San
en with the mandate of the law to the Franciscian above a free lunch it is two
last dollar the offenders have to offer. of them.
Bear it in mind.
No sooner do liittilitie abate in the
Far Eat than while we wait to hear
the latest from South America Ken-
Taking the men Who had the most to I tiletr iumna intn thm rina
say and do at tha late Son - Partisan nounced, and proceeds to kill right!
Convention in thlS CltV. it WOUld Seem tola nH Mt anonnlmir In an r.U ,!!
a man up a tree that the rank and file! custom of that state. The world is
of the meeting were simply and sillily I never entirely at peace,
employed in raking Democratic chest-J 0
mus irom tne campaign fire. A pool and l. M. Shaw of Moine u
oiscreojiau.e, occupation lor a lot of Joph, B. Fomker of Cinunnati and
sore-backs, however, sore they may be. Charle Warren Fairbanks of Indian
There is something contemptible in a apoHa are unanillJOUH in the opiDion
wul ,c y Uiat Koonevelt should not be bound
himself if he cannot stand with his own and A in an effort force ftnoth.r
I nomination upon him. Their opinion is
I from a humane standpoint and i-, of
I course, entirely unselfish.
The amenitie of a local campaign are I t..i i: . i . . ,.n
. - l uuik vn ut-iBillu it vn lliui ill Wlll
tO be deplored, arwavst hut they ace . . . ..
v h i . . 7 ag"i but not making tlie progres
noti irt-adicalU WUn Astoria! gi . , . ., . . . .
. . . . . . promised by its advocate, who were el
through with her present issues and has ' . .....,, , . , .
... ... . , ected under pledges of intuntaneou
Klt.IIMI fhnm tn hor lilin.. d. ... 11 "
, . . . .. 8 I action. If demagogues could lie t runted
ahead just the same as before, trving .... . . . ...
, . . . " . 6 1 the noIitK,l millennium would have
nani to iiiiiiii nn anil k a t itv nf in. i
. ... ... come to pass long ago.
..uuv vcuici u, cul
ture and refineuent and progress a
commercial place of moment and inter
est abroad and at home. She's all right,
and she's giong to stay all right, poli
tician to the contrary not-with-stand-ing.
t o ,
To the Portland Oreonian: Wljn
Your Prescription:
Rock Island
If you are going East, I would appreciate
your consulting me. I will gladly help you
plan your trip and tell you all about Rock Island
service. Just drop me a line consultation
I will show you a Rock Island folder and our
publication entitled "Across the Continent in a
Tourist Sleeping Car." It is of considerable
importance that you select the right route
there are many different ways to go. I'll tell
you of the superior points about the Rock
Island way.
A. h. Mcdonald, j
General Agent, Rock Island System,
140 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
The Morning Astori&n Contains the Latest
Telegraph News,
Shipping Iuteligence,
Condensed Local News.
Portland Market Reports,
, Real Estate Transactions,
Society News.
Railroad News,
Sporting News.
County Official News,
Complete Want Columns
And In fact all of the News of the Country
Watch for the Big Colored
1 1 you arc not a subscriber let us show you
our proposition and we will convince you that its
tbejbest ever made by any newspaper.
Telephone Main 5G1 for our plan, or if you
live out of town write a postal and well do the
rest. C. C. CLINTON; Circulation Manager.
The Morning Astorlan
lOth and Commercial
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
ESTAllLl8I!i:i J88U.
Capital and Surplus $100,000
ShennanTranster, Co.
Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred Truck, and Fur
I D,ture vgon I'ianos Moved, Uoxcd and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121
Astoria's Best Newspaper
In political history "03 is a more omin
ous number than 23. The Democratic
reformers never recall the second Cleve
land administration, wfcen their party
controlled all branches of the (Jovern-
meat. The story is too harrowing to
! claim a place in their memory.
0- ;
Government engineers estimate that
you get through with vour policy of I4 fo,H ,an,M', n tteI
... . .1,: i:.! ; I between St. Lonis and Clncaeo, by way
ifti-ipi and Illinois for $30,-
business r00'000, That ' bih,7 fvorable
statement wnen me vaiue oi me im
provement to the whole country, and
for all time, is considered.
In the New York Legislature the large
Republican majority in both houses
wa' increased at ..Tuesday's, election.
Arithmetic men can draw any conclu
sion they prefer from the returns in the
various fttate.
All sorts and conditions of Massa
chusetts free traders, made a distinct Is
sue in the recent campaign and were
defeated. There will be less windbag
talk hereafter about the position of
Massachusetts against protection.
""Jl- " 'I
yielding every thing to the politicians twen
, . . . ... , I of the Mi
get ready to do business, on
principles, with bu-ines men, the
chances are mightily in favor of there
being a greater depth of water on the
Columbia river bar. Perhaps, you do
not believe this. Try it. The business
people of the State of Oregon will ap
preciate the effort at least, :
i o
: snAEinra again.
The Oegonian has another snarl at
the Riot Commission anent tha water
on the Columbia river bar. Why don't
Ed. Wright and his Willamette Velley
Mariners come down here and sound the
bar for themselves T They would know
just as much about it when they got
So many peoole who have aooarentlr rrnrerwl fmm aM .44. l. . ...
with Pneumonia. rtMt'Yt M"eke
U and unable to resist disease. " "u m lta weal0(:1
-- 1 mmmmmfi "" tw r
not only cures La Crtppi Cou!u, aad prertat! tPntumenla, bnt strengthens the Lun to thev
will not be susceptible to the development ofKriou. !ng troubles. , Do not take 7SS with
sowe unlaioTn preparation that may contain some harmful drag when FOLEY'S HONEY AND
' TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates.
I bad a bad cast of La Cri
ao veil
at longer
k that I hare been troubled more or Use every winter since tail twi mJZL i. rJ.tu, I r1"18' UW Mf W ftrf
S HONEY AND TAR, which cured me completely and oyUa TE&Q&'&'Sifl S?e??.tt ' Sba irtoi
; trensl me.-J. H. B80VNINO, D.D.S., Orrkk, M. 7 1 POLET'S HONET AND TAR aad It gava UnmidkM rtlM."
Threa siz-25c( SOc, ll.W. Tha 53-eant a!z eontalaa two and one half tfaea M tnqch aa tia amall ak.
' fl ft!
tWi O EK3CO w
Sold and Reccommencd by CHAS. ROGER?, Druggist.