The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 15, 1905, Image 1

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In Spite of Embargo News
Is Known In Russia.
Sensational Stories of Occuren
ces In Circulation of the
On Report Say tha Entira Garrison
nd 8allor from all Ship ia Bar
bor Bid Joined tha Mutiny Bell ev
d Criiii U Not Yet Paaaad.
fit. Petersburg, Nor. 11 In spte of
the embargo on all telegraphs from
Vladivostok, tm of tha outbreak Ur
baa leaked out of tha navy and war
drp&rtnwnU, and ha Worn) known
generally throughout tba oily. Faw de
tall w avalkW. rT'v11
city ia tittd with tha wildest report
a to what la occurring at the East
ern fortraM.
On report circulated on tha Bourse
.today, had tha entira garrison and tha
eailora of all tb hlp In the harbor,
fn mutiny. ,
CrUl Not Yet Pawed.
Information received by the Associ
ated Trri gone to ahow though irder
today, waa partially restored, a Urge
part of tha garrtaon atood firm and the
criU haa not yet pea!.
Feare are expressed thai violence
will break out again and thus necensl
tate the further reeort to arm. Mar
tial law haa been proclaimed and the
authorities are confident of their abil
ity to atarap out any further disor
Organise for Purpoae of Driving Out tha
Plunderer a.
Warsaw, Nov, 14. At Pultuek In thin
government, the peasant have organ
ized for the purpoae of driving out, or
lynching, the thieve who look advan
tage of the prwynh disiaVneeW to
loot and plunder.
The lyncher killed and fearfully
mill ilated i twenty thieve. Sewral
newspaper men were arretted at War
saw 1liiy, by the police, who marched
their ollloea.
The protectant agnln-t the declara
tion of martini law, gnlhered at Lubin
IttHt niKht, and were fired on by the
Infantry. Xinj were wounded.
The general political atrike ia atill
in proven. The city ia aufforing from
a ahortaRe of wood. The population
though greatly angervd by the Govern
mental couimunlcatkm regarding auton-
rittaburg, Nov. 14. A deter-
mined atand will be taken for
the enforcement to a letter of
tba Chinese exclusion lawa, tha
legalUlng of . the eight hour work
day in all government worjc the 4
abolition of convict labor where 4
it cornea Into competition with
manufactured gooda and the re- w
newal ef tha a;!UUo(t fof til
4 abolition of Injunction lawa of 4
4 the country by the executive
council of the American Federa-'
tion of Labor, In iU annual re-
4 port to be submitted to the con-
vention oday.
New York, Nor. II.-MIm
Alice ItiMMrvfll, Jut uncle, Don-
nine Robinson, Mr. and Mr.
Cornelius Vanderbllt, and Nih-
iila Itngworth went to tba
Majestle Uwatre tail night In a
rented automobile theatrs eoach.
(hi entering the box, Mr. Robin-
eon discovered Iha lo of a stud,
valued at liooo. A search waa
mal of U.S aUtJ and tubby
without ucees, and Mr. Robin-
on then telephoned to tha cab
company to have tba coach ent
back to tha theatre, without glv-
ing the real reason for bia order.
When tba cab arrlvel ha entered
and found bin atud on tha floor.
orny, up tha present haa been aelf re
Suaaian Paper Saya Rebellion Will
Show Witt' Ability.
Moscow, Nov. 14. Dmitri ShlpoiT waa
re-elected president of the Zemstvo
council today. The reelection ia in
terpreted a ahowing the givst strength
of the moderate doctrines ha ad vo
ce tea.
It la now ascertained ttyt during
the excitement at Moaoow, Ruskoye
Slovo, tha moat radical opponent of
of the government, and eapecially in
tha denunciation of tha uae of troopa
for suppressing disorders, ssked for and
obtained a guard of Coaaack.
Continued on page 8.)
Postmaster-Genera! Assigns Du
ties to Assistants.
In PeraoMl Chart of this Branch
Flrat Aaalatant Becelvea Office Per
aonnel Second Get! Traniportatioa
Third Matter of Finance.
Washington, Nov. 14. Postmaster
General Cortelyou today Uaued an or
der of far reaching ImportancW, re-dla-
tributing the duties for aslKtant poet
maeter generals and affecting tha en
tire postal service.
The order will go into effect Pt
eember 1, and U intendel to group un
der ine burvau, all the related sub
jecta. The reouk. will le to place un
der the potmater general's personal
su(MTviion, the direction of the postal
ncrviee, under the (lrt (MutiaUnt, pt
oftlce pernoncl and mnnngement, under
the second ani-Ui-nt, all mnttvrs nlat
ing to tranporttttion of mails, under
the third anituiit, all matter of post
al finance and under the fourth awiat
ant, the rural free delivery and mis
ivlluncous postal service.
Seattle, Nov. 14. A jury waa secured
today in the case of Bert Connor, the al
leged land swindler, who is mid to be a
memlier of an organized band operating
exteiiHtvcly in this city and state. Bogus
deeds and epurioua mortgages on land
In this atate, Tennessee, Michigan, and
Wisconsin, figure in a doren or more
transactiona in which Connor and 'hia
associate are Involved. The vlctlma are
mostly women. Sensational revelations
are expected. '
Washington, Nor. 14. The convention
of ooUegs president adjourned today
without taking any action on football.
Among the eubjecta discussed were
questions augmented by the experiences
of American atudcnU taking the Rhodes
scholarships at Oxford, President Camp
bell of University of Oregon making
the opening talk on the tubinct.
Explains His Reported Aspirations for the French
Ambassadorship by Declaring the Idea
Originated, with Steel Mapate.
EipUfoi the Fifty Million Union Pacific Pool, By Saying Barriman Instigate 1
the Move With the Idea of Holding Control of Road Caustically States
that the Interest Felt bylhe Men "Friendly" to Him, Waa long Sin 0b
vious as Coming from Ulterior Motive. ,
4 New York, Nov. 14. Sensations flew thick when Jamea Hacen
Hyde, former Vice President of the Equitable Life Insurance Co., and 4
4 tlie man wbone tetimony hat been long anticipated, took the wit-
net Htand before the Armstrong CommUaion today. Composed, de-
liberate and calm, the former oihcia of tie Equitable simply told 4
hU story and hi auditors were aUrtdeL Explaining the famou 4
Mercantile Trut lfn, in the next breath, he boldly clarged Harri-
man, the railroad magnate, and li. C. Flick, with attempting con-
4 epiracy to get him out of the country. It waa along this line of 4
r . -Aitioaa proupted by UterioT motive, said Hyde, that called forth 4
4 tha idea, of hia own op ration for the French AmbiUeadonAip an 4
4 idea which originated be declared with Frick, who only wanted to 4
4 get klm away. Hyde will continue hi testimony toduy. . ., 4
4444444444444444 44 4444444444444444
New York, Nor. 14. Jamea' Haxtn
nyda, former Vice President of the
Equitable Life, whose resignation fol
looked forward to with expectation, to
which led to an Investigation of insur
ance company methods by the Ann
strong Committee, and the man whose
presence before the committee had been
looked forward to with expctatlon, to
produce the greatest sensation of tbo
invest Igaloa, appeared before tha com
mittee today.
Hyde's manner waa one of composure
and deliberation and his replies were
calm and deliberate and oftimea stud
ied. He waa fortified with statement
and data, and very frank In hia exp'a-
Frequently he became bitter in ref-
erenoe to . himself and his associates,
while the entire testimony waa of deep
interest and cleared up many points
which have heretofore remained in the
Hyde Explain Loan.
Hyde cleared up the matter
of the $StS5,000 loan of the Mercan
tile Trust Company, where none ck the
previous witnesses had been able to ex
plain. Hyde said he first heard of this
account in the fall of 1002, when it was
called to hi attention by President
Alexander, who said he and Mr. Jordan
had incurred the loan to take up the
tock which was being bid up to fic
titious values to the detriment of the
company to settle the suits hamper
ing the business of the society and for
campaign contributions.
To procure this money Alexander and
nyde wrote a letter to the President
London, Not. 14 Premier Balfoura
unusually candid warning to his follow
er's, at the National Union Conserva
tive association, at New Castle tonight,
in an address advising tha unionists that
they must, get together and not waste
Urn in criticizing each other, and work
along conservative lines, that otherwise
of the Mercantile Trust Company and
this letter practically placed kirn ia the
position of guarantor. Liter when the
settlement waa forced, Alexander and
Jordan raised all they could .toward it,
and the balance) $212,500 Hyde: paid
personally. He did thia because he un
dertood Alexander was financially em
barrassed. Tell of Hi Income.
nyda said he first received a salary
of $30,000, Seven years ago. In 1932
when ho became chairman ot the fin
ance committee, thia was advanced to
$75,000, and in 1003 it was advanced to
$100,000, where it remained.
nyde presented the statement that In
the seven yeara' of hia connection
with the Equitable Life and the allied
corporations, bad made an a vera go in
come of a little more than $38,000 per
year, deducting hia losses In tho syndi
cate ojierations and the money psid on
tho Alexander loan and including the
average incoma from his offices in" the
Trust companes. The witness said he
presented this statement to ahow he
had been misrepresented.
The instructions to Jordan and Fields
"Legislative generalisl,,, aa Hughvs
referred to him today, Hyde aald he
knew nothing about. The syndicate op
e rations of J. H. Hyde and associates
waa gone into very thorougly. In the
formation of this syndicate, Hyde said
Alexander suggested it for the conven
ience of bankers.
Harriman Instigated PeoL
Of the $50,000,000 Union Pacific pool,
Hyde said Harriman had instigated it,
and had explained that it waa to be
the arty waa threatened with disaster,
is interpreted ia somo quarter as ft
threat to resign the leadership of the
unionist 'party, if dissensions continue
with regard to th fiscal policy, and
judging by the editorials in thia morn
ing's papers, ther is small likelihood
of bia appeal havng the desired effect
fceaUle, Nov. 14 S. Kampe,
president of tha Independent
Mining Company of Nome, and
well known sa an Alaska mining
operator, and a money lender In
San Francisco, and reputed to
be worth $300,000 went to the
county jail today rather than
pay an old judgment of $400.
Kanip ttated that bit salary
waa $5000 a year, from the In-
dependent Mining Company, but
that it waa drawn three yeara
V in advance. He declared he waa
absolutely enniksa but laUt
admitted he lived in the best ho-
tela in tha country. Kampe ia
in Seattle after a trip to Noma.
formed for the holding of the syndi
cate for live year for the purpose of
controlling the Union Pacific. The ex
ecutive committee, waa not informed of
this operation as Hyde said Alexander
did not think it necewary and Hani-
man had requested that the committee
not be ic formed. . He said Harri man
bad even refused to give a statement of
the purpose of the pool, to the superin
tendent of insurance, when he waa
"clamoring for it" laet spring.
Harriman Advise Settlement
Eclipxing this sensational testimony,
however, were statement made by
Hyde, conofrnig Former Governor Odell
and Mr. Harriman. relative to the settle
ment of the shipbuilding suit, against
the Mercantile Trust Company. Hyde
said Harriman came to him and advised
(Continued on page 8.)
Divinity Student Arrested on Chi
ca go Street Car.
Justice Hold that Using Found Trans
fer I No Less Tban Robbery, Bat
Student Argue Point "and Bests the
Court in th Argument
Chicago, Nov. 14. A new point in
transfer ethics waa raised yeaterday
when Robert Morris a divinity student
in Chicago University, was arraigned bey
fore Justice Callahan on charge of of
fering on a Cottage Grove car, a trans
fer which he had found in the street.
Morris was arrested by one of th de
tectives of tke City Railway Company,
who aaw him attempt to use the trans
fer. He admitted he had found' the
transfer in tie street and that be knew
it was illegal to use it, but he said he
could not see the justice of the law.
He contended that every nickel spent
by the patrons of the street car com
pany purchased the maximum ride on
the company's lines snd that if the ori
ginal purchaser did not care to use all
of that ride it could be no moral of
fense for another person to use what
someone else had wilfully thrown away.
Justice Callahan held that to ride on
a transfer that had been found in the
street' was no less than robbery, inas
much aa the company was deprived of s
nickel that otherwise would have been
"Then you might aa well say I rob
the storekeepers when I give away an
overcoat which is of no use to me, be
cause I save the recipient of the coat
the necessity of buying ft new one," re
joined Morria.
The student finally agreed to meet the
justice again and thrash out th ques
tion thoroughly.
"He had me going some," was Justice
iCallahaa's comment after Morris bad
left the room. . i
London, Nov. IS. Lieutenant Colonel
Arthur Tremay, one of the few remain
ing survivors of th charge of the
light brigade, at Bataklava, died . at
Cornwall today at th age of 78 years.
Must Be Produced Before
Canvassing Board.
Hearst Sustained in Attempt to
Bring Return Sheets Be
fore the Board.
Attorney General Will Apear Before the
Grand Jury Today and Demand Ad
ditional Criminal Returns Againat th
Perpetrator of Election Fraud. -
New York, Nor. 14. The counsel for
the Municipal Ownership League today
obtained from Justice Amend, ia th
Supreme Court, aa order directing
County Clerk Hamilton to produos be
fore the Board of County Canvassers,
the original tally sheets at their meet
ing tomorrow, or show cause why he
should not do so. Tbs Amend order
slso ' Kstrains ' O" TKaid"" frees ' taking
any action regarding tha canvass of
the vote until th question of the pro
duction of the tally sheets is decided.
It is claimed by th counsel that th
tally sheet are necessary in order that
the Tot may be properly canvassed.
Similar orders were secured from
Jwtce Dickey, ia Brooklyn, egainsi)
the canvasser of Queens County.
Attorney General Mayer will appear
before the Grand Jury tomorrow and.
ask a large number of additional in
dictments, charging fraud ia th elec
tions. Th Queens County Canvassers,
in tf iavesgagons found) on
velopje empty, though it was properly
sealed. ,
la on district Is Richmond ti Bs
publkaa and Municipal Ownership can
didate for th 8upreme Court, waa
credited with only 134 vote, warn he
had 199.
Ask Government to Establish Depart
ment of Mines.
FJ Psao, Nov. 14. The first day ses
sion of the eighth annual convention
of the American Congresa was devoted
to the preliminaries of welcoming ad
dresses snd committee meetings, with
the exception of the annual address of
President Richards of Boise. This was
the real features of the day.
Resolutions were adopted, urging th
creation of a department of mines and
mining and asking Congresa to pro
vide for the location of mine on the
Spanish land grants in Arizona and New
Mexico, and urging the Hydrographie
Bureau to locate all desert holes and
erect metal posts ia their vkinity.
Pittsburg Nov. R-H latest
reports concerning th Enter
prise National bank are true,
Receiver Cunningham ia ia pos
session of a duplicate set of
books, kept between August
21, last, when a Federal exam
ination waa made, and th day
the bank ekwed ite doors. It is
4 said that Examiner Moxee ear-
ried to Washington ft complete
4 eopy of these account, and vpoa
them tha Federal GovenuMak
4 will baa it criminal uit4 Jus
4 who will b kit by th eontea-
4 plated action is aot kaowa.