8 THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, teej jUSTRECEIYED i . - ! This ' seasons' pack )l Vraisjnsi currants ftfon and lemon peel. j WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR MAKING MINCEMEAT. I FOR A WIDOW'S LOVE . Californian Kills Himself When Suit Is Rejected. MATRIMOM1AL AGENCY MATCH 4STORIA GROCERY 123 Commercial Si Phon Main 881 Mince Meats WX HAVE AIL THE INGREDIENTS TOR JOEING XINCE MEATS. WE ALSO CARRY THE BEST BRANDS III r BULK AND PACKAGE, READY TO IS, W,Jdemar Hertwick, a Lonely Rancher, Seeks Comfort in a Pretty German Widow, Who Promptly Declines Hjs Suit and Returnt to the Fatherland, f ' THE GROCER. Tenth nlf' Commercial Street Branch at Unlontown. "Tteiepsones. - gala Store, .-How 7ivMaUt, Iramr. k Store . . . . No. 713, Maia 1 - Playing' sards ReJaxearda lOo, 15c, and 25c tik F lifte Stick 50c package. "Cangreas Card" for partiee and prix finest Uneki atbek, gold edgea asd fancy baoka. Me package. !"!. : See the Window. J.N. Griffin BOOKS STATIONERY MUSIC reno, lai.. .ov. 12. t range wan the romance that came late into 'the life of elderly WaliL-inar Hertwick and quickly drove him to his death. , It was a marriage bureau romaru-e, the conclusion being that the man killed himself becauv th woman who had been selected for him by the bu reau refused, at last to marry him, The prosy world might sooner 1-xpeet, in such a case the matrimonial reali- tat ion to be the cause of suicide. 1 Hertwick, lived in IJndsay, a Tulare country town, and he lived alone. He came into the state from some part of the east, and originally came from for many. His physician had advised him to lead an out-of-door-life, and so farm ing was tried as a remedy for a long illness that might be cured in the Call fornia climate. Hoped to Find 1 Wife On Uie ranch, Hertwick improved in app-arance and believing that he was sure to get well he wrote to a marriage bureau in the hope of finding a woman who would marry him. He stated that Kit' . he wa a German, prosperous, of middle age, and that he was entirely alone in ne wanted a good wife, der- SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS. Tk fatal Gens am Ita Hcasee Saw Facta at Seteaee. It to the rarest tblnf ra the world for man to be necessarily bald. No man wsoao hair Is not dead at the roots, need be bald It he will use Newtiro'a Herpl eide, the new calp antiseptic Herpl ide destroys the term that cuts the hair eS at the root; and cleans the scalp ot dandruff and leaves It In a perfectly nsalthr condition. Mr. JJannett, in the Maryland Block, Butte, Mont., was en tlrely bald. In less than a month Herpl efde bad removed the enemies of hair growth, and nature did its work by cov rinr bla bead with thick balr an inch lenr. aad In .sis weeks he had a normal ult of hair. Sold by leading druggists. Send We. In stamps for sample to The Berplcide Co., Detroit Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug .Store, 549 Com. St, T. 7. Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent." the world. man preferred, who would be content 00 ' California ninth ' with him. "The thought of existence' on California soil is a lure all over the world, and some how the advertisement of Hertwick made ita way to Germany. Mrs. A. H. Tilfoch, a good-loking young widow, wrote to Mr. Heriwick. She believed that she could be a aatiafac toty helpmeet to the 'lonely man on tba Tulare ranch: and those who saw her when she finally arrived at Lindsay say tfiat all her praises of herself, such as she wrote when seiking to win the man 'and the borne in California were entirely too modest f ' Sends Geod-Looking Picture. The rancher sent his photograph to Germany, selecting, as was natural, perhaps, one that had been taken some time before he became afflicted with consumption. He had been a good-look ing man in earlier days. The German widow's photograph was not as allur ing aa the widow herself proved to be when she reached the ranch; but the lonely Wallemar Hertwick, with the name that would adorn a novel if his little life-ending story should ever be elborat-d into fiction, fell desperately in love. Arrangements were quickly made, as quickly as trains and steamers could carry between California and Germany a few letters that were straightforward and to the point The rancher bad the money to send; the widow in far away Germany was eager to meet the ranchx-r and see the new home that was awaiting her. In the latter, she was undoubtedly disappointed; in the man he certainly was. It t a poor, little $1500 farm in no respect like those of which the widow had heard and iv-ad. The man was emaciated, rather oldish -looking, and in hardly any respect like his picture. Widow Wai Stunned. Mr. Tillooh arrived at Lindav. and REBATES ON BEER lar Freight Charges. v RECEIVED 12 PER CENT. BACK when sIm tVied off tlv truin sl seemied almost stunned at finding the in valid in place of th iuan of whom whe had dreamed. She shrank away from his cajvfcM-s as lie greeted her and when )ih lia.t li..t,ml ia a feu- imrdu nf wel. come he akei if his health wa good. Wbst Company Pafd the Regu She auctioned clowly, and ' finally Hertw ick admit ted that 1 had con uruption. ., x. . That eiultd the romance and the dream. The farm wa evnniiti-d, but th woman from Gurmany could not be (HTsuadtl to marry. Mix Tilloch con eluded to go back to Geimnny, and af ter fiMMiding a few dttvs in San Krin cic visiting irlntives lie went. H. i t wit k mKI his ranch for IliHM) ami drew 700 from ilk. bauk. He followed Mr. TilUnh to San Francisco and went acroaa the continent with her, but the old promise of marriage could not he regaim'd. He saw rjie woman sail away for lire men, and thtn it was that, a 4 1 II t ..mi M 1! . A L il ( . I ioiu in me r..nuiu-i uispaicn ""sii JImxJy morning, he ended his existence by tak ing poison. Case to Be Tr.ed in Wisconsin Under the Elkina Law, to Test Legality of the Practice of Paying Rebates After Receiving the Regular Rates LINER YET AGROUND Washington, Nov 12. Attorney Gen- today made a statement regarding the petition which will W filed tomorrow in the circuit court of the 1'iiitid Slates in the eastern district of Wisconsin, Irimght under th FJkius law to test the legality of certain coin- misaiona paia by the railroads to a private car transit company, controlled Graf Witderue Still In the Mud by ih n of th' 'wr,ta- aj.v-.fc n'PPnK t.e freight in this cars over in iww iwiiv iiaiuui. Hr.-,.! 11.,.. The rase ari s out of facts Invest! I gated by the Interstate Commerce Com mission and also by the private interests ATTEMPTS TO FLOAT HER FAIL .dvemiy .ffecu.i. It appears some of the principal stock holders of the Pubst Brewing Company organised and own the Milwaukee He- Freiht Being lixhtered Onto Other 14 ' rl,l imnsii. lompany lo in lul l Boata Bwt ' Paasengera Are Still twr rpon '. mtrol of the shipments , . a M Jsiiias Present ALL YOU HERMAN WISE CSTOMERS WHO HAVE THREE OR MORE XMAS CERTIFICATES IN YOUR OWN NAME, 'COME AND RESERVE YOUR PRESENT NOW, I PICKED THEM OUT MY SELF WHILE IN NEW YORK. THEY ARE FINE. NO PRESENT UNLESS YOU HAVE THREE OR MORE XMAS NUMBERS. OR IF YOU BUY s.oo WORTH OF CLOTHES AT WISE'S FINE STORE, BETWEEN TODAY AND JANUARY 18T, 190. Aboard Thirty' Thousand Tout Must Be Removed Before Ship Can Float. 'cw York, Xov. 12.-Kirort to float the Hamburg-American liner, Graf Wal- dcrse,' which grounded Saturday in the upper harbor of New York were un availing at high tide today. No at tempt will be made tonight, but it is expected she can be floated at high water tomorrow. According to " Catain Kerch, the Graf Waldersee is resting two feet in depth of iher bulk for her entire length, in the bottom, a mile off Brooklynl shore and nearly 30,000 tons of her car- of th Pabst company were given by various railroads, and while receiving published rates fur the transportation of the commodotiis, have, it is stated, paid he transit company a commission ot about 12 per cent upon the amount of freight money collected.. This jK-ti- tion is designed to test the legality of I such payment. The rase is regarded as of great im portance and Is pressed for sperdy hear: ing. SECOND VISIT OF BEAST ffilermaaWise ASTORIA'S RELIAHLK CLOTHIER P. S. Also one piano Dumber with each I1.50 purchase, WUe will wind up' thla year! buaineu with a hurrah. Trade With WISE, else you'll be sorry. , ....... (Continued from page 1.) A 1- 1 t to Diusi. or removea oeiore soe can noav. 1 , . . ., . ; , . r, .1 . - I 1 1 ' vt -v - .-some 01 me rarvo na oeen unioaueu. 1 .. . , .... . rjinv luuay an aiuuiut py a uosen 1 , .. , . , tug boata and the ship's own power to. . , k ' , ' f ' , . . , , land simple. Any wise man must have ' ' I known tlut dinner nt utflnir (II. M v.,... .1 1, .1.. I h.V UVUI 9 VI .IIC M.1. IIIIUI.i .... 0 I the house or the premises acain. esneo- up. The Venetia, one of the liners in the West Indian service was brought along side and hundreds 01 tona 01 cargo were placed on her decks All lighters that could be had were ranged around the big ship and the unloading was started. The passengers are still . on board. FREEDOM IE SPECIAL SALE INMILL1NERY Street Hats, Turbans, Patent Leather Hats and School Hats A complete and varied line of trimmings to match; all abet, color and styles. Hundreds to choose from. This ia the LOGICAL Millinery store for YOU, no matter what dast of goods you buy. '; , THE ELITE THE MILLINERY PARLORS THAT LEADS IN STYLE. PRICES ARE , GREATLY REDUCED. 61a COMMERCIAL BALL BUILDING. a a uuiy wnen ne knew that the young lady had recognized him from the win dow of the hoUl yesterday morning, (for while she wa scrutinizing him a he passed, ha turned, recognizrd her and smiled and this recognition of her self, caused her to determine the per; sonality of tit man so readily and dis tinctly), and tha extravagant naturfc of the note, he left behind him last night, but adds to the conviction that he is of a low order of abnormal creatures who infest the world of men. Sheriff Thomas I.inville Is also engag- of those presint burt into tears and 11 tn' f running him down, and mournful wailings. Broemser was in position yes terday morning, to see and note his ex- Rebel from Taxation. I'1 Vnw characterlsaies, of dress, Iondon. Nov. 12. The St. Peters-1 n,lr a,',". height, complexion and gen- burg correspondent of the Daily Tele- "' carriage, Uie officers will not be graph says that an Iniiterial manifesto j ,onK 'n "ailing him, here, or . Isew here; will shortly be issued granting relief n1 on he is in the clutches of the law, to the peasantry and the cancellation he not "My ' spared much of ita of some twenty millions of roubles ar-1 bitU-rest pennlty for the gross and re rears in land redemption by a tax levied I peatei! insults he hns Imposed upon an ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHN FOX. Free, and floyt. F L BISHOP. Secretary A.LFOX.VIeaPm. AHTOHIA 8A VINOS BANK, Treat Designers and Hannftctortrs of THE LATEST IMPKOVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery OutfitjFurnishcd. CORRESPONDENCE SOtiCJTED. Foot of Fourth SLreet J. Q. A. B0WLBY, Prealdent. O. I. l'KTKIt.S(J.V. Vice-President FRANK PATT0N, Cashkr.i I : : J. W. GARNER, Assistant, Cashier. since the emancipation of IKtil . Punishment of Mutineera. Cronstadt Nov. 12. Three cruisers sre being prepared to take the muti nous sailors on a long liscipliiiary voy age. exwllent and modest young woman. 11 is not uniikciv lie will lie iippr hended soiiietime UsIhv. Astoria Savings Bank Capllal Fald In 1100,000. Surplus and Cndlrld.d Profits 13&,006. Transacu a O. nersl BanklDf Business, Interest Paid on Time Deposit ' Ouitt at St. Petersburr. St., Petersburg. Xov. VI The day passed quietlv here No excesses wvre reported from any part of the city, but the Jews are still apprehensive. Mar tial law his been sbolMud in K rem inding and Tiflis and their respective districts . Two of a kind She (in a temper) I wish Id never married you. The Brute Another Instance of "Two soula with but a single thought." Ally Sloper'a Half-Holiday. '!. So far as they g0, Schilling'. Best lake doubt and difficulty out of getting your table supplies. PRINCE LOUIS ENTERTAINED. New-Wk, Xov. 12.-Five thousand persons visited the armored cruiser Drake, the flagship of Hear Admiral Prince 1.0111s of Itattburg, today. The Prince spent morning iiietly and went on an automobile ride this after noon and tonight ha was a guest of Mayor McClellan at a dinner. '68 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON. Weinhard's iLog; r Beer. WITHDRAWAL TO BEGIN IN MARCH London, Nov. 12. It is said at the for eign office that the withdrawal of the foreign troops from the province of Chi LI, China, which was announced from Berlin, all the powers have agree to, L expected to begin in Marqh, 1900. JUSTICES WILL SPEAK. New York, Nov. 12.-The ! Intr- Cburch conference on federation, opens ita sessions here Wednesday in Carne gie ball. Among the spakers during the Wis-lc, will be Justice Harlan and Brew. er, of the Supreme Court of the United Sates. Morning Astorian, 7ic per month. I I Out of Date Plumbing is Unhealthy If your plumbSnf !a out of date, the memberi of your household are conitantly Hiking their health. Defective plumbing generates germ-bearing lewer gaiei which pollute the atmoiDhere and cannot help but be breathed by the occupant!. Let ui etimlne the condition of jour Elumbbg, correct defective piping and irtall the best unitary fixmrei made. ttmeljr m&m4mf; 3adu and One-piece Lavitoriei. Our flluitrated booklet "Modara Home Plumbing" sent free upon application. V i 1 J. A. Montgomery, Astoria J -atis-