MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. PORTLAND MARKETS f itest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Complete Market Reports Cornctid Etch Dsy Giving tb Wholesal Price of Commodities, Farm Product and Vegt- Ubie. Portland, Nov. 11 W'jH-nt lm advanced M a result 01 a eudden de mand (rum California, and prlre ar eonaitb'red Him, The union crop of the state baa Un mvm) in good ciidilli'n, although, there were rrjmr rarljr In Ma of heavy damage inflicted by showers and fro la, Pealre art ia Uia onioo growing dis trict, .buying for xport, and report grown aa a rule willing to m11 at quotation. The etok of eiunmi-r on lima grown la California la aUmt ex hausted, aa hry do not po Die keep ing qualltlrs of he Oregon fall product. Poultry ia In light auppty, and com nilwioa man are glad of it, aa tha d stand ha not Wen great thua far thla weWr. Coopa of mixed cliii:Ln fll with dilTirulty at lOr, and, aa Wrdnva day and TliuMay ro uully the b't erlllng daya, dralrra do not hope for better trade toward Saturday. The poultry merkft, which haa been dull line Uw cluaing of thn fair, ia not tx- jwcted to revive until the week More , Thanksgiving, when tha high price of turkeya may 1 stimulate tU price of chicken, llealera aJvle poultrymi-n to ahip lightly at thla time. A shipment of Concord grape ar rived front Foret Crova thla morning. Grata, Product, Ttea. Wbeet-Walla Walla, 73o, valley, 7Uc blueatrrs, 77Jc rad, 70)a. 0U-Whlt, $2.W, gray, 22. Barley Brewing, 20j food, $10.50j rolled. 82I.M. Hay Timothy, $12 JMQ 13.00 j clover, l.S0(g0 cheit, I7.60&8 alfalfa, 10. MiHatuffa-MlddUnjra, 124 23 1 chop, 119; braa, 1920j ahorU, $21622. Flour Hard wheat, patent, If 50; straight, 83.50(3 3.90 j graham, $3.00; rye, 3 1 whole wheat flour, $3.85 1 valley flour (3.80(r4 Dakota, S.607.3 oaaUrn, rya, 3.M; rillabury, UMiQUS , Corn Whole, $28 ( cracked, 129 per ton. . r . ' Rya 1.30 per cwt . Product, Butter Fancy Creamery, 27ftu city creamery, 3032lcj dairy, 1019 17c; atora 14I5o. ...... Cbeeat Young America, J9c; Oregon full cream, l4o. Fg-Freah Oregon ranch, 2930cj eastern egga, 2520cj cold atorage, 23 Q24c ' Poultry Rooatera, Sgfrcj hen, 11(3 12c; fryera, 10llc broilera, 10 lie; geoae, live, 88Oj dreaaed, 9 , 10c; turkeya, live, 14($15o dreaaed, 18$ 20c; ducka, old, U12c; apring duck, 12(3 13c; p'geona, pet doxen, $1.001.25; squabs, $2.O02.5O. Honey-Dark, lOlgllc; amber, 12 13c; fancy white, 12i13io. Fntita and Vegetable. Orapea o075c California grapea 75c$1.00, Cantaloupe Crate, flQl.25. riuma Crate, 6075c reachea Oregon Freeatont 75glJJ0. Applet Creen, 7 5c $1. 60. Grape fruit Crate, $2.503.00. Uuckleberriee Per lb, 7a. Onniberrlea rer bbl, $0.5010.00. Tropical frulte Lemons, fancy, $3.00; choice, $4 50 per box; orangea, $4.60 TIDE TABLE, NOVEMBER, 1909. Low Water. A. M. ) P. M. Date. h.m ft.l h.m. ft Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 1:16 10:t 1.8 11 10:15 11:12 ,n.i 0,o 8 8 II Friday Saturday SUNDAY 11:05 eta 0:14 1:17 1:40 1:15 0.6 1.0 1:10 8.1 II 1.1 1.1 Monday 1.1 Tueaday 1 1.5 L7 Wednewday I 4:36 Thuraday 9 6:09 1.9 1.1 0.8 Friday 10 1:40 4:10 O.t Saturday , 11 4:13 1.4 3.71 7:01 7:11 a.l HUNDAT ..12 4:U Monday ..13 7:25 1.9 1.02 1:11 9:06 9:44 0.1 Tueaday 14 Wednesday .4.... 15 Thuraday IS - Friday 17 ! Saturday ....1...18 SUNDAY ...:...! T.tb 1:26 1.1 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 9.8 1:04 1.41 I.I se 9:52 10:10 11:20 12:02 10: (5, 0.7 I t tee Monday ..,,..xu :1M Li 1:14) 1.1 Tueaday 21 t Wedneaday 22 Thuraday ........23 1:24 2.10 1.4 1.7 1:29 1:15! 4:12 1:15 1:15 16 1.7 0.8 0.1 0.1 1:121 4tl0 6:25 1:18 T:00 7:52 1.9 2.0 Friday 24 Saturday SUNDAY t Monday 17 Tuesday 21 1.1 2.2 14 1.8 7:02 7:10 1:15 Ml 1.1 1.4 -1.1 0.1 Wednesday 29 8:43 2.8 9:21 1:18 1.0 10:11 0.00; banana, 5e per lb) pineapple, $3.50(94.00 per dotea. Potatoea Oregon, per aack, W(J75ej onlona. Sic (a $1.00, per 100 lbe.j tomaott box, JW&30ej turnips, aack, 75 We; rabUgee, per pound, 11 1 head lettuce, 25ra3()o per doxen hot houae, $1 box; celery, duxen, 7580ci radiabea, per down, 15cj green onlona, per dozen, 15c; rhubarb, lb, 2 2 la Cucumbert flox, 60c ; beet, $1.00 per aack 1 carrots, 75c par aack grata pea lZc; green bean, 4(g3 wax, 4e; garlic, lOc; egg plant, 16o lb.; wax, 4c; corn, 121o dox.j sweet potatoea, 2c red peppera, Co pound. Dried Fruit Apples, tvaporaUd, 9(c per lb. ; aundrbd, aacka or boxea, none; apricot 1112 peacbet, lOrjlle; peara, 10(12 l-2c; prunea, Italian, fl(? $ 12l French, S 1 2c; flg, Cat. black, 3 4c; do, white, none; Mmyrna, 20c; Fard. date, flc; pi urn, pitted, 0c Cereal food Rolled oata, cream, 90. lb, aacka, $0.75; lower grade, $3.00( $0.2$; oatmeal, ateel cut, 60-lb. aacka, $8 per bale; 10-lb. aacka, $4 25 per bale; oat meal (ground), 50-Ib. aacka, $7.50 per bale; 10 lb. aacka, $4.00 per bale; aptlt peaa, $4 00 per 100-Jb. aack; 26 lb. boxea, fl.IS; pearl Urley, 4J per 100 Iba. 23-lb. boxea, $1.25 per box; paatry flour, 10 lb. aacka, $V.50 per bale. Canned aalmon Columbia river, l ib, tall, $1 83 2 lb. tall, $2.50; fancy Mb, flata, $2.00; 1-2 lb. fancy flaU, $1.25 fancy l ib. ovala, $2.75; Alaaka Utla, pink, OOc; red $1.45; nominal, 2a, tall, $2.00. Maeon trult jara Half ganona. per groa, $1.00; quart, $7Ji0; plnta, $8.55 1 extra rap, per groa, $2.33. l-onomy fruit jara Half gallon, per groa, $13.35; u,uarU, $10.00; pinta, $8Ji6; extra ctpe, $1.83. Kverlating fruit jara Half gallon $12.50; quart, $8.30; pint, $7.60; extra cap, glaaa, $2.50. Groceriea, Provuloaa, Etc. Sugar, aaca uaela 3oldea C, 4.63; extra C, $4-73; powdered, $3.35; patent cube, $3.23; cane, D. O., $323; fruit aug ar, $6.60; beet aigar, $5.15; barrela, ewt, 10c; kega, cwt., 26c; boxea, cwt, 60s ad vance over aack baala (leaa 1 4c per lb. if paid for la IS daya). Rait Balea of 75 2a, bale, $1.60; bale of 30 3a, bait, $1.80; tale of 40-4, bale, $1.00 balce of 1510a, Ule, $1.80; bag, 50a, fine, ton; $11.00; bag, 60 lba., geau ino Liverpool, ton, $17.00; bag, 60 lba. 12 ground, 100a, ton. $7.00; R. & V. P, 20 51b, carton, $215; R. 8. V. P, 24 3 lb. cartona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton, 1 18. CO. Rice IraperUl Japan, No. 1, $3.33 12; Southern, Japan, 4 l-2g5c; broken, 3 3 4c; bead, fancy, 6 3-4c; bead, choice, 6 1-2& Date Golden, 60-lb. boxea, 0(3$ l-2c; Mb. packagva, 8c ; Fard, 15 lb, boxea, $1.40 box. Kutt-Walnuta, No. 1, tort ahell, 16c 1 No. I, hard obeli. IS S-4c Cnila, I3o; almonda, 20c; filbert, 14 17c; Bratila, 15c; pecan a, 13 12815c; hickory, 8c; Virginia peaauta, 77 l-2c; Jrjmbo Virginia peaauta, 0c; Japaneae peaauta, 8 1 -2(380 ; cheitnuta, Italian, 14c; cocoa nuta, doxea, 90c ' F-VhlU, lb., 8 l-2(5c; black, 6 die. white, S 1 2c; pink, 3c; bayou, 4 3 4c; Beane Small 'white, 4 l-4c; largo Llmaa.'Tct Mexican, red, 9c Pickled goode-Pickled plga feet, 12 barrela, $5.00; 1-4 barrala, $2.75; 151b. kite, $155) pickled tripe, 1-2-barrela, $6.00; 1-4 barrel, $2.75; 13 lb. fciU, $1.25; pickled piga' tongue, 1-2 barrela, $8.00; 1-4 barren, $3.00; 151b. kiU, $1.60; pickled lamba' tongue, 1-2-ban rela, $9.00; 1-4-barrcla, $5.50; 15 lb. kiU, $2.75. Coffee Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy, 20(3 32c 1 Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordi nary, 1720c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18 20c; Coata Rica, good, 1418c; Ar bucklea, 16c per lb.; Lion, 10c per lb.) Columbia coffee, 13 l-4c; Salvador, 11 15c ProvUion nm, to alxe, 13 3-4o; hamt, picnic 0 l-2e; bacona, regwlar, 12c; bacon, breakfaat, 13 1-219 l-2c; dry aalt aidea, Ho; back a, dry aalt, 11c NOVEMBER NOVEMBER, 1908. High Water. A.M. P.M. Date. h.m. ft h.m. wedneaday ...... 1 7:00 4:87 7.4 1:11 Thuraday 2 Friday 1 Saturday , 4 7.0 8.9 8.9 4:19 1:16 4:61 1:41 7:09 SUNDAY : I Monday r. 6 Tueeday ......... 7 Wedneeday 8 8:14 7.1 7.4 1:11 9:19 9:081 9:84 7.7 7.9 19:16 11:06 11:48 10:14 Thursday 9 UMOl 11:46 8.1 8.1 Friday ...10 .J... Saturday ..11 0:1S 11:17 .l SUNDAY .12 1:08 1:43 1:20 1:63 1:12 4:18 1:10 1:09 7.1 11:45 1:11 Monday 11 7.0 7.0 4.9 II 17 Tueaday ....14 Wednesday .....U Thursday ..,.....!( Friday 17 1:41 1:14 1:12 1:18 4:12 1:42 7:05j 1:10 Saturday ........18 SUNDAY ; .19 I 1.9 Monday ......... .20 7:10J 7.1 Tueaday ....21 8:08 9:00 7-5 Wedneaday 22 Thuraday 23 Friday 24 Saturday 25 7.9 1.4 8.9 9:41 9:60 10:40 11:25 10:43 11:18 9.1 SUNDAY 2 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wedneaday 29 Thursday 10 0:29 7.5 11:10 1:18 7.9 11:12 1:07 1:65 1:45 7.1 7.5 1:15 1:12 1:1) 7.4 Lard Kettlo-readeredi Tlereea, lie) tuba, 11 1-40) 60a, 11 l-icj 20e, 11 S $c; 10a, 11 3-4cj 6a, 11 7-8c; Standard pur Tieroea, 10c; tuba, 10 l-4e; 80a, 10 l-4c; 20a, 10 3-8o) 10a, 10 3 -4c; 6a, 10 l-4t) 6a, 9c Compound Tiercea, 7c; tuba, T l-4c; 50a, 6 3-4c) 10. 7 l-4c) 6e, 7 1 4c Sausage Portlaad nam, l l-2e per Ib, minced ham, 10c; aummer, choice dry, 17 l-2c) bologna, long, 6 l-2c; wiener wurat, 8c ; liver, 6c; pork, 9c; blood, 6c; headcheeee, 12 l-2c) bologna aauaagt, link, 4 1 2c Ralaina Looat Mucate1a, 3-crown, 7 l-2c; t-crowa, 6 l-2cf bleached teed lea Sultana, 7(?12c; unbleached aeed leaa Sultana, 0 3 4c; London layer, 3 crown, whole boxea of 20 lb., $1.85; 2 crown, $1.75. Fresh Meats and Flih. Freh meat Veal, email, 7 1-2(J 8c; lrgt, 3lCi6c) pork, 77C) beef, bull, 1 l-22c) eowa, 3 l-24c; ateera, 4 1-2(35 1 2c; mutton, 66 l-2c; lamba, 77 l-2c Oyitere Sboalwater bay, per gallon, $225; per aack, $3.75 act) Olympia, per aack, $.23; Eaatera transplanted, $1.60 per 100 lba. Game Hardsell, per box, $2.00; raxor clama, $2.00 per aack. FUh Crabe, per dozen, $1.60; Shoal water bay oyatera, per aack, $4-00) oya tera, gallon, $225; halibut, 6e; black cod, 7c; baa, per lb., 15c; herring, 6c; 7c; baaa, per lb, 12 l-2c; herring, 6c flounder, 6c; catfiih, 8c; lobater, per lb, 12 1 2c; ailver arnelt 7c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 6c; aturgeon, 8c; ailversid 8c; ae trout, 12 I -2c; black bail, 20 25c; Yaquina chinook aalmon, Oct Grain bag CalcutU and domeatie, l-2c Wool-Valley, 20(327 l-2c; Eaatera Oregon, 18g20c Tallow Prime, per lb., 3(g3 3 4cj No. 2 and greaae, 2(g2 12c Mohair Choice, 30(J32c Feather Geote, whit, 35(3 40c; geeae gray or mixed, 29(330c) duck, whiU, 15(320c; duck, mixed, 12(8 15c Beeawax Good, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Hope, Wool, Bidet, Etc Hop New crop, 1012c; old crop, 10 12c Hide Dry hide, No. 1, 16 lba. and ap, 10 18 1 2c per lb.) dry kip, No. 1, 5 to IS IU, 14315c per lb.) dry ealf, No. 1, unde; 6 Iba 1718c; dry aalted, bulla and ataga, on third leaa than dry flint (culla, moth-eaten, badly cut, acored. murrain, bair-alipped, weather-beatea or grubby, 2 3c per lb. leaa)) aalted hidea, ateera, aound, 00 lba, and over, 9 10c per lb.) 60 to 60 Ibc, 8 l-29c per lb.; under 60 lba. and cowa, 89c per lb.) aalted ataga and bulla, aound, 80 per lb.) aalted kip, aound, IS to 30 lb., 9c per lb.) aalt ed veal, aound, 10 to 14 lba., 9o per lb.) tailed calf, aound, under 10 lba 10c per lb. (fireea, uatalted, lo per lb. let; culla. la per lb. less). Sheep skins 1 Shear ilnga, No. 1 butcher' stock, 23 30c tech) abort wool, No. 1 butcher' atock, 40 60o each; medium wool, No. 1 butcher stock, 6080c) long wool, No. 1 butcher' stock, $1.00 1.50 each. Murrain pelt from 10 to 20 per cent lea, or 12 14c per lb.) horat bidet, aalted, each, accord' ng to aixe, $UW2.00j dry, each, ae cording to aixe, $1.50; colt' hide, 26 50c each; goat akin, common, 10 15c each; Angora, with wool oa, 25c$10 each. . on. Turpentine 4 5ae, 880 per gallon; in good barrel, P8c per gallon. White Lead Ton oU, 7fc; 600-pound iron barrela, 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, case, canes, 6c Itoiied, 04c; i-barrei iou, 60c; casta, 60c 32c t Iron barrel or drum, 20c. Coal Oil Caeca, 201c ; Iron barrela, 1 3c ; wood barrel, 171c Gaoline Stevt gasoline, caaea, 231c; Benxine 63 degree, case 22c ) iron barrel, 151c Lind Oil Raw, barrel Iota, 58c; eJ Great China and Crockery Sals It will save you lots of money Valuable Coupons given . with every v . purchase. Don't miss this sale Great American Importing Tea Co. WTX Ceuterelal It, Aatartii Oar 100 stores help us to help you sr Business COLLCOE PORTLAND. OREGON. If you are thinking ot attending bus tnes college you can not afford to ig nore tbt lest in tbe northwest. Our equipment is unurpsaed wet of Chi cago. On account of our rapidly Increa ing attendance WE WILL MO VE October First to our elegant flew quar ter In the Elks Building now being completed at Seventh and Stark street. Our graduates ar .all employed. I'kned 207 pupils in lucra tive position during the past year. 8nd for our bandwimi-ljr illustrated catalogue. Fire. Addreaa all comrnuni cation to our present quarter in the Btearn Building, Portland. (-O SPICES, ol COFFEE.TEA, DAIflHOPOVfDEn. rtOGEXTlUXTS OrnrtarSrrttooiAiik CLQS5ETQDZYE2iS UENANDWOmEI. Cm Blttl tor Miami trari.UtiiHt IrrltsUeM or kmkM of MbrWM, r. i 1 I... mA uM.. ititnCani.Ct. cat m . ' er la Uia , br . nte. fy l a, or S battle n.ra. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Hat to the east and south, lfaklng floe connection with train of ai transcontinental line, passenger art riven their choice of route to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, I and through the point to tb far taat Prospective traveler desiring Infor mation a to tbt lowest rates and best routs ar invited to correspond with tbt following representatives: B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Agent 141 Third St. Portland. Ore, " mmm YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY. If your Ucktta read over tb Don ver and Rio Grand Railroad, tb "Scenlo Line of tb World." BECAUSE There are ao many actnlo attrae tlona and point of Interest along the lint between Ogden and Den ver that tb trip never become tiresome. If you art going Eaat, writs tor In formation and get a pretty book that wlU tell you all about It W. C MoBrlds, General Agent 114 Third Street PORTLAND. OREGON SAN FRANCISCO & ORTLAND S. S. CO. Par Including berth and meaia, t1B Round'trip, I2S. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San rranclsco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFr&ncisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era California. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent. - - ' Astoria, Oregon. A. a D. KERPLL Gen. Pas. Agnt , 8n Franc iaoe. CsL STAMMERING AND 5TuTTER-J ING CURED For Particulars Addrtss THX lAOriC SCHOOL FOX STAM MXSXKS 1261 tat YambilTStrett, ...Mf. Portland, Oregon., SlMMIII U I ''SJ PvvSMtjfj) CtsMsiSHSi 1 A v ... 1 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Steamer Telegraph Leave Callender dock, Astoria, for Portland except Monday at 2:30 p. m. Arrive Portland at 0 p. m. fc-ave Portland, Alder street dock, daily for Atoria. Monday at 7 a. m. 6.-W. S. Notation Co. Main Office: Alder St Dock, Port land, Oregon. Astoria Office: Callender Dock. THE MILWAUKEE Tb Pioneer Limited" St. Past r Chi cago. "Short Line" Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited" City to Chicajo. No trains in the service of aaj ra road ia the world that equal in eorji ment that of tbt Chicago, Milwaukee SL Panl Sy. They own and operate their own Bleeping and dining ear m all their trains and give their pationt aa excellence of aerric not obtainable elae- where. Bertha oa their sleeper ar loom. higher and wider than in aimOar ear oa any other Una. They protect their train by the Block system. Connection mad with all trans-con Unental line ia Union Depot. Ear tale Danek. Sveaak ot? Norsk Hler wird dentsck geeprochen. H. S. Row. General AeenL Portland Oregoa. 114 Third Street, corner Alder. JKL J Oregon J) Snoicr Xiwb T boar from PoctUng N ftbang of ear. U CUoag ana un nm TIM E RCHEDTTLES Depart; From Arrive PORTLAND ' Cbleafo PorUnd Kalt Lake, Denver. Ft Special Worth, Oraaba, Kan- I dtps via Hunt- Ciueaco aad UteCaat Ins to All nils aipreae Salt take, Denver ft aiSp.m. Worth, Omaba, Kan- 1:11 a at via ltunt-aa City, Houli, instoa jthlOHo ana the Eaat 8U Pant walla Walla. I ewU raatMall ton.SpokaDe.Mlnne ylip.m. apolla. Hi Paul, Dnluth 8:000 aa vUrfipo- Milwaukee, ChicMOi. P kaa Una Seat Dally at- Columbia Rhrr lo 4 am eept Hun- Portland and Way Daily dayatramlAodlnca " elMot, A. C CRAIG, GenT, Pass. Agt, Portlani STEAMER NAHC0TTA Leave Astoria on tb Tide DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. FOR ILWACO, connecting there wit trains (or Long Beach, Tioga as North Beach points. Returning ar rives at Astoria same evening. rhrough ticket to and from all pria otpal European clUea. O. Vf. ROBERTS, Agtat, Astoria, Or. Astoria & Columbia River R. R Co. EFFECTIVE 28 26 30 24 2 j Leave. JD p.m a. m p. m. u mJ 7:001 8:00 9:101 PORTLAND 8:10! 9:0 9:24 leave, godi. srnvs Clatskint Janet We t port, arriv ASTORIA leave leave ASTORIA arrive arriv WARRENTON leart leave WARRENTOS arrive . arriv Ft. Steven jtava leave Ft. Stevens arriv arriv WARREXTON leave Wave WARREJiTON leave 10:05 10:26 10:3511:35 1:15 5:50 11:4 11:35 8:356:10 12:05 12:10 11:55 8:366:11 8:4616:25 12:301 8:4fl'6:2l 8:55 6:39 8:53 8:401 11:651 p. in 8il27:03! 12:14 ClaUop. Gearhart SEASIDE 9:187tll 12:21 8:25,7:2 12:30 arriv Sunday only. Through tickeU and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland aai Goble, and O. R. A N. via. Portland. TRAVELERS' QUIDS. & ASK AIIY TRAVELER and he will tell yen tb II Electric Lighted. Is tbe Crick Trail of ttea ill ftr COMFORT til ELEGANCE The ticket office at Portland is 55 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PtMenger.'Agtnt. ' PORTLAND OREGON. "Best by Test"1 A trans continental trav eler says: " I've trie4 them all and I prefer tbe North western Limited It's the best to be found from coast to coast" It's 'The Train for Com fort every night in the year between Minneapolis, 6t Fan and Chicago. .He etartlnr. oa trip- matter whare-frtie air Interesting uloraav Uoa about eomJortable traTaUa;. MLSISltH, Gaaeral Aoat , 132 Third Si Portland, Oregoa. ' - T. TtaBDall, General Pawmrrr acent - THE OOktrCMITaALC WAY. 1 To Spokane, SL Paul Klnneapolia Dnlnth, Chiago, St Lonis, aad all points East and Soata. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY Q The Flyer tod The Fast Mail L I SPLETOlffSlKYICX TIP TO DATE EQUIPME1TT COTJBTEOUS EMPLOYES Daylight trip across tha Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For tk-keUj rates, folder and full Information call on or address H. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent, ia 3rd Street, Portland, or S. C. YERKES, A. G. P. A, Seattle. WE GIVE EXPEDITED SERVICE 05 FREIGHT. ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA GREAT NORTHERN Full information from 0 . WM. HARDER, General Agent, Portland-, Ore. There' no beauty in all the land TJiat can with her fac compare, Her lip are ml, her eye are bright, She take Becky Mountain Tea at night Sold by Frank Hart, drug SEPT it, 1905. Arrive '2lT23f 25 a, mj a. an. p, m.'p.m (Union Depot) 9:50) 8:40 7:4M 7 1 19 8:101 fio.iof 9:11 8:01 7:451 7.40J 8:20,2:45) 10:4.1 lO.iS lO.ti 10:15 10:14 10:0: 7:20 7:20 7:06 7:06 5:05:2:201 8:62 6:52 5.05 10:05 9:4.1 9:38 ' 9:30 :23l 4:41 8:22 4:38 leave 18:151 4:301 fsri a i nun II as.aawn V Thursday io J. C MAYO, G. P. anl P. Agsat,